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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I just felt like I had to blow because I get so angry at people who don't have any problems acting like it is all in the person that has a problem head or because you look healthy you don't have a problem. I was called for jury duty last month and the chairs at the court house are very close together and the time before I had the person next to me bump my pump and almost give me an extra dose of insulin, because of that I asked to have a chair with more space between me and the people next to me, but was told no because the judge did not care, lucky for me it was canceled. Because of that happening to me I have an extreme fear of people bumping me and nobody really understands why. I do sometimes go on Pinterest because there is a group of Type ones that make great memes about living with it and some of them are very funny, but you have to be Type one diabetic to get them.
  2. I just saw the story about Will Ferrell making a movie making fun of Ronald Reagan having Alzheimer's and it made me furious. As I have said in a few threads I am Type One Diabetic and I hate it when people make fun of Diabetes because they have no idea what it is and what causes it especially Type one, I am never going to watch Big Bang Theory ever again because the character Penny said that only people who are fat wear Insulin pumps when I wear one because it is the only thing that lets me live a normal life Not because I am fat (which I am not). I feel like any illness should never be made fun of because unless you have it or take care of someone that has said illness you have no idea what it is like to go through what the people that live with it every day have to live with. What do you think? is really ok to make fun of someone who has an illness that can't be cured? I know people would never make fun of someone with cancer, but why are other illnesses fair game when they can't be cured either?
  3. I am saying this now, this will come as a package with first game included like Bayonetta 2 did.
  4. I would go ahead and get a PS3 and wait on a Wii U and see if the NX has backwards compatibility (it probably will and at the very least you should be able to play digital versions of the games you want for Wii U on it). I love my Wii U ( I bought it in 2014) but I would not buy one now with the NX coming out next March. Plus honestly PS3 has a better line up of games that you can get used for a good price.
  5. I am sad I am going to have to wait for my Zelda fix, but I guess I am glad about NX coming out. The sad thing is that Wii U was the first home console I bought myself and I love it, but I don't know if I can keep three home consoles and since I don't have a GC I will keep my Wii over my Wii U. I hope that NX has backwards compatibility and that I can transfer all my digital games over. Though I don't plan on getting a NX right away because it will have to have more then one game for it that I want to play before I will buy it. This is good news for the people that have not bought a Wii U, because they can just get a NX. I also hope that this means that there will be many games for the NX at launch and that Nintendo has managed to get a lot more third party support.
  6. Cool looks like I need to go pick up an eshop card this weekend, I am really glad it is coming out next week and is fairly priced.
  7. I tend to reclass Azura as great lord and she ends up being a crit goddess for me she is one of my go to picks for end game with a bit of leveling plus she learns Aether which she triggers the most of any of my units that have it. I have not used Arthur much, but make Azura a great lord.
  8. Zelda U will be the main focus but I'm sure that they will talk about some other games as well, plus I was thinking more of the direct that they do right before E3 then a big thing at E3.
  9. The next map pack will probably be talked about a E3 and released shortly after. Translation takes time even with no voice acting.
  10. I am going to have to get a new phone so I can try this out (my phone is old and can't play any new games). Hope it does involve the card game some how, because that would make the most sense in terms of game play and I have played several card based SRPGs on mobile that were really good.
  11. Making a thread about Persona Q and then getting mad at the person who said I should not be playing/talking about said game because I had never played a Persona game before, sad thing is I am still a little mad at that person. That is the only thing I feel any way bad about.
  12. I preordered from GameStop.com on Sunday ( I probably won't be able to pick up in store so shipping it is easier). I am really looking forward to playing it .
  13. I like Jacob the best, but part of it is that I just don't really like Felicia and I have a fondness for snarky male characters. Plus for how I use them Jacob turns out better for me.
  14. Yes! I am a Gryffindor and my wand is 12 and a half inch cedar dragon heart string surprisingly swishy flexibility. That was fun I had been meaning to make an account for awhile so I finally did.
  15. I like the Conquest siblings on all three paths they meant more to me then the Birthright siblings. I just connected more with them and was much sadder when things happened to them, even though I played Birthright first.
  16. Sal which is the cheapest shipping is pretty fast, I normally get what I ordered in 2 weeks when they say it will take 4. I have never had the money for the better shipping but I have never had any problems with Sal and everything I have ordered has come in perfect shape.
  17. Well if you have not played them I would say Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons, Link's Awakening and A Link to the Past. The older Zeldas are fun and if you have not tried a Zelda game before they are all worth a try. All of the ones I have mentioned are under $10.
  18. I have never seen a restock of Robin or Lucina since they came out last summer. I ordered them from Japan, the prices on the Japanese ones have come down a bit I spent $28 for each of them and at least on Amazon they are both down to $20 each with shipping included. I would say go ahead and get them from Japan unless a store that sells Amiibo in your area says that they are getting a shipment with them in it and would be willing to hold them for you, because I don't think the likely hood of walking in to a store and finding them is going to happen.
  19. Honestly I don't care, I rarely use the kids at all because I tend to like the 1st gen units better. I like supports and want that to stay and kids can stay or go I don't really care, but I wish they would do it so that kids make sense because time traveling kids/putting kids in a magical place where they grow up in a few months is getting really old really fast. At least Awakening made sense but Fates was just plain strange and did not work very well.
  20. Happy Birthday FE! I hope to play many more of your games in the future. As to how I got in to FE, my mom was buying a computer and I started digging through the GBA bargain bin while I was waiting and I found Sacred Stones and fell in love with the box so I bought it and the rest is history. I have played and beaten every game released in the US and I am currently playing FE 6 and I am planning on buying and playing 12 one of these days.
  21. Good thing I waited to preorder I will be getting the SE for sure. Can't wait to play the game.
  22. I rather hope not, when I saw the first trailer for Fates I thought it was going to be SMT like in that the choices you make change the ending. But instead they make three games that were a cash grab because I felt that $80 was rather high for all three paths, yes I love the game play but they made the story that should of been in one game in to three sub par stories. I would rather they make a game like RD again where you play as both sides but then you end up fighting a common enemy in the end, but add in the consequence that if you don't talk to a certain person or complete a chapter in a set time you get different endings/battles then if you made a different choice. But seeing how much money big N has made on Fates I can see them making more then one FE game at a time, I just hope the write a better story next time.
  23. Phalanx for GBA I loved that game and I am mad at my self for trading it in when I was younger because I really want to play it again. It was a space fighter game with a decent story and had rather interesting level design, I keep hoping to see it on the eshop one day.
  24. What the others have said, and if you have FE Awakening save data on your 3ds you get a special accessory.
  25. Well from my checking for preorders the release date in the US is 9/20, so it is releasing the last day of summer. At least that gives me the chance to save up the money for it after I buy TMS#FE.
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