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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I think everyone has their own head canon for the FE games because there are so many different supports. Like I ship SethxErika and have a whole head canon about them having a kid and what happens to said kid in the aftermath of the horrible "disaster" that is supposed to happen. I have several more, but that is the one that I have fleshed out the most.
  2. I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this article, I was happy to see it today and I hope that FE 15 will be talked about soon. Plus I ended up with some more FE pics for my collage that I made out of the FE ads from old GIs which was an added bonus for me.
  3. I have been checking Atlus's website everyday for info on this game so to hear that I will get to play it this summer made my day. I wonder if there will be a collectors set like SMT IV? Also I like the new name, but I was used to the old one.
  4. Let's see my top 5 are: 1)Kaze 2)Priam 3)Seth 4)Zihark 5)Geese
  5. Tellius, because like the others have said it has the best world building and story (at least in PoR). Tellius has the best defined nations with reasons for fighting then any other FE I have played, though I admit I haven't played the Japan only ones. I do get a little tired of the over used plot of evil dragon wants to destroy the world and the heroes have to stop them, so it was nice playing a FE game where there were no evil dragons in the plot for a change.
  6. I am a bit insulted about what you are saying about Wii owners ( it was my first home console) and while yes I had Wii fit the other games I have/had for it are all adventure,RPG or JRPG. As to marketing NoA did a horrible job marketing FE prior to Awakening, the only way I found out about FE games was seeing the games in store I had no idea PoR even existed until my friend's brother told me about it and the only advertising I saw for FE was when SD came out and that was TRU and not NoA. As to difficulty PoR is a game I speed run on hard and I rarely play hard on any other FE because I know I am not that good a player. RD is much more difficult but I still loved it even though I stunk at playing it at the time.
  7. Honestly I have been thinking about a FE 6/7 remake where they combine the games and have it so the parents give the kids different skills and make the avatar a playable person but not a lead role and only playable in the first part. I also really want 9 and 10 released on the eshop at the least if not a full remaster. I can see Nintendo doing more remasters with FE becoming popular and I would be willing to buy any remakes/remasters they decide to do.
  8. Let me know when Beauty and the Beast and Mulan get ones because those are my two favorite Disney titles.
  9. You have to beat her the same as Percy, they don't die it is more like you have to knock some sense in to them before they will join you. I had to look up how to recruit them so don't feel bad the game does a horrible job telling you what to do.
  10. Cormag because SS was my first FE and I really liked him and his growths are good. Whenever I play SS I always have him beat Valter because I feel like he has a right to do it.
  11. I am more mad that they still haven't put FE 9 and 10 on the eshop since my copies are getting wore and and the demand for them has gone way up over the past few years. While I would love to see the older FEs on the eshop I don't think it will happan anytime soon.
  12. I have been able to find most of the ones I want except Toon Link, I ended up picking up Charizard and of course Roy as well as Wolf Link, I already had Sheik,Zelda,Link,Shulk,Ike,Marth,Robin and Lucina (Shulk,Robin and Lucina are Japanese). Other then Toon Link I am waiting on Bayonetta and Corrin and I will have all the Amiibo I really want.
  13. I liked the box art on SS and so I bought it and liked it, then bought RD when I bought my Wii and fell in love with the series. I have played 7,8,9,10,11,13 and 14 and I am planning on importing 12.
  14. Thanks for the laugh, this to me was very funny. I find so many flaws in all the paths that I just try to think of them as funny and laugh at them because if I didn't I would not enjoy the game play as much as I do.
  15. If you live in the US most cities have free or low cost mental health services for people who need/want help but can't pay you should check if your area offers any. As some one who has health issues and still lives at home I have to do chores myself, but like others have said it sounds like you and your dad need to have a sit down talk with a 3rd party moderating. You should look in to jobs you can do that won't be so stressful because if you are stressed the whole time you won't be able to do the job ( this is from my own past and I wish I had quit sooner then I did).
  16. So if I buy a physical copy of a game I won't get any points? That's not fair, I like physical better then digital because I collect the games I like and if I don't like the game I can resell it. Other then the fact my Wii U is almost out of space and I don't plan on expanding the memory at this point.
  17. Project X Zone 2 all of the FE Fates paths and Legend of Zelda TPHD are the only games that have come out this year that I have played and I like them all. I expect to add TMS #FE and Zelda U to the list and I am hoping that SMT IV Final will come out in the west this year as well.
  18. Conquest does have better maps, but without grinding it makes getting supports harder. The DLC makes it possible to get the supports but it does take awhile and it means playing the same map until you have the support level you need. The supports are still a big part of the game and strategy of beating some of the more difficult maps you just have to plan them out more then in Birthright.
  19. SMT IV is my favorite because it was the first SMT game I ever played (I ended up getting it because of the $30 back deal and #FE) and I really like the characters and the setting the best. I have every SMT game for the DS and 3DS and I like them all, but SMT IV wins out because it was my first. I keep hoping that Atlus will release SMT IV Final outside of Japan because it looks really good.
  20. I don't have a credit card so I tend to ask my mom for a gift card to a shop I like but does not have a store in my area and buy something I want from there when she asks me what I want for a present. I always keep an Amazon gift card balance so that if something FE related comes up for sale that I want I can order it, the same with GameStop when it comes to Amiibos. Plus for me a prepaid debit card has a $7 fee for activating it while a gift card has no fee you just put the amount you need on the card and that's it, I don't have a big amount of spending money so not having to spend $7 extra on something I have to save up for makes a big difference to me.
  21. That does not sound that good, I need to see what programs my mom uses because I don't know what all she uses. I just use basics mostly but I might want to do other things later on, I don't like hearing that programs don't work on 10 because if I upgrade I want to be able to use all the things I use now. That is one of things I have heard that programs don't work on 10 and is one of the main reasons why I have not switched yet, but I know I will have to soon. I don't think my dad will want that app but I will tell him about it anyway.
  22. OK so I know I am going to have to upgrade to Windows 10 soon ( my dad has been asking me about it everyday the past few days) and I have seen very mixed reviews of it on different sites and I was wondering what the people here thought about it. I am currently using 7 and I really like it, so I was wondering how different from 7 10 is and if 10 is good for gaming, mouse controls and how do most of the programs like Word and Paint work on 10? I know that you have a 30 day grace period where you can switch back to 7, but I don't have a lot of time to spend installing/uninstalling programs on the computer so I would rather know ahead of time if I am going to have to take a lot of time to get used to things and then more time to teach my parents how to use the new system. I also heard that they don't have solitaire any more, my dad loves all the Windows card games and I would like to know which ones 10 has so I can let my dad know. Thanks in advance and any info is welcome.
  23. Well I just ordered a Kaze "acrylic charm" (it is from the sets of danglers they were selling at the 25th) this morning because it was $11 and I really love Kaze. Should get here by the end of April. I jumped on this one because while I like the rubber key chains I had a Black Butler one that I used all the time and I ripped it, so I will never use my Fire Emblem ones but I might be able to use Kaze without having to worry about destroying him by accident. Plus I am hoping I can use it as a pendant and make a really nice necklace or bracelet with it.
  24. This is one of the nicer sites I have been on and I have been on several Plus everyone has their own opinions on everything and when people talk about things they care about it can get pretty intense. Like others have said its the internet and you just have to learn to go with the flow.
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