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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I got lucky and my mom was able to preorder it for me at my local GameStop. Thanks for answering my question though guys.
  2. Keep checking EB Games they are owned by GameStop and will probably have it soon, or go by a store if there is one close to you. I managed to order the set in my local GameStop store even though they were sold out online.
  3. My GameStop has yet to fail me on preorders and even though I will have to pick it up at the store at least I will get it and not have to go through having to worry about downloading two of the three paths.
  4. I had my mom stop by my local GameStop to check for me and she managed to preorder the special edition for me. I am really happy with GameStop and if anyone was waiting to preorder the set check your local store.
  5. well looks like I'm SOL and I hate downloading things so getting one path and downloading the other two is going to make me mad. I have to wait until tomorrow to be able to order anything. Does any one know how much space the games will take on an SD card? If the scalpers have made it so I'm forced to buy one and download the rest I need to know how much space the paths will take up. I guess I will keep an ey on Target, Walmart and Toys"R"us but it looks like I am going to to get the version I hate.
  6. I am waiting on GameStop because I'm a power up rewards member, plus they sent me my Ike Amiibo so I have had the best luck with them. Besides the earliest I can preorder would be this weekend.
  7. Good but it will be sad. I am hoping for info on SMTxFE, a release date for Fates, Twilight Princess HD revealed and a release date, and a date for the release of the Roy amiibo. I also expect a new trailer for Xenoblade X since it is coming out next month and the winner of the Smash ballot to be revealed.
  8. Essays either go smoothly of can be a pain, if you have any idea what the subject is going to be study up and don't worry too much, they tend to give you plenty of time even if you have some trouble starting. As to speaking in public, I had a lot of trouble with this, but I found out that my profs were very nice and as long as I kept on subject and showed knowledge on what they asked they were fine with me being a little shy, it depends on the type of friends you have whether practicing in front of them will work, ( my dad used to make fun of me when I read out loud and it took me awhile before I was willing to read in my classes) practice and find some one who will be nice when they help you.
  9. I have it, but the time I have to play it right now I play single player because I could get interrupted by family. I may try online tonight if everything works out, the name I play under is Zillian but like I said I will play online at random.
  10. TP is my personal favorite because I love wolves, but MM is almost tied because I love the darkness of it. MC was my first Zelda game and I will always like it but I like the darker Zelda games better. I am currently trying to beat Zelda 2 and I am finding it very challenging but fun. I am left handed so the motion controls in SS don't work well for me, I really like the story but I still need to beat the final battle(I just bought a new Wiimote and need to try with that) because the motion controls don't work well for left handed players in SS.
  11. Charizard because I love orange dragons.
  12. I have this and I will play online some, my user name is Zillian but I don't have Skype and I would just be playing at random because I have a weird schedule when it comes to playing online.
  13. Thanks, but Target is pretty far away and I could walk to my GameStop, plus I want a real release date before I preorder.
  14. Lime is great in tea, where I live limes are cheap and lemons expensive. My parents really like black tea with lime and honey, while I use stevia instead of honey. As to milk in tea the only milk I like in tea is unsweetened almond milk in chai tea with some type of sweetener. As to when I drink tea in the fall and winter I have a cup of tea with breakfast and every night before I go to bed I have a cup of calming tea (in the summer I make a sun tea with it so I can still have a cup with out wanting to melt).
  15. Escaflowne and Gun X Sword are my top 2, ( I ended up naming my German Shepard after Van in Escaflowne, the only name my family could agree on) but I love a lot of anime and manga.
  16. I really like them, I always have one on my team even though I have to baby them at the start they normally end up being pretty good if not great at the end game.
  17. Yeah I do feel like this gen is lacking in the new games department, while I never have the money for more then one console and hand held (which end up being Nintendo because I love FE and Zelda) I pay attention to all the games coming out for PS and XBOX and other then the latest FF I have not seen that many games that make me want to spend around $70 on it. And I am rather sad about there not being hardly any kid friendly games for PS4, because my friend's husband bought their 6 year old a PS4 and the he buys him all these M rated games that he does not like and has a very hard time playing ( my friend said her husband did this out of the blue and even though I have repeatedly told both of them about game ratings my friend does not have the time right now to check the ratings on the games and her husband just buys the games that are advertised the most in the store). I just love babysitting a kid I have taken care of since he was a baby and seeing him sad and unhappy because he can't play the games his dad buys him well and the content is horrible for him because the games he has are CoD and Assassins Creed( yes they are the kid's games because he tells me his dad never plays them) he gets me to try and help him beat his games when I'm there, but I don't play shooters much and other then playing one time on a PS2 I don't have much knowledge of using a PS controller which make my friend's son laugh at me for hitting the wrong button. I just wish I could find a good kid friendly game for PS4 that he would like, because the way things are looking right now I don't think this kid will end up liking video games which makes me very sad.
  18. Of games that I have beaten it would have to be LoZ Spirit Tracks because of the flute not working for me for a month, of games I am working on but have not finished I would have to say LoZ 2 is the hardest.
  19. I don't have pictures, but here is the list. physical copies of RD, POR (my best find at GameStop ever because it was in perfect condition with everything and I was able to get it for $25), SD, SS with box and FE 7 ( though I got the cart used with just the cart). A T shirt that has Marth, Ike, Elwood and Crom on it and says "together we ride" I bought it on Sanshee a couple of years ago for Christmas. The FE Awakening 3DS with box ( I sadly missed my chance to preorder because I did not know it was coming out and then it took me a few weeks to get the money together, but it is my favorite color and I just love it). I managed to get all four FE Amiibos but I had to order Robin and Lucina from Japan and that is what I am going to do with Roy.
  20. This looks like fun and I will be buying it so that my Zelda game collection will have a new game and I like the online multiplayer function if I want to play with someone because I don't have anyone to play locally with. I will probably play single player mode for the most part and this will probably keep me busy with my goal of completing every Zelda game once before Zelda U comes out.
  21. Aerin Sol from Robin McKinley's Hero and the Crown. I feel like Aerin and I are a lot a like and I love some of Aerin's lines.
  22. I have lost several dogs ( I live in an area where people dump their dogs and since my family has a big yard we adopt and keep four dogs at a time) it is never easy and I always cry my eyes out when it happens, but the sad thing is every living thing has a limited amount of time on this earth and I just like to think that the dogs I adopt get to have a good life with me and then go on to a better place. Dogs have been my only friends for a good part of my life and I will always love the dogs I have had and the dogs I have now. One thing that helps me is remembering all the fun we had together and I tell myself that I will see them again someday.
  23. July + O type = ice. Cool I guess because I don't like heat so ice is nice.
  24. Look up scholarships, go to the park at night ( plants that flower close their flowers at night so allergies will be less) besides being outside at night can be really nice I love doing it, try some calming tea before bed( I use something called Sleepy Time tea), go to the craft store and pick out an easy fun project that you think you could do ( nice glass beads are not that expensive and if you make nice jewelry you could sell it on the internet and start your own business), get some weights and start working out at home( exercise has been proven to help depression and make you able to fall asleep better), learn to cook your favorite dish. I am kind of in the same boat as you, but my parents own a kind of farm, so I am always outside and my type one diabetes makes it hard for me to get a job but I am trying to learn some things while I figure out what to do with my life and you should too.
  25. All the stores where I live have been doing this for years. GameStop has always had the Nintendo games in one section and I have been shopping there 12 years. I don't see how this is something new and that it is saying something about the NX at all.
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