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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I really like Lowen and Rebecca the best, their support conversations make it seem like they really care about each other.
  2. I am so sorry for your loss, my horseback riding teacher committed suicide about 7 years ago and while I had quit taking lessons from her at the time it still is a shock. The sad thing is people can be very good a hiding pain, you can't blame yourself and while you might be mad at the whole world right now, you do learn to live with the pain. The only thing I can say is talk to your family and get counseling, and make sure you take time to remember the good things that you did together, because if you remember the happy times the pain ends up being bearable instead of taking over everything.
  3. Thanks for the info on Fray and I think I will send Jeigan this time since it is my first play through and when I play through on hard I will send Gordin. Thanks everyone for the help hopefully I can get back to this game this weekend if real life lets me.
  4. A lot of things happen in RD, you find out the whole story behind the "dark goddess" sealed in the medallion and find out many other things besides. RD has IMO one of the better written stories of the FE games I have played, and is the longest FE game I have played as well. I paid $60 for my copy when it came out new and I feel it was well worth the money. It is a FE I highly recommend playing if you can. Amazon is probably your best bet, I don't know if they do this in Europe, but here in the US the search engine Bing has a program where if you sign up for their program (which is free) and do searches with them you save up points and can redeem them for Amazon gift cards, which is how I saved up the money to buy the Robin and Lucina Amiibos from Japan. You might want to check it out and see.
  5. Being able to watch anime that I can't find anywhere else for free.
  6. Looks like the choice is between Gordin and Jeigan. I don't know I tend to not have great luck with archers and I normally am only able to get one archer to be good, but I know I won't be using Jeigan much either. I think I will wait until tomorrow to decide, I won't be playing it until the afternoon, so I will have awhile to decide. How is sending Fray cannon? I know Jeigan is one of Marth's advisers and so story wise he should live, but how is Fray any less important to the story then Gordin?
  7. So I am finally getting around to playing and beating Shadow Dragon and prolog 4 is where I stop because I can never decide who I should send to the fort as the decoy. Who is the least useful? Everyone is at about the same level so I don't have anyone that is outstanding, I just don't want to lose anyone who ends up being good after a few level ups. So any advice as to who I would be the best off without would be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
  8. He shows up on the enemies first turn and has to be talked to by Neimi.
  9. My thought on this are, 1. this flag is the battle flag and should not be flown as the state flag of any state, 2. history is important but we need to worry about now and learn from the mistakes of the past. I believe that this country is one of the best to live in, and we have come a huge way since the civil rights movement we just need to work together to make sure we keep heading in the right direction. The people of South Carolina did the right thing and should be respected for their coming together to make something better.
  10. I always drink Celestial Seasoning's Sleepy Time tea before I go to bed, I have it hot in the winter and right now I make sun tea with it and have it cold. It is the only thing that keeps me from having nightmares. I also love blueberry tea, as well as a good chai tea I normally get the ready made Oregon Chai and mix it with almond milk for something nice in the summer.
  11. Myrrh is the best unit to take out the demon king as long as you get her to level 20. Make sure to use the glitch above so that you have the dragonstone and the final boss will be a piece of cake.
  12. I agree that the side quests in Xenoblade leave a lot to be desired and yeah I had to grind like crazy my first play through. Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks- I hated doing the songs to unlock the tracks, it took me a month of on and off trying to unlock the sand temple. Pandora's tower-the glitch towards the end that freezes the game is the reason I have yet to beat it because I keep triggering it. The motion controls in Skyward Sword, I am left handed and the controls were hell. I would have really loved this game if it did not have such crummy controls.
  13. I always do Lyn x Rath because Lyn wants to go back to her homeland and the only female support for Rath is Lyn. I do Hector x Florina because I like their supports.
  14. Record of Lodoss war deserves an upgrade. The graphics have not aged well and they did not do a good job linking the two series at the start, the story line other then that is great and I would love this series getting a remake.
  15. It depends on what the character is doing and means in the story. If you have a main character who as the story moves along is put through many challenges they are meant to grow and change, but a character like say a mentor then they should stay the same through the story. I think a great story uses both types of characters in equal parts to make the story more realistic.
  16. Eliwood X Ninian Lyn X Rath Lowen X Rebecca Harken X Isadora Nino X Jaffar Hector X Florina
  17. If you add things like jicama, fruit, nuts, meat and cheese salad can be really good. I eat a lot of salad in the summer and if I have to eat out I normally get a salad because I am type one diabetic and have to count my carbs every time I eat. I really like the salads at Wendy's and McDonalds has some good ones too.
  18. I was wondering if anyone thinks that they will make a Fire Emblem controller like they did for Metroid, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Toad and Mario? They keep making more and I am hoping they do, but what do you guys think the chances are? I am hoping because they keep making more that they are going to do all the characters from Smash.
  19. I agree with you I don't think he is a hero at all. I live in an area where the survivors of a Japanese death march came from, they are real heroes.
  20. Nailah or Volug, because I love wolves and wolf Laguz are the best. If it had to be a human then Jill or Haar.
  21. Shadow Dragon is OK, but it is a bit harder to play then some of the others. My first FE game was Sacred Stones and I have loved the series ever since. Like the people above have said you don't have to start FE from the beginning to enjoy and understand it. In terms of being able to buy the games Shadow Dragon is pretty cheap and easy to get a copy of, if you have a Wii U you can get Blazing Sword (the first FE game released outside of Japan and titled Fire Emblem in its western release) and Sacred Stones on the eshop, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are both hard to find and don't expect to pay less then $60 for a used copy of either one, Awakening is great for starting because you have many levels of difficulty and you can select if you want to play classic or casual. Any other titles you need either a hack or to be able to read Japanese to play. The only FE in English where you should play them in order are 9 and 10, every other game that was released outside of Japan are not connected at all to one another.
  22. I listen to music, pet my dogs and sometimes I read a favorite book. It is fine to be sad and sometimes we need to cry about things. I know one thing that helped when I lost someone is I went on YouTube and started watching Asterix the Gaul movies and that helped me get through it. I suppose that one thing Iwata would like is if you bought a Nintendo game and enjoyed playing it.
  23. That very sad, but you should be able to take him to his regular vet without your stepdad, at least the vet my family uses does not care which of us takes our dogs even though they are all in my mom's name.
  24. This is so sad, but if he was sick for a long time I hope he is now at peace. The gaming community lost a great person and I will miss him in the directs, I wondered why he was not at E3 or in the last two directs. This past year has been one of loss, it seems like all the giants are dying off. I am just so saddened by this and my thoughts are with his family.
  25. I agree with your rating. The first game I ever played was Duck Hunt, so this game brought back memories of me playing Duck Hunt as a 5 year old with my dad. Plus Twilight Princess is my favorite Zelda game, so of course I liked the game.
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