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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. I like the idea, but the one that is in my city is really expensive and so I have never been because the price to get in is more then a 3DS game, if they ever lower the price to something I would be willing to pay I might go but not until then.
  2. I can see both paths being bundled for $50 and the third path being DLC for $15, Altlus sells every game for 3DS for $50 so I can see Nintendo doing the same thing.
  3. I have it and really like it a lot, but have not had time to really play it but what I have I really like.
  4. I like this because there are no retro video game stores where I live, which is actually rather weird considering, but being able to get older consoles and games without paying an arm and a leg for them would be great. I like having physical copies of the games I like and while I have bought a few VC games I still have all the older games I like and there are some that I am interested in that I want a physical copy of that I can't find of I am not going to spend a lot of money for.
  5. Focus on the characters you want to use in RD and capping units is super easy, you should do fine and don't worry to much about using your bonus XP because you get a lot of it. My only advice is make sure you give Soren some bonus XP so that he can take a hit with out ending up dead. If there are several units you want to cap trade off every chapter and that way you use them all.
  6. I hope at the very least they give you a deal on both if you buy both versions because I am gong to get the cartridge and am a big enough Fe fan my collector side will make me get both. I am a bit disappointed it is not like SMT where your choices really do matter an every choice effects the ending, instead one choice decides who you side with for the whole game in IF.
  7. I need to get back to this game because I bought it when Club Nintendo did the $30 eshop credit and started playing it then put it down for a really long time. It is really good and yes it does get easier go along.
  8. I thought preorders would be up by now, but the only place that had them was Toy"R"Us and they sold out right away. I would try GameStop but since I am still waiting for my Ike preorder (which is still open and the manager at the store said mid May) I am waiting on Amazon. I signed up for them to email me when they go up, but I'm wondering if they will go up. Anyone have any luck and if so where? And is Amazon already out or are they just late. One other thing about GameStop is I heard you can only preorder in store and that they are already completely sold out.
  9. The whole world economy is not doing well right now and so jobs are hard to get right now which is one reason why I am still at home and doing babysitting jobs so I can buy the video games I want. My advice is go for walks to start getting in shape because walking does not cost anything and really does help you be healthy and fit and I know that at least community college offers a lot of financial aid to people and maybe you could take night classes so you could have a degree to get a better job. Just be nice and natural when you talk to people and maybe see if there are any groups that don't cost anything to join that are about things you are interested in because having something that both people are interested in makes a conversation a lot easier and more fun.
  10. I whish it would happen but I don't think it will because Nintendo seems to hate making money off anything other then Mario and Zelda when it comes to releasing games outside of Japan.
  11. Yes I loved this in FE 7,8,9 and 10 and I really missed it in FE 13.
  12. Visit him before you go and give him his present early. I had a friend who did this with me once and it was nice. As to Ike amiibos Amazon has imports from Europe and Japan for around $30 which is what I may do if GameStop cancels my order, though the manager at the store said they should be filling all their orders for Ike in mid May. And as I have told people before if you sign up for Bing rewards you earn point towards GameStop or Amazon gift cards that help out when you go to buy from them and is what I do to help pay for things.
  13. Look I went to community college and while I don't have your health problems, when I started my type one diabetes was really bad so I know how stressful doing school work while having health problems is I would end up going low during tests and get a bad score, but the nice thing about community is the profs make sure to have retakes most of the time and are very willing to work with you. Plus the course work is a bit easier and at least where I live most of the classes count towards a 4 year degree which means that once I decide my major I have all my prerec classes out of the way. My advice is to drop out for now and focus on getting healthy and then see what the community college has to say. The one I went to had a testing center where you could retake a test at a time that worked for you and maybe that would work for you so you could take the test when the effects of your meds are less then other times of the day.
  14. I use rubbing alcohol but lighter fluid works better if it is really thick glue.
  15. I have never played Yugioh but I found a bunch of the cards near my mailbox one day and someone gave me some, so I have a big collection of the older cards and I still buy a pack of the original cards when I find the cheap packs sometimes. I used to really love the anime and I like to look at the cards but I doubt I will ever use them because I have some rare ones.
  16. Sadly people cut in front of me all the time even though I am Goth and rather stocky and can look extremely unfriendly when I want they still do it constantly, but because I wear an Insulin pump and don't want to get in a fight because of that I tend to just leave and not go back to the store/place that it happened. Good for you for doing what you did because that guy needed to be taken down a peg.
  17. I do have one big window and I like it in the summer because I can read by sun light and it is really nice with sunshine, but in the winter I keep the curtains drawn to keep out the cold.
  18. I get annoyed by things like this because I would rather see people take these ideas and create a new character and story, instead of changing a character that has been that way for years and years. I really wish they would make more characters like BraveStarr from Filmation's 80's TV show who has his own back story and is a really neat character and I bought all the series just because I thought a Native American hero was really cool. Marvel is not the only one who gets pressure to change a character I am getting really tiered of seeing article after article demanding Nintendo change Link in to a girl, Link is almost as iconic as Mario and has been around for 29 years and I as a girl have no problem with Link being a boy. Why can't they just take these ideas and create their own character and story instead of making old characters and stories in to what they want? I would really love new characters and stories to come out.
  19. I have not been sleeping well either, but where I live it is starting to be spring which means allergies and really strong winds that don't stop for about two months. Just try to relax before you go to bed and try to turn your mind off once you go to bed. Hard I know but one thing that helps me fall asleep sometimes is doing deep breathing and emptying my mind while I am trying to go to sleep.
  20. Cool I used to watch the reruns of Ducktales and Darkwing Duck on WB every day when I was little, nice to see that a new generation will be able to see a great show.
  21. Good for you, glad to see good things happen to people who work hard.
  22. Wow that's really cool I am amazed any Ike Amiibos have come through because I preordered one months ago and it is still backordered and I am beginning to think it won't come. Here's hoping.
  23. Youtube commenters are terrible and I tend to avoid reading comments on there. Some of the worst comments I have seen are on the Black Veil Brides videos, I mean it is like the devil himself is commenting on those videos and I would not be surprised if a few people have committed suicide because of the hate in those comments. They leave H.I.M. fans alone for some reason though.
  24. So I have been listening to a lot of music and wondering about what other people like and why. My top favorite bands would have to be these, 1) H.IM. I love their song The Path because it seems like they are singing about how I feel about my life 2) Simple Plan I used to really love this band when I was going through hell in my life and their song Welcome to my Life used to be my theme song 3) Black Veil Brides them may not sound the best but I love their lyrics and their new song Good by Agony really makes me think about my life 4) Sick Puppies I love this band has grown up and how they change their songs the older they get 5) Dropkick Murphys I started listening to this band when my mom's coworker who is named Murphy caused my mom nothing but trouble and made it so that my mom had to work weekends and found out that they are awesome and that bagpipes and electric guitar sound great and that I like the old ballads So what are your favorites and why? And please don't insult someone's choices in music if you don't like a band that is your choice and that's fine but I want this topic to be about what people like and not start a fight about which band is better.
  25. I love the Wolf Laguz so any part where I have them is one I like and Micaiah is fairly easy to train especially after you get Laura you can use sacrifice and then heal staff and level them both up until Micaiah is leveled up enough to use as a fighter.
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