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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. Men's: Dimitri, Hector, Eliwood and Ephraim. Woman's: Lyn, Lucina, Veronica and Micaiah.
  2. Well I am now driving my parents a bit batty because my favorite singer/song writer Ville Valo just released 3 new songs Friday but I didn't find out until Monday when they showed up on my recommended list on youtube. Needless to say I have been playing them nonstop since I downloaded them. My inner goth girl is dancing.
  3. Let's see other then remakes of the Japanese only FE games, I would love remasters of the older SMT games release them on the e-shop like the DMC games and I would be happy I just want a chance to play them since I missed them. Xenogears and Xenosaga would also be nice, as long as Monolith Soft does it like said above. I would love to be able to play the games based on my favorite anime Saiyuki, they were Japan only so a Switch version that has English subtitles would make me so happy but I know the likely hood is pretty low.
  4. Well I am up to a 4.25% pity rate on the spring banner I hope S!Idunn +Fae come tomorrow. I did get a 4* S!Narcian so at least I got one focus unit. Revival banner gave me a free Genny so I have fodder for when I want to build another staff unit.
  5. Well playing my backlog of games I need to finish, reading my backlog of books I have not read yet, pulling/mowing weeds, grinding HM in FEH and my mom and I are going to plant a big garden this year is my to do list. Of course doing anything outside is depending on if it isn't raining (this has been the wettest March ever in my area), lucky for me my home is down a dirt road so I can be outside and not be near other people. Me being type one diabetic means I have not left home for two weeks already and I am sick of it, but better safe then sorry.
  6. the closest I have to a 5* exclusive +10 is V!Lilina who is +5. All my 5* +10s are 3* and 4* units or grail units. Being F2P means I take what I get and I am just happy I get one copy of a fav who is 5* only, if I get more in a very rare case I will merge but only if the fodder is not something I am in dire need of like DC. Damn I need to grind feathers since I have so many merge projects I need to finish so I can actually start on my grail projects.
  7. Well my hunt for Idunn +Fae is not going that well yet but at least no pity breakers so far only up to 3.50% pity rate but tomorrow will hopefully bring them with the TT orbs. The BHB banner gave me a free Dimitri merge so he is now +2, it is nice that my favorite lord likes me better then my old favorite (Hector).
  8. I just got around to beating BOTW in December and I had it since launch. The thing that annoyed me with it was trying to find all the shrines it took me a long time and I ended up using a guide for some of them. I will say it is closer to the first game in that you have to explore everything and wander around to find the dungeons.
  9. Ah OK I seemed to have missed the part about the restored church. I guess my biggest problem with CF is that you don't get to actually fight TWSITD, if that had been added I would have been happier. I guess it would be better if they explained a bit more how Edelgard's government worked after the war, because it seemed like most of the characters who were nobles kept their titles so I guess she still kept the system just with big changes that helped the commoners, but its not like it went from overbearing horrid nobles to no nobles and the commoners have a say in how the government is run. I like to think Byleth did their best to help the commoners in the other routes and big reforms happened, it just took a bit longer. Agreed I would love a FE with just a female lord and no male lords.
  10. I did see the character endings where the officers academy was rebuilt, but it doesn't mention it being related to the church anymore at all. I missed that Ferdinand support. I never said the other paths were perfect, but I like the fact that I don't have to side with people involved in Jeralt's death and the fact that it is stated that Byleth takes over the church, who actually lived as a commoner and has an idea how the church should treat them and help them. Of course the whole thing was going to blow up at some point there would have been war no matter which of the house lords started it I think it would have happened. All three of them want to change their world for the better, in slightly different ways. I just wanted to state my views on Edelgard, we can agree to disagree on how we see her. She is in my view the best done female lord, but still a bit lacking in what I want see. She did give me hope that IS might one day make a strong female lord who I can relate to.
  11. I find Edelgard extremely well written, but I don't agree with her on siding with TWSITD and completely doing away with the church. I personally believe in freedom of religion, so her saying that she would destroy it and everyone who is considered a "faithful" person made me annoyed. Wanting to reform the church so that it follows more modern ideals like doing away with crests being important is well and good but saying the church must be destroyed annoyed me greatly. TWSITD are extremely evil to me and siding with them made me mad because of what happens in part 1.
  12. Idunn will be my bonus unit, I will pair her with C!Fae, H!Dozla and B!Hector. Man Death blow 3 SS sounds great my Reinhardt will love it.
  13. Idunn + Fae look so cute, I may end up pulling a bit for them. Free Bartre makes me laugh since it is like IS is saying here we know everyone has has tons of regular Bartres so here everyone gets his alt as well.
  14. Man I now know what I need to work towards on B!Ike. That is so strong and game breaking.
  15. I don't know on the guy there are several guys it could be, I agree it could be Bartre though. The right looks like Est to me and I would be a bit surprised if she isn't on this banner just because her sisters both have bunny alts while she is missing one. I would burst out laughing if they make Minerva a bunny unit because she would hate it.
  16. Let me see, I have several. My old dog who was part chow-chow part Shepard saved my life one night. She let my parents know my blood sugar went super me not able to wake up with out help low and Xuxa got my mom out of bed to do something about it. My other old dog who was a blue heeler used to chase a bowling ball around the yard every time the wind blew. My dog that I have now is a pit bull and really sweet but, she is really afraid of men even my dad. Whenever my dad goes outside and bothers her (my dad likes girl dogs better then boy dogs so he wants her to like him) she barks at him then hides if he doesn't leave the yard in a few minutes. She is fine with him in the house though and lets him pet her and will take treats from him. I am pretty sure whoever dumped her tried to fight her and was a guy. She is really gentle and gets along great with the 3 boy dogs we have right now (yes she is spaded so no puppies will happen). The boys are all kind of annoying but I love them. My mom's German Shepard doesn't really like food unless it is chicken salad and we have to sit with him and make him eat. The other two are mutts and love to wake me up in the middle of the night just to annoy me, lucky for them they are sweet and I love them. All three of these guys are over 12 so they are old, but they are in really good health and are energetic.
  17. I have had many many dogs since I live in an area where people used to dump their unwanted dogs. Right now I have four dogs three of which are over 12 years old so they all sleep a lot, but are doing very well for their age they all three are boys. I have one girl dog who is probably around 4 and she is a pit bull, but she is one of the most well behaved dogs I have ever had, her only hang up is she is very scared of men so she barks at my dad when he goes out in the yard without my mom or me, but she only barks and will run away from him if he gets to close outside but she will go up to my dad and let him pet her if she is in the house. I figure some guy tried to get her to dog fight outside, but she wouldn't do it. I also have one little black cat that lives with my mom's horse and she is a good mouser and likes head rubs and tummy rubs, but hates to be held. The horse is my mom's but I feed her and talk to her, she is 32 so we can't ride her anymore but she is doing really good for a horse her age.
  18. Sorry you ended up with someone you didn't want:( I personally really like Ferdinand, but I know there are plenty of people who don't and who don't want him. To each their own, hopefully your pulls go better the next time you do several summons. I just felt like sharing my build.
  19. Well I now have Ferdinand at 5* +5 with + atk boon and I have given him the skill set: Shell lance +spd refine, sturdy blow 2, dull close 3, rouse spd/def 3 and the Swift sparrow 2 sacred seal. This is a fun build and I am quite happy with it.
  20. Well I finally broke my pity rate on the 3Hs banner with 5*Ferdinand so he is now +5 with a +atk boon. I am pleased and now I will start saving orbs for next month since the banners for the rest of the month don't interest me that much.
  21. I have had both. People used to think I was a boy if they saw me from the back when I had short hair (it was Amelia's length), plus I could never style it the way I wanted when it was short. I have long hair now and I like it a lot better, I get it to look the way I want with little effort and I can do things like braiding when I feel moved and no one calls me a boy since I grew it out.
  22. Well about the only childhood memories I remember with great fondness are: the Thanksgiving I avoided have my blood sugar checked and taking my shot for two meals (I still don't know how I survived that without anything bad happening) I must have been six at the time. The other is the only decent Christmas I have ever had when I was 4, the main reason I remember it is because my sister and my granddad were both there so I had everyone I loved with me (Christmas is normally a really bad thing for me which is why I remember that one so fondly). I don't have many happy memories because my life tends to not be that happy, but I will stop at that.
  23. Well I can safely focus on Ferdinand merges (at least until I break my pity rate) with no guilt, since I don't care much for the bunnies. This month looks like it will give me a chance to start saving orbs (now watch Elphin be on the bunny banner).
  24. That was my thought when I heard about colorless tomes, I will take Elphin any way I can get him. I expect that this month's mythic will be colorless tome, but I am not too sure who it will be. My personal hope would be Sephiran, but I don't see him coming for a while. My guess would be either enlightened Byleth or Rhea since I am guessing that it is a good chance we will get a THs mythic this month.
  25. DST just started. setting clocks forward an hour is what DST is.
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