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Everything posted by EricaofRenais

  1. When you name your new insulin pump Dire Thunder after Reinhardt's weapon in Heroes.
  2. The C slot was more a case of what I had at the time, but it works fairly well and I just left it like that. It is a really good build. I figured you would have merged you B!Ikes, but it is still a build to consider if you need a decent blue unit.
  3. Lukas if merged is still a really good blue option. Mine is +atk +10 and runs: Daybreak Lance with refine, swap, bonfire, steady breath, QR 3, spur def 3 and SS fierce stance. He rips through a bunch of stuff for me with that build. Year one units are still good options but they need investment. My advice would be pick a year one unit who you really like and look up builds for them and see what you can do with them. There are several sites with different build ideas which I use for Ideas for units I want to build that are easy to merge.
  4. Well I have already pulled 4 Ferdinands so my favorite THs boy is already well on his way to +10, and those were all 4*. I am going to keep pulling blue until I break my pity rate so I can get as many merges as I can while Ferdinand is a focus unit. I am now a big fan of one of the new units being 4* on the new banner and I am now hoping all of my favorites not in the game get put in like this so I can merge them easily.
  5. Well I LOVE that Ferdinand is going to be the demote and at 4* on this banner right now. With the story orbs and the tickets I have pulled 4 of him already and one who is +Atk which looks like a good boon for him. I plan on keeping at pulling for more merges until I break my pity rate on this banner. I now want all my favorites not in the game to get the same treatment as Ferdinand so I can make them +10 without having to worry about pity breakers. I always end up having to give my favorites a bunch of fodder anyway so being able to get merges easily is for me better then my favs being 5* only with great skills.
  6. Give me those feathers and tickets:) I really hope that the tickets can get me a Ferdinand without using orbs since I don't have many right now.
  7. The forma souls sound neat, I hope players get the chance to get these without having to buy the orb pack at some point. Colorless tome are going to be interesting, if done right they could be a problem. I am not to happy about enemies having inflated stats, this has to be IS trying to sell FEH pass.
  8. Well Altina is now officially the winner. I am happy that I get a new unit and I don't have to save orbs for her at the end of the month.
  9. Well I am happy since Sothis and L!Marth blocked me from getting Altina when she debuted so getting a free copy of her now for me is great. Good game Sothis. I do wish they would have done the top four like they do the braves and let players pick one for free, but I know they won't do that. I am just happy I am getting someone I want this time, since the past two of these events gave me units I didn't really want.
  10. That is what I thought, because out of the units in THs that are "cannon" cavs he is the one without a prf that is his own and he does well with axes. I was really hoping he would be an ax unit since blue cavs are abundant, but at this point I will take my favs anyway I can get them. I am just happy I will be able to merge him without too much trouble.
  11. Oh Ferdinand is in and the 4* demote great. Sadly he is a lance unit I always had him use axes in THs. Well I am pulling blue since Ferdinand is the only one I want.
  12. I say Wednesday because it seems like every time there will be a banner close to the end of a VG the trailer will be the on the last day of VG. I hope it is tonight instead, just so I know what it is.
  13. Well I would like Altina since I don't have her and I do have Sothis. Sadly I missed the multiplier because I had to go vote in the primary election since in my city that is the election on local stuff. Hopefully Altina pulls out a win and I can catch the multipliers tomorrow.
  14. So the first round went better then I had hoped. I kind of hope Alphonse beats Sothis since I have her, but I am just happy that the units I really didn't want are out of the running.
  15. All I want from the codes is DC and maybe CC, the staff skills might come in handy later on if I want to do another staff project. I can live with the high cost as long as I can get the rare for me fodder I need with out having to spend a ton of orbs I am fine. Plus I figured good fodder would be pricey. I have so many units that have been waiting for DC and CC this will be a big help.
  16. Blades/SS sounds like the path I will do first, a merge for V!Lilina along with armor march and DC fodder sounds great and the other stuff sound nice as well.
  17. I just wish they would quit shoving Feh pass in my face. I am sick to death of seeing those quests in my inbox. I am never going to buy it even if they some how decide to release Elffin as a Feh pass unit. I am happy for the fans of units getting new art work, but having it shoved in my face all the time that there is a pass I can buy to get extra stuff is driving me crazy and dropped any chance of me buying it down to zero. If they ever add Elffin I will just buy a regular orb pack if I need to out of spite for the dang thing.
  18. All the ones I want are up against each other, I think I will go with Leif because I do not want my freebie to be someone who can pity break me at any time.
  19. I would love Micaiah since I always liked her as a character. Of course I would really like it if they give a nod to her ancestry since that could make a really interesting skill.
  20. I really wish they would just do a dancer banner like they do with the skills banners. Everyone uses dancers so it would be a good banner and there are more then enough dancers in the general pool to choose from for them to do one. I just hope if they do have one Nils is on it since I failed to get him and I don't feel like going back in on his debut banner.
  21. I am going to say S!Corrin I used her all the time, but now I don't as much. I am not even really sure what I want her refine to be, but I would love it if she ended up with a good one.
  22. TMS ended up being one of my absolute favorite games and I love it, but I know the game is not for everyone. The gameplay is great and the story and music are fun, but like I said I know there are people who don't like the way the story ended up so it is up to you if you want to try the game.
  23. I am glad to see more then just one or two people like Itsuki enough to +10 him. Sorry I haven't responded I haven't been feeling all that well today so I have been slow doing things, but I am feeling a bit better now.
  24. Welcome to the make Itsuki +10 club, which now has two members. Itsuki is the only Falchion wielder I like enough to want to +10 so I will be merging him up as well.
  25. Brave heroes ticket gave me flying Olivia today! I am so happy with that since flying dancers are wonderful, her ivs are -hp,+spd so she is good to go for me. the Blazing Sword banner gave me a 5*Rath +atk,-res with the tickets and I also ended up with a 4* Altena +spd,res so that was nice even though I spent 45 orbs on the banner trying for Nils I am going to quit with that since I only have a 3.25% pity rate and I am scared to get Fiora since I don't really need her. Hopefully Nils will pity break me some day since he is the only male dragon I don't have.
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