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Everything posted by Flamy

  1. I'm sure there are people that like Alfonse, or people that are into getting friendzoned. :^)
  2. wow who is dis new guy why does he look so bland i like ''''''''''''cute'''''''''''' girls and badly-dressed titty monsters t. Average Heroes player, the new Fire Emblem fan
  3. It's a tabletop game. Having a Lord-type character kiiinda defeats the purpose of playin' those kinda games, right?
  4. Yeah, that's why I'm confused, because I've seen the normal art more often than all of those, combined.
  5. Does Shareena have a shield in her art? My feelings tell me no. I'd still have her as a 5-star character over Alphonse, any day.
  6. Why isn't Gundam the same, every time??? Why is Gundam black? Why does Gundam transform? Why does Gundam have to be made by three fighter jets? Why does Gundam not look like a Gundam? Why does Gundam have wings? Why does Gundam have afterimages? Why are there five Gundams, each piloted by a terrorist? Why does Gundam not have a beam rifle? Why does Gundam not look like a Gundam? Why does Gundam spam beams? Why does Gundam have wings and afterimages? Why does Gundam not look like a Gundam? Why does Gundam look like a pirate? Why does Gundam not look like a Gundam? Why does Gundam have no beam weaponry? Technically, ain't it?
  7. yo i'm fucking dying rn There are busted cards, for sure, in this game. It used to be Marth. It used to be Lissa. It used to be Leo. It used to be Tiki. It used to be Corrin (Female). Now there's Nino, Elise, Deirdre, and Grima. Probably some others I missed. A fair few of the power cards are powerful as Champions, however, but yours is a fairly powerful Champion, in its own respect. Nino is quite possibly the biggest splash in Divine Weapons, a faction that is already teeming with easily splashable cards like Pegasus Knight of Gales, Tate, and Knight of Lycia, Eliwood. She can make any bad deck passable simply by being in your deck. She provides it all: Advantage, good support, and heals. What's worse than a Nino in a bad deck? A Nino in a competently-made deck. Champions like Hector or Navarre, who depend on discarding themselves, will find good shelter with Nino, and then there's stall decks, which will use her to further prolong your suffering, as they heal more copies of themselves to declare Godspeed Evasions with. But let's not go into that rabbit hole, eh? Roy's not exactly the best application for it, and especially not Young Lion, which really, REALLY doesn't benefit any from it. Again, though, I say wait until Nino gets even more absurdly expensive, and sell her to Sokloeum. I'm sure he'll find you a '''''fair''''' price.
  8. Trash in most cases, as it flips Bonds and hurts your Orbs. Actually, a + (because you add your destroyed Orbs to your hand) with removal's not that bad. Deals with some more pesky stuff. B06-072R Frozen Heart, Flora, isn't that good, I'd argue. Her synergy with self-destructing Champions (all of which SUCK) isn't that great, and while Ice Ramparts is effectively TWO hits' worth of survival, it flips 3 Bonds, and you need to focus on Corrin Female using all those Bonds. Notice how almost all of the cards I have don't need to flip Bonds, in order to be good? If you ABSOLUTELY need ranged units, there's B06-074HN Chilling Storm, Kaze, which does help with disrupting certain decks here and there. Arete I've already suggested, but she's usually backline, anyway. B07-039SR Pious Mage, Nino, is a busted-ass card that heals your Champion AND rigs your support, but as you are not using Divine Weapons, she's useless if added to your deck, as per how Cipher works. B07-015SR Sunny Pegasus Knight, Florina, is quite possibly one of the WORST X-Support cards out there. It relies on you having a big board, which, if anyone experienced in card games can tell you, is usually only possible if you are winning. Or playing Grima, but in that case, you might as well have won when you Leveled Up your Robin (Female) with it. The four cards on the top right are B06-062R The Deadly, Beruka, another Field Cost 3(2) unit. B06-063N Flying Assassin, Beruka, is fairly nice Field Cost 1 removal and good Support fodder, but The Deadly is a little more harder to use, especially when Corrin (Female) hogs your Bonds. Still, she's an at-will 80 ATK unit, and provides movement, if you absolutely need it. That aside, I don't think you actually need any SRs for Corrin (Female), as you are absolutely reliant on frontline pressure, making B07-056SR Prince of Brilliant Winds, Takumi, not that helpful, and most other SRs will use precious Bonds. If you want to be absolutely and wholly memey, then be my guest, and run a few copies of B06-097SR Silent Dragon, Anankos, though I highly doubt you'll be able to get him off in time to laugh at your opponent for being such a dunce to let you win with it. If you've the deckspace, try B06-96R Traitorous Old Knight, Gunter. It's another copy of Gunter, which might cause some support failures, but it goes with your face-down Bonds, is immune to removal, and did I mention it's another copy of Gunter? You should know what that means. (Godspeed Evasion and Critical Hits, yo.) Oh, oh, oh, you could buy the S04: Black Night Starter Deck, as it features the Starter-exclusive S04-001ST Princess who Chooses the Future, Corrin (Female), an alternate Class-Changing option, if you do not draw your other one, along with some copies of Elise, in case you decide to ever change your mind about Elise. It's also got 1 copy of Gunther, I guess. S03: White Night features the Starter-exclusive S03-001ST Prince who Chooses the Future, Corrin (Male), along with three copies of the Takumi I recommended, and three copies of B02-019N Clumsy Archer, Setsuna, a substitute for Kiragi, as she still possesses the core components of an Archer. (Attack Emblem, Wingbane, and Range 2.) Won't find any Emma in there, but that's alright. While you will mostly be purchasing B06, do keep in mind that a fair few are also B02. Kana (Male) and Mikoto are most likely going to be your only non-pulls, if you're lucky enough to get what you need.
  9. Aight, coo'. Made yer decision. Let's get talkin', buddy-o. Godly Child of the Final Light Flame, Corrin (Female)'s Flaming Blade of Light and Darkness Skill (long name, I know) lets you, once per turn, flip 2 Bonds face-down and tap her to deploy any unit of Field Cost 3 or lower from your Retreat (a trait shared by the Aum Skill, which can only be done once per match), and if the deployed unit was a Nohr unit, you can untap her, making it only cost 2 Bonds, and letting you attack. Know what's a good target for that? Field Cost 3 Nohr cards. Let's see... power cards you want include B02-082N Old Loyal Knight, Gunter, a card with good ATK and SUP, a godsend in this case, and possibly B02-091HN Black Dragon Prince, Kana (Male), so you can have a super-powerhouse ramming your shit up. Field presence cards like S03-001ST Prince who Chooses the Future, Corrin (Male), are nice, but not absolutely necessary. I guess she also has Omega Yato, but I mean, are you really gonna use that, any time soon? You'll need to have both Hoshido and Nohr, as I hope you realize, due to how this game works. General splashes like B02-011N Young Prince of Hoshido, Takumi, B02-050N Apprentice Sky Knight, Emma, and maybe even B03-068N Optimistic Archer, Kiragi, are some examples. B06-094HN Queen of Nohr, Arete, is nice, if only because you can occasionally get a free draw off of Jumbled Memories, and maybe make her gain +10, because you went all-in on a turn. B07-095HN Queen of the Kingdom of Hoshido, Mikoto, can be useful, if only to make use of your face-down Bond cards as a source of healing, because God knows you're not doing any of that with face-up Bonds. Now, you might think that Hoshido and Nohr are the only necessary factions in this deck, but no sirree, we can go beyond. A Female Corrin that has gone beyond the power of a Female Corrin, or Female Corrin II for short. Let's add in some Holy War Banner cards. B06-041N Pirate of Orgahil, Bridget, B06-050N Fresh Pegasus, Emma (unit-free movement), and B06-048HN Head of House Veltomer, Arvis (moves enemy units in the Rear Line, helpful for Champions like Female Corrin, who have little in terms of range), are some basic splashes for the faction, but that's not why you'd want to add in Holy War Banner as a third faction. No, the real reason lies in B06-004SR Maiden of Destiny, Deirdre, whose Taboo Surpassing Love Skill lets you flip a face-down Bond face-up. Yeah, you bet that's some powerful shit. You bet they're gonna go after your Deirdre, because that's so much value, I don't even know where to start. That's why you'll add B06-005N The Spirit Forest's Maiden, Deirdre, so you can prevent Deirdre from ending up dead, right? RIGHT?
  10. I'm making fucking autistic screeching noises, and it's not just at your double-posting. Or your non-capitalization. Let's talk about it. Star of the Dark Sky, Elise, is a card that flips 2 Bonds. That's a fucking lot. If you haven't noticed, Godly Child of the Final Light Flame, Corrin (Female), is also a card that flips 2 Bonds. There is not even a snowball's chance in hell you are putting both in a deck, and expecting them to play nice with one another. In addition, both cards lean towards different playstyles. Corrin (Female) wants you to deploy high-Attack Nohr units, so she can untap and keep up offensive pressure, while Elise encourages stalling until it's Elise's turn. Make your decision on who you want to base your deck on, bub. Goddess of Death, Camilla, is meh anywhere you put her, because she has 60 on defense, is a Flying unit, and all she does is hit things.
  11. Alright, cool. Lemme fucking hit you up. Obviously, you wanna open up with Grima. Having Risen already in your hand is a plus. Might want to also make sure you have Pious Mage, Nino, for maximum stall. Yeah, did I mention that this deck is the stall to end all stall? Because boy, is this deck stall. You will have really long duels. Like, longer than usual. Twice as long, maybe even more. Vince's decklist features Amnesia-stricken Tactician, Robin (Female), as your starting card, but I'd rather use The Exalt's Other Half, Robin (Female), so your longevity during the early game is increased. Legendary Tactician, Robin, is actually okay to run, because surprise surprise, you might not always draw Grima, so you need to have a card to Class Change into. It's also a nice Bond-to-draw conversion, once you have Grima out. Big board means big Florina. Sunny Pegasus Girl, Florina's Sunny Smile X-Support Skill gives her 10 Support for every card you control. Given that you draw 3 Risen every turn, that's almost always 40 Support. Speaking of Risen, you can whittle your opponent's deck by hitting their units with these annoying fuckers. Being a deck with a Mark of Naga Champion, Wellspring of Youth, Nowi, and Enigmatic Tactician, Robin, are musts, as you can now shuffle your resources around or keep yourself alive, respectively. Shit man, you only need 1 Risen unit alive, so you might as well run Wicked Wings, Aversa, and use Nefarious Invitation to pop 2 Risen and get some madder advantage. Maybe make your opponent discard, too. Sure, why not. Any Field Cost 1 card from Mark of Naga or Divine Weapon with the Winged Deliverer skill. Movement is relevant to positioning, and who knows when you need to have Grima hit some pesky units in the Rear Line? If you're turned off by the thought of using only two factions, sub in some Nohr. Get Star of the Dark Sky, Elise, and tell your opponent "It's my turn now!", as you regain all of your advantage, right then and there. Add in cards like Honest Heart, Midori, to make use of your Risen, or better yet, Beautifully Dressed Butler, Forrest, so you can never get moved out of your Rear Line again. What's that? How many Risen? 6 is tolerable, because you can have 3 deployed and 3 in your hand, but 8's preferable, as you have that beautiful buffer of 2 cards, until you have no more Risen. Because Grima's The Grimleal Skill doesn't require Bonds to be flipped for its cost, you can run about any shit, and get away with it. More efficient cards like Carefree Little Lady, Clarine, or Smiling Sorceror, Henry, will rejoice at this revelation, then despair when they realize that you put them into fucking Grima..
  12. Both would look like absolutely unsalvageable shit, if that's what you're asking. Blue Champion, Al, only gets his untap off if you're lucky (or is it unlucky?) to drop a copy of him after milling for your support. Remember, you have to kill a copy of Al in order to activate "We can't afford not to try!", so that means either you have to stack twice, or stack a Fate Emblem, and burn a copy of your own, which means you lose copies of Al that could be used to instead dodge. Sword of Champions usually won't come into play until it's too late, and the opponent already has the means to reduce you to nothing, as you wasted all your copies of Al in activating "We can't afford not to try!" I ACTUALLY don't know what you want out of Celica, so I won't go into detail on that. You tell me, bud.
  13. In all honesty, this set didn't open up a lot for new Champions, aside from Skrimir, Micaiah, and maybe the odd Tibarn or Al(m) here and there. If anything, there's splashable cards, like the new Fang support, Mae SR, Lilina R, and Roy R.
  14. Special Skills, such as the "Knife Training" Skill that the three butlers possess, are always active, or can be activated outside of the field. Consider also the "Name of the Hero-King" Skill that various Field Cost 1 Lucina cards possess. Those cards are always treated as Marth, whether in your Support Area, your hand, deck, or Retreat.
  15. Read: Kawaii uguuuuuuu. Urgh. She costs roughly a box, because she "heals" (adds a copy of a card from your Retreat to your hand) copies of your Champion, which can then be used to prolong the game, as you now have more copies to use Godspeed Evasions on, preventing your Champion from being destroyed by battle. In addition, as SoulWeaver has mentioned, she also provides immense drawing support, should you use her skill "I will protect my family!" to stack (place a card on top of your deck to "rig" your next support, not to be confused with the term for the cards underneath a unit used for LvS) a Apprentice Black Fang, Nino, for a net +1 and filter, for just 1 Bond flip. 1-to-1 is an ideal that most can't keep up with.
  16. Here's the problem with multi-faction decks: Newbies generally don't know when to bond what, so you gotta give 'em a single-faction deck first, before they can get onto the real deals. As for your deck, Sakura's a terrible card, as she requires an Orb, it flips 3 Bonds, and taps herself just for 3 cards. Mikoto doesn't work in Roy, because you need to put down stuff ASAP. Clarine HN's a better choice, I'd say, but Mikoto does have her uses in fringe cases, such as when you can throw off face-down Bonds. You generally don't have a need for draw power, as losing orbs and drawing from Mage Emblems/Courage/Fate Emblems usually does it for you.
  17. Nosferatu. Edit: Whoops, no, she can't learn that. Amiibos. :^)
  18. 4 of the SR Lilina, aye. Looking online, much like you, B09-058R Beauteous Prodigal Flame, Lilina, is a cheaper alternative, and retains her ability to powerhit. If you REALLY need to replace SR Roy, S07-001ST Young Lion, Roy, is even cheaper than Lilina, being from a previous set, and can still finish games with Flame of Prophecy, Roy, because that's the big card here, what with the toolbox power and all. But enough derailing, Emma's the fucking cutest.
  19. Alright, time for me to prove you wrong. Some cards can and probably should be swapped out, depending on your pulls/money, but this is a fairly standard deck that's easier on the wallet than most. And look, all these ''''''''''''''''iconic''''''''''''''''' characters everyone loves.
  20. No face-up Bond necessary, so they're theoretically the ultimate splash. However! If you bond them, they provide no Insignia themselves, so you're kinda fucked. I'd say think of it like, Iunno, Neutral cards from Shadowverse?
  21. When I say "cuts to B-tier", that's a tier of Champion viability, yanno. :V Indeed, however, that Crane Warrior, Yuzu, tends to be the iteration of Yuzu used. I know I've seen a deck involving both of her Falchion cards. Can really put on the pressure, with the right deck. I've even seen Vein-Cleaving Violet Blade, Yuzu, be used to get the shock value, but no, generally, it's her Falchion cards people Class Change into. >Rally cards >other shenanigans If I wanted to give a beginner a deck, I'd give him Marth. Easy shit. Or Roy, actually. Roy's a good one.
  22. First off, yes, 85% of cards in every set is shit. That's how it goes. Fresh Pegasus, Emma, is a great card, because you don't need to deploy her to do anything. With the proper setup, you get free Sky Bonds every turn. Midnight Witch, Shade, sees use in the odd Nohr deck every once in a while. As for Yuzu, I've no idea why you say a "budget Whitewings deck", because she totally could cut for B-tier.
  23. Same questions I ask everyone: What is its purpose? What cards does it run? How does it fulfill its purpose? If you can answer these questions, without having found better Champions or cards, then you may set out for this new frontier.
  24. Aight, boys, here the fuck we go. Necrodragon, Field Cost 2, 70 Attack, 0 Support. This means you're essentially getting no bonus, if you mill this during battle. Bad news on defense, feels bad on offense, man. Can't declare Critical Hits or Godspeed Evasions, meaning it has substantially lowered offensive power and survival capabilities. (Humorously, Owain has cards that prevent him from either declaring Critical Hits or Godspeed Evasions, as well.) That's pretty much all his drawbacks. You can run more than 4 copies of this card, can deploy more than 1 "Necrodragon" while you control 6 Bonds (which is a very nice change, considering Risen), so theoretically, if you run only 3 "Necrodragon", you can deploy them all on Turn 6 for not one, not two, but THREE beaters in a turn. EDIT: I forgot one last thing. Everyone has Archers or anti-Dragon skills. He'd still gain +20, yes. Same with using the Rapier on a Great Knight in the games, silly. :V But +20 Attack is plenty enough to go over most units, and even ties against Manakete Princess, Tiki, if Ancient Dragon Tribe is active for her.
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