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Roy Havenstone

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Posts posted by Roy Havenstone

  1. A friend of mine runs a podcast called Monkey Broadcast. It's latest episode features a spoiler free review of Echoes, so be sure to check it out at your leisure as any he would appreciate support or feedback you could give him. At 1:02:10 his co-host, SvenTheCrusader, starts a discussion on the Dungeons and Dragons based web series Critical Role, run by Matt Mercer, the voice of Chrom, and starring other FE VAs such as Laura Bailey, Sam Riegel, Travis Willingham and Liam O'Brien:


  2. On 24/02/2017 at 4:27 AM, Galap said:

    Very good.

    Some of it is a bit confusing, though. For example, what does the purple color mean in the growth bonuses section?


    I also added the names of the kids instead of just saying son and daughter. It would also help to list their class and what their base weapon ranks and skills are.

    Purple is a place-holder format meant to represent Major Holy Blood. Same with bold text overlapping minor/major holy blood.

    This spreadsheet is still something I'm working on, by the way, just as something in-between my studies, so apologies for the lack of updates.

  3. So Chris Wagar, a gaming blogger I follow, recently let his friend, an old-school FE fan, answer some questions they'd received about about the differences between Awakening's and Conquest's approach to map design and difficulty. I found the post very insightful and wanted to share it here:


    Other topics in this particular blog from his friend include a critique on Fates' debuffs and guard stance, the usefulness of Leif vs. Roy vs. Lyn, and their favourite FE games. I'd also recommend Chris's other blog posts if you like game design analysis. 

  4. On 03/02/2017 at 0:18 PM, Yojinbo said:

    You still have Azel wrong - he does not gain access to Staves upon promotion and is therefore not able to naturally pass them down to Corple with the exception of Libro and Sleep Staff [both obtained via bosskills] and the Restore Staff [obtained via Ch.3 Village].

    Sorry, for some reason Drive didn't update when I uploaded the revised spreadsheet, but it's fixed now. What I'm really looking for now is a way to show how fathers affect all child weapon rank potential. On Fire Emblem wiki it says Patty's promoted weapon rank, for example, changes depending on her father.

  5. Started working on a personal pairing guide to accommodate for growths, inheritance and story talks for every combination possible in Genealogy of the Holy War. It has now become so complex that I'd like to share it for general usage. It is still very much a work in progress, so I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say about how it could be streamlined and improved upon if you have the time.

    Link here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9H3x-jIxRxpLVJWR3ZzY3JiVlU/view?usp=sharing

    Spreadsheet is split up into Holy Blood bonuses, skills, weapons, special talks/items/stat boosts, royal lineage and overall potential. In particular I'm looking for a way to incorporate weapon rank changes between fathers and combined child growth rates (w/o Holy Blood), while still making the spreadsheet user friendly.
    Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing what you think!

  6. Two aspiring writers and friends of mine recently put together a 40 minute review for Fire Emblem Fates Birthright, Conquest and (part of) Revelation, only recently released in the UK. They discuss the new features that help improve the "Awakening" formula, others they aren't so fussed about, and the character writing that made the all important decision so difficult for them. Hope you enjoy!


  7. Hello, my name is Roy Havenstone. I recently lent my voice to the main character of Wingdaria Destiny, a western indie visual novel that's currently seeking funding on kickstarter to turn it into a full-fledged game. Set in a medieval fantasy, Wingdaria Destiny focuses on the forbidden love between a princess and a blind peasant. It features all original artwork, characters and music, and promises 4 different paths and 20 different endings. This is all from the mind of youtube JoyDreamer and her team, so I hope you'll give it a shot and maybe donate, as every little helps. All information about rewards, stretch goals, and link to the game's website and a demo of the game can be found here:


    Thanks again and let's make this destiny a reality!

  8. A year ago my friend The Jonin Monkey reviewed the narrative of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and, in a supplemental video, touched on what made Ike's character in particular special, both of which I helped record footage for, and voiced Soren in the first.

    Today, he takes a look at the narrative of it's highly divisive sequel, Radiant Dawn, with it's own supplemental video dedicated to the infamous Blood Pact. Both videos I once again helped record footage for, on top of casting and directing VAs for dialogue scenes and editing the blood pact video. This has therefore been a pet project of ours for a while now and we'd appreciate any feedback we can get, so be sure to give it a watch and tell me what you think:

  9. https://seanmalstrom.wordpress.com/2015/11/14/nintendo-direct-fall-2015/

    "Fire Emblem is a POS franchise (boy, I am going to hear about that from the fans) and even Nintendo knows it. They want you to buy the game three times! hahahahahahahaha, Fire Emblem gamers are SO STUPID they will probably do it too! And be sure to get the themed 3DS as well! Suckers." - Sean Malstrom

    Shots fired.

  10. So I was thinking, with Lucas back in smash, and the announcement of the Mother 1 translation being released worldwide as Earthbound Beginnings, many are predicting Mother 3 to follow suit. And since Roy has been added back in as well, at the same time no less, could this mean that FE6, or even the whole japanese exclusive Fire Emblem library, will receive the same treatment?

    Itoi's himself mentioned that Mother 1 was being translated and re-released as part of the 20th anniversary of Earthbound's release, and with it being the 25th anniversary of FE as a series, and the music concert on the way I could think of worse times to make such an announcement.

    Of course I may be looking into this too much, and as someone who's accustomed to the fan translations (the use of memes aside) I'd rather see these games remade rather than translated and redistributed, FE6 in particular due to its sameness and lack of polish, but I'd be excited if this turned out to be true. Penny for you thoughts, anyone?

  11. The question is malformed. Just about anything can be viewed as offensive by just about anyone, but more than likely when the joke makes fun of a particular demograph then they'll be the ones taking offence to it.

    The question is more "is this appropriate?", and that's a question of intent and severity. Unless someone can demonstrate ill intent and clearly defined prejudice behind it, then it is a non issue in the grand scheme of things.

    Didn't think about that, thank you very much. Original post and title edited accordingly.

  12. So Jonin and Sven, avid FE fans two friends of mine, did what I can only describe as a "minimalist spoken text LP" of FE7 of sorts to compensate for multiple recording failures:


    At 48 mins 20 seconds they talk about the bosses Paul and Jasmine, a running joke since FE6 and one that has continued into FE10 and FE13.

    Simply put, they're sick of these characters, or more specifically the "Gay people are funny" joke that comes with them, not only on the grounds that they don't find the joke funny, which on those grounds I fully respect, but also that it's not progressive or appropriate for Fire Emblem or IS/Nintendo, especially with the possibly bisexual Legault being treated as a tragic character rather than a joke. This is what I wanted to make the talking point.

    Jonin and Sven have never made a statement on their own sexuality, and I'd say this ties into their desire to see Nintendo progress as an inclusive and accepting company more than anything else (In their most recent episode of their podcast "Monkey Broadcast" or "MB", they have a whole discussion on Nintendo and progression that you can listen to at your leisure). I will admit that I found Paul and Jasmine funny during my first play-through of FE7 just because of how surreal the characters were in comparison to everyone else, and while the joke feels childish now, I'd like to think that the inclusion of Legault, and later Heather, are IS's acknowledgement that "not all gays are like this".

    However, as a straight man, I admit that I'm likely not the best person to talk about this outside of what I've already said, and don't want to come off as insensitive or ignorant, and if I have I apologise. My bisexual friend thought that Jonin and Sven were making mountains out of mole hills, but he's just one guy. So with that, I pose a question to this forum; is the whole "Paul and Jasmine" joke appropriate considering nintendo's wide appeal and should they be cut from future entries in the series in the name of acceptance?

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