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Posts posted by enigmaopoeia

  1. Since I am like FE Apprentice, Radiant Dawn is my first Fire Emblem, here are some likes and dislikes for me:

    LIKES: The myriad of characters; character interactions; the art and cell-shading graphics; and music fits the atmosphere.

    DISLIKES: Lack of character development; plot seems a bit cliché; I wish the Laguz were more useful; and biorhythms.

  2. The straps are still on my Wiimotes, but I rarely use them at all and they just dangle off. I only use them whenever I have a game that might require me to use more force [Like Mario Party 8, Zack & Wiki, and such.] and thus I wear the strap just in case.

  3. Under Base Conversation "Heather" in Part II - Chapter 2. Heather wants to see Queen Elincia personally, and Lucia requests for Brom and Nephenee to accompany her to Felirae. And Heather immediately joins in after stating she is "Nephenee's friend" and her skills would be useful. But there are no conversation of them joining Ike, only for joining Elincia.

  4. Yeah, I thought that Sothe was pretty much a Jeigan by that standards in Part 1 because he really wasn't gaining any EXP, yet killed everyone in sight. I am also trying to find a used copy of Path of Radiance at GameStop, so hopefully I'll get some luck at the mall. Because the places I searched so far didn't have the game. D=

    Also once again I fail at another thing in Fire Emblem. Ya know those items like Speedwing, Energy Drop, Satori Sign, and etc.? I thought that having them in your inventory would mean that you'll get that benefit. It took me till Part 4 - Endgame to notice that I must actually USE them to get their benefits. ||| orz I also never used any of the Master Seals or Master Crowns I acquired. Also the only character I missed out on was Stefan, so I have to get him on my cleared game.

    Currently I have a Battle Save where I just only have to hit


    one more time and she's dead. My final party consists of on Endgame are: Ike, Micaiah, Sothe, Sanaki, Brom, Nephenee, Rolf, Shinon, Heather, Haar, Rhys, Elincia, Renning, Volke, Gareth, Nasir, and Reyson. After this, I might have to replay it over because my sister wants to watch this game and now we both can fangirl over RD! =D Also that I can get


    in my party and finally make some changes with my gameplay so that I can play Normal Mode and do it right like finally getting the Support system right and how to use items properly. ^^;;

  5. Naesala is one of my favorite characters, but he is just not up there with the rest of the guys. ^^;; I dunno why I like Makalov, I think his pink hair gets to me. That along with him and Astrid are so cute together, especially that one conversation where Marcia is trying to sell Makalov to Astrid.

    I like Nephenee a lot, obviously if the icons aren't icons. I love her name and she is my favorite party member to use, her and Brom can wipe anything out of their path. That along with, from what little I know of her, a country girl who is trying to become a knight just seems like a charming story for a southern belle like her. ^^;;

    And there is just way too many games coming out. Not to mention that I still need to finish Super Mario Galaxy, Final Fantasy VI Advance, and Zack & Wiki. And with me wanting to purchase No More Heroes and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. Life can be so cruel to me and my wallet. : O :

  6. Thanks, everyone. You've been a great help. I am now on Part 3 - Chapter 4 and I wanna bang my head against a wall. I totally forgot to recruit Stefan and the worst thing, I had Micaiah near that location too. Never again shall I misread information. Oh well, not a huge loss, is it? I'm still going for Oliver, I wonder how he's like.

    Oh yeah, just a quick question. Mist got herself the Holy Crown, I tried to promote her to 20/10/-- and she can't use it. Did I do something wrong? Or is there a trick to it?

  7. I voted for Lucius because he fits more of the "bishônen" archetype than Janaff. I don't know who Jyo is. ^^;;

    But I can tell Lucius' gender mainly because that art on the first post, his face seems pretty boyish to me. So it would either be a pretty boy or a masculine girl to my eyes. And I always knew that Janaff was a male, his age I would've never guessed. =P

  8. Fire Emblem is not my favorite video game series, I have to give that to pop'n music, a Japanese-only music simulation game.

    But Fire Emblem is one of my favorite SRPGs along with Dragon Force [The first game that got me into SRPGs.]; Shining Force [it's an okay game.]; Dragon Knight 4 for the SFC [shut up, I like the SRPG aspect of it! D= ]; and Advance Wars [i can't wait to play the DS one!].

  9. Hikarusa, you win the internet with that final comment. I was playing Super Mario Galaxy before Radiant Dawn and I just love that quote.

    And I'll try to play Fire Emblem 7 or 9 at a later time when I do get around to finishing Radiant Dawn. =D

  10. Weisspraline, I'm like you, I don't care about stats and having an uber-strong party. I just choose the people I like and favor during the course of the game via their dialogues and interactions. ^^;; Which is why I like Brom and Meg because they're such sweethearts. Though I may be one of the very few that actually like the two.

    I will try to see if Brom and Meg do have a support with each other later because my current party doesn't have both of them in it. And I hate to lose my A support with Nephenee as Brom, and my B support with Zihark as Meg. So if I change their support, I can always get them back, right? Or I have to gain it back all over again?

    And I keep hearing about Jeigans, is there a character in Radiant Dawn that is one?

  11. I never heard of Fire Emblem until I played Super Smash Bros. Melee and was introduced to Marth and Roy. That was my first encounter with anybody from that series, and it got me curious because I also love SRPGs and I wanted to know more about them. I never had the time to pick up any of the localized GBA versions and when I actually did from borrowing it from a friend, I didn't liked it at all. Now fast forward to this month, I am on vacation at my parent's. And I was shopping around at a GameStop near where they live, and I was lucky to find Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn used. I decided to purchase it because if I didn't liked it, I could return it back. And now I'm hooked.

    Now I love Fire Emblem and it's a really fun game, thank god I gave this series another chance. And it's so funny because my father also plays Fire Emblem with me and it's kinda cool to see him controlling my troops. Most funniest thing is when he calls about 80% of my male troops as girls such as Soren, Rafiel, Reyson, Zihark, Rhys, and... Oscar oddly enough. So it's always like, "Move that bird lady [Rafiel] next to that blue-haired girl [Zihark] and make her move another turn." ^^;;

  12. Before taking the quiz, I always thought of myself with the Water affinity. I love the water elemental and it just suits me, especially since my favorite color is blue and my birthstone is the sapphire.

    Now I took the quiz and my result was: "You scored as a Water. You scored as having a Water affinity. You're a little cold hearted, but your patience and determination can get you through: Water = 75%; Light = 70%; Heaven and Dark = 65%; Wind = 60%; Fire = 55%; Anima = 50%; and Thunder = 45%."

    I guess I know myself? =D

  13. I never played Fire Emblem 1 [Dark Dragon] through 7 [blazing Swords], and 9 [Path Of Radiance].

    I played a little bit of Fire Emblem [8]: The Sacred Stones. Since I borrowed it from a friend, he wanted me to play his save game which was at the Final Chapter: Sacred Stones. But I quickly died since I don't know how to play Fire Emblem. ^^;;

    And then now I am playing Fire Emblem [10]: Radiant Dawn and I'm now on Part 4 - Prologue.

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