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Posts posted by Mousse9

  1. Base reclassing: reclass at 20 if you're before Cht.11, unless you're stafflocked and you got lucky with a Second Seal from Anna. Reclass at 10 if you're a second gen unit or on your second base reclass and don't have a shortage of Seals.

    Base promoting: promote at 10 if you need a specific skill to pass down, need a one-shot pairup bonus and don't intend to use the unit after that, or if most of your stats are capped (unless you're a 2nd gen unit who hasn't reclassed yet). Promote at 20 if you're short on Seals or the unit in question is going to be in use for a long time. Promote between 10 and 20 if you would otherwise promote at 10 but don't have stats capped yet (and they cap before reaching 20), or if you're high 19 and would waste a lot of time/exp trying to perfectly hit 20.

    Your IL is still ~10 and not capped yet. 21 is your total level.

    Promoting isn't about growths, it's about exp gain. If you promote early, the game will give you the same amount of exp once promoted that it would if you leveled all the way to 20 first. So it's worth it if you're going for skills, but as long as you don't cap you should stay in base for more stats.

    However Nowi's skill pool is really bad and until postgame it's best to level her to 30 in Manakete and just reclass back into Manakete to keep getting levels.

    I am far past Chapter 11, currently trying to do Chapter 17.

    Practically ALL my units have either been Promoted or reclassed, most of them have hit lvl 20 in their base class (Nowi, Panne and Donnel are special cases). So in short, right now it's relatively easy to decide, right? Since they've ALL been either reclassed or promoted, if they're in base class now, promote at lvl 10, or a little bit later until hitting stat caps. Don't wait until lvl 20.

    Just now I've tried googling how Master Seals, Second Seals and internal levels work regarding XP gain. My gods, it makes my head hurt.

    About Nowi. I've heard before that it's best to keep her as Manakete indefintely because of the good stat growths, but..are the skills really that bad? Swordbreaker, Quickburn and Lifetaker sound really useful.

  2. I just realized, I didn't give enough info on Lon'qu. Originally, Lon'qu was Myrmidon. He got to lvl 20 in Myrmidon, and I used a Second Seal to reclass him to Thief, in which he is now lvl 11. Does this mean his internal level is (20/2=10+11=) 21? Wouldn't this make it the best time to Promote him? Considering his internal level already is (over) 20?

    Also, Lon'qu hasn't hit his cap for SKL and SPD yet, but he's very, very close. But only those two stats.

  3. I'm playing on Normal/Casual Mode. No DLC. And I do grind them, a lot. I try to use ALL my units, and try to keep them at roughly the same level, which is pretty difficult, given their varying classes and levels. Hence my excessive grinding.

    In this instance, both Lon'qu and Now (Thief and Wyvern Rider respectively) should keep grinding until level 20? Hitting their statcaps doesn't matter? Wouldn't that make a lot of levels gain very few statpoints?

  4. Hi, I have a rather general question about leveling. Is it better to level to 20 in a base class, and then Promote/reclass, or get to level 10 for the two skills, and then Promote/reclass?

    Currently my Lon'qu is a Thief, lvl 11. he hasn't hit any caps yet, but his highest stats are SKL and SPD, which are the two stats the Thief class grows the most. Should I promote him now to Trickster? Or wait until he's capped SKL and SPD (and maybe others)? Or even get to lvl 20? Basically, is it worth it to stay in a class where the fastest growing stats are capped?

    Same goes for Nowi. I reclassed her at lvl 15 Manakete, to Wyvern Rider, who has now hit lvl 11. She hasn't hit any caps yet, but since both Wyvern Rider and Lord have the same statgrowth, would it make much difference? I eventually want her to go back to Manakete as endclass, after getting the necessary skills. Doesn't Manakete have some of the best statgrowth? Wouldn't it then be better to rush through acquiring skills, and then back to Manakete?

    I apologize if some of the answers are very obvious, I'm new to this game, and there's a lot I haven't figured out.

  5. Str is 23, almost the cap of 25. Def is only 17, a far cry from the cap of 21.

    Hm, now that I look at it, Fighter has a higher Strength and Defense growth and cap. I could reclass to Fighter and level to 10, but I'd have to Promote to Hero (Sol!) and level to 10 before going back to Swordmaster. That's a lot of promoting and reclassing.

  6. Hello. I've been told that this is the thread to go to for minmaxing and optimizing units and builds (and for getting the best offspring). I've got a few questions, mainly about best skills and class paths. If I'm in the wrong thread, let me know.

    Here goes:

    I'm on Normal/Casual Mode. No DLC.

    Currently, Gaius just hit lvl 10 in Myrmidon (reclassed from Thief lvl 20). His Skill and Speed stat have maxed out, and I don't know whether I should get him to lvl 20 in Myrmidon, or Promote (or maybe even reclass to Fighter?). Myrmidon's best statgrowth is in Skill and Speed, which he's already capped, so would it be a big waste of experience if I kept him going to lvl 20? In short, Promote or keep going?

    Oh yeah, classpath for Gaius = Thief 20, Myrmidon (???), Swordmaster 15, Trickster 15, Assassin as final class.

  7. Mist! Man, she was a lifesaver. I wanted to grind my units up a bit at the very beginning, and I barely had any idea on how to play. Mist's team gave me much needed experience (both real life and in game). I actually recruited her (the only spotpass team I have battled), but she's still lvl 1.

    EDIT: Why are some of the stats green on the info page of certain units? Did they hit their cap?

  8. I made a mistake earlier, it was Cherche using Staves as Troubadour (and having pitiful range), instead of Cordelia, but nevermind.

    Is there an "official" optimal character build thread? I don't really see one on the first page of the forum, and after reading through the Pairing thread, it's about just that, the Pairings, and the kids from those Pairings.

    My question is about building up Cherche. At lvl 20 Wyvern Rider, I reclassed her to Troubadour. My thoughts for this were that Res +2 from Troubadour would help her low Res, and that the eventual Dual Support+ from Valkyrie would make her a good Support unit. Dual Support+ can also be passed down to her son Gerome. (The Vaike is going to be her hubby.)

    The classpath would be: Wyvern Rider - Troubadour - Valkyrie - Griffon Rider - Wyvern Lord (with Griffon Rider debatable)

    Cherche just hit lvl 10 in Troubadour, and I was wondering whether it was worth it grinding her up to lvl 20 before Promoting to Valkyrie. It feels very slow to me, and since she can't attack, barely does anything (I eventually bought 2 Rescue Staves for her to wile away the time). Will I miss out on a lot of stats if I Promote her now, at level 10 Troubadour?

  9. Statboosters: their only legitimate use postgame is capping Chrom's Mag. During maingame, I find it best to either use them on middling stats that you want to be strengths (Avatar's Lck when running AT, Stahl's Spd), to skip a unit's babying phase (Donnel's Def on lower difficulties, Nowi's HP and Cordelia's Str on higher ones), or to set up Avatar to make training other units easier. The three things you shouldn't use them on are stats with both low bases and growths (barring Chrom's Mag postgame) (because you won't see a long-term benefit there), stats that will cap before you promote, and nothing.

    Better to use them now, then? I'll have to figure out who can use the boosts the most. Ugh, it'll be pretty hard to figure out, they're all different classes, some promoted, some not, I'll have to see who has good growths but bad luck on leveling. Yay for depth...

    Hm, HP, DEF and RES should be pretty straightforward. STR, SPD and MAG are the difficult ones, I think. SKL, I don't know at all...

    EXP formula is here: http://old.serenesforest.net/fe13/calculation.html

    Basically, your level that effects exp gain is your displayed level (+20 if you're promoted) + your internal level. Every time you reclass, half of your displayed level is added to your internal level. Your internal level caps at 20(Normal), 30(Hard), and 50(Lunatic(+)).

    There's a bit of rounding that's slightly funkier than normal, but basically, say I reclass at base level 10 (+5 to my IL), level to 10, promote (displayed level is something like 21, IL is still 5, total level is ~26), level to 15 (~41 IL), reclass (+~17 IL), IL is now ~22 and displayed level is ~21, so total level is now ~43...

    That example might not make much sense, but basically reclassing from base classes increases your IL by around 1/3 as much as reclassing when promoted does, and will speed up your exp gain instead of seeing it stay roughly the same. So to maximize exp gain, you want to stay in base classes for as long as possible before promoting.

    Oh man, I wish I had known this sooner. I had access to Master Seals quite a bit sooner than Second Seals, and many of my units were lvl 20, so I promoted most. Ehehe...

  10. I'm trying to use my statboosting items, and have a hard time deciding who gets what.

    Preferably, I'd want to shore up weaknesses, rather than strengthen, uh, strengths. A physical attacker with low HP? Perfect for Seraph Robe. Miriel? She doesn't need Spirit Dust.

    But there's one thing I can't figure out. Do healing Staves (like Mend and Rescue) go up in power with more Magic? Or only your skill in the weapon itself? I'll eventually want Cordelia to end up as Falcon Knight (to set her apart from Sumia who'll be Dark Flier), and Falcon Knights use Staves. If Staves become more powerful with higher Magic stat, I'll use them on her.

    Or am I going wrong about this, and should wait until I've recruited all the characters and then decide? (I've already used some boosters, but eh...)

  11. For future reference, there aren't any "good" guides out there for Awakening, for some reason.

    And yeah, Normal/Cas is designed to be incredibly forgiving of mistakes so you can put effort into learning the game mechanics instead of staying alive.

    Also, if you're grinding, everyone is going to reach a point where they just take no damage from anything on Normal, which also ruins the point of Counter.

    And if you're getting into optimization, you might want to take it to The Pairing Thread or make a new topic- this thread is more for one-shot spoiler free questions than extended discussions.

    Thanks about the Pairing Thread notice, if I want more info about the kids, I'll go there. That said, here's an unrelated question.

    Suppose you have gotten a base class to level 20, say, Fighter, and you want skills from both a different base Class (Barbarian) but also want skills from the Promoted class (Hero), if you went Barbarian, gotten the skills, would you have to grind Fighter again, to get to Hero?

  12. Oh wow, the depth of optimization possible is rather staggering. I never thought having TOO MUCH choice would be bad, LOL.

    Inigo: Olivia would have to go Peg Knight - Dark Flier for her to pass down the female only Galeforce. She's a Peg Knight lvl 9 currently, so she has a ways to go yet. Takes too long.

    Nah: Donnel is married to Nowi, so either Aptitude, Armsthrift (he's a Merc right now), or male-only Counter, but that means he'd have to reclass to Fighter then promote to Warrior. Takes even longer than Olivia. Dangit, Aptitude, Armsthrift and Counter ALL sound good.

    EDIT: Sol sounds good too, but with Donnel as father, Nah can get that on her own.

    Severa: I'm thinking of having Kellam as Cordelia's husband. Cordy's a lvl 1 Dark Flier now so I'd have to get her to lvl 15 to pass down Galeforce, but Severa herself can go Peg Knight so it's not absolutely necessary.

    Since I realize I've already kinda screwed up the optimization thingie, I'm thinking of getting Kellam and Cordelia to marry first, and then do Severa's Paralogue. Inigo and Nah can wait for Galeforce and Counter.

    EDIT #2: Correct me if I'm wrong, but what I take from all this advice is that there is a dichotomy? Either get the parents a good skillset and screw over the kids, or blitz the parents to the class with the skill to pass on, leaving them with few skills, and get kickass kids?

  13. As I said before, reclassing from promoted classes to base classes makes it likely that you'll wind up wasting levels due to being statcapped. Especially in Cherche's case, she should reclass to Troubadour (if you really want it's skills), promote, and then switch back to Wyvern Lord.

    Also, few adults have many useful skills. If you want to hop around for full skillsets, wait until you get more children, who have roughly twice as many options as the first gen units.

    Well, crap. I'll have to blaze through the next 3 chapters to get Second Seals then. With a whole bunch of chars that are close to max level, heh... You live and learn...

  14. Hello again. I've got questions about promoting and reclassing certain characters. Most of my chars are now lvl 19-20, and since I haven't done Chapter 14 yet, I don't have access to Second Seals (which I think come after Chapter 16?), so my reclassing is limited. That said, here goes:

    Vaike. Hero to lvl 15 for Sol and Axebreaker (though IMO Axebreaker is optional), then reclass to Barbarian for Despoil, then promote to Berserker with Axefaire for his final class. Any good?

    Cherche. Wyvern Lord lvl 15 for Quick Burn and Swordbreaker, then to get some useful Skills, reclass to Troubadour for Resistance +2 and Demoiselle (Demoiselle seems iffy though), then War Cleric lvl 15 for Renewal (though I question the usefulness of Renewal, as a flying unit, she'll probably be deep in enemy territory, out of range of healers), final class would be back to Wyvern Lord.

    Gregor. I have absolutely no idea. Hero for Sol, but other than that, I don't know. Reclass to Myrmidon then Swordmaster for Astra and Swordfaire (for sword-using Heroes)? Or go for Barbarian, then Berserker for Axefaire (for axe-using Heroes)? Mind you, currently I only have 4 Second Seals, I have to be very careful with them.

    Any advice on these three?

    I'll add more once those hit lvl 20 as well. (I probably should just play, it's Normal Casual Mode...)

  15. I have a ton of fliers right now. Sumia, Cordelia, Cherche, Panne and Nowi (both reclassed as Wyvern Rider). I am going to get Galeforce for her, but I kinda thought she'd be way too squishy as Pegasus Knight without at least some good combat skills. So getting Galeforce at the earliest possibility is the best way?

    I've paired her up with Frederick, he's a tank. Though he seems remarkably oblivious to her charms, so to speak.

    So, Pegasus Knight 10, Dark Flier 15, then something else? Is the Dancer any good as final class?

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