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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Somebody explain to me why "rules" is banned in names... *reads tags* I've never seen a spambot with "rules" in their name wtf...
  2. Both hands have weird fingers. But it's awesome, totally sounds like something he'd say. And the ones with Validar, Emmeryn, and Tiki look like official stuff made by Nintendo. I mean they make Pokemon ones...
  3. That made me get a mental image of them wearing steak costumes/Lady Gaga's meat dress. You meant meet, I know that. My mind is just way f'd up.
  4. If that petition goes up let me know so I can sign it. I still lack a Wii U...but I support this 100%.
  5. I guess it kinda is if you look at fan shipping...Kieran and Marcia are another example. Before I was fully aware of that trend, I mixed it up a little with my OC pair Leo x Eloin. He's a wyvern rider, she's a peg knight ^_^ Flying couple yay! But his poor sister can't fly around with her lover. Boyd would hate that. My headcanon is that he's not so keen on heights. Anyway here's my entry. It probably sucks...I'm not used to limiting to 16 colors. And I don't know how to actually find how many colors something has, so I mightve failed after all... She looks like she could be either cavy or peg knight, I'm saying she took after her dad in that. So she's a cavalier. No name for her, I didn't come up with one. I prefer to come up with names for OCs, not random contest entries. And naming isn't a requirement anyway so yeah. She's got her father's habit of hitting on just about anyone of the opposite sex, I thought that would be funny...but she's not as impulsive as him. Intelligent and level headed like her mom. I went above and beyond the call of duty. Or not. Depends on what you consider making up a personality and assigning a class.
  6. I'm picturing Sain in Magvel now...wonder what his reaction would be to the monsters. Fiora is one of his options in canon, and Vanessa is also a pegasus knight. Food for thought... *runs off to make an entry*
  7. Yeah whoopsiedaisy is right lol. Most siblings act like they hate each other enough for that to happen anyway. And 5 seconds later they're getting along...
  8. I know a girl whose family breeds beagles for shows and stuff like that. I dare you to name your beagle Snoopy lol. Samba and Kay wouldn't adjust. They had to become outdoor cats when we found out my dad's allergic, they're old and idk if they would remember what a litter box is. And Samba would be mad that he wouldn't be able to run around outside. Kay wouldn't care about that, but she'd be scared. And Tyson...is too big for an apartment.
  9. I've had both. I actually had Gizmoe (the pomeranian peeka poo, that's what we called him) before I ever had a cat, he was there before I was born. I'm more of a cat person but I do love my dogs. Tyson and two cats are at my parents house though. The only one at my apartment is Cheeto.
  10. Tyson just barks at people outside the fence and howls at sirens. He's a black lab/newfoundland mix. The black lab I had before him never really made much noise, and before that I had a pomeranian/pekingnese/poodle mix, who I recall being a yippie little dog, but not overly noisy.
  11. I've always thought huskies are one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs, but wow! Mishka is SO smart! There's tons of other videos of her talking on that youtube channel. She asks for potatoes(although it sounds more like she's asking for her own room, whatever) and sings Jingle Bells. And of course, she wants waffles. Now only if I could train my Tyson to talk like that...
  12. Okay. That's reasonable...thanks for not just saying what was bad. To use Snowy's analogy, maybe the next cookie will have more M&Ms. You are welcome to post what's bad about it as long as you also say what's good, which you've done, so you're fine. And...it doesn't need to be perfect enough to be published like a novel. It's fanfic for one, and fanfics generally can't be published like that. Also, even published original fiction can have flaws. It depends on who reads it and what they think can be better.
  13. They become Thing 1 and Thing 2. If you give Soren the Death Note...
  14. Thanks for the nice comments Snowy. And I agree, there's a time for criticism and a time for not. EDIT - I love the cookie analogy xD Yeah, that sums it up...it's for a contest though. But that still stands. They're not going to judge with that critical of an eye. Or at least I hope they don't. Judging will be done by the members of the DA group instead of just the mods. It's just "vote for your favorites". Not "vote for the one that has the least grammar/whatever mistakes" Meh, early 20s to me is still a big gap if he's in mid teens.
  15. Idk, now that I think about it, he'd be more likely to give Rolf bunny ears xD Or make a face with his tongue out.
  16. Yeah that looks like a cheesy photobooth thing but it's awesome. Boyd needs to be making a peace sign lol...
  17. 7/8 Too much water... 24: Sometimes people are older than you think they are.
  18. The only thing that would make that Nino/Lucius/Raigh/Lugh cuter is if they included Jaffar being a proud papa xD Oh and shirtless Marth! That's a nice change from all the art that depicts him as a pansy.
  19. Yeah, I've gotten that too on DA. Luckily more often than not, I get comments that arent "you did this and this wrong".
  20. ...I'm all for constructive criticism but...seriously? I didn't ask for a lot of critique. If it's grammar though...I guess.
  21. One of the best, huh? Glad to hear it! The dove idea came from two separate experiences I've had, once I found one that had fallen out of the nest and broke its feet and I tried to save it. Didn't work :( And one Christmas morning I saw two doves outside my window and I'm sure they were my late grandparents.
  22. 21: Online gaming teaches you things you probably didn't want to know about your mom's social life.
  23. He makes one of his guards wear it and puts him on display for everybody to laugh. If Grima destroys everything earlier and Lucina becomes Exalt when she's like 2 months old like in that cutscene...
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