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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Lol true. But not like it matters. Nobody's going to complain if say, he has a wart/blemish/mole/whatever next to his belly button and that's not on the poster. Nobody's going to say anything if the poster gives him a 7 inch manhood and he's 8 inches My point being? He doesn't run around naked all the time. Accuracy isn't needed xD
  2. This. Which is why I don't play competively. I mean, I try to get into competitive pokemon, but even that has people who act like dicks. The fact is that any competition has those kind of people...sports, video games, music, anything.
  3. Agreed. Oh and Ana I'm sure they don't fap to Melee lol...I know what you meant but yeah.
  4. Brandeds would be weaker in general if they were transfered. No laguz in any other world to be their parent/ancestor, and I think they tend to be better at magic/swordplay/whatever because of their brand? Best examples of this are Micaiah and Zelgius/BK. Soren is considered to be the best mage in RD, he's also branded. And then there's Stefan. Can't judge for him, been a long time since I've been at a part where he's playable. We can give them manakete blood in Elibe, but there it wouldn't affect much. Ninian and Nils are half ice dragon. If Eliwood marries Ninian, Roy's one third ice dragon. And he's pretty much a normal human. If it was Akaneia they would be able to transform despite being only half manakete/taguel, which I still think makes little sense....
  5. That might be it. I used thani against armors and horses/when I needed her to do more damage in the chapter with just her and BK in the dark. Most other times I used light/ellight.
  6. I used her yeah...just past part 1 it was hard to get any use out of her. Maybe I just suck. In other news, Ike just beat the stuffing out of Tauroneo and made me lose -_-
  7. Yeah, SoC needs to translate because right now it looks really awkward. I'm wondering what the deal with the chicken, cat, and dog on the horse with the green bandanna is.
  8. Wow, this is turning into a "post your favorite PoR music" thread xD
  9. It does? Huh...but I bet it's rare for that to happen. Idk...
  10. Jungle and forest are similar, but not the same. Jungles usually get more rain...like I said before, deserts are never that close to lakes and rivers, so something with a wetter climate needs to be there. Plus in RD Marcia calls the Begnion wyvern riders in part 2's prologue "wyvern monkeys". Monkeys live in jungles. If there was no jungle on Tellius she wouldn't be able to say that. Don't ask where the elephants are...probably around the same area. Refering to Boyd asking if the moose ribs were from an elephant in chapter 8.
  11. Yeah I've seen that ship before. But I've never seen the outfits being swapped... And yes. Soren is rocking them arch sage clothes. It's interesting how he wears black until 3rd tier...
  12. Oh man Soren's face in that one. He looks like an angry caveman lol. And now somebody needs to draw Samus in Ike's outfit...
  13. My Micaiah can't use her purge because she's at light level C :( Really sucks. I'm tempted to put him in WoC. I really am lol...
  14. He would need a more serious name then. BUT I'd be okay with that.
  15. Speaking of which, who's the guy covering his eyes? And yeah. Knowing the internet, he probably found some hentai involving his parents. Yeah, I'd be scarred for life if I saw myself being conceived too. Just noticed they drew Soren's mark wrong xD
  16. And if we don't say Smash is FE canon, he's like "wtf who is that? Never seen her before in my life..." I feel sorry for Soren in that one. Talk about scarred for life...
  17. Okay I found him. He's lower level than the other one because he's a sniper...should call him the 3-13 sniper. Been calling him Bob though lol. And I'm sad because I just wasted time trying to do a recording...First Nolan died, then come to find out the audio turned out terrible. Was gonna put it on youtube and here.
  18. You sure he's not the higher level one? The top left one is lower level.
  19. OH GOD Boyd. Next he's going to yell at them to get a room! LOL! Glac is that convo actually in either of the games?
  20. There are two archers. One is level 9, one is level 18. Might have their levels wrong...but the higher level one is to the right of the map. I'm assuming he's the one that's so famous? In other related news, somebody on youtube named him Trey and has a hack where he's playable. Even though youtube comments are usually crap and trolling, I saw that and found it interesting...
  21. Ike needs something on his head so he looks like him. Then again the headband of whoopass wouldn't go with a suit xD
  22. *looks it up and snickers* *realizes she just made a bad candy pun* -_- Anyway, nice work. I'm sure people will get some use out of these :)
  23. Wait a second....I don't think either of them are the type to do something like that. Didn't you also give them a kid...Oscar's not the type who would leave as soon as that kid exists, he'd want to be in his/her life. I'd view it as a longer distance Cerai x Boyd. If neither of them leave their respective groups, the said groups can meet up in an alliance often so the relationship/marriage still stands. I'm surprised at that because you've stated on DA that you don't approve of non married hanky panky. It was on the comments for one of your Dawn of Darkness couple pics. Somebody asked if they were going to do it and you said no because they weren't married yet. I myself approve of it only if the couple is certain they're going to stay together. But that's a debate for elsewhere and I'm getting off topic. That's gold. If I could do what Xane does I can see myself doing something like that xD
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