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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Didn't know that. If you click the link, you'd see that brown is dominant and blue is recessive, so for Ike to have blue hair, he'd have to have two blue genes. Green is incomplete dominance(mix the colors), caused by blue and yellow, both recessive. At least that's my theory/headcanon.
  2. Okay, you make a point. But I think if she told him it was there he'd be all "wtf tmi" first. Let's go back to that punnett square I posted...I worked hard on the concept behind it dammit xD
  3. Because it's less embarrassing? If you had a special mark on your crotch, would you be saying it's there?
  4. Lucina's is still on the outside of her. Dunno about Inigo, I didn't make Chrom his dad. I'm inclined to believe its somewhere...private. Somewhere people aren't going to see because it's covered with clothes/undies.
  5. I'm back with the punnett square. This says that if Ike and Sothe could have a kid: 50% chance blue hair 50% chance green hair The kid in the comic very likely has the wrong coloration! Course this is just speculation. Ike could have brown hair genes, and we have no idea what colors Sothe's parents had. But if we say green is incomplete dominance from one blue gene and one yellow one...yeah. I have a whole big thing on FE genetics.
  6. I think they tried to mix the hair colors. But genetics dun always work that way...but two males can't produce offspring anyway, so... *runs off to do a punnett square* I'm going to FE fan hell for this xD
  7. Awesome and dawww. Love how the artist made the kids not look like a mini Naesala and Leanne. The reversed hair/eye colors make them really look like they're theirs.
  8. Mainly the "father of Sothe's children" comment. But yes.
  9. [spoiler=Warning: Contains wtf to the extreme.] Source Got a wild hair and decided to dig that up. Saw it for the first time a long time ago. Relevant to the funny thread.
  10. Good to know I'm not the only one. Because I feel like an idiot. Anyway, I looked up that chapter 17 insult. "bloated face" lol. He speaks the truth!
  11. Oh god lol. Reminds me of this saying: "Nobody's going to win the battle of the sexes. Too much getting intimate with the enemy." EDIT - So sorry mods! I forgot that I already posted -_-
  12. Lol yeah. He wouldn't like that sissy comment xD He strikes me as the type who would rush into things without thinking it over first.
  13. That literally made me lol for some reason.
  14. 18: Neopets was cool once, back in the day when I was a n00bish preteen...
  15. Idk why she sucked for you, because like others said, she's usually a major butt kicker. Maybe she got RNG screwed? You talking PoR or RD? I think she needed more character development, but that's about it...but yeah, not liking someone because of pairings...would be closed minded. I don't support Ike x Soren but I use Soren and enjoy watching him pwn things. My friend who got me into FE loves the crap outta him, but that's irrelevant.... Maybe try again? Try not Boyd/Ike/Soren/etc stomping and let her get some kills? Idk...
  16. There's seriously a Scooby Doo reference? It shall hang out with the American Pie and Monty Python references. Those being: Henry: One time, in mage camp... Ricken: It's just a flesh wound. ...You know, PoR has a perfect spot for a Lion King reference. Replace "What do you expect me to do? Put on a funny hat?" with "What do you expect me to do? Dress in drag and do the hula?" Ike's promotion. Too bad this was before IS decided to have fun with references...
  17. 16: Nothing says regret like what you posted when you were a preteen/young teen.
  18. If there was a like button here, I would like the crap outta that.
  19. Video game logic. He had to have moved. Or else...that comic would happen, and it didn't xD
  20. Memorbilia is fine. That falls under artsy crafty.
  21. Well, I kinda co own Valmas and Xemar. Lost contact with their original creator but he told me I can do what I wish with them, he created them specifically for WoC.
  22. I know. So was that. What, the changing clothes? Meeeehhh, I'd rather not say that. He can go behind something and change. Magic is in FE, sure, but not for little things like that.
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