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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Etsy isn't the place for games anyway...I think it's just for artsy crafty stuff. But yeah, what this guy is doing is wrong. It would be different if he was paying the translators/romhackers. I hope he gets his account taken down...
  2. Cerai and Leo Wait OCs don't count. Lethe and Lyre? We can do this until we run out of twins. Erika and Ephriam?
  3. xD Well that does happen if you don't delete their A support...
  4. I'm planning on it. Once things blow up you'll definitively see more of Kelly.
  5. Mary sue is a term used for a perfect/flawless/everybody loves them/unrealistic character. I've heard the term came from the earliest known instance of one in fanfic, a character named Mary Sue. Males are called gary stus. Squishy...well I've seen it used a lot here to describe low defense units like mages. Think about it for a second. And you do bring up good points, except about her skill being a lifesaver. You get a healer fairly early, and even before that, you have vulneraries/herbs. I very rarely use it but that's just me.
  6. This is true. Really all this is is a topic for discussion...
  7. So I was thinking about how there tends to be two sides in the fandom when it comes to Micaiah, you either think she's a mary sue or are meh about her. I haven't met anyone who absolutely loves her, if they do exist they're not as vocal as the people who hate her. This topic is meant to be a friendly debate/discussion, keep that in mind... Here's evidence for both sides: Mary Sue: - Sacrifice ability, said to be an "almost unheard of" gift, and portrayed as being just as good, if not better, than healing staves. - Everything that Ike had to work for, she gets handed to her. Ike had to prove himself before the royals would see him as an equal. Micaiah's automatically there as soon as she meets Pelleas. - She's liked by almost everyone. Not Mary Sue: - Combat wise, she's not perfect. She's a squishy mage, more so than the other magic users actually. - She does have character flaws. She's so loyal to Pelleas that she sends the dawn brigade against the laguz without question, despite Sothe's protests. She doesn't seem to want to think for herself. - She shows signs of being insecure with herself multiple times. Being branded, being VERY important all of a sudden, stuff like that. So is she or isn't she? I voted not sure.
  8. I see...the whole thing was a bit confusing, dunno why.
  9. ...So Elincia cooks like Sully? Is that what's going on here?
  10. Dunno about Reddit, but there's cool art on Tumblr, so it's not all bad. 4 chan on the other hand...is nothing but trolls, hackers, and perverts. 14: Google wasn't built in a day. Everything takes time.
  11. Let's see...author's notes for this one? You can't tell from the sprites I made of them, but yes, Frostbite has a bigger face ruff than Blaze. When I draw them though, that headcanon is included. I hope I caused a few chuckles with this chapter, poor Boyd lol. I bet he's not going to rush right into trying something new like that again for a long time. And Ike would SO call the average noble an airhead.
  12. Chapter 8 July 21, 648 Whitefire Mercenary Base, Crimea Two of the Greil Mercenaries showed up at the Whitefire base the morning after the fall of Ludveck and the forged alliance between the two groups. They didn’t look like they’d been in a hurry, so apparently Ike didn’t need backup and they were there just because. “Ike said we could come over here. My other big brother’s with him and Titania. Mist would’ve came too, but she’s looking for replacement healhedges.” Rolf’s statement confirmed it. Cerai smiled. “Well, thanks for stopping by. We don’t get much company other than people who have bandit problems.” A loud roar came from the stables. Rolf jumped, and Boyd blinked in confusion. “...What the hell was that?” The green haired warrior grabbed his axe, a wild look in his eyes. “That, you green headed oaf, was that garbage gut steed of mine saying it’s time for breakfast.” Cerai said. “She probably heard us talking and knew I’m up to feed her. She does that just about every morning. Sometimes she doesn’t even wait for me to get up. Sometimes she decides I should be awake at the butt crack of dawn.” “But there’s two wyverns here. And a horse. You don’t feed all of them in the morning?” Rolf wondered out loud. “Frostbite’s like his master, they both tend to sleep in long. But I guarantee he’s up now. Leo should be out with the food for him shortly. Kurt feeds Stella around the same time, usually.” Cerai went inside and came back with her brother, both holding a rack of ribs. Leo greeted Boyd and Rolf with a nod. “Those are the biggest racks of ribs I’ve ever seen. What are they from, an elephant?” Boyd’s mouth hung open in surprise. “I don’t think even Ike could polish those off!” “They’re from a moose.” Leo replied. “And the wyverns usually don’t eat them all at once. Well, at least mine doesn’t...” “Did you buy those at the meat market? I don’t think they sell moose very often.” Cerai shook her head. “No. One of the advantages of having a laguz around is you can get more wild game for free.” “Did you think we killed it for a second? We probably could swoop down bird of prey style, but the wyverns wouldn’t understand why we wouldn’t be letting them eat it right then and there.” Leo chuckled. “They know they’re not supposed to eat enemies on the battlefield, but yeah.” There was another wyvern roar. “All right already! I heard you the first time!” Cerai snapped. “You guys can come along if you want. They won’t bite, just stay away from their tongues. Sometimes their venom gets there. Wyvern venom can melt your skin if you’re not careful.” Blaze crooned when she saw her master arrive with the ribs. She playfully nudged Cerai’s shoulder and forearm, then closed her jaws over the meat and started eating it. Frostbite wasn’t as vocal, almost looking like he was still tired. But he accepted his breakfast, taking it to the back of his stall to eat it. “Um, I’m curious about something. How do you tell...if they’re male or female? I don’t see anything...down there.” Kurt had walked in with Stella’s hay at the same time Rolf made that comment. He burst out laughing and almost dropped the hay. “They’re reptiles...they’re not built that way.” Stella pricked her ears and whinnied. She didn’t know what that human sound meant, but she didn’t care as long as she had her breakfast. Leo had lost it, he was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. “You’re looking at the wrong end.” There was a brief pause. “...That came out wrong, didn’t it...” “Yes it did.” Cerai elbowed him. “But yeah, you need to look at their faces. See the ruffs of skin? Males’ are bigger. When they want to attract a mate, they’ll puff out those ruffs. Females can do that too, but not as easily.” “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fly.” Boyd commented. “Did it take awhile to get used to that?” “Well, our parents were both in the Crimean air force. Mom would fly us around before we could walk. Dad was never too keen on that though.” Leo smiled. “So the answer to your question is no. We’ve been flying as long as we can remember.” Blaze had finished the ribs. She squawked and gnawed on the stall’s door. Cerai looked at her, then turned to Boyd and smirked. “Well if you want to try flying, now’s your chance. I think she wants to go stretch her wings.” “...Seriously? She won’t throw me off?” “I don’t think so. If you tried riding her without me though, she probably would. And believe me, I don’t want you going back to your place in a body cast either.” Cerai laughed. “I can’t fit three people on her safely though, so Rolf, if you want to try, maybe Leo will let you.” “No thanks.” Rolf shuddered. “Yep. The little runt is afraid of heights. He can’t even be up in the mountains for very long.” Boyd gave Rolf a noogie. He gave him a death glare and told him to stop. Cerai opened the stall door. “Come on, girl. Let’s go for a fly.” Blaze walked out and crooned. “Let her sniff your hand, Boyd.” “How come?” “So she knows you’re a friend. Like dogs, they can smell the difference between friend and foe. If she thinks you’re a foe...things won’t end well.” He held out his hand, and the orange wyvern blinked before placing her muzzle in his palm. His scent told her he was a little nervous, he wasn’t used to wyverns. He also appeared to be fierce and hotheaded, somewhat cocky, but that was expected from a male of his size and stature. From what Blaze knew of human social behavior, the strongest looking males generally got the most female attention, and they knew it, so they tended to have big egos. All in all, he smelled like a friend. She nudged his hand away and snorted softly. “All right, that’s settled.” Cerai grabbed Blaze’s reins and began leading her out. Boyd followed. He looked eager now, eager to see what flying was like. After a brief silence, Rolf took a deck of cards out of his pocket. “Brought these. Something to do, you know?” “Oh, you like card games too?” Leo was interested. Frostbite snorted behind him. He, too, had finished his breakfast, and now he wanted out. “Okay, you can come with.” Leo opened the stall door and allowed the wyvern to come out. “He’ll stay near me, don’t worry. What we gonna play?” “Fifty card pickup, maybe?” Leo smirked. “Kurt, you troll.” “What?” Rolf blinked. “He was going to throw all the cards on the dirty stable floor and make you pick them up.” Leo explained. “Oldest trick in the book...” The three left the stables with Frostbite trailing behind them, and set up a portable table and chairs outside the fort, because the weather was too nice to be cooped up indoors. After a couple rounds of go fish, Frostbite looked up and screeched. Cerai and Blaze had returned with Boyd. “We...are never...doing that...again.” Boyd’s eyes were like dinner plates. He had a death grip on the saddle straps. Blaze snorted at him and he got down as fast as he could. “Aww, is big brave warrior guy scared of heights?” Rolf had an onery grin on his face. “And you made fun of me!” “Shut up, runt!” “He was actually doing well, mostly. Flinched a bit when he looked down, but...then I did a loop de loop. Must’ve forgot he was there for a second. But hearing him scream like a baby was priceless...for about five seconds. Then I figured I better let him down before he threw up or wet his pants or something.” Cerai realized she was the only one laughing. “...I guess I owe an apology. Sorry...” “Don’t worry about it.” Rolf snickered. “He’ll be fine.” “Note to self: Always keep both feet on the ground...” Boyd mumbled. When Ike showed up with Oscar and Titania, Boyd was collapsed under a tree, in a pose that resembled a dead person. “Cerai took him flying.” Leo told them. “That’s all the explanation you need...” “I think they need more explanation than that.” Cerai sighed. “I mean he looks like he fell off. Believe me, he didn’t. Unless he always sleeps like that. Does he?” “I’ve...seen him in that pose once or twice. Good to see you’re getting along...” Ike had a slightly confused expression. “Are we going to tell them what we found out?” Titania asked. Ike blinked. “Yeah. Lucia and Geoffrey are now keeping their eyes peeled. More than they had been...but anyway they sent Bastian, he’s another one of the rare nobles who’s not a big airhead, to do some research. He’ll be reporting back if he finds anything out.” “So now we have him and Jerec.” Oscar added. “Whether or not they work together is anyone’s guess, but two is better than one.” Kurt nodded. “Well, your friend here’s going to be out of commission for awhile. So...stay for a little? Maybe for lunch?” Mentioning food was all it took to convince Ike to stay until early afternoon. The situation with Daein was still fresh in everyone’s minds, but at least there was a plan.
  13. And she showed up. It's like Beetlejuice... *shot* But...yeah. I always liked that "what do you expect me to do, wear a funny hat?" Nooooo, she expects you to dress in drag and do the hula. Lol. This is the first time I've seen that joke used with FE. The joke being game characters changing clothes, you push a few buttons and all of a sudden they're in a different outfit. No changing room in sight xD Who are those other two girls in that comic anyway? One's Elincia, but the lack of color is making it hard to tell who the others are.
  14. That comic is funny but I don't think he'd actually do that xD
  15. 11: Anyone at or over 13 years of age is too old for Pedo Bear.
  16. I think I've seen those unused models. And I think they might have tried, but they were outnumbered and caught by surprise so they couldn't do much.
  17. This. Monks/bishops/priests in FE are usually pacifists too, but they can use light magic.
  18. But seriously, who cares about biorhythm...useless addition imo. Has little to no effect on anything. Doesn't mean they can't have some way to defend themselves. I mean, cows and deer and animals like that are peaceful vegetarians, but when they're threatened they will fight back. There is nothing in nature that's entirely defenseless.
  19. "You've got until the count of 10 to show yourself before I start throwing sharp objects. One...two...NINE!" That one?
  20. Just what the poll says. The only herons we see are royals, and the game says stuff about "royal white winged herons". So I found myself wondering if this means only royals are white or not. I'm leaning towards not, maybe the royals are just brighter white. The other two bird tribes don't come in different colors. Hawks are always brown/tan and ravens are always black. But the other options in the poll are there anyway. Anacybele(I can finally spell that) borrowed from real life and said they're blue, like the great blue heron. Idk...and why are Lehran's wings black? Ravens are black...makes no sense. Seriously wtf IS. Also a headcanon of mine is that they can use light magic. No race/tribe can afford to be completely defenseless. Maybe they just don't use it often and as a result, their galdr is stronger? I'd think that after having their home burnt they would start honing their offensive magic more. There's nothing that suggests they use talons and beaks like the rest of the bird tribe. And light magic isn't too far of a stretch from galdr. Thoughts?
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