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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. *happy dance* YAY! Do you think I should add more though, or will it just make it look like pillow shading again?
  2. Okay guys, I tried again, this time I reffed the wing on an articuno sprite. Also added the ear. Any better? I could probably work on it more, but I want to know if I'm on the right track first.
  3. I'm giggling like an idiot over here! That modern Ike idea with the beer and the CoD. And Lucina getting sent to her room and herself as a little tyke hitting her with the rattle. Pure genius. I'd like to know what Shinon's smiling about in that pic...
  4. How so? He's basically telling that senator(forgot name, but it's obviously not Valtome)that he's going to kill him, "game over", and to do so he'd have to be shifted. Maybe it would be harder to put that expression on a bird's face...or maybe not. I've seen photos of owls with pretty humanlike facial expressions. But yeah, Soren's a guy, why do people make him look like a girl?
  5. I feel like an idiot but...does RTU stand for rate the unit? Or something else?
  6. Yeah. If he's still alive in that pic, he needs a healer pronto. Haha, I remember you saying he got whooped in PoR endgame once...
  7. I think a lot of people predicted wolf laguz xD
  8. But he's trying his best and maybe he can at least drag him? Dragging heavy things is easier. But yeah, ouchies. That arrow sticking out of his leg...that's gonna leave a nasty scarred over puncture wound. It's weird because I was JUST playing RD and Ike JUST got pwned. I'm on the "burn the supplies oh and let's let the horses out too" chapter. I got up for 5 seconds to put my popcorn bowl away and when I came back...yeah. A wind sage did the final blow(lol pun) I usually never get up during enemy phase. Because stuff like that happens.
  9. Arcane smith works. And wow, I didn't know that! But I guess it could be a good thing they didn't. If you created Jerec before RD and they did, you might be faced with having to change a lot of stuff.
  10. I've seen that one with Naesala before. That artist is awesome...only nitpick I have is he should be shifted for that.
  11. Snowy you're hilarious xD Oh and btw, you need to pick an epilogue title for Kelly. Like...Jerec is Daein Vagabond. That sort of thing.
  12. I recognize Chrom, Marth, Ike, Eliwood, and Roy...who's the yellow haired dude failing at doing the splits?
  13. I think I've seen that thing before. It's somewhat helpful, but...it still doesn't help with feathered wings. Oh, and you guys aren't throwing f bombs at me every sentence. Yes, that happened before. Yes, here. So I'm not taking what you're saying as attacking. I took the f bombs every sentence as attacking. I asked the mods to lock that topic. I guess I'm just not happy because I tried something and failed. And I actually like how that wing looks. I still don't see it as pillow shading.
  14. I tried... -_- Really, I did. Painted cardboard? Ouch. And why are the ears such a big deal? They were so small on the original sprite. Like, 1 pixel.
  15. 9: 4 chan is the anus of the internet. Funny sounds come out of it once in awhile, but it's mostly disgusting.
  16. I'd play that. Don't feel bad, I suck at coding too. I'd never be able to pull it off either.
  17. The light source isnt in the middle of the wing, it's kinda toward the top. I had it going down further but that looked even more like pillow shading. And, if they look like bird wings, that's good. Mangy though...idk. But pegasi arent angels despite both having feathered wings. Fa's wings are kinda shaded that way, I was aiming more like that. The ears could just be hidden by the mane. But if it bugs you people that much I'll add them in...
  18. Theme suggestion! Spriter's Best Friend: Sprite your pet or a friend's/relative's pet if you have none. I'd have both that and the OC one covered if I used Samba ^_^ I actually have a cat laguz OC named after a cat of mine. But I'd make something new....probably the big oafish black lab Tyson.
  19. Yeah I was aware of the eraser method. I use it. Really? I have Windows 7 and it works fine. But then again I haven't tried it with anything previously saved.
  20. Is it a bad thing that it's been simplified? Just curious. Sometimes simpler is better, like in this case, where I didn't want a white pegasus. There were two kinds of white that were so close to each other in shade that they looked like just one. The wings were a nightmare to recolor until I simplified them. And, the feather detail on the vanilla sprites actually looks a bit like fish scales to me, at least on the non promoted pegasus. I didn't know the base sprite had an ear.
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