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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. No proper bio for this one yet. But her name is Eloin, and Leo ends up with her. Her pegasus is a stallion and his name is Chestnut ^_^ Had to do some scratch shading on the base sprite's wings for easier recoloring, I hope it looks okay.
  2. Ashnard killed his father though...that shouldve been a red flag if Bryce knew that.
  3. *counts* They're like 11 or 12 years apart. Bryce mustve been depressed for a REALLY long time...poor guy. And me and my brother are that many years apart xD
  4. Must be an older person. They tend to not be as creative. I have an aunt whose twitter handle is her name + rocks socks. And cool, you did the opposite of what I did. You had the guy born first instead of the girl like I did.
  5. Ikr? Once you decide who's born first that is. Could go the other way around too: "When I'm as old as you I'm going to" whatever they're going to do in 6 minutes/however many they are apart. I especially like how he was surprised that they had ice cream xD Course I take no credit for the original idea. I don't do twitter, and if I did I wouldnt call myself McSweatervest. I just took it and ran with it.
  6. Not forgetting that xD There's a funny in my art thread btw.
  7. Saw that floating around the interwebs and immediately thought of those two. Lol. Would probably also be me and my brother if we were twins...considering Cerai's based on me. Leo...is the twin brother I never had xD I didn't aim for the art to be good, it's just a quick tablet doodle...
  8. I made a whole crapton of Awakening battle sprites xD They're not overly fantastic, but yeah. I like the "battle sprite your profile pic" idea.
  9. No smut this time I promise xD I'm thinking ahead. A lot. Probably not the best thing, but...anyway, there will be epilogue titles and little blurbs about what everyone does afterward in typical FE fashion, then the chapter or a few chapters with gen 2, consider those maybe trial maps. @Ana: Is Daein Vagabond okay for Jerec? Like you put on DA on his sprite. @Snowy: Pick an epilogue title. We've agreed her and Darcen get together and how their kids turn out, so don't worry about having to make a blurb.
  10. Sounds epic. You know what would suck? If the girl he falls for turned out to be his half sister :P I hope you didn't do that.
  11. Rolf is okay if you take the time to train him. And triangle attack. If you want to use it, give Oscar bows when he promotes. You'll also have to do the "three brothers" base convo, dunno which chapter it appears in though, so try to promote Oscar and Boyd ASAP (they all need bows) so you don't miss out. Yeah, it's not overly useful, but it's cool so why not?
  12. Cool, I'm sure this will be useful for some people. Although I don't really see the point of adapters for console controllers on PC when PC controllers exist...and you can use them with emulators. I use a logitech controller and it works fine.
  13. The 3 brothers are the best. Why did you not use them? Seriously, I remember them kicking major butt. Plus triangle attack. Pure awesomeness. I remember getting lucky and Ike Aethered the crap out of Ashnard...
  14. Okay, that's a good thing. Dawww.
  15. Only other one I've played is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. It was meh. Voted yes, FE is the best. It has the biggest following as far as I know, so...
  16. 3: Every fandom has weirdos. No exceptions.
  17. OH GOD. I was going to say "or did it" but I didn't think so...dead wrong right? Does this half sibling ever show up in your fics? ...You know, haven't you tortured poor Bryce enough? If it were me, I'd just let him have his drunken one night stand and feel guilty about it and that's it. No need to rub it in his face 9 months later xD
  18. Oh geez. Good thing that didn't result in a half sibling for Jerec. That'd be awkward... I dunno if Valmas would do something like that. I mean, he's depressed and all, but the poor guy, he thinks the gods are against him. I don't think he wants to try, his logic is that if he finds love again, it'll be snatched away from him...again. It's always good to have a villain you can feel sorry for.
  19. I had forgotten about the dogs thing. Donkeys is more of an insult though. Dogs are loyal and brave and stuff. Donkeys are seen as being stubborn and stupid xD You only told me it happened. You never said anything about a messed up way, so...yep. Now I'm curious...but glad I pulled him off like a boss again :) Because he didn't want everyone to fight over who left it there? Idk lol, but he did volunteer. He's the cook too so I guess he thinks he should deal with it.
  20. Yeah I can see how that would be confusing. Thanks for pointing that out. And yep! "Daein donkeys" lol.
  21. But Astrid and Makalov don't have a paired ending. I'd assume she eventually gets tired of his drunken antics and realizes what everyone's been telling her all along. Gatrie + Skirt Wearing Tree OTP
  22. FE characters are high because Smash includes the ones that get to kill uber demons/gods. Normal peeps, not so much And yeah, all Kirby is is a pink thing that swallows things.
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