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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Okay, this time I hope I don't get 2 pages of ranting about mary sues. I have plans on how to make my OCs' flaws stand out, but those will come in future chapters. Even though I didn't appreciate that, it DID make me think so I guess it wasn't entirely a bad thing. Lot of talking in this one. I hope I made up for letting Jerec just disappear in the last chapter. Oh, and the rotten food culprit is totally Boyd xD Can't you see him doing that? No more trusting him to make sure everything's packed and ready to go... EDIT - Almost forgot. Valmas was originally from Begnion when he was given to me, if you remember, him and Xemar aren't entirely mine, but I have permission to write and develop them. Figured it would be more logical for him to be from Daein.
  2. Chapter 7 July 20, 648 Greil Mercenary Base, Crimea Commander Ike had quite the nostalgic look on his face when he walked into his fort for the first time in three months. The place was a little bigger than the Whitefires’ base, but still small enough to feel homely. The healhedges out back hadn’t survived. There had been little rain lately, and nobody had been around to water them, so the magic bushes had shriveled into dead brown piles of twigs. It wasn’t a big deal, more could be obtained, and there was little need for healhedges now anyway. The more pressing issue was the stench coming from the kitchen. The Greil Mercenaries had thought they’d removed all the food when they had to leave, but they were wrong. A sack of fruit and vegetables had been forgotten. There was a bit of pointing fingers involving who was responsible, but Oscar volunteered to get rid of the rotten food before it escalated too much. An old ally met him outside. “...Jerec? What are you doing here?” “I’m here on unfinished business. Gods, what in the world is in that sack? Smells like something died!” “Somebody let a bunch of food get rotten.” Oscar flung the sack into a nearby ditch. “...What kind of unfinished business?” “Nothing too big. Where’s Ike? Can I come in?” Before Oscar could reply, there was a low wyvern screech. The stables were too small for wyverns, so the twins had to park their mounts in the front. Blaze and Frostbite seemed to remember Jerec. They both craned their necks down to his level to say hello. He cautiously patted their scaly snouts. “I see you’ve already got company.” “Well if it isn’t Jerec!” Ike walked out wondering why it was taking so long just to throw some garbage away. “I didn’t know you were good with animals-wait. You came all the way here?” “I’ve been in Crimea for quite some time now.” “That surprises me. You’d think a son of a former Daein general would, you know, actually STAY in his homeland. I’d assume that new queen would give you a high rank too...” “Something’s up. I can see it in your face.” Oscar frowned. Jerec shrugged. “Let me in. I’ve got news for you and those...lightfire characters? Not sure if I remember what they call themselves. Anyway, I don’t want to have to say it twice.” Inside, Darcen was trying to get Soren to talk to him, but the black haired sage was more interested in burying his nose in books. Cerai pulled her teammate aside. “You’d have more luck trying to get a fish to climb a tree. I’d leave him alone.” “Teach a fish to climb a tree, then write a book about it, and then I bet he’d be interested.” Cerai turned and blinked. “...You! Where’d you go during the attack on the rebels? I kept expecting to see you pop up, but you never did.” “I was planning on lending a hand. But I couldn’t find an opening. You guys ran in and fought like demons.” Jerec paused. “I’d expect that from Ike and his crew though. But you lightfires have earned my respect, that’s for sure.” “Whitefires.” “Whatever.” “So...what’s this big news?” “Keep your shorts on, I was getting to that!” Jerec gave Ike a friendly nudge. “But...first, the Whitefires need to know some stuff that the Greil Mercenaries already do. It’s about my heritage. I’m...from Daein.” Samba tensed, like he was about to shift. “I fricking knew it!” “Well Ike obviously trusts him, so...” Leo fidgeted. “Your actions imply that you doubt his judgment. I highly doubt your fingernails are that interesting all of a sudden.” Leo gave Cerai an annoyed leer. “Oh, and you’re completely happy we’ve been in the presence of one of those...Daein donkeys?” “There were more ‘Daein donkeys’ on Crimea’s side five years ago. Not everyone there agreed with King Ashnard. Jerec’s father was General Bryce. Granted, he didn’t abandon his rank and switch sides, but he had his doubts from what I’ve heard.” “Yes, thank you Ike. You can trust me, but that new queen is another story...before I left Daein, she had promoted a man named Valmas to general. Valmas knew my father well, he was a devoted husband to his wife Jaina. They were expecting a child when I was ten, but neither Jaina or the kid survived the birth. I never knew my mother for similar reasons, but...my father had me as a reason to move on. Valmas didn’t. He pretty much lost his mind, and it didn’t get better over the years. He’ll have entire conversations with his wyvern like it can understand him and think it‘s actually responding. He’s got a LOT of screws loose.” “Wyverns can understand human speech to a certain extent.” Cerai pointed out. “And they are quite smart, smarter than the average reptile.” “Yeah, well anyway. I crossed paths with Queen Nyra, before she knew she was queen. She always struck me as someone who could be downright dangerous if you got on her bad side. And she was good at convincing people to see things her way. Add that to her promoting Valmas, and things just don’t look good for you...Crimean cows.” Jerec smirked at that last statement. “He’s become merciless as well as insane. He doesn’t even see his enemies as human anymore, from the looks of things.” “Okay, I deserved that. If we’re calling all the beorc nations a type of farm animal...what is Begnion? I’d say bulls, but that’s not really an insult.” “The senate strikes me as pigs. But that doesn’t make a rhyming thing.” “Guys...the subject at hand?” Ike rolled his eyes at the twins. After a brief silence, Samba spoke. “If you’re saying Daein’s gonna attack again...how are we going to warn the queen? She JUST dealt with someone who thought that. Only he thought he could do a better job than she could. I’ve been here most of my life, but I still find beorc politics confusing. But I am glad this isn’t Gallia. There, if someone wanted to be king, he wouldn’t waste time playing games. He’d march right up to the capital and whoever won that fight would have the throne. Ludveck was helpless in the air, but I’d be willing to bet if he had her cornered...” “Yeah. Why do you think we decided to drop him like that? From that height, armor tends to shatter like an eggshell.” Cerai’s statement made Gatrie flinch. Jerec raised an eyebrow at Samba. “I know what you’re wondering.” The laguz said. “I was adopted. My own parents...let’s just say accidentally wandering into Crimea on a hunting trip didn’t end well for them. These two clowns were barely out of diapers at the time.” “I was wondering that too, actually...thanks for clarifying. And I’m sure Queen Elincia wouldn’t be happy if we told her about this. Knowing her, she’d start doubting that getting rid of Ludveck was the right thing to do.” Ike sighed and shrugged. “But I bet if he had his way, Ludveck would launch an attack on Daein in the blink of an eye. That’s the last thing we need...” “I don’t have enough evidence anyway, but...sitting around waiting for things to blow up isn’t a good idea either.” “Soren!” Ike shouted across the room. The sage looked up from his book with an annoyed look on his face. “Did you get any of that, or did you block everyone out?” “I was listening. Let me guess, you want my advice.” “Exactly.” Ike nodded. “Soren may be antisocial, but trust me, he’s a tactical genius.” His explanation was well received, the Whitefires nodded in approval. “I suggest not warning the queen, but warning one of her advisors instead. Lady Lucia or Lord Geoffrey or both. Tell them not to tell her to avoid unnecessary stress on her part. Meanwhile, I suspect good old fashioned espionage would do the trick. Jerec would be ideal for this. He can go back to Daein and gather information. If Daein tries anything again, they won’t have the advantage of surprise this time. But if enough evidence is found and it’s made obvious, then I suggest telling Queen Elincia. She won’t like it, but it is what it is.” “The tricky part is getting Lucia and Geoffrey alone. They’re usually either in the queen’s royal chambers or with other nobles or royal knights.” Jerec paused, then added: “I can probably do some spy work in Daein though.” “One of the royal air force members came and talked to me the other day. Asked me what I was doing behind the reins of a ‘flying snake’ when I could have a pegasus, but other than that she seemed trustworthy.” Cerai shrugged. “Maybe get her or someone else to help?” Ike snickered. “That sounds like Marcia alright. Yeah, that’s a good idea. She’s well acquainted with Geoffrey, I’m sure she could probably distract him long enough. I’ll go with a few of my troops, she’d be more likely to believe me. Let’s see...Titania, Oscar. You two are it. You know the most about how the royal knights operate. We’ll go first thing tomorrow morning.” “Anything you want us to do?” Leo asked. “Just go back to your place and continue doing what you do. If I ever need backup, I’ll send someone to come get you. You’ve proven you can handle yourselves effectively on the battlefield. From this moment forward, we’re allies.”
  3. Yeah. Not the smartest thing I've done xD
  4. Wait they actually voice acted that line? And I missed it because I had voices on text scenes turned off?
  5. Yeah you need 7 zip, looks like. EDIT - Completely missed the fact that this was 2 pages and yeah.
  6. I wouldn't know, ask her xD If you give Kieran a laser pointer...
  7. I think so...but it might help if you say what kind of laptop you have. Windows or mac, stuff like that. Maybe try going to Java's site and looking through the troubleshooting stuff?
  8. Haha mushrooms...I dun like them either. I'm a pretty picky eater actually...but regardless of whether they're liked or not, Peach does fit a princess better imo.
  9. And the mom called him King Arthur. I see a lady who would support him with Elincia *bricked* Technically correct. I've only played Super Mario World for the snes, but she was called that in it.
  10. Yeah I've seen a bunch too. I'd try it but my parents would probably just blow me off. My mom especially. She hates my gaming habit.
  11. Some guy asked his parents to name these... I like "your mom 20 years ago" and how they both agreed that King Dedede is the dad xD
  12. Better that than the creepy perverted uncle lol.
  13. Well of course, dogs are more flexible xD The human equivalent of it though, yeah...but yeah, that's be hard to draw too. Back on topic. Yep. The silver axe thing was gold.
  14. Yep. That'd be so hilarious. But I think Elincia would more likely be like "wtf" if he's in that pose. I meant kinda like this: Lol.
  15. But it's not funny imo... And Ana you should so draw Ike sleeping wrapped up in his cape lol. Preferably in a weird position, maybe "airing out" like a dog. That'd be hilarious. Course, just a suggestion, if you don't feel like it then don't xD
  16. Expand on that please? I forget. Wow. Penetrate and asshole in JP only games...does the former mean something different in Japan? Cause here it could be taken as innuendo. Which is always hilarious anyway... And as far as Aimee and spreading rumors goes, well, that's true. But I think she wouldn't get far unless he actually said it.
  17. Wyverns, at least in my headcanon, do have a breath ability. They spit acid. Not technically a "breath" but still. Also, they're two legged. Many FE games depict them as having arms, which I used to prefer, but now I prefer them without. They could be related to dragons kinda like humans and apes. Instead of becoming manaketes, they were domesticated. At least outside of Tellius, the dragons there had human forms from the beginning. And Rajaion was victim to the same drug invented by Izuka, the feral potion, which he tried to use on Muarim in RD. He was that way so long that when the herons tried to save him with the galdr of rebirth, it worked for a second, but then he died. Don't ask me how Ashnard managed to get a mindless killing machine to be his mount...
  18. OMG! I can't BELIEVE I forgot that one... And yeah, I second the things with Henry. And Freddy's naked Chrom posters.... Speaking of Inigo: "I snuck in some practice. What, combat practice!" One that hasn't been mentioned yet: In one of Hector and Eliwood's supports they talk about sparring and Hector claims he won more times. The response? "Well, whose snoring shook the rafters in numbers class?"
  19. Just what it says. What funny parts can you remember in FE, which are your favorites? Rank them if you want, divide them up by game, whatever. PoR/RD Soren flirting with Aimee to get the silver card. Smart move Ike. He knows if he says that kind of stuff to her it will be all over everywhere. So sending his possibly asexual friend to do it instead? It works lol. I'm actually surprised Soren agreed to it...but regardless he ends it with grace. "Thank you Aimee, stay beautiful." Lethe and Ranulf's C support, where she's complaining about the beorc wearing armor and he says she can ask Ike to fight naked but it won't go over well. She keeps ranting and doesn't comment on that...but that might actually be an effective strategy. If somebody was running at me in their birthday suit waving a weapon I'd run the other way xD I'm pretty sure Shinon got drunk in a support but I don't remember the details. Micaiah's "father of Sothe's children" bit. I've said it before and I'll say it again, would be awesome if they included his response. Janaff saying the enemy bird laguz need to be put back in their eggs, Ike's "bird laguz lay eggs wtf?" The response: "No we haven't done that for like 100 years." I hope he's not serious...but anyway deserves a spot on my list. FE7 Anything with Sain. Lol. I'll add more later.
  20. Fans would rage and say it's the exact same thing as before. If you give a hobo a 3ds...
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