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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Let's try not to make a riddle that's guessed right away... My homeland is parched, I wander far from it I live for luck and chance To convince me to join you, you'll need the help of a defenseless unit.
  2. Pretty sure we were, actually. They're people that the grimleal raised from the dead I think.
  3. RD had those too. But yes. I agree.
  4. I havent played FF7 but I'd assume on the first playthrough/when you don't know it will happen, it would be irksome. Imagine leveling up this character to make them awesome and you can't use them for the rest of the game because they're dead, not by your own mistake and you can't reset to get them back. Future playthroughs people would probably avoid using them as a result. I understand Aeris was the only healer at the time and therefore you pretty much had to use her but meh. It's a neat idea, but the non playable Greil dying does enough to show the power of the villain, BK.
  5. Could be possible I guess. But then everybody would have to have apostrophe names.
  6. I think it's a lame title tbh...
  7. Why on earth would you ever want to skip cutscenes on your first playthrough? You're missing like a lot of the story that way.
  8. I never got into those. I was mad that everyone gave up the Pokemon tcg for that. And still kinda am.
  9. FE11 even has parts? If you give Micaiah the BK's warp powder...
  10. If it gets localized...my pokemon cards will have to make room for new friends xD
  11. YES! I'm not the only one who compares this to Lion King! I'm tempted to draw a fanart about that...Ike as Simba, Greil as Mufasa, BK as Scar... But people will probably think I'm crazy.
  12. Even if it is a trend, it was done more...idk what word I'm looking for, than in previous FEs. For example, in Sacred Stones when Erika and Ephriam's dad dies, there's no buildup or anything. Just "your father didn't survive the attack on Renais, sorry." We never see him interacting with them the way Greil did with Ike. There's no reason anyone would be sad. Now if the story started before the initial attack, it might be different... Lyn's parents are gone before anything else happens in Blazing Sword. Eliwood's dad dies but I didn't get that far because I didn't have my own copy and had to borrow one from a friend. Being in 3d might be part of the reason, but the main part is just what I said.
  13. First statement: This. Second statement: Well in PoR he's an enemy entirely, in RD he's on the same side as the player for a bit. Might have something to do with it... This is true. Actually, it's a cliche in a lot of stories/games.
  14. Did anyone see it coming, or were you completely shocked? And did it get any emotion out of you? Not necessarily shedding actual tears, feeling sad counts. I remember finding out it would happen beforehand because I'm good at finding spoilers whether I want to or not...and I think I got a little choked up. Because let's face it: the sad music is there for a reason. That and poor Ike dragging him back to the fort...telling him to save his strength, and then poof, he's gone. I can't imagine watching a parent die like that, would suck big time. Maybe I'm just a bawlbaby/softie...but meh. Just curious how everyone else reacted.
  15. I doubt they'll put any games that new on virtual console. Would be nice for people who missed them, but aren't wii games playable on wii u?
  16. Thany and Tanith aren't guys. You're probably joking though.
  17. Anyone else think that pegasus knight looks like Sully?
  18. Mods I know you like censoring swears in topic titles...hopefully this won't require you to do so. Click And quotes from the guy on why he's doing this: "It's a vengeance against the people who ridiculed me, insulted me, and are fans of stuff I hate. I do not appreciate Rosalina appearing in almost every recent Mario game to date this is pissing me off. Lets seeā€¦ Mk8, Mario golf on 3ds as Dlc, 3dworld as a secret character, Smash bros 4, and more recently Mario Party 10. The fact Nintendo promotes her so much and people praise her is just disgusting. I hate her fans too I know for a fact her amiibo will be among one of the most popular which is why I took the time to wait and preorder over 100 of her. I do not want her fans to be happy I hate Rosalina as a character and I will enjoy selling her for big bucks." "I really hate these characters and it just crushes me Nintendo from the good days went to this s**t for character designs." Now I've heard of not liking a certain character, but this guy needs to grow up...it's really sad. I'm reminded of when people were buying buttloads of skylanders and selling them on ebay. Not because they hated them though, but because they wanted to make an easy dollar. Somebody actually had to go to his local walmart and have them put a limit on how many you can buy at a time. Anyway. Everybody laugh at this dick, all he's doing is making Nintendo more money regardless.
  19. Did you guys even look at that test? Many of the questions are just what you're saying. I mean, believe what you want, but...I find those tests to be helpful. And like was said, as long as I'm not raising my OCs to god levels and taking criticism as a cut to me, I'm good. Seriously, let me be proud xD Ninjad again! You my friend are good at that. But yes, seconded.
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