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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I was curious, so... That's her result on this: http://www.springhole.net/writing/marysue.htm Want me to test Leo and Samba or someone else, or do you believe me when I say I don't write mary sues? ;) But yes, her flaws haven't been really brought to the surface. They probably will, if I can find a place for them. And no they weren't picked out of a list to de sue. Oh, and please stop arguing about Lyn and Rath and etc in my feedback topic...
  2. I never brought up mary sues. But since you did...here are her flaws: Blunt, can offend people without meaning to Tendency to joke around in serious situations, likes to annoy people Not very physically strong Childish I was leaning more towards saying why I paired her with who I did. They're both hothead jokesters. And stuff. But anyway if she comes off as a mary sue, credit that to me still needing to work on writing skills, mainly length and description, not lacking skills in character creation. Nobody said that. We were discussing...idk. But no, if they're commoners it doesnt affect much.
  3. I like that idea of Erica being that kind of healer, it's dawww. Only thing is, royal knights irl married within their rank or higher. It was a status thing...but then again royalty also married their cousins or even worse, siblings, because they thought their bloodline was "pure" and didn't want it "tainted". FE4 does have that, but this isn't it. I suppose Geoffrey can still keep his rank, maybe Erica can rank up because of him. But I can see Lucia/Renning and them telling him not to pull an Elincia on them and decide he'd rather not be in the royalty xD He seems to be more okay with it than she was though.
  4. Idk, he kicks butt for me pretty well in both games. Try giving him daunt... He'll get Mist in my story, I guarantee it. I always found the Boyd x Mist thing a bit weird because of age difference. Plus, Boyd and Cerai go well together...but I'm not the kind of person who sticks their OC with a canon character because they're attracted to said character and want to live out a fantasy. OC x canon...has to make sense. Which this does to me. I hope it does to everyone else. And yep. I'd imagine constantly being treated like a little kid would be irksome. But hey, at least he gets a chance to be at the other end of the teacher/pupil thing in my headcanon with his nephew.
  5. They can't report you for being bad at it. Well, they can, but no mod in their right mind will actually infract you. Those really are jackasses. I guess just remember that everyone has to start somewhere. Those people probably sucked when they first started too.
  6. I use gender neutral shampoo most of the time....
  7. Naroc: Hey, that's my uncle Rolf you're talking about! He ain't so little anymore. Dad still calls him a runt though... Me: You're not even concieved yet in the story! Your parents JUST met each other! You shouldn't even be here making comments! Naroc: ...crap, sorry. Lol bad joke is indeed bad...but if it got the attention of one of my characters, meh.
  8. Yeah that lady just wants to cause drama/mooch off of him. Poor guy. Luckily everyone knows he wouldn't do such a thing. They'd tell her to shut her face and go away, like was in Cerai's thoughts there. But OMG at that. Drunk Geoffrey would be crazy...
  9. Preference. Wyverns are two limbed dragons... Ninjad! Also the ones in Awakening don't.
  10. He probably went his own way or something. Idk...I couldnt find a way to put him back in, tbh. He'll be back. And yeah, I liked those snaps. But I'd also like to see Geoffrey's face when that farmer lady tries to stir up that lie. Lol.
  11. Sorry if the update lacks a proper ending, I couldn't think of one. But anyway. I liked Ana's idea of Boyd buying the bolt axe. And Gatrie hitting on Cerai...that was bound to happen lol. And her comeback! He better put some ice on that burn, right? xD Oh, and don't worry. Geoffrey's not messing around with farm girls...
  12. Chapter 6 July 20, 648 Fort Alpea, Crimea “I feel like a pig in a blanket. My tail itches. Why can’t I just transform and run up there and start clawing those stuck up snobs’ eyes out?” “We’ve been over this...we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.” “But what if the rumor isn’t true? Then that poor noblewoman will DIE and all hell will break lose.” Leo groaned. “Shut up. Both of you.” The Whitefires had been lying low during most of the Crimean rebellion. There had been a few confrontations, but nothing too big, considering the Crimean royal guard had been handling things. That was until Lucia, a swordswoman who had strong ties to the royalty, was captured by the rebels. They were going to have her hanged on the spot. Their halberdier acquaintance, Jerec, had showed up again, this time to say there had been another Ike sighting. But not by an old man, by himself, and the Greil Mercenary commander had been heading straight for Fort Alpea, moving so fast that he couldn’t catch him. All signs pointed to the theory that the heroic group was going to try and stop the execution. This was something they couldn’t pass up, but rushing in fully armed would be foolish. They’d smuggled in as many weapons as they could successfully hide, left the steeds out of sight, and put Samba in a cloak so he looked like a beorc. The crowd was quite large. Most of it was random civilians, and the woman in front of them didn’t look like she was on either side. She was just there to gossip, it seemed. She started a one sided conversation with Cerai about Ludveck cheating on his wife, and a pregnant farmer lady who claimed the father was Lucia’s brother Geoffrey. Cerai could kind of see the former happening, but the latter she wasn’t sure about, it sounded like the lady was just trying to stir up trouble. But she was having a hard time preventing herself from telling this busy body to shut her face and go away. “Scuse me, pardon me...” A young man shoved past. He was moving quickly through the crowd, and he was clutching his stomach like he was about to be sick. As he moved past Samba, the cloaked cat thought he saw the fletchings of an arrow sticking out from underneath his shirt. Was this guy also sneaking weapons in? He didn’t look like a professional soldier, but he did have the build of an archer... As the executioner made his way to the gallows, it was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. Samba’s keen feline ears picked up something no one else did: two voices, seeming to come from a nearby tree. He couldn’t make out any words, but one sounded like a young beorc male, the other a slightly older one. The younger one sounded nervous, and his companion sounded somewhat annoyed and more confident. A bush beside the gallows rustled, but nobody paid it any attention. All eyes were fixed on the executioner. He placed his hand on the lever, pulled it down, and an arrow came out of nowhere, slicing the noose and piercing the executioner’s forehead. The noblewoman began to fall, but landed on a swiftly moving figure who had darted out of the bushes. All of this happened within a split second. Weapons clashed together and strong gusts of wind magic flew in every direction, along with arrows. Ludveck yelled from his post in the fort tower. “Get them, you idiots! Don’t let them get away, kill them all!” Two wyverns swooped down, each grabbing one of Ludveck’s arms with its clawed feet. He squirmed and cursed as he was lifted into the air. The rider of the orange wyvern sneered at him. “Not so tough now, are you?” “You barbaric wench! When I’m king, I’ll have you burned at the stake! You and all your friends!” “The only barbarian here is you!” Cerai turned to Leo. “Let’s get rid of this heavy trash, all he’s doing is weighing us down!” “Gotcha.” A buff blue haired swordsman heard a thud behind him. He whipped around, raising his blade. There was a corpse lying there with a broken neck, smashed ribs, and shattered armor. “Our work is done.” A mage in dark colored robes announced. “Nice job finding Ludveck, by the way.” The remaining rebels were retreating. The swordsman watched them for a second, then blinked at his mage companion. “Soren, I’m not gonna lie. I didn’t kill him. I have no idea how he got here.” “They did it, by gods, they did it! That’s my bro and sis!” “...Is that a laguz?” Samba stopped his celebratory running around. He flicked the tip of his tail and ears, then turned and shifted into human form. “Wow. The man they call ‘Hero of the Blue Flame’ doesn’t know a laguz when he sees one? But I thought you-” “You were moving so fast it was hard to tell exactly what you are.” Darcen walked over and gave Ike a quick bow. “That being said...nicely done, Lord Ike. Oh and nicely done to your archer, wherever he is. Takes major skill to cut a rope and do a headshot kill with the same arrow.” By now, the Whitefires and Greil Mercenaries were both gathering in the same area. Lucia was still a bit shaken, but she managed to say thank you before leaving with a few Crimean knights. The two groups stared each other down in an awkward silence, until the axe warrior of Ike’s group yelped because he had shocked himself with his bolt axe. “Dammit Boyd!” Ike turned and rolled his eyes. “I told you buying that thing wasn’t the best idea!” “It’s sharp and dangerous! Like I like it...ow...” “Gods, are all axe fighters meathead dorks?” Cerai’s tone was lighthearted. She knew she could get along with at least that guy already. “Now...we should formerly introduce ourselves. We’re the ones who’ve been taking care of things while you were...who knows where.” Blaze snorted and clawed at the remains of Ludveck. Cerai gave the reins a quick tug. “Leave it.” The wyvern backed away. “So...you’re the Whitefire Mercenaries? I suppose that name comes from the colors of your wyverns?” “Right.” Leo nodded at the paladin woman who had spoke. She almost looked like she could be his and Cerai’s mother, she had the same hair and eye colors. There was a whistle. A blond armored knight had a cheesy grin on his face. “Such a fierce beauty! I’d hate to be Ludveck now, but if you were the last one he saw...” “I can drop you from high up too you know. But from the looks of things, your mother apparently already did.” “Really Gatrie? Way to make us look like a bunch of idiots!” Ike scolded his teammate. “Anyway...here isn’t the place to talk. Let’s go home, we haven’t been there in months. You guys...I feel I can trust you. Come along if you want.” Proper introductions were made on the way. The female paladin was named Titania, and she was Ike’s second in command. There was another paladin named Oscar who used to be a Crimean knight, which interested Kurt greatly. The sage Soren didn’t say much, the warrior Boyd found out that Darcen had helped make the bolt axe and asked if there was any way to not get shocked. The sniper who had cut the noose and killed the executioner was called Shinon. He wasn’t very friendly, but he did introduce his apprentice, Rolf. Freya and the swordmaster Mia got along right away, and Amiel did the same with Rhys the bishop. Gatrie the general was keeping his mouth shut, he still found the wyvern rider woman attractive but it was obvious the feeling wasn’t mutual. Last but not least was Ike’s sister Mist, who was a valkryie.
  13. "Now youre chasing after laguz? Gatrie, I swear you'd hit on a tree if I dressed it in a skirt. Tell me I'm wrong!" You get a cookie for effort xD
  14. Let's take a crack at this... *thinks* I have a student who is often picked on by his own kin. My best friend and I have a disagreement, causing me to make a comment that's considered by many to be one of the funniest lines in FE. I'm available early but not around for the middle of the first game I appear in, only to be recruited again later. Who am I?
  15. Lol 10/10 would read again. I'd love to see Ike chasing a little imp all over everywhere, would be hilarious. But yeah, if Ashera is a goddess, she can and probably will just snap her fingers and turn Ike into a cockroach and then smoosh him. Or turn his blood into boiling acid.... *shudders* If I had to choose, I'd take the roach. Anyway that's probably why Yune was there...
  16. Some of these have already been shown, but...yeah. A few of the Wings of Courage cast.
  17. Really? Suppose I forgot, he doesn't show up much after that. Until around the time the BK kills him of course. I don't like yaoi that much either. I feel that people just like it for the drool factor, but that's a debate for elsewhere.
  18. I'm talking about Jarod and Alder. The former we see hounding the Dawn Brigade in part 1 and being a major dick right up until he's thrown kicking and screaming into his grave. But IS tried to give him some redeeming qualities, he had a best friend named Alder who appears a few times in part 1, then takes a sword in the gut for Jarod and doesn't survive. Jarod visibly mourns this loss. I for one would've loved to see more of this dynamic, Alder should've shown up more. I find it odd to think he just stayed in Daein Keep while his friend did all the dirty work, he should've actually gone with him a few times. While expanding on their friendship would without a doubt produce yoai fanart...it would be nice if it was there. I'm not a fan of yoai and yuri but some people are and meh. Agree or disagree?
  19. Idk if mine has that glitch. I did data transfer but it was normal mode. Well, I did have to get a second copy because all of a sudden the wii decided it couldnt read the disk. It was really weird. There was barely a scratch on it. Who plays easy mode anyway
  20. Actually he was named when I got him. Me and my brother volunteer at the local shelter, Cheeto was an owner surrender. The lady who had him figured out she was allergic to cats too late. But yeah I'm sure thats where his name comes from. I was interested in a black girl cat there. Was going to name her Midna...she got adopted before I could finalize everything to allow a pet in the apartment. Ended up with Cheeto and he's a good match. Back on topic. Out of curiosity, do you have a graphics tablet? I do but I still prefer drawing on paper.
  21. That sucks, I hope your dog gets better :( My cat usually wakes me up at around 5:30/6 in the morning, even if he still has food in his bowl. I have a 6 month old orange tabby named Cheeto at my place. At my parents house there's a black lab/newfoundland mix named Tyson, and Kay and Samba the cats. Yes, I named my OC after that one...
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