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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. The newer wiis can't play gamecube games though. I know because my brother has one of them. Maybe this will lead to PoR on the virtual console?
  2. Fair enough. Cute wasn't the word I was aiming for, but maybe it'll be more epic or whatever when it's done.
  3. xD I also updated my art thread with a WIP.
  4. If the thieves get the chests first I think you can have him steal the stuff from them, so you get it anyway.
  5. "Surely you're aware of the legend of Red Cave?" The heron shrugged his shoulders and flew up to get a better look at the wyvern rider who had addressed him. The flying reptile was white, like his own feathers, and its master was a strong looking young man. "We are aware of it, yes...but a legend is a legend." "Guess what? It turned out to be true." A second wyvern rider appeared, this one a female on an orange steed. "I know you probably don't trust us, but...we're not lying. You guys can use light magic, right? Light magic is supposed to be good against undead foes, phantoms..." "Lovely. You want us to go out there and overexert ourselves on what's probably just random bandits." "No!" Cerai shook her head. "Well, if you want to try it...but they're supposed to be crazy strong." "We're not helpless. We've spent generations honing our offensive magic, unlike our ancestors who just healed and revitalized. You underestimate us, human! Why do you think this forest has never been destroyed again?" The heron transformed. The feathery crest on his head stuck straight up in a show of aggression. "And I thought Goldoa would be difficult..." Leo muttered.
  6. The Christmas cookie with the steelers thing on it.
  7. Also you might want to break up your posts a little. Every time there's dialogue, put a line between the quote and the rest of it for example. It's easier to read. Not a huge deal, and Anon really has more right to say this, but it will help prevent your posts from becoming unslightly walls of text. It also might be a problem if you keep him at the other side of the cave without meeting up with everyone else. Just a few nitpicks from an experienced RPer...but I'm not the person who made it so...yeah. I doubt Anon will have a problem with me offering advice, but if he does I'll stop.
  8. WIP thing. Gonna try to make an epic boxart dealio for Wings of Courage. Will be colored digitally... The three baddies: Xemar, Valmas, and halfway inked Nyra. If it looks chibi/not detailed enough, that's because they will be in the background. I'm thinking of having Sothe and Micaiah confronting them, also in the background. Cerai/Leo/Samba will be in the foreground. Various peeps in between. Nyra and Valmas' classes havent been mentioned in the story yet, this confirms them as being paladin and wyvern lord.
  9. Haha nice cookie. And for never drawing a cat before, she turned out good :)
  10. Okay guys you have my apologies...I really shouldve listened to that little voice saying "if you post that, people will rage". I was meaning to joke and stuff, but looks like it didn't come across that way. Yes. Let's get back to the topic at hand.
  11. Weelll he still has the last say in the matter. It's next to impossible for a woman to rape a man. Unless she drugs him somehow, which I'm pretty sure those kind of drugs don't exist in FE. Lol yeah...
  12. As funny as that is, I dont think he'd automatically think he ends up banging Aimee...I mean I think he'd figure he'd settle down with some girl eventually. But I can see him wondering who that would be: "Do you know anything about your great great great grandma? ...Gods, now I'm a great great grandpa. I feel old..." I think Henry and Soren counts too Loki.
  13. Would be interesting... I'd think Ike would be able to support with Marth for one. They might already know each other because of Smash Bros. Mist and Eirika also comes to mind.
  14. Yeah I don't think it's canon, but amusing nonetheless...
  15. Mentioned in the OP. We learn almost nothing about her.
  16. RD was kinda that. Ashera wasn't evil I guess, but she DID try to kill everyone and start over...
  17. Not really. Demigods are the children of mortals and gods, which neither of those are. But you're on the right track. And I'll just say that I love how Yune took the form of a little birdy.
  18. They'd spar and then Joshua would make Karel go gambling with him at his favorite casino in Jehanna, but he'd cheat and bad stuff would happen and then Ismaire would have to scold her son publicly. If Sothe turned into a horse...
  19. I misplaced Spyro Ripto's Rage once and got really pissed and yelled at my Dad and accused him of throwing it away. Because he throws things away at times when they're left out. Doesn't care what they are... Come to find out it was in one of my dresser drawers/game boxes. Not the smartest thing I've done...
  20. Dragoncat

    Forum Rules

    I just found it odd. Smut isnt allowed here, right? Whether they were asking for it or not... EDIT - Ninjad. Okay, well if a mod said so...
  21. Yeah I did that with Twilight Princess once.
  22. Dragoncat

    Forum Rules

    Okay explain this to me. Rules say no porn. M rated fic written by a friend of mine, has sex but not graphic smutty stuff. People post in it saying "this isn't M rated" "smut plz" What's wrong with this picture? ...Maybe curiosity is about to kill the dragoncat -_-
  23. Any reason why you think that way? Only thing I can think of is you think it would be ripping off Greek/Eqyptian/etc mythology?
  24. Wow that seems a bit overpowered, but cool anyway.
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