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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Lol I'd play that. Greek mythology is the shizz.
  2. FE already borrows a lot from mythology. But I can't think of an ancient culture that doesn't have its gods/goddesses interacting with mortals in their legends, sometimes even having romantic relations with them and producing demigods. My question is, would you like to see something like this in FE? Would you like a lord who's a demigod, would you like to see more than just a few mentions of the world's divine creators/protectors? I wouldn't mind it. A lot of the FE worlds need more world building for religion. Tellius did the most out of the ones I've played. Elibe has St. Elimine, who we hardly hear anything about. Magvel's gods are mentioned even less, unless you count the evil Demon King. And a demigod lord would be cool. They don't have to be uber powerful and they don't even have to know they're a demigod from the beginning. Them finding out can be an important plot point.
  3. I usually don't get that way, except one time my brother ate doritos and used my controller and got it doritoy, and I got a bit annoyed...
  4. That's awesome. You should've got that on video xD
  5. Cerai blinked at the soldier woman who had suddenly appeared. "You forgot Hatari. Home of the dog tribe...they're similar to Gallians, only being canines instead of felines. But, they're not as friendly as actual dogs. It seems like that's reversed, with the beast tribe being more approachable. Granted, I only met a few of them, but..." "That fox guy was crazy. Kept trying to hit Frostbite with rocks..." Leo shrugged, and the white male wyvern snorted. "Anyway. The herons...I don't think they'd last long against the Red Cave bandits. They MIGHT know something though..." "Trying to get all the nations together for a summit won't be easy. Goldoa and Hatari will probably just blow us off. They usually don't care unless something directly affects them." Cerai shook her head slowly.
  6. Dude that's insane. I could never speedrun like that. Tried it once with Spyro, but meh. I can't imagine trying it with a game like FE where a simple mistake can cost you big...well I guess all games are that way to a certain extent. I mean like if someone dies in FE you can't get them back unless you reset. Would require a buttload of patience and skill to do this.
  7. I don't know much about speedrunning, and I don't care which one they decide to do...but it's for a good cause so I support it! I only wish I could donate.
  8. This is a good idea. When you get it replaced, you should do that from then on.
  9. Yep. Annnd it doesnt help that all the perfect matches for me are fictional lol.
  10. Agreed. That sort of thing did exist, but I always thought it was more of a royalty sort of thing, which Meg obviously isn't... It would SO suck to be in an arranged marriage. Be my luck I'd be stuck with someone butt ugly both personality and looks...and I would say something like "I'd rather be with that guy over there, do me a favor and tell people any kid I have with him is yours." And then all hell would break lose. I'm so weird lol.
  11. Yeah only I don't hate Mia. Lol that was random.... I don't think Zihark was the least bit interested in Meg. I don't know what Brom was smoking when he came up with that idea xD Tons of guys closer to her age and he chooses a random guy he met during the war to father his grandkids? Seriously wtf. And yep, I can't stop giggling at that idea. Kieran's reaction would be priceless...
  12. True true. I guess she can make him one, and everybody else would have to shut up. And omg that sounds so like Kieran. Be his luck, the kids would actually end up falling for each other and then him and Oscar would be in laws xD
  13. I think you mentioned that pair before. I'm surprised he becomes a Crimean captain, I mean Crimea and Daein...if they knew where he was originally from they might not let him in. Especially in this headcanon, Daein attacks AGAIN. I'll keep that in mind, I'm already considering a Kieran x Marcia offspring for gen 2 btw xD And if Melanie is like Aimee, yeah, she would have a class. I think it would be vendor. But yeah... Gawd, the first poll is so divided...I mean Pelleas is winning, but only by 1...
  14. Okay, you have a point about me changing his lineage...however where in RD is it said? If it's never said anywhere, just a widely accepted theory, then... And it's kinda supposed to be an AU. It's an alternate PoR sequel. It explores what RD wouldve been if Begnion hadn't been able to take over Daein. The suggestion wasn't rude, but you coming off as "if you don't use my suggestion you're a bad writer" was. Also you never showed interest in WoC until now, so...I'd say you have no right to suggest things, but that would be rude on my part...
  15. Yes thank you Snowy. Loki, if you want that you can write your own story...nobody's stopping you, and that was rude -_-
  16. Derp, well, miner, blacksmith...similar and doesnt matter. I'm planning on maybe having him show up again. As for the bolt axe, I wasn't thinking anyone specific. Maybe Kylor since his tomahawk got destroyed? Lol imagine the look on his face when/if he finds out the guy who destroyed his old weapon helped make his new one...
  17. That Chrom and I think Olivia in those couple shirts made me lol, but it should be reversed...if the girl wears the "if lost return to *insert husband's name here*" it seems possessive and sexist. Yet the other way around is okay? Double standard I suppose... Oh and I'm gonna kick Lonky out of that couch cushion fort and put up a sign that says "no boys allowed" and make him the butler xD
  18. Tried that with my cat, only the one I had had bugs. He just stares at it and very rarely does he actually do anything lol.
  19. *gives cookie* He's also a blacksmith iirc. And yeah, I was pmed that draft. It was more detailed than what I wrote.
  20. Yes but he'd refuse it in a heartbeat.
  21. xD The dog I had for 13 years, my brother put her paw on the rumbling controller and the look on her face was priceless.
  22. Joshua's hat might work....
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