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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. If you know where Kelly's dad's name comes from, you win an internet cookie xD Kind of a side chapter away from the main plot, but a chapter it is.
  2. Chapter 5 Melior, Crimea July 15, 648 Was it so unlikely for a mercenary to have a friendship outside the group? Cerai and Leo seemed annoyed at Darcen for missing a few debriefings to meet with Kelly in the capital library. They didn’t say much, but he could just tell. Samba made it worse. The crazy furball wouldn’t stop insisting the friendship was romantic. Once he even asked when he should expect “spellslinging beorc whelps”. Which wasn’t impossible, but...Darcen couldn’t see himself making a move any time soon. They were just FRIENDS. Today he was meeting her at her father’s blacksmith shop. She had gathered the materials needed to infuse a weapon with magic, and he was interested in seeing how it was done. He also wanted to be there to help keep a close eye on things so she didn’t blow anything up, but he didn’t tell her that. Kelly’s father was named Rosso, and he was buff and barrel chested, like one would expect from a blacksmith. If it wasn’t for his aqua colored hair and mustache, it would be hard to believe they were related in any way, since Kelly was built more slim and bony. “I hear you’re a user of dark magic.” Rosso said as he let Darcen in. “Seen a guy killed by that once, it literally sucked the life right outta him. Nasty stuff...I’d be careful with it if I were you.” “Dad, you have to be careful with all magic.” “Don’t roll your eyes at me, young lady. You don’t think I know that?” Rosso’s tone was gruff, but he was smiling. “So...” Darcen looked up to address the blacksmith. He was big and tall, and he had a feeling he better stay on his good side. “Where’s the forge?” “Oh it’s out back. This is just where Dad keeps all the weapons while they’re cooling off, among other things like meeting with customers. Don’t touch those over there.” Kelly pointed at a rack of swords sitting on a stone table. The blades gave off a red glow. “Learned that the hard way when I was three...couldn’t use my right hand for a month. Wasn’t allowed to come back here for years.” “Pretty sure I know how hot freshly forged weapons are.” What did she think he was, five years old? Rosso laughed. “You kids be safe. I don’t want anyone ending up in the hospital, and I don’t want this place burning to the ground.” “We know, Dad.” Kelly grabbed Darcen’s arm and led him to the forge. There was a large kiln, various tools hanging from the walls, wooden stools to sit on, and another stone table, this one with all the materials they would need for their experiment. A bronze axe sat beside a vial of yellow sparkling liquid. The vial was labeled “thunder”. Darcen pulled up a stool, sat down, and pointed at the vial. “Plain thunder essence? Is elthunder that much more expensive?” “No, it’s like premade tomes. Well, a bit more pricey than those, but I mean it’s close to the same price range between the power levels. But I figured it would be wise to start with the lowest power level possible.” “True.” Darcen nodded. There was a book sitting on the table as well. Kelly opened it to where it was marked. “First thing we need to do is wrap the entire weapon in healhedge paper. Over there.” There was a roll of fragile looking paper. Upon noticing Darcen’s confused expression, she added: “I thought it was odd at first too. I guess healhedges only heal when they’re alive and growing. You can extract their sap to make vulneraries, but...when you make paper out of them, that paper is an effective magical conductor.” “I see. I’ll just-oops.” Darcen had ripped a large tear down the side of the paper roll just by picking it up. “I think I’ll do the wrapping, thank you very much. You can prepare the essence.” Kelly handed him the book. “Read steps two through four.” The resulting mixture smelled like sulfur, but according to the book, that was normal. The two young magicians each donned a heat resistant mask and gloves, because the mixture also had to be boiling hot. The wrapped axe was lowered into the boiling liquid using a pair of tongs. After about a minute, there was a brief flash of light and a loud bang, indicating that the magic essence had been transfered to the metal. “I saw a flash and heard a boom.” Rosso poked his head in. “You kids better not be casting spells in here!” “It’s supposed to do that.” Rosso squinted at the kiln. “Well is it also supposed to smell like a manure pile? Or do I even want to know?” Kelly removed the mask, rolling her eyes. “Dad...yes. It’s supposed to smell like that. Here, look at this and tell me if you think it looks like a bolt axe.” The axe had turned a shiny yellow color, and the melted away healhedge paper gave it a waxy texture, which was supposed to go away once it cooled. “Other than looking like a candle melted all over it, I’d say that’s a bolt axe.” Kelly let out a whoop that made Darcen flinch. “It WORKED!” “Well neither one of us should be swinging axes around...maybe it just turned a different color, we don’t know for sure.” Rosso laughed and patted Darcen’s shoulder. “I’ve seen bolt axes before, boy. I do find it hard to believe that used to be a common bronze axe, but...” “That book was written by an expert on the field. We followed the directions to a T. My dad knows his weapons. Things just add up.” Darcen sighed. “Okay, you win...” Rosso put the bolt axe up for sale the next morning. As expected, it sold quickly. The blacksmith took no credit for making the weapon, and he even showed up at the Whitefire base to pay Darcen a small amount of gold for helping his business. Nobody said much, but the protests about him missing debriefings stopped.
  3. I ask because once I was playing RD, on the laguz bandit chapter. My cat saw the cats on the screen and started running around like a wild maniac. I think he thought "OMG there's cats the size of a human somewhere and those humans are killing them! What should I do?! Please for the love of all that's holy, don't let that portal thing open!" Thought it deserved a topic...
  4. I'll probably stick him in as a wanderer, kinda like Ana's Jerec. Remember that the Whitefires have no more room. Unless he wants to sleep in the stables xD Course they'll have to build on when gen 2 happens...as it stands, there's 6 kids. 3 of them are Darcen's, 2 are Cerai's, 1 is Leo's. Snowy wanted Kelly to have a "large family". Poor Darcen doesn't know what he's getting into lol.
  5. So basically your Awakening fic in Elibe? Haha, I'd have a hard time coming up with a good plot on the fly too...I have no Elibe OCs but you may convert Rene so she fits.
  6. Why? You can make an iron just as or more powerful than a steel. Add Charcoal the black lance to the list of mine...
  7. So far you have the unpopular opinion for the latter. She'd still be important either way. If Sothe wasn't there I'd stick her with Pelleas, as a couple...but Sothe x Micaiah is pretty much canon. So no, if Pelleas is king, she won't be queen. Can't do both... inb4 "canon" Boyd x Mist...I never said I'd be sticking with all the support endings that actually exist. Rolf x Mist is cuter, makes more sense, and you saw how well that OC x Canon worked out.
  8. Ok. Still trying to wrap my head around how I can put yours in tbh...I mean I have enough mercenary type characters. Got any ideas?
  9. Snowy provided an idea for gen 2's problem awhile back. But you know, I think I'll just do a few unrelated epilogue chapters. That's a real good idea. *glances at Cerai x Boyd borderline smut fic* I'm calling that canon, and I'm saying it resulted in their first born being conceived. Dunno exactly when. It's probably after the final battle, how long after idk.
  10. Problem is, how to make that work storywise? Why/where would there be a timeskip...
  11. Okay, yeah, I'm leaning toward him now. But we'll see what everyone else thinks. Poll has been edited to include another question.
  12. Don't worry, it's not abandoned! Just what it says in the poll. I'm having trouble deciding. I know the thing about Soren, but honestly, can you see him wanting to do so? I can't. So we can assume his parents weren't Almedha and Ashnard...but a random dragon laguz and a random beorc. Does it even imply that anywhere in RD... So, as we know, the Dawn Brigade isn't fighting to free Daein from Begnion, instead chasing rumors that Nyra wants to awaken the dark god and working to have her dethroned or something before she can. I haven't actually completed RD, farthest I've gotten was part 4, just haven't beaten the whole thing yet, working on it. Had to start a new playthrough though because I forgot most of it. If I go with Pelleas, it will be a similar situation as it is in RD. He'll be older than Nyra by maybe a year, making him the true next in line. If I go with Micaiah, I'll most likely have to change it so Pelleas never existed, and I guess she'd earn the throne because she saw Nyra's true intentions before anyone else. Yeah. Vote and help me brainstorm. I'm also considering a timeskip so there can be kids, but have no idea how to make that work...If you vote yes for that I'd appreciate an idea.
  13. I was about to say bonus points for that lol. 57: Set up a battlefield in the toys section with Barbies vs GI Joes. Have it so people can take bets on who will win. Red lipstick would make an interesting addition...
  14. Bosses can be immune. Problem solved.
  15. I should've done that at K Mart when they didn't have ORAS xD 52: Run around doing cartwheels yelling "I'm pregnant!"
  16. Saw that. Although I don't know how he could do much of anything after being squashed like that.
  17. I don't know whether to call that funny or disturbing. I DO know that that guy deserved it xD
  18. And he looks uber hawt in it xD I'll consider that. I did so on Zelda Dungeon once, it was quite the discussion...
  19. The word "romantic" in front of it didn't give you a clue? xD 50: Make up a product and ask the walmart staff if they have it. "Do you sell snurples here?"
  20. Cerai chuckled softly. "Failed the entrance exam? I hope you at least know enough about it to handle a tome. I'm Cerai." The fiery colored female wyvern crooned and folded her wings smugly. Cerai patted her scaly snout. "This is Blaze. My brother is-" "I can introduce myself, thanks. The name's Leo. My wyvern is Frostbite."
  21. Yeah I can see that. In Awakening I don't name them because of the lack of color choices. Well, I named a forged flux Eldark, but yeah.
  22. Speaking of sleep...the convo in RD where Laura gets one. Lol, Aran's part horse. Horses sleep standing up xD And yeah, that does sound annoying. Naptime with Haar? He doesn't need a sleep staff to doze off on the battlefield...
  23. Storywise, berserk is like a weaker version of the feral potion that works on beorc. Wears off eventually and etc...I hear it's very annoying and I understand why. But one time my friend had it happen to her Hawkeye and he went and pwned all the enemies xD I like the blind and ban staff ideas. Devil is meh...dunno why I just like the other two better. And I said yes for both questions.
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