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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. It probably would...or maybe they'd surprise us and share the year instead of fighting over it like a couple of kindergartners. I actually got into FE, well, with FE. PoR was probably the first I owned, but my friend showed me Blazing Sword, I thought it was interesting. Same friend got me into Zelda.
  2. Then they'd argue... "My sword is gold and yours is boring colored and I'm the only FE lord who's not royal/never becomes royal! I'm obviously more deserving of the year!" "Well I was the first so I'm more important! And I actually get to marry my pegasus princess in canon, unlike SOMEBODY who has to rely on fan content!" Etc...
  3. Ninty should so give him his own year like they did with Luigi...
  4. Yeah I think Micaiah looks off in the Tharja-y outfit...the dark mage class kinda fits her considering light magic apparently doesnt exist in Awakening, though. And we can have a whole debate about the sex stuff. I'm one of those people who finds it odd that it gives a higher rating than violence, I mean one creates life(a good thing mostly) and the other destroys life(a bad thing mostly). I guess it might be because kids play war games/know what violence is from a young age, but they're not supposed to learn about sex until much later. Idk...but it was interesting to learn about the different cultures' viewpoints on the whole thing.
  5. Just wondering how everyone else had fun with this feature. I used to do a gemstone theme, an orange axe was Topaz Axe, a light blue lance was Diamond Lance...etc. This time I'm straying from any sort of theme. Sothe has a red knife named Bloodstain, and Leonardo has a light blue bow named Icicle. Post yours. This should probably be in RD board...I don't remember whether PoR has the colors or not.
  6. Yep, another day has passed and I havent used algebra once...
  7. 47: Get your boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance/spouse/whatever and go on a romantic romp behind the dumpsters. According to peopleofwalmart.com that actually happened somewhere...idiots.
  8. All right, guys. The main story is rated PG ish, but I felt like making a spinoff with a higher rating. It has some steaminess, but it's no 50 shades of gray. http://rubydragoncat.deviantart.com/art/Sparking-Embers-504227541 Read it if you feel like it. Consider it an early Valentine's special if you want...pair is Cerai x Boyd. Comments can be posted in here if you don't have a DA account.
  9. He'd teleport all over the place because it beats walking. If you turn Inigo into a dog...
  10. You pretty much said what happened to Ludveck doesnt need viagra/cialis Anyway, I agree that RD needed more supports and paired endings.
  11. Thought about posting this in the RD board since both of mine are for it, but figured this would be a better place/other games can apply. My main one is when Sothe is fanboying over Ike for like the fourth or fifth time, and Micaiah finally gets annoyed: "Sure...Lord Ike. Hero of the Mad King's War. Leader of the Greil Mercenaries. Father of Sothe's children." Why the flying frick did they not include his response? It's comedy gold the way it is, but it would've been even better if he got any sort of comeback. Micaiah, mpreg doesnt exist and I don't think Sothe swings that way. Lmao. Also, we never find out what happens to Ludveck at the end of part 2...
  12. Lol I just thought it was funny because I have a wierd sense of humor...I guess. Just picture him saying something like that ingame. That part was good too.
  13. I laughed more at Chrom's "I gotta piss" than anything else, honestly...
  14. [spoiler=Comic] http://saccharokirby.deviantart.com/art/Smashing-Boundaries-Fight-for-my-Friends-503970897
  15. If it ever comes out in english I'll consider getting it :)
  16. I admit, I laughed. Wasn't the funniest thing ever but still okay.
  17. Haha mine is still on the beach outside of Mauville.
  18. "Wow." Leo shook his head dumbfoundedly. "I can't believe we're all running like scared rabbits." The twins, upon noticing they were the only ones standing their ground, had decided it would be unwise to continue doing so. They were following from the air now. Blaze and Frostbite seemed calmer now that the phantoms were safely below them. There didn't appear to be any archers or mages among the fiends, but the wyverns and their riders were keeping their guard up just in case. "That guy did say this wasn't something to be taken lightly. The warriors sealed in Red Cave were supposed to be crazy dangerous." "But we killed one!" Cerai shrugged. "Yeah...but I have a feeling it was one of the weaker ones." "But are we really going to ask the herons for help? Is that the plan? I know they're magical, but..." Leo sighed. "I guess nobody has any other ideas."
  19. I agree that the Olivia dance class is adorbs. And nice, Jarod! He's a dick but he gets not enough fanart.
  20. So did anyone else try the Legend of Spyro? Storywise it rules, and the different breath abilities are cool too. Trivia: The only Legend of Spyro breath type that didn't appear in any prior game? Earth. Well if you look at Dawn of the Dragon the other playable dragon, Cynder, has four of her own. But if you only count Spyro...
  21. I'm the same way! I could never 100% it until real recently. The rest of the gems and the final dragon in Lofty Castle was one thing, that and Tree Tops and Haunted Towers...plus I generally suck at the flight levels. Still can't 100% 2 and 3.
  22. Hey look! A Spyro topic! It was the first franchise I considered myself a fan of. Played Mario before that, but never fell in love with a game before Spyro, and it's the reason I still love dragons today. I loved the classic trilogy and tried every other installment. Even Skylanders...which is meh at best, but it's obvious Activision is going to continue to milk it until it stops selling. I can only hope when that happens, Spyro will have a chance of returning to its roots. The legend trilogy was epic, gameplay couldve been a lot better though. My dream Spyro game would have the legends' story and the classics' gameplay. So yeah, who else loves it?
  23. You can always be a rule 63 version... Not familiar with the character but it works right?
  24. I'm sorry I'm not being as fast as I was with earlier chapters...but yeah the holidays did have a lot to do with it.
  25. For anyone saying Jugdral, why? Just curious. It's not because of the incest, is it?
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