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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Same here. I can draw a map of Tellius, not Magvel. But I can list both worlds' countries. Renais Grado Jehanna Freila Rausten Carcino Crimea Daein Begnion Gallia Goldoa Kilvas Phoenicis Hatari Did I miss any?
  2. Yeah he did: Easily missed I guess. EDIT - I get if there's a floor there..I was thinking maybe without the floor, derp. Wouldn't magic make a hole there? That'd be interesting.
  3. I don't see why shooting arrows straight down wouldn't be effective. I'd be for it, but it might get confusing having to constantly keep track of all the floors and what's on them if there's not a way to see them all at the same time.
  4. Can be the one from your favorite game in the series, or not. Mine is Tellius. Out of the ones I've played, it sticks out as being the most interesting and well built. Its goddesses were given more character development than the gods from other worlds, at least the ones I've played, laguz are awesome, and it's the only one I can both draw a map of from memory and name all the countries. I was curious how many of us can do that, hence the second question in the poll.
  5. I used to have a female primeape named Banana. Now I use the name Racket xD
  6. Drama here AGAIN? I guess the reason there's a lot of Lucina art is because she's one of the main characters...food for thought...
  7. Tile mapping huh... Think you can help me understand that process more? Like...why do all the palettes have to be E, and if I click the + to select more tiles at a time, does that affect anything?
  8. This is true. I've never called my pets "son" or "daughter", but I have said "baby". And my mom says she's my cat's grandma so... This is possible too.
  9. So in the Zinnia topic I said this: Yeah. My theory is just that. It's a bit out there, but...worth making a topic about. I don't know how the reincarnation would happen, maybe the draconids have some sort of magic or their spiritual connection with Rayquaza has something to do with it. And no, I have no idea who the father would be other than some random draconid guy... I probably don't know what I'm talking about. Bash the theory if you want.
  10. Pretty much this. Her battle animation makes her look like she has fangs, maybe she does, maybe the draconid people do...I mean they use dragon types. Something I'm confused on though. She calls her whismur "daughter" and talks about not being able to save someone, which leads me to believe the whismur was actually her daughter reincarnated into a pokemon, yet she looks like teen aged. I guess that IS old enough to have a kid. Idk...would pokemon go that deep? Imma make a topic for that...
  11. That's even better than Coochie Kayak lol...
  12. We could argue forever about what's art and what's not...I for one think it's less of art and more of..idk. Art to me is something you look at and enjoy, not sit in and go paddling down a river. Games/literature/movies/music are art, they fit the look at and enjoy category. But if there can be statues of naked men considered art, then yeah. Like I said in the OP I personally wouldn't make something like that. But she has and she has every right to do so. She's not hurting anyone. The Japanese government is being a bunch of jerks, possibly sexist jerks since they allow the dick festival.
  13. "So it was true..." Cerai clenched her fists, grabbing her lance and hopping onto Blaze's back. The orange wyvern snorted softly. A man ran past shouting something about escaping, and wyvern riders ferry as many as they can. "How about no!" Cerai directed Blaze toward him, attempting to block his escape. "I would but that would just weigh me down! You trying to sacrifice me?" "GAAAAAH!" She stopped and turned around. That sounded like Leo. Sure enough, he was locked in combat with one of the phantoms. It wielded what looked like a steel axe, and every time he reached for his lance or tried to get onto Frostbite it swiped at him and prevented him from doing so. A well timed dive bomb knocked the phantom down, giving the twins just enough time to attack and destroy it. It crumbled into a pile of dust. "No time to thank me." Cerai told her brother as he opened his mouth to speak. "Get ready for battle before another one shows up."
  14. Sometimes I remember how big of a n00b I was. And yes I cringe.
  15. Between the base falcoknight sprite or the different class promotions?
  16. I recognized it but who took the screenshots and made them into that?
  17. Maybe... That globe tho. Where'd it come from/who made it?
  18. This is true. I guess I'll just have to say he is and stop hurting my brain over the whole deal.
  19. Blue hair is common in FE, and genes don't work that way. Ike's great great great great grandson can easily have a different color depending on the genes that were added to the family line when each generation had their kids. Personality isn't genetic and neither are skills, they can be taught by elders, but nobody's born with them, and they're mostly a gameplay thing. How do we know it's the same sword? I suppose it couldve been passed down, but...it could likely just be one that looks like it.
  20. Nice work, even if like Klok said, there might not be a use for it. But I like how you changed the hairstyles, lol Sain's cowlick and Lowen...needs a haircut nao. If you want to sheet go for it. *gives cookie*
  21. I agree about the Priam thing, how do we know he's Ike's descendant honestly? Like you said, I can say my ancestor is Genghis Khan and nobody cares/takes me seriously. Even though Genghis Khan apparently had so many kids that there's a decent percentage of people who are descended from him in some way...but that's real world stuff and I doubt Ike is the kind of guy who sleeps around that much. Add that to the fact that they don't have ancestry.com and stuff like that, and I have a hard time seeing it as canon. I mean it shuts up the gay Ike supporters but that's a debate in itself...
  22. Probably because of the orange hair, right? Does Kent have gray eyes? Cause I don't think he does... Glad to hear I'm improving.
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