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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. There's the image. It's indexed and it had to be repointed since it was too big. I used: Unlz Advance Palette Editor(but the colors had to be put in manually because it wouldn't load the palette file) Infran View Nameless Tile Map Editor(all palettes set to E according to the guide, size set to R/S title screen) Free Space Finder Image inserted, then raw tile map file, in the places the guide said. I also have two more images for the version title and the push start thing, but they work so...yeah.
  2. I name just about everything. Don't usually use a theme, just whatever. So I won't make a big wall of text...here's my team for stomping the elite four in OR. Leafwind(sceptile) Azure(latios) Broil(camerupt) Pitch(dusclops) Breeze(pelipper) Shale(armaldo) I used to always have a female poochyena/mightyena named Blacky on the GBA ruby, after the dog I had back then. She was a black lab/collie mix. Now after I've learned that the species is actually based on hyenas, I have one named Shenzi after one of the hyenas in Lion King.
  3. *brain explodes* All this parallel stuff is confusing...
  4. This is pretty much a what if thing anyway... Chrom could've known of Eirika and Ephraim because of legends of other worlds or something. Idk, the sacred stones and the gems... But I do like the alternate reality theory with Akanea and Elibe.
  5. So I was reading about how the Awakening world map looks like there's other continents, but all it is is copies to make the ocean look less empty. Got to thinking... If they were all connected somehow and I don't mean outrealm portals, how would that work? Which ones would be close to which ones and etc? When I say: Akanea: Shadow Dragon/New Mystery of the Emblem/the originals they're remakes of AND Awakening. Since it says it's like 1000 years after Marth that means it's the same place. Elibe: Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals. Magvel: Sacred Stones. Tellius: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Jugdral: Genealogy of the Holy War and Thracia, but I'll ignore this one cause I haven't played either. If you have and want to theorize with me, be my guest. Akanea and Elibe would be...maybe a year or two sea voyage apart. Their manaketes are similar, both having fire and divine dragons. For the manaketes, it wouldn't take as long to move from continent to continent as it would for humans. But the rest of the continents would still be too far for them. Which brings us to: Magvel and Tellius. These two would be isolated from each other and the rest of the world, allowing the manaketes to evolve differently in Magvel with only one type and laguz in Tellius. Both continents think they're the only ones. The gods of the world treat them that way too, resulting in legends of demon kings and dark gods wiping out the rest of the world. This shoots down the thing about Ike making it to Akanea, but...I do think it makes a bit of sense. So yeah. Discuss.
  6. True. Off topic but...I seriously just did a wonder trade and thought it was you. I remembered you had the aroma lady and your trainer's name started with A. But I went back to the secret base thread and nada xD The fact that she gave me a ralts was another reason, I remember you saying you were going to have a mega gallade. Like omg.
  7. Oh ok. Acronym finder gave me Eve Online and stuff like that xD
  8. Somebody explain what EO stands for? Screenshots scream PMD only with anime looking humans. I'll be watching this one.
  9. Mystery Dungeon? The Pokemon spinoff of that is good...well, it started sucking the more releases it got, but yeah. Might be interested but I'll have to learn more to be sure.
  10. The awkward silence was broken by another low wyvern growl. Blaze didn't understand human language other than simple commands such as "go", "heel", "drop it" etc. The priest's announcement had little effect on her, although she was still annoyed at him because he stepped on her tail when he squeezed into the tent. But she could sense the storm, and so could her white scaled companion, Frostbite. Frostbite shuddered and covered his head with his wings. There was no room in the tent for the wyverns, and the only thing that looked like it could work for shelter was the cave, but something seemed unnatural about it. Leo shivered. "There's definitively something up. Look how the animals are acting." A horse neighed and bucked in the distance. Cerai nodded in agreement.
  11. Click the source link, there's a picture of it.
  12. Yeah. It does seem a bit off, but since cat is one of the beast tribes, it would be even more off for them to be the cat tribe. It works because there's two that start with B(beast and bird) and two that start with D(dragon and dog).
  13. I agree. And the fact that they're much more lenient on male nudity is just unfair to women. I mean they have an entire PENIS FESTIVAL.
  14. Look what they did now. Pretty much, some chick 3d scanned her lady parts and made a kayak out of them. If that wasn't weird enough, the country actually has a holiday dedicated to manhoods where you can buy artwork and even CANDY shaped like that, and they're saying this lady's va jay jay boat is too pornographic and criminal charges should be filed. Japanese porn, as we know, either has the genitals blurred out or replaced with tentacles. Yet there can be a dick festival and nobody cares? Double standard if you ask me...I mean this lady might have a few screws lose, because I certainly wouldn't want my womanhood made into a kayak for the world to see, but yeah... And no, I didn't find this on the wierd part of the internet, it was on the news thing on facebook...why it was there I have no idea.
  15. Back in the day before RD came out, there was somebody on the now dead FE Online who made up her own laguz tribe/race. It was called the dog tribe, and the three classes were wolf, fox, and coyote, and they lived east of Daein. I'm not kidding. She did this before wolf laguz were a thing...I've since lost contact with her. But I remember a few of her OCs and I've taken the dog tribe as part of my headcanon. I prefer it over saying wolves are in the beast tribe because: - There are three classes in each tribe. If IS wanted to do that they should've added another to the bird and dragon tribes. Maybe owl and green dragon? Green dragon because of another headcanon. Red = fire, white = ice, black = thunder, green would = wind in terms of breath elements. And yet another headcanon that adds ice magic...then all of anima would be covered. - Even if they did add to the rest, it would look odd with three felines and just one canine. Obviously I'm quite opinionated on the matter, but I wanted to know what you guys think.
  16. Baseball has cheerleaders? But if we're talking baseball, he'd be the batter. Cause of swinging Ragnell. And yeah, ikr? I think either Shinon or Gatrie or both were with him.
  17. xD Poor Rolf...maybe he can be the mascot. Which isn't any more dignified than the gatorade guy, actually... But if Mordecai and Ranulf are allowed to shift and the mounted units have their steeds it would be pure chaos. Which is probably why football doesnt exist in FE. I saw a comic a long time ago, something about Boyd sneaking out to go to a football game and he had a foam finger and everything. The team was Crimean Cavaliers xD
  18. That would be epic xD What would it do though? Make people run away/off the edge?
  19. Yeah just remember that you don't do stuff like that unless you have permission.
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