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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. How did it not sell well? I find that hard to believe...
  2. I prefer to draw them all in the same pose, but they will be holding their weapons. Preference, pretty much...
  3. You sir have no heart. You're entitled to think that the voice acting was bad, I disagree...I mean the BK was hard to understand, but...other than that the scene was well done. And tragic. This coming from someone who's heartstrings were pulled by Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team, when the player and partner are sent into exile... I'm a crier. Don't judge me.
  4. ((...I'm getting confused, Nice Guy. Are you writing for Anon? Because that's generally frowned upon...))
  5. Yeah he's probably next. High on the list. As for the ear...well, aren't ears supposed to be lined up with the eyes? Maybe not on chibis but meh...
  6. I was one of the lucky ones to get it when it came out... Enjoy it, which I'm sure you will. Warning: You will probably tear up at Greil's death scene, judging from your OP, you're close to it...I did and I knew it was coming due to accidentally seeing spoilers.
  7. Darcen added...did you think Leo or Samba would be next? Originally, that was going to be the case. But the next chapter will focus mainly on him and Snowy's Kelly, plus I haven't shown what he looks like yet. I do have a sprite and mug of him that's still on my hard drive, it'll probably show up in my sprite thread sometime. I wish there was a reference I couldve used for holding a tome at that angle. But anyway... Also, fun fact. His name is one letter short of darken, perfect for a shaman. But it's pronounced dar-sin. Came up with that name when making a pokemon region, was going to use it for a male dark gym leader. Ended up using it for a FE OC.
  8. LOL is the giant roach canon? Is it actually mentioned in FEA? EDIT - Source said it is. Read the support and omg xD
  9. Cerai nodded understandingly. "I see..." Turning to the berserker man, she added: "Well there are books about wyverns. So either he hasn't read those, or he's spooked because of their acidic venom." Blaze snorted softly. "Which is a perfectly reasonable thing to be spooked about, it can melt skin if you're not careful-" She was interrupted by a low growl from Blaze. A man in white robes had squeezed in, which had startled the wyvern. She stared at him, eyes narrowed. "Yeah, I guess I should've told you...there's a priest coming." Leo smiled awkwardly. "Or already here..."
  10. If you need the images I was trying to use let me know...
  11. Still more than I'm willing to spend on a figure. I mean you can buy a game for that...
  12. The female wyvern poked her head into the tent closest to Red Cave. She made a soft screeching sound, her eyes fixed on the less buff of the two men in it, like she thought he was the leader. "Blaze, mind your manners." A second head poked in, this one human. The young woman looked at the berserker looking man, then the one at the desk with the papers. She smiled slightly. "I apologize if either of you were startled. Blaze thinks she speaks human sometimes...she won't bite, I promise." "Me and my brother are here...well, same reason everyone else is." She pulled back the tent flap, revealing a white wyvern and his rider, who smiled and waved. "I'm assuming you guys are leading this thing?" The girl scratched the orange wyvern's head while she waited for a response.
  13. F driving anything imma genetically engineer me a dragon. I would have my license by now, but due to laziness and crashing into the neighbors fence which scared the living shit outta me...yeah. Working on it...
  14. Arm and leg and first born child, if it's anything like other figmas/stuff like this... My friend buys figmas and I'm uber jealous that she can manage to do so...anyway, he is squeeful.
  15. Soren and Shinon say hi, I'm sure there are others...but then again they're not lords.
  16. Two wyverns carrying riders landed in the middle of the crowd. Anyone who knew enough about the draconic beasts would be able to tell that the fiery orange one was female, and the snowy white one was male, because the fleshy face ruff was larger on males. They were each the same gender as their masters, who were obviously closely related, both with red hair and green eyes, and built similarly. "Look." The young man pointed at the cave in the distance. "It's actually red." His sister chuckled softly. "Well it IS called Red Cave...I wonder if those rocks are that color naturally or because of the magic that sealed those idiots in there?" "I thought it was a clever play on words, to be honest...like refering to the blood that was shed back then." There was a pause. "Could be a bit of both. Say, that big tent up there looks important. Should we?" "Sure..."
  17. I actually used pokecommunity for the tutorial. This one: http://www.pokecommunity.com/showthread.php?t=282367 If I try it again and it still comes out that way I'll put in a screenie...
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