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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. Now we have a thief with a soft spot for kitties! To complement Gaius' sweet tooth, I'm assuming?
  2. Sacred Stones and Omega Ruby. Grado is invading! They want the sacred red stone to awaken the ancient earth monster known as Groudon. It's up to the royal twins to stop them!
  3. If you have to choose one of mine, use Fiver. The other two are dependent on each other.
  4. Up to him, but both our avatars can be in it since I changed mine's backstory.
  5. Dragoncat


    Hell yeah. I'm working through the cool contest with Raider the manectric. His moves are thunderbolt, thunder wave, double team, quick attack. I love how the battle text is changed if you use a pokemon you use for contests...instead of "Go Raider!" you get "I know you can do it, Raider!" for example.
  6. Dragoncat


    Wondering if anyone does much with Pokemon Contests. They made their debut in RSE. I like their return in ORAS, and I love how they utilize the camera...but I kinda wanted the dress up thing from DPPT to come back. It was fun ^_^ True, it was in BW, but the musical was a whole different thing and a major disappointment. The contest costume can go die in a hole though. I hate dresses...why oh why can't I just wear the normal badass trainer outfit? But it does make this joke possible: Credit to Plus5Pencil on Deviant Art of course.
  7. Greninjas with protean are a bitch to battle against. I'd like to have one, but judging from how annoying they are to be up against...meh. Need an example? Protean greninja uses ice beam and becomes ice type. I send out Broil the camerupt and command her to use flame charge. Protean greninja has higher speed and knows brine. Broil gets roflstomped. My plan fails epicly. That happened this morning. In my secret base against a secret pal from Japan...
  8. I know that feel bro... Greninjas with protean. Greninjas with protean everywhere...
  9. I wasn't planning on it originally, but since it was brought up...yeah. Yep I know :) If I can't find the sprites when I need them I'll ask for them because I'm lazy lol.
  10. Um male avatars produce female Morgan.
  11. Yeah that is true. Pouch and sack though, can be used for other things. When I say wallet you automatically know there's money in it. Since it's fantasy it doesn't have to be historically accurate. It's medieval, but in real world medieval times women weren't allowed to be warriors or anything remotely interesting. And there was no magic, wyverns/pegasi, shapeshifters...you get the idea, stuff like that is in FE. And wallets aren't too modern, I mean it's not like I said there was an mp3 player in it.
  12. Well what do you suggest instead? What do they keep money in...I mean a purse wouldn't work either. It's just a small nitpick though, right? Thanks.
  13. I'll just post to say good luck. I'm not big on anime and not extremely good at any of the things you're looking for. There are anime forums out there though...that solves the nobody to talk to who watches anime problem. And, some places in the US are bigger on it than others. I hear some schools actually have anime clubs. But I'm sure if you can get this up and running there will be people who would use it.
  14. Hmm I'd say immense threat, but I do like the other option too.
  15. Forgot to add that Rene's pet name for her hubby is Lonky xD It's funny because one time I Hubba Testered them and got "uses pet names" and "drools openly". I couldn't screenshot it because the 3ds decided to force me to update at that time. But I took it as he's turned on by that habit of hers lol. She doesn't call him it 100% of the time though. You'll probably have to mention important characters like Chrom and Avatar...how much depends.
  16. That Greil and Elena thing is dawwww. Ike and Mist are adorable as little kids.
  17. Well I tweaked my avatar's backstory a bit anyway...she has no ties to Grima. I made up a backstory for her before I knew of the official one. I suppose with some more tweaking... Name: Rene Age: Depends on how long after the game, but 21 during it. I'd make it...13 years afterward? Up to you but if you make it too close her daughter wouldn't be old enough to fight. Gender: Female Class: Wyvern Lord Personality: Brave, enjoys joking around, intelligent. Knows a bit about tactics and studies them regularly. Her wyvern is somewhat lazy, and often has to be bribed with treats before a battle. Appearance: Short dark red hair, brown eyes. Armor is blue and that of a wyvern lord, her steed is a gold male with green eyes named Sol. Affinity: Thunder Other: She's from Ferox. Sometime during the game her and Lon'qu fell for each other. Now since he's the west khan, she has high status as the khan's wife. A thing to keep in mind: Lon'qu's name suggests that he's originally from Chon'sin. If you write him much, he'd probably be saddened by the loss of his mentor Basilio, and trying his best to fill his shoes. Gear: steel axe, killer lance, vulneraries Skills: swordbreaker, tantivy --- Name: Tricia Age: 12 if you make it 13 years after the game. Gender: Female Class: Mage Personality: Calm, level headed, somewhat quiet, like her father. Can be a bit scary when angered. Loyal to her friends. Appearance: Smaller and frailer than average, but generally healthy. Medium length dark red hair, hazel eyes. Wears the typical robes of a mage. Affinity: Ice Other: Lon'qu and Rene's daughter. Became a mage because of her frailness, she can't handle metal weapons easily enough. Gear: elthunder, fire, vulneraries Skills: focus --- Name: Fiver Age: Middle aged. Looks like late 40s. Gender: Male Class: Taguel Personality: Slow to trust strangers, always keeps his guard up. To his fellow taguel, he's a firm but fair leader. Isn't entirely sure about manaketes, but he will trust them faster than he'll trust a human. Appearance: Copper colored hair with rabbit ears the same color. Ice blue eyes. Shifted, he's copper colored with a white belly. Wears typical taguel leather clothing. Affinity: Light Other: He's a tribal elder, his small group has been in hiding. He pays no attention to the risen outbreak until his group is attacked. Gear: beaststone, vulneraries Skills: beastbane
  18. Probably sometime this week. It's in progress.
  19. Good ones guys! I can't think of anymore atm xD
  20. Yep, she's a she. And one of the main characters... Either that was a typo, or I'm bad at distinguishing gender in chibis.
  21. Up to you. As long as he doesnt try to bring Grima back, that would be a repeat of what already happened, which wouldn't be as good. Ferox...I want to put my avatar in SO bad...you'll probably want to use yours though. But anyway, are you saying Basilio's death at the hands of Walhart is canon? If you are, it's pretty much canon that he was going to make Lon'qu his successor. West Khan Lonky! ^_^ If I can submit two characters...I'll give you Lon'qu and my avatar's second kid. Will require some tweaking since in your story, her mom isn't the avatar...
  22. Only my cat. And someday my soulmate, but I haven't met him yet.
  23. Yeah but now your dark mage needs a motive. I would say he's a Grimleal remnant, but that would be too cliched. ....Says the gal whose own fic involves Ashnard's daughter wanting to finish what her dad started. -_- Idk. *idea* If we say Medeus and Grima arent the same...maybe since Grima's gone, now a Medeus worshipping cult can run amok. But they borrow the risen spell from the Grimleal, who are now pretty much scattered and not a threat.
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