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Everything posted by Dragoncat

  1. I'm reminded of that comic where Serra wouldn't cure Erk's poison and kept just using the heal staff...bit different but meh.
  2. My only Awakening OCs are my avatar and her kid. Take that as you will...you'll also have to come up with a good reason for there to still be risen. Sure, they're there postgame, but that's gameplay stuff. Wait I take that back. I had created a taguel. Will probably write up something for him and give it to you.
  3. A bit more info might be nice. Is it during or after the game's story, for example?
  4. Okay so I just got this bright idea that might fail but who the hell cares. Awakening has an American Pie reference that I used for the title. It also has a Monty Python one. (It's just a flesh wound) Our mission is to make up our own! Can be from any game in the series, and the reference can be from anything else. Just make sure you clarify the reference. I'll start! Roy: DAD DAD DAD DAD! *tackles Eliwood* WAKE UP! Ninian(or whoever else, depends on your pairing preference): Your son is up. Eliwood: Before sunrise, he's your son... (Lion King) Get the idea? Good! Go!
  5. Yeah I think I remember the orb being returned. But still, this time around it was done a lot better. And you get to see him say it, so... As for Emerald, I didn't get that far in that one.
  6. Lol the windmill bird thing in A Link Between Worlds does the same thing xD
  7. Galactic and Plasma came after Magma and Aqua, when Gamefreak decided to start doing more feelsworthy stories, that's probably why. But man, did they make up for it here!
  8. Yeah. I just don't like the idea of 5 years going by and all of a sudden they start out with a different weapon type. Plus I created those two crazies before RD came out. Lance or axe, it doesn't really matter imo. Fun fact: she actually doesn't get axes ever. On promotion she becomes an original class, wyvern trooper, and gains bows. Leo promotes into a regular wyvern lord though. Working on a picture of Blaze. I'll be drawing steeds too...and both forms for laguz.
  9. Potential spoilers because it happens in the GBA originals that I'm sure everyone has played, but, done a lot more epicly this time around. Where do I begin to describe the new Seafloor Cavern/Cave of Origin scenes? I love how they gave the two teams more dialogue, I love how Maxie sees the light and decides to right his wrongs. He didn't do that in the original Ruby. The whole thing was just perfectly done. The showing of the various towns and people coming out and celebrating, while present in a lot of other games I've played, never fails to add a lot of feels, which is a good thing. My heart was pounding when Groudon turned primal. Even though I knew I could just throw out my master ball and be done with it. Wow. I also pitied Brendan a bit...must suck knowing you had a head start on someone as a trainer, and they go and save the world right under your nose AND beat you every time you battle. Question: Do the team leaders have their distinct personalities regardless of version? Like...Archie always calling the player character a little scamp. Does he act that way only more hostile in AS, or does Maxie start being that way? Oh and flying on my latios. Best thing ever. Only why does he need to be mega? Maybe he can't carry a person for very long in normal form?
  10. Chibi was the intention. And in PoR, they use lances...I like the idea of them using axes when they promote.
  11. Oh so this is Ralph? Why does he remind me of a Disney prince xD Loving the music notes on his cloak thing.
  12. Ok Blah, I'll see if I can find a spot for him. Also, I'm starting to put character art in my art thread. Check it out people ^_^
  13. This post is for Wings of Courage character art. Chibi style too. It's easier. Cerai and Blaze Darcen
  14. Yeah it's nicely done. But, food for thought...she joins in the same chapter of Chrom's forced marriage. They don't know each other as far as we know before. So explain how they were able to fall in love so fast, realistically...unless love at first sight is a thing, it doesn't make much sense. Meh, I don't hate the pairing though. Semi-rant over.
  15. LOL oh god...disturbing mental image is disturbing. And not all dark magic users are evil or batshit crazy. Canas says hi.
  16. Nice, a laguz antagonist! And a female tiger too! I wonder why IS gave us all male tigers...and all male hawks for that matter. I happen to have a tiger and hawk among my OCs, both female...but as we digress. You put skills and equipment twice on Cerai, heads up :)
  17. Nice! I'd like that. But I think being able to choose what side you're on is better suited for other franchises. FE hasn't done it and hasn't shown any sign of changing that.
  18. He gives it to Eirika, saying "sorry, I do lances." If you give Grima Smaug's horde of gold and treasure...
  19. Okay. Here goes. I suppose making it so long after the games' time is to prevent people from being like, Ike's long lost twin etc? Some dragon laguz might still be around. Thought about using an older version of my Rannoc. But, I decided on tweaking these two so that they could fit a century after PoR/RD. Name: Cerai(pronounced Seer-eye) Class: Wyvern Rider Starting Level: 1 Stats: + speed + skill - strength - resistance Gear: Steel Lance Vulnerary Skills: Wrath(critical rate boosted when HP is low) Personality: Fun loving, intelligent, a bit of a jokester. Can be competitive. Likes to annoy people at times, can be blunt. Backstory: Born in Crimea, to a couple of members of the Crimean Royal Air Force. She was the first born twin. Having heard rumors of the cave prophecy coming true, she travels there with her brother to investigate. Appearance: Medium red hair, green eyes. Wears light green armor. Other: Her wyvern is an orange female named Blaze. --- Name: Leo Class: Wyvern Rider Starting Level: 1 Stats: + strength + speed - skill - resistance Gear: Steel Lance Vulnerary Skills: Cancel(might delete one enemy hit) Personality: Bold, witty, level headed. Fiercely competitive, and a huge sore loser, but a hard worker. Backstory: Born in Crimea, to a couple of members of the Crimean Royal Air Force. He was the second born twin. Having heard rumors of the cave prophecy coming true, he travels there with his sister to investigate. Appearance: Messy red hair, green eyes, birthmark below left eye. Wears yellow armor. Other: His wyvern is a white male named Frostbite. I can write more if needed.
  20. He says "wtf is this shit? I ordered cookies!" If you then give him a lava cookie from Hoenn...
  21. Wow...butthurt about stats/no stats. Seriously people? I don't want to read a debate in a SU thread. Since it's Friday I will have time to post mine after work today.
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