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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. Regarding Donny's and Olivia's support about Leanne and Naesala... the English version got turned into a generic swan story.

    Japanese version:


    Yeah I just finished reading the english version, and it was swans.

    Wonder why they changed it...

    My theory: they are mentionned by the name taguel and manakete. Those two things are laguz, just no longer called that way.

    But they're different. There were no rabbit laguz. And there's no bird shapeshifters in Awakening...

  2. The story of Naesala and Leanne is mentioned (though very distorted in the english version) in Donnel and Olivia's supports, and Henry mentions once seeing a man turn into a crow.

    I'll have to look up that support. And yeah, I remember Henry saying that now. But since he didn't say anything about the man having wings...I guess I assumed otherwise.

    But Taguel are the laguz of Awakening? And didn't Ike come to Ylisse via the portal? If he didn't tell anyone, no one would know about laguz?

    Or it was just that the laguz weren't that popular? At least I don't remember many people who liked them.

    I think he'd say something about them, like he might see a taguel and be all "rabbit laguz!" Or a manakete and think they're a subspecies of dragon laguz...Ike strikes me as the kind of person who would want to share things about his homeland.

    The laguz...I love them. Not many people actually use them in game though.

  3. If there's supposedly access to Tellius from the Awakening world(Archanea eons later?)...I know it's probably because IS didn't program laguz into it. But what about a story standpoint? You'd think at least the taguel and manaketes would know of a race similar to them. And I don't think it's because no laguz wanted to explore. Plenty of them seemed like they would be interested, Ranulf, Janaff...


  4. I could care less if her name was Caeda, Sheeda, Shiida, or Poo-Poo Shitface.

    Lol. Queen Poo-Poo of Altea! ...her marrying Marth is canon, right? But seriously that made me literally lol.

    On topic...I never gave it much thought. But I do agree that there needs to be the same translation for America and Europe.

    EDIT - ...Did I just jump on the necroing bandwagon -_-

  5. I didn't know commoners didn't have last names in those times. That probably explains last names such as "Carpenter" or "Smith" or "Taylor", if you have a last name like that you probably have an ancestor who worked as one of those. Can't imagine it wouldn't still be confusing though.

    They didn't originally. But you're right, and I'll use my Roger example again. Instead of saying "Roger the blacksmith" somebody would start saying "Roger Smith" which sounded better and didn't take as long to say. Eventually it caught on and people would have last names like that from birth, Roger's kids would all be Smiths too.

    I always assumed most fe characters, even those born in barns, *should* have some kind of surname/patronymic, but they're omitted because they aren't relevant to the plot/IS just didn't feel like giving them full names.

    Alternatively, the characters aren't called by their full name because the different countries in different continents have different naming customs and explaining this could be confusing and it wouldn't really add to the story.

    Those both sound plausable.

  6. Okay so...if Ike has no last name because he's not royalty, then why does Jill? She's not royalty either...as far as we know.

    I used to be on an RP forum, a lot of people there gave all their charries last names...I jumped on the bandwagon. Then I figured out back in the day, only royalty/leaders had last names and my life was a lie.

    But it would get confusing after awhile. Not everyone would have a unique name. If there was more than one commoner named Roger you would have to say "Roger who lives by the lake" "Roger with the red hair" "Roger the blacksmith"...

    I think that's why the real world switched to everybody having last names. Less time consuming.

  7. I do have a headcanon that the couples DO have more kids in the timeline we play in because it doesn't end up a mess of chaos and destruction like Lucina's future did and the parents don't all get killed so early.

    Makes a lot of sense.

    And that's cool. It's always awesome when you get fanart of your OCs.

  8. First, I don't want this to turn into a "fanfiction omg" "mary sues gary stus ocs bawwwww" thing like my last thread of this nature did.

    If you've seen my profile, you know that I assume the pairs you can make get busy more than once. Basically, pretend for a moment you can add kids. And post them here. I know Ana has also done this.

    Chrom x Sumia:



    Emmeras: Obvious who he's named after, right? I like to think he's the result of Chrom getting tired of being the only male in the family xD He loves his daughters, don't get me wrong...but yeah. Emmeras is a mercenary class, and his personality resembles his namesake. Which makes Chrom's head spin wondering if his sister went and reincarnated herself as his son. Sumia isn't as convinced though.

    Lon'qu x Avatar(Rene)


    Tricia: Still working on some attributes of her and open for suggestions. She's a mage, but I need a reason why more than just she was interested from a young age, so if anyone has any ideas that they're okay with me using, spill em! She didn't get her mother and brother's tactical instinct, but she's calm and level headed like her father. Which makes Lon'qu happy since Morgan's such a handful. Need an example? Go to my fanfics thread. It's just a oneshot... *puppy eyes*

    Henry x Olivia


    Jess and Jak: Twin magic users with strikingly different personalities. Jess is more like her father, enjoys blasting things, finds it hilarious when things get broke/burnt/etc. Olivia worries that she'll hurt herself or others. Henry doesn't care...they get in arguments over that sometimes. Jak is less hyper and impulsive, a night owl that has an interest in astrology.

    I have more, they're in my profile though. You get the idea...

  9. like in Awakening where they have the two dragons fighting each other forever is like the red and the white dragons of Welsh mythology

    I never thought about that. In the Welsh myth, the dragons were each from a different country, and the king predicted that since the one from his country won, he would defeat the other in war, which ended up happening. Kinda like Awakening...where you have two countries that each worship a different dragon, and those countries go to war. Only I don't think the Welsh myth had one dragon bloodthirsty/evil/want to destroy mankind and the other a protector of mankind. Also, the dragons in the myth were imprisoned under a castle until a magician let them out to fight each other. This might have something to do with why Plegia castle is built on top of Grima's skull...and why the leader of the Grimleal, Validar, is a magic user.

  10. I'd imagine in large scale battles they'd use bow and sword but may only need the bow, but as a personal weapon, they'd probably just use their sword.


    EDIT - Wow I didn't realize just agreeing counted as spam. So, uh...yeah. I feel that this makes sense.

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