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Posts posted by Dragoncat

  1. I remember playing roller coaster tycoon...also sim city and zoo tycoon. I usually get bored with it after awhile...not much for PC games in general. Spore's okay, Deer Hunter...etc, I can't really say I'm a big fan of any PC game.

    But I remember reading something about somebody played roller coaster tycoon and made a roller coaster that threw people into the park next door and they would die there and make the other park's rating go down. Evil lol.

  2. Interesting tidbits. Yeah, I failed to think about the mainly european medieval thing FE has going. I just couldn't think of a better name for a sword class, ninja wouldnt work either, thieves and assassins pretty much have that covered.

    Funny how a series from Japan uses mainly western things. Zelda kinda does it too. There are some eastern influences in Zelda though.

  3. Soo we know the myrmidon class, right? Fast sword users that do lots of critical hits. But where did the name come from? I did some research recently. Posted my findings in the site content board and they got ignored...maybe it's because I just linked to a source and people cba to click on it.

    It comes from Greek mythology, meaning "ant people". Sounds weird until you know the story. There was a Greek city state that was being ravaged by a plague. The king there prayed, begging the gods to save his people. Zeus answered, saying that there would be as many people in that city state as ants on his sacred oak tree. The people that came from that were called myrmidons, they were fierce warriors and loyal to their leaders. Later on in history, like middle ages, the word myrmidon meant hired warrior/ruffian or someone who follows orders without questioning.

    Makes some sense, even if the part about hired warrior fits the mercenary class better. If it were me though I'd probably name the class something more well known like samurai, but it works.


  4. I think it's kind of just that IS ran out of names, to be honest, haha.

    And it's called Conquest, the battle theme is Conquest (Ablaze).

    Yeah that might be it...but they just need to think harder. If there can be 6 generations of pokemon, they can come up with more song titles.

    Thanks! To youtube! AWAY!

  5. I'd imagine a lot of it comes from general game structure. I mean, it makes more sense to have an early playable peg than an early playable wyvern because of the distinct niches of the class. The pegasus knight can be gated in early levels due to low con heavily effecting their weapon choices(once they get levels under their belt and have enough speed to compensate, they can grab heavier weapons, it gives them a healthy growth curve). But, unlike other low base stat growth units, a peg is still useful due to flight. But take a wyvern, in comparison. An earlygame wyvern wouldn't need higher end weapons due to the higher str base, and due to general survivability, they reach juggernaut status much more quickly. As a class with generally better base stats than pegs, swapping them out in the earlygame basically gives you a highly mobile wrecking ball from the onset. And then if you got the peg later on, why would you use it? Your wyvern started strong and never really falls off. By starting you with the peg, the game gives you more viable options. It allows the peg to be viable by having time to get it's power curve started(and allows the peg knight's biggest class balancing weakness, the not so hot early combat, to actually exist and act as a limiter), and by the time you have your wyvern, the peg has already gotten a chance to get itself up to the par, and potentially compete with the wyvern's generally strong presence as long as you have it.

    Or so that's my theory anyway maybe they just picked classes from a hat and wyvern gets the bad luck of the draw every time I dunno.

    xD Theory makes sense.

  6. Dragons aren't always depicted as evil in the west either. Take He-Man for example. He-Man befriends mama dragon after that whole situation with her and her kid dragons. And she aids him again one or two times throughout the show.

    My Little Pony doesn't make them all evil either. Spike is the best example. Although some other dragons shown in the show are depicted as jerks. :P

    I'm glad FE doesn't make all dragons evil though. The dragon laguz are cool people, for example. Even if they ARE closed-minded thanks to Dheginsea. xP

    More modern western stories arent as bad as the ones that come from medieval times. If you look up any ancient, non eastern myth with dragons in it, I can guarantee that the dragons will be slain by some knight because they're evil.

    I grew up on Spyro. That's another great example. The bad guys in the classic trilogy are dinosaurs/orc like creatures. Later they start introducing dragon villains though...Red in A Hero's Tail is one. Malefor in the legend trilogy outevils Red like 100%. He believes the destiny of a purple dragon is to destroy the world, purple dragons are extremely rare and have more power than other dragons, and there's only one born every 1000 some years. Malefor and Spyro are the only purple dragons in existence at the time. Where as Red was just a rogue dragon elder who liked causing trouble, pretty much.

    And yeah. That's why my dragon laguz OC is far from that. He's Gareth's son and he actually likes spending time with beorc and other laguz. And when he hears of a conflict, he doesn't go "meh, none of my business" like Deghinsea does, he picks a side. And once he does, nobody can tell him to not go and burn the opposition to a crisp. But Goldoa uses him as an ambassador, kinda like Gallia does with Ranulf. Deghinsea can trust that he won't cause too much trouble.

  7. Because dragons = evil. And wyvern are a type of dragon. Often, FE uses very simple ways to show who's evil and who's not.

    I hate that stereotype...dragons arent always evil. At least the chinese have dragon myths that aren't all evil dragon kidnaps princess/evil dragon destroys town/etc...

    The thing is, each nation on FE1 had a particular set of talents. Macedon preferred death from above and used flying units. Grust used horses and ballistae. Khadein used mages almost exclusively. And Dolhr supplemented a mix of everything with their Manaketes.

    That's interesting. Looks like the other continents have more wider strategies and use a bit of everything, mostly.

    Yeah, I know Begnion has both.

  8. I noticed that when it comes to flying units, like 90% of the time, the protagonist country will have pegasus knights and the antagonist one will have wyvern riders. A good example of this is PoR. Jill is from Daein. Don't remember where Haar is from, but certainly not Crimea. In Awakening Ylisse has a squad of pegasus knights and Plegia has a lot of wyvern riders. The wyvern riders in Elibe are most likely from Bern. The list goes on and on, even if that country becomes an ally later on, it starts out that way.

    Any idea why this is?

  9. You're in the minority on this forum and in the majority everywhere else. But if you really have a problem with breeding mechanics in video games, do yourself a favor and never play Pokemon.

    Pokemon is different...kinda. And no, I don't have a problem with it. I was just surprised to see everyone pairing for skills and stats instead of who goes well together otherwise.

    I'm starting to regret making this topic.

  10. Oneshots are easier for me, I write more of them because they don't require as much planning. But if I ever do do a big story it will have its own topic.

    Post feedback in this topic and make sure you tell me which one you're reviewing. Highest rating will be pg 13 ish, language and etc.

    The Tattler

    "What ya doing?" Kjelle looked up from the game of tic tac toe she was playing with Laurent just in time to see Morgan rip a branch off a tree. "What'd that tree ever do to you?"

    "Dad won't let me use his swords. Says I have to wait until I'm thirteen. So I'm making my own." Morgan swished the branch through the air a couple times, grinning. "Who wants to spar? Pick your own stick!"

    "No thanks. We're in the middle of a-" And then Kjelle took the paper and crumpled it up. "Hey!" Laurent snapped.

    "His idea is more interesting." Kjelle explained. "And you were winning anyway."

    "So?" Laurent whined. "At least tic tac toe isn't dangerous!"

    "Don't come crying to me when you run into bandits and can't do squat to save yourself." Kjelle got up and grabbed a branch. Laurent stormed off. "Yeah, go ahead and be a chicken! Bawk bawk bawk!" Kjelle yelled after him.

    "If he wants to be that way, let him." Morgan rolled his eyes. "His loss. Now...ENGARDE!"

    Kjelle raised her stick and smacked Morgan in the chest. Morgan countered with a turn and a swipe toward Kjelle's backside. She dodged, a fierce look in her eyes. "You know why they say not to hit girls? Cause girls hit harder!"


    Laurent had returned...with Morgan's parents. The red haired boy was behind Rene and Lon'qu, looking quite pleased with himself.

    Kjelle dropped her stick. "..Good luck." She then walked away without another word.

    "You're too young to be hitting your friends with sharp sticks. We've been over this!" Lon'qu growled.

    "But Dad-"

    "No buts!" Rene's voice was laced with frustration. "If you want a sword when you're older, you have to show you're responsible, and right now you're anything but that!"

    "THIS IS SO UNFAIR!" Morgan stomped the ground and threw the stick. Usually Lon'qu could evade attacks with ease...but that was on the battlefield, when he was prepared to dodge. He wasn't expecting that stick to come flying towards his groin. He buckled under the pain and landed on the ground.

    "Oh gods, are you okay?" Rene was trying not to laugh. Of all the places it could've hit him...what were the odds?

    "I think I'm fine." Lon'qu sputtered.

    Morgan just stood there, mouth open, as his father staggered to his feet. "...How long am I grounded..."

    "Don't know yet." Rene's tone was stern. "You'll know before the day is over."

    "But the grounding starts now."

    Morgan stopped in his tracks. He had been making his way over to where Owain and Inigo were kicking a ball back and forth, until he heard his father say he was already grounded. "...Bullshit." He muttered, retreating in the direction of his family's part of the camp.

    "Did you hear that? Last time we let Vaike and Sully be sitters..."

    Rene shrugged, chuckling softly. "Yeah. I'll talk to them later. I have a feeling Kjelle was just as much in on it as Morgan...we need to deal with one problem at a time."

    Time of Peace

    Rene's point of view
    I think my son is going to be a morning person.

    Granted, he's barely a day old...but he woke up at the crack of dawn and he wasn't hungry, nor did he need changed. He just...woke up and started making noise. How I heard him, I have no idea...usually I can sleep through alarms. I wonder where he got that? Certainly not from me, and certainly not from his father...speaking of which, Lon'qu wasn't in the tent with me anymore. Must've went back to his tent because he didn't want to be woken up for anything. Gee, thanks...he's gonna get an earful when I see him.

    I figured Morgan would benefit from some fresh air. I picked him up and took him outside. The birds were chirping, gentle breeze...nice day. Morgan's little eyes were round and wide. He was taking in everything around him the best he could. If he could talk, he would be speechless. I had to smile and chuckle a bit. He has no idea how big the world really is.

    Sol was sprawled out on the ground in the middle of camp. Usually I make him sleep in the stables with the horses and pegasi, but yesterday I was in labor for most of the evening, and by the time it was over, it was dark out and I just wanted to go to bed. He doesn't seem to like crowded stables anyway. I knew he would stick around...and now, it was time for the wyvern to meet the baby.

    I tapped Sol's muzzle. "Wake up." He let out a yawn and shuffled slightly, then blinked, moved his head down close to Morgan, and started sniffing him. Morgan babbled and cooed. I'm glad he inherited my way with wyverns, instead of screaming his head off. That wouldn't be good...

    It also wouldn't be good if I let Sol lick him. I frowned and pulled Morgan away slightly. "No." I addressed my wyvern sternly. Wyverns spit acid, and sometimes that acid gets on their tongues and around the inside of their mouths. If Morgan got that acid on him, he would definitively scream bloody murder and that would be pure chaos.

    "What the hell are you doing with our son?!"

    Well, it was obvious my husband was up and around... "Calm down!" I turned and blinked. "Sol won't hurt him. Oh, and tonight, do me a favor and NOT sneak out of the tent after I'm asleep. He's your kid too. I expect you to help out."

    "He can't feed him. You know that, right?"

    I gave Chrom a small nod and rolled my eyes. "I sure hope you don't know that from experience, milord. I meant, I expect him to help otherwise."

    "Of course. Obviously." Chrom started to leave for the barracks and beckoned for me and Lon'qu to follow. "You guys both look like exhausted new parents, and I feel your pain. But do you think you can still work on strategies, Rene? I know it's been peaceful lately, but you never know."

    "Pretty sure I can..."
    Sol's point of view
    I should’ve known. All the signs were there...but I was still surprised when my human companion showed up all of a sudden with that little whelp. No wonder she’d been a bit heavier and rounder the past few months...

    The whelp was tiny, and wrapped in some sort of hide material with only its head showing. It didn’t have all its head fur, but what was there was dark colored. Same color as its father’s fur. No doubt in my mind who he is. I’m not blind. I saw the courtship displays...I wonder if it’s common for female humans to pelt a male they’re interested in with fruit? Whether it is or not, it certainly worked.

    Humans are strange. Not only do they drag their courtship on and on and end it with what looks like a ceremony, but it looks like they find a good hiding spot and mate there. For an animal at the top of the food chain, that’s kind of surprising. Well, they’re helpless without their sharp shiny stick looking things...but still. I knew they would mate eventually, but I had no idea their species is so secretive about it.

    I could tell the little one was fresh out of the womb, mere hours old, because he or she smelled a bit like blood. The noises it made sounded neither male or female, and it was wrapped up...I’m not sure I’d be able to tell the difference even if it wasn’t though. No biggie. I can call it an it until it gets older.

    My mistress was okay with me sniffing the whelp, but not licking it...she pulled it away when I tried. Right. Wyvern venom sometimes gets in the saliva. Probably wouldn’t be a good thing for a newborn human to have on its skin if it burns even adult ones.

    I heard her mate yell behind me. He ran up with a startled look on his face. It’s good that he’s being a protective father...but did he honestly think I would hurt the little thing? This is why I would’ve preferred that she had chosen another wyvern rider to be her mate. This one tends to have panic attacks over flying. He was fine the first time until he looked down...flying just isn’t something he enjoys. He’s also a little...antisocial. When everyone else is sitting around the fire vocalizing, he’s by himself with his shiny stick cutting up random objects. I don’t think he’s much for wyverns either. What she sees in him is a mystery to me, but I guess I can’t complain.

    The leader of the group approached, making laughing noises. He had recently sired a whelp himself, and there was a giant ceremony for that one...suppose that’s expected for leaders. My mistress made friendly noises back at him. Then they all left, leaving me free to go back to sleep.

  11. Is this your first day on the Internet?

    Heck no. My first day on the internet...I was a major n00b. I played Neopets and flat out asked people for rare items and typed like "she went 2 the store 4 eggs" "r u on" etc. That wasn't even my first day...but yeah.

    Good to know other people do the same thing I do. I just see so much talk about stat/skill pairing here...

  12. ...who doesn't even consider stats and skills and etc when pairing people? I know it's a game, but...the last time there was talk of selective breeding for the best possible gene pool irl, World War 2 happened. And the selective breeding supporters lost. FE characters are NOT farm animals, people...

    The comparison to Nazi Germany is a joke btw.

  13. (Especially since I'd like to see a multi-generational entry in the series where it's part of the protag's job description to oversee your eugenics program help play matchmaker between soldiers, given something like a setting where the war being fought is so massive, all potential parents are forced to face the grim possibility that their children will have to inherit the fight)

    Kinda what Awakening does...not quite though...

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