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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. The first one reminds me of those villages/towns like these, but the entrance throws me off. The last one is gorgeous!
  2. For some reason it's not letting me download this version but I am using some of your mugs from your older pack .
  3. Top 3 1. Sacred Stones: This one is my favorite one because I enjoy the option of different routes. The characters are likable and I like the story the best out of the gba games. The only drawback for me is the lack of more difficulty. I don't consider the short length a drawback because I kind of like it. 2. Path of Radiance- Similar to Sacred Stones, I think it's a little easy but I really like it anyway. I love the cast and the world building in this game not to mention the chapters. The graphics are pretty ugly though. 3. Fates (Conquest)- This one is my favorite out of the Fates trio. First I'll mention the three things I hated about it: a) lack of world building b) Terrible story c) Perhaps the worst protagonist in FE history in terms of writing. Despite that Conquest restored hope for me because of the challenge it brings. It might be too soon for it to score this high but so far I think it's ok for me to place it this high. I still hate the child mechanic though. Middle of the Road 4. Sealed Sword- My second favorite of the GBA FE's although I dislike the lack of Map goal variety I like how it brings a fair amount of difficulty. 5. Blazing Sword- Its story was quite dumb but the game still gets a lot of things right in terms of difficulty and variety for me at least. 6. Thracia- I haven't finished the game yet but so far it's ok. I enjoy the skill variety but dislike the lack of characterization among the characters, they're all quite flat. 7. Radiant Dawn- There's things I both love and hate about this game. I love the difficulty it brings and the new cast looks really nice. I like that it builds from PoR but I hate that instead of focusing and building the new content they just throw it aside and leave an unbalanced mess. I feel like if they had gotten rid of Ike and the GMs the game would be more balanced and all the new characters would have been better written. 8. Shadow Dragon- The game isn't bad by any means but if it would have played more like a modern FE instead of FE1 in a new coat of paint. The gaidens were a letdown and the graphics weren't as enticing to me as the gba games. Bottom 3 9. Awakening- The game is pretty and there are some things I like that it introduced like the new classes, and the style of mixing 2d-with-3d. However for me it also got a lot of things wrong which leads me to score it this low. My main issues with the game were the lack of chapter goal variety, the terrible story, and the flat protagonists and villains. 10. Genealogy of the Holy War- This one is kind of a parallel opposite of Awakening for me, at least it has a story that connects well. However I didn't like the game very much compared to other FEs. The lack of trading mechanic makes things tedious, although to be fair it is an older game. The lack of chapter variety is a drawback for me, they're all outdoor maps. The huge maps kind of work against it because it makes things slower too. 11/12. Fates (Birthright/Relevation)- I should have gone from these to Conquest instead of Conquest to these because I was let-down. There isn't much to say, it feels like Awakening 2.0 with a worse excuse for the child mechanic (which I hate btw). I didn't care for any of the Hoshidian characters either. Although I do think the Hoshidian classes (or new classes in general) are really nice.
  4. Linde's reminds me of Megara from Hercules. They're all really nice! I like them.
  5. #1: Laslow/Inigo- Don't care about him, I always bench him. #2: Shigure/#3: Selkie/#10: Sophie- I hate all children characters equally. #4: Flora: She's okay, I like her sister more. #5: Scarlet- I like her, she has the most depth and interesting backstory of all the characters in Fates. #6: Selena/Severa- I like her better in this game than Awakening but not among my favorites. #7: Nyx- I don't like her much, I find her annoying. #8: Takumi- Hate him. #9: Corrin- Dislike heavily/hate. #11: Shura- I haven't used him much, but I don't like his hair.
  6. Does the Empress use the Queen/PeerF Map sprite? I did always wonder what she would fight as if she were playable. Ismaire switching classes doesn't count.
  7. Try an IFCD so if he's dead you can load someone else/or no one.
  8. Sweet_Basil


    Oh wow you're really good! I love it. <3 Especially the thief.
  9. Teach me how to shade! I like him he looks good to me.
  10. I like the second one :p For the first one he could use a dark line for the chin.
  11. She's cute but her neck is a little too long in my opinion.
  12. Sorry about your dad and welcome back. I like how he looks wielding the axe the most.
  13. Priam can reclass to Myrmidon, so maybe Ike did end up with Mia? My guess is that if Ike ended with a female it was probably Aimee, she was the Tharja before Tharja existed.
  14. Titania is like his mom, I don't like the pairing. I think she's better suited with Nolan or Tauroneo if she had to be paired of course.
  15. Chapter 6 from Awakening Silver tiles Blue Tiles
  16. Those sprites are too bright! I can hardly see them.
  17. I can help you with some of the indoor maps :p.
  18. I wanted to comment on your thread but I was too late :o

    1. Ken Masters

      Ken Masters

      That happens, mods have a strict policy regarding Satanic Cults, I guess :P

  19. Check the colors with Usenti. If it has more than 16 colors you need to eliminate some.
  20. Ephraim is definitely a Gary Stu but I wouldn't say he's the biggest Gary Stu in FE, he's close but not it.
  21. My opinion. Some drugs should be decriminalized -> cannabis Some should be criminalized -> Tobacco (it's harmful not only to people that take it but also second hand smoke), Cancer inducing garbage like sugar and alcohol.
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