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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. I'm not talking about Fiona throwing javelins i'm talking about 3-6 being safer for her to gain experience by holding chokepoints because the enemy only has 1 range and so she only has to worry about one enemy at a time. In the other maps like 1-7/1-E there's enemies with 2 range that might crawl by and kill her.
  2. I voted for Eirika on this day, but I also want to vote for my other favorites too. IF I want to vote for Anna which one do I choose?
  3. I love their new/upgraded looks especially Cellica I really like her outfit lol.
  4. Why would you write off that map? It's the easiest map for her to gain experience because she doesn't have to worry about a random enemy crawling nearby with a 2 range weapon. All she needs to do is hold a chokepoint and keep her health meter up, it's what every character is doing anyway. When I said canto is beneficial for her is because a lot of the part 3 maps for the db depend on chokepoints. So if she does 1 wrong move then she can move away for a substitute. I've used her many times and I always find that map easier to work with on Fiona.
  5. Thank you! Oh the direct made it seem like there were only a few characters to pick from, but apparently we can vote for anyone. That's going to be hard to pick just one lol.
  6. I'm actually glad the avatar is gone, they just ruin everything anyway. Does anyone know where we can vote? I didn't get to screenshot it.
  7. Oh my Ashera! I LOVE FE Gaiden's remake! I totally didn't see it coming. It looks good and I'm really happy I can finally get to play it, I always wanted to try it and now I can. It's nice to see their upgraded designs too they look so good. The direct was really good .
  8. I would prefer it to be Mario Kart and completely Mario related but these new additions really added much needed originality. Things were really getting out of hand with the Baby-Metal-rehash/clone plague going on. I mean there's five different Princess Peach clones and five differerent Mario clones, that's very redundant. I would rather they give the lesser known Mario characters the favor but I don't know why they don't. I think these non-mario characters are ok but I'd rather have a Nintendo Kart as a separate series, but I think that's not going to happen now.
  9. Bolded yes she needs all that if you want to use her raise her as a combat unit. Italic maybe but what she prefers is the secret book so she can hit things. If she's being spoon fed kills that energy drop doesn't make much difference because she prefers a stronger forge. Also she has C-rank Lances she doesn't need discipline at all a maxed forge is good for her. I noticed that one difference between Fiona and Lyre is that Fiona eventually catches up faster, since Lyre's fastest way of gaining stats is through BEXP she's going through a much slower process than Fiona. Canto does make a big difference for Fiona, if she misses a hit or lands an unwanted kill she can move back to safety and have someone cover for her. No idea why you're counting 4 maps she's got 5 available maps [1-7,1-E,3-6,3-12,3-13] and Laguz give much better exp than beorc. Lyre's availability is similar she only has 1 map ahead of Fiona [3-4, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11, 3-E].
  10. Lyre vs Fiona I'm Team Fiona on this one because Lyre taking an energy ring is equivalent to Lethe but Lethe is bad as it is, she can't double or deal much damage. Fiona on the other hand has a hard time on her joining map but there's more resources to help her grow than there is with Lyre. Lyre needs stat boosts + blossom and bexp but Fiona has forges, canto (which comes in handy when raising a frail unit), and she levels at a much quicker pace. It doesn't really matter that she can't leave the island in 3-6 because the enemies will flow towards your team and it's much safer to keep everyone in choke-points.
  11. Geoffrey sort of looks like a pokemon or something lol. I love Callil's black dress design she looks really good, sort of wish they went with it although I like all of her current designs as well. I hope they make a similar character in a new FE with that black dress <3. She looks like she can fit in the Bayonetta sketch designs.
  12. It's an interesting argument but idk about that, I think it depends the difficulty mode, because in Normal it's much easier to make something out of Fiona than it is with Lyre thanks to the abundance of BEXP. Either way Lyre's cat gauge is going to be a big issue forever until she gets the gems. However unlike Fiona, Lyre isn't getting slaughtered by everyone on her join time. Beorc are easier to work with so I think I'm with Fiona on this one. Lyre level ups too slowly for my liking.
  13. Vika's issue is the strike levels are kind of hard to reach for her (efficiently). I had her reach S-strike in 1-7 in around 40 ish turns by boss abusing, then in 1-E she reached SS-strike with another 40 ish turns by boss abusing again. The easier way to just use her without Strike/boss abuse is just to BEXP her to level 30 when you get her again and give her Tear.
  14. I laughed at the Fiona is fucking bitch and doesn’t escape by crossing the river! bit . It seems like Meg is a little str screwed but all around she's doing fine I think. idk about bringing paragon to part 3 it depends how Fiona does I guess.
  15. I really hope Magvel isn't neglected, they're already neglected in the TCG which I find irritating to no end. I'm really interested in FE:Warriors but that's my 1 request, at the very least I need Eirika to show up because she's my favorite lord .
  16. Lehran: 2.5 His stats aren't bad at all it's just that he's a Gato/Athos type unit but somehow with less things to do. The dragons seem to be that type of unit too except they had more available maps, although to be fair he is the traditional type. He can heal/fortify or help destroy the Auras or fight Ashera, but it just seems like there's too little for him to contribute. Here's my score list and my reflections
  17. Portrayal: Tie between Xander/Ryoma and Corrin in Xander/Ryoma's case both are pretty dumb, stubborn, boring, and they both seem to have no clue how to think for themselves. Corrin is the most obnoxious protagonist as of yet, they were terribly written. Forgiving enemy units not once but several times is just asking for a stab-in-the-back. Unit: Odin is really bad so I guess him, Nyx is at least useful at chipping and can keep up her speed. Her bases are also better save for def, and hp.
  18. Renning: 2 The good thing is he has canto and decent bases but he's not exactly the best endgame filler. Too bad he doesn't have staves like his niece. Kurth: 3 He kept my units alive in 1-3 too bad he didn't keep that sturdiness for endgame. They should have given him SS-strike to make him deadly like the black dragons are supposed to be. He's still a decent utility unit and can keep the herons alive when Ashera's waves hit. Ena: 5 Probably the best dragon because she has the most availability but like the rest of them she's not that good at fighting. Gareth: 3 Ena-lite because he has less availability but you'll want to deploy both of them to bring the bosses down faster. Nasir: 4 He's useful because he makes your units faster, and combined with Ena/Gareth he helps you get rid of the auras faster esp. with your slower units that are borderline doubling.
  19. That's interesting I didn't know their supports were that fast, I hardly put them on the same team though lol. I like that retcon btw, maybe IS planned that but didn't get to it because they rushed supports.
  20. I find Vanessa much more useful than Tana but both are really good.
  21. I can't find my headphones :C

  22. Oh my gosh I always loved the idea of doing this kind of run! I'll keep an eye on your run . Are you going slow or fast? If you're going slow you can get Vika to reach S-strike with 1-7's boss and then SS-strike in 1-E. That's what I do when I used her. Oliver can bless your purge or Valuara btw.
  23. Oliver: 0/10 I think Oliver is going to be the only character I rate as 0. Unlike Bastian he doesn't join you at the beginning of the map, so he's similar to Pelleas except at least Pelleas has an extra map to grow before endgame. By the time Oliver joins you at best there will be a few enemies you can save for him but it's too late to make him effective. So at endgame he's stuck with terrible speed. He'll need to be a staffbot and there are much better options to pick from that at least have better speed base. Bastian: 1.5/10 If I'm playing on normal mode he's much better but that speed cap, well he just doesn't cut it for endgame. Sanaki has more potential than him, similar bases, but more room and levels to grow. Volke: 3/10 If Sothe wasn't forced he'd seem like a better candidate for endgame filler but I'd rather just strip him of skills and give it to Micaiah. Giffca & Caineghis: 5/10 They have the same use except one of them can reach speed cap and the other one doesn't need a gem. Both are very strong but lack 2-range but all they have to offer is endgame performance unlike the other royals.
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