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Everything posted by Sweet_Basil

  1. How many combat units is it good to focus on for a lunatic run?
  2. Ike: 7/10 Ike is good but he isn't flawless. Besides mobility I find that him being swordlocked is a drawback, and wind edges are not that good. I can't just funnel bexp into him (normal/easy) and watch him dominate like I can with other ground units like Boyd. On hard mode it's more apparent to me that he's not keeping up with the 9/10's (Haar/Titania/etc). He doesn't really shine until part 4. Mist: 4.5/10 I find her kind of redundant, unlike Laura whom I appreciate having a second healer I find that the GM's function well with just one and Rhys is a much better healer than her. On the bright side I like that she gets her own promotion item but I still consider the less helpful healer. Titania: 9.5/10 Titania is a goddess, she's basically Haar with a horse. Soren: 4.5/10 He's ok if I dedicate myself into raising him I guess but he's much too weak and I find him rather pointless to raise because he doesn't have the option to go into whatever team I want. Rhys: 7/10 He doesn't need a horse and doesn't need to face the enemy when his base magic is good enough to heal from afar. He can just do his healing well enough on his own without resources effort.
  3. He's also several turns too late and on the wrong map route for his magic type.
  4. Kieran: 5.5 Kieran has a strong start and it shows, he's definitely the second/third best in the CRK for chapter 2-3. He's also got more potential than Geoffrey to grow into something else but ultimately like the rest of the group he suffers from low availability. Kieran is also riddled with speed issues and for endgame there are other paladins that have better speed caps than him which makes him seem less of an amazing choice. Astrid: 4.5 Astrid is the most fragile member of the CRK and like the rest of them she has to play catch-up but is ultimately hurt by low availability. However she also grows the fastest compared to them because of innate paragon and because she's under-leveled. She is helpful in the CRK chapters and noticed that she compliments Makalov's chipping for kills. She also has the potential to use para-blossom which I find very helpful into turning her into a better combat unit. Makalov: 5.5 Makalov is the reverse of Kieran, he has a rough start but a much better ending because of his superior speed growth. Kieran uses axes and Makalov uses swords. Kieran is very responsible and Makalov is very irresponsible, etc. It's a shame that the CRK's potential was cut short by low availability, a lot of their issues would be fixed if they were available longer. Danved: 5 He's a decent unit in the CRK chapters and then falls off the map and has to play catch up like the rest of them. I mean his bases are really close to Oscar's bases. What the heck were they thinking? lol. They should have either given the CRK superior bases or more availability. Calill: 6 Calill is much safer to use than Ilyana or Soren because she's got a better speed growth and unlike Soren she can go to Micaiah's team. I wish she were available longer though because she's my favorite anima sage.
  5. I always use Astrid with blossom and she seems to grow fine to me, although I don't know what her growths are with blossom tbh. I'll post my scores later
  6. I have a new map to show: and some mugs The second one and the fourth are splices from NICKT's pack.
  7. The bard has a small head and the archer? has no eyebrows but the rest of them look really nice.
  8. Heather: 6 She's not that helpful in her starting map but then after that one her presence is more appreciated. Overall she's a good unit that can steal some nice items for your team. Lucia: 4 She's the star player in that one map and then the game cuts off her beautiful long hair and steals away her potential to be the best swordmaster in the game. All this only to have her return with no auto-level. Which means she's dealing no damage as an npc in 3-10 and has very little room to grow for endgame. Lethe: 3.5 Lethe was much better in the previous game, but she leaves much to be desired in this game. The good thing is that she's not her sister. The bad thing is that she's forever haunted with that cat gauge and laguz don't gain much experience fighting. So if you want to raise her she'll need Bexp and/or to fight untransformed to gain exp. In Part 2 she's ok for the same map I previously mentioned, and then she kind of disappears for me. I've used her before and she's got potential but also has drawbacks. Mordecai: 6 I find him quite helpful as a wall-type unit, even untransformed he can take a hit or two. Even if I don't use him as a main fighter I find him helpful with other things like transportation and shoving/smiting other units. As a combat unit he never really double though unless he's got resolve. Geoffrey: 5 He's the best unit for two chapters and then he disappears all the way until that one chapter before endgame. He's got the least potential to grow out of the CRK because his exp gain is so minimal, even with paragon, and his availability is cut even shorter! Why? He already joined mega-late the last time. It sucks because I quite like his design.
  9. I don't get it :( He has Nil's body and exact placement and everything yet he's shorter. I also having trouble with some of my mugs being too tall.
  10. Back in the day Ike's addition to smash didn't seem like a mediocre choice to me. Roy was dropped and Ike's addition paralleled Marth's fast and nimble style. However one game later we have not one but two newcomers, and one as another Marth clone. Then a few months after Roy returns, which makes Ike's addition to Brawl seem entirely pointless in my opinion, and lastly we get the hotly debated Corrin. What do they all have in common? Swords. It's been three games and 6 characters and they have yet to move on from Swords. The roster is so big and yet so stale that it doesn't even scratch the surface of Fire Emblem's potential. So yes I think Micaiah would have definitely been a better choice than Ike.
  11. Leanne- I give her an 8 she's never useless but she's outclassed by her brothers for endgame. Nealuchi- I give him a 6 because I find him helpful whenever he's around. Since Lucia can't do everything by herself I find his flight helpful. Past Part 2 he does go downhill because of his lack of available chapters, but I always bring him to the desert map just to find treasures or carry people around. Haar- He's really good, probably the best unit but even he has his flaws too come part 4. Brom- He's a 5 to me, he's just ok but never good enough. I guess he does his job ok but compared to the other knights he's not that memorable. Even in Part 2 Mordecai, and Haar are better shields. Then he'll struggle forever with low move and low speed which makes him less appealing compared to the other growth units come part 3. Nephenee- She's like a 6/6.5 and only because of she's lucky to get much available chapters. I find her quite underwhelming in part 2, especially without transfers, but overall a helpful unit with potential.
  12. Those maps are S-E-X-Y! That first one looks really good. I like them. The mugs are good too especially the brown haired paladin.
  13. You have to make your map with FE7's tileset first before using it in FE7, try editing your map and fixing it with FE7's tileset with your map maker (if you're using mappy) or if you're not using mappy then remake it using FE7's appropriate tileset.
  14. I'm confused because I'm checking every single class i've inserted and their promotion and they all seem to work except for the Soldier -> Halberdier. Whenever I promote the soldier and if he's wielding a lance it crashes or glitches out. The weird thing is idk why but if I unequip the soldier and promote him it actually works correctly :v. Here's the promotion nightmare pointer thingy. The animation seems to be working correctly to me Help me
  15. Can someone help me pick palettes for my characters? :v pm me if you're interested I'm unhappy with what I keep using.
  16. but Sheema is so pretty I would have picked both.
  17. I have some screenshots to Show: First chapter is 90% done!!! except for the writing. A demo will come real soon (first chapter only), i'm debating whether to put in the writing first or just upload the demo?
  18. Cherche looks really cute! She's my favorite of the bunch along with the guy to her left and the maid.
  19. His lower hair (below the bandana) doesn't seem to match, I feel like it could use a little more thickness? That is so cool! I love it.
  20. Those are some really nice splices, I really like the 4 on the right especially the blue haired girl. The upper left one has a "u" between their hair, not sure if that's intentional.
  21. I'm glad you found it helpful You're welcome. Thanks! I posted the missing mugs (FE6/FE8) but then I realized I could just edit the older post that was already linked in the OP. I didn't know we could edit older posts lol.
  22. I've been going through an emotional roller coaster this month but I still haven't forgotten about this small project of mine. Here's a small update. I'm so relieved because nearly all of the content is done. NEXT up is the trial and error for each map + story insertion, hehe! I turned that last dude into a filler boss. Why let him go to waste right? :3. I've posted him before.
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