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Posts posted by vonretic

  1. Okay I put the .iso file with dolphin. It launched but all it shows is all the buttons jammed into one, and on the top left side. And the screen is black.

    I highly agree with the post above. Maybe the emulator will work on your Galaxy and it will open the.iso file, but unfortunately as I've said on my first post, the Galaxy doesn't run on Nvidia Tegra CPU which means that you have to buy yourself either a PC or a mobile device that does support Dolphin Emulator.

  2. Well the problem is that I don't any of those tablets. I have Samsung Galaxy. And does the dolphin emulator work with .iso files? I opened it and I selected the file nothing happened.

    It is quite recommended to dump your own .iso game files for Dolphin, but if you can't do that, try to get your .iso file of the game from a different source.

  3. Well the only way to play the game on Android is to download Dolphin Emulator. The only and biggest problem, as I understand, is that the emulator doesn't work that well on Smartphones and Tablets, with FPS also being very low. Though if you have an NVIDIA Shield the emulator will work better and smoothly and also the devices that are using Nvidia CPU's Tegra. You can find them here.

  4. You want to support the developers? Buy them through virtual console. As the post above said FE 12 is region locked though, while FE 11 is not.

    You really really want to play them on your DS (3DS, 2DS)? Try to find them at a cheaper price than retail (eBay, wathever...).

    And finally you can play them on a DS emulator, where you can also play FE 12 in English because it was translated by fans and you can find the patch on the internet.

    Overall the games are worth playing if you are bored (I would rather recommend playing the original ones instead of the remakes), from my stand point of view they are my least favorable FE games (remakes) in the entire FE franchise. I kinda agree with the post above about both of the games and how they play, and I really don't consider the character art to be that appealing (they look like dressed mannequins to me).

  5. No it won't. Try to use another monitor instead of the one you are using right now.

    Other things you can do before switching monitor/graphics:

    -Make sure your all of your connections are properly connected

    -One of my friend had a problem like you with his monitor and he plugged the power cord into a different outlet running off a different circuit in his home and that worked for him

    -Try to change the cords of your monitor if you have spare ones around

    -And also, try lowering the refresh rate of your monitor to 70-75 and setting the resolution as high as it can go, then restart the computer

  6. So recently, as of last week, I've been having a weird issue with my monitor, or I'm assuming it's the monitor. Whenever I boot up my computer now, and turn on the monitor, the power button on the monitor will flicker on and off, and the screen will also flicker between on and off until it boots up the Desktop where it is fine. However, today when I booted up and turned on the monitor, it continued to flicker on and off even up to the desktop. Turning off the monitor and turning it back on stopped this, but then the desktop would not load. Rebooting the computer fixed this issue.

    I am wondering if the monitor is going bad, as it does the flicker on/off even if the computer itself is not powered on. It is 8 years old, so I'd assume it's going bad at this point. I do not know.

    The thing about PC problems and issues is that they are exactly like human sicknesses. Your head is hurting, but you don't know the real reason behind why it does, you start wondering if it is that you probably got flue, or it does because you didn't slept well or long enough, and many others. When that happens humans usually go to doctors to see the real reason behind the pain and to get the right treatment for the pain to go away.

    What I'm saying is that you should check both your monitor and graphics card. Somethings you should do:

    -Use another monitor instead of yours

    -Change the graphics card and put another instead, or put your graphics card in another PC to see if the issue happens in that PC with your graphics card

    -Connect your monitor to your integrated graphics and see if your monitor/PC acts the same

    Of course you can do the last two only if you use dedicated graphics card and not the integrated graphics.

  7. No need to sound all condescending and stuff, I can read just fine. What was the point of your post other than repeating things I either know about or can figure out logically in a really "high-and-mighty" manner?

    Clearly the heavier advertising for Awakening and Fates make a difference. But I still see people arguing as if "fanservice-y newer game elements vs older game elements" were the only factors without even looking into things like advertising or different times.

    OK. Then define for me how you see "fanservice game elements" and "older game elements". Especially in FE games.

  8. Guys. Guysguysguysguysguys. I think we're all forgetting something very important, that no one cared to respond to me about yet.

    Did Awakening "save the series" because of all the fanservice elements that were added to it? Or did it "save the series" because it was heavily advertised and everywhere? Unless IS wants to take my advice (which I posted earlier) we'll never know for sure. So we can't even say for sure what was the biggest factor or factors for Awakening selling well.

    I've never seen any commercials for FE 7-11, not to my memory. I technically didn't see any commercials for FE13 either, but that was because I was out of state for grad school and not really watching TV. But technology and media has really changed in the last few years. I don't think things like youtube were as popular back in the Tellius days. I don't remember twitter and tumblr being as big back then either. But it's one of the fastest ways to find out about anything new nowadays. FE13 was released at a time when it was easy to spread the word through the Internet. Hell, look at how much has changed in technology between Awakening and Fates! Hackers found out everything about Fates before all of the DLC, including the IK, was ever released. Technology has a BIG impact, and I think we're forgetting that. Back when the GBA FEs were being released, and the Tellius games at that, the only real exposure to FE was Smash Bros.

    So no duh Awakening and Fates sold well, they were released at an advantageous time for the word about them to get out.

    If you would have cared to read through all the posts here, even mine, you would have discovered that:

    1.Awakening was supposedly to be the last FE game in the entire franchise, so the devs gave it all they've got to make it appeal to all and everyone.

    2.Advertising and promotional campaigns was the main reason many people knew about Awakening, then word of mouth second, as people would talk about the game with many praises and saying that it was one of the best 3DS game out there and fans of FE games talked about the fact that Awakening was the best FE game they've played in the series.

    There are a few examples of how things go well with p.campagins and advertising. Look at Ico for example, it didn't did well from a commercial stand point of view when it was released because they didn't advertised the game that much, even though the game did well with critics and players.

    Then comes Shadow of the Colossus, that was heavily advertised, and I don't even need to explain more, as the game did well BOTH critically and commercially.

    Now look at games that are coming out now. Fallout 4 is again heavily advertised and has an active promotional campaign, this resulting in a very big hype train. Think about it, from your stand point of view, how do you think Fallout 4 will do commercially? Because I think it will skyrocket on sales.

    The same can be said about Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. If you watch EIDOS Montreal youtube channel for the game (called Deus Ex) you will see that they have many videos advertising the game in many different ways, they even have an ongoing propaganda with many posters scattered around the world for the game, that are interesting posters and wanting ones, making people buy the game at launch, and they have many different trailers for the game, in different languages. And the devs are present at every gaming convetion, promoting the game even further. This is a heavy promotional campaign and advertisement going on for them, considering the fact that the game will come out only next year.

    And the fact that I talk about these games here, means that their adv and p.campaign works.

  9. Yeah, past FE games didn't sell well mainly because of poor advertising. And I disagree with those saying that PoR and RD being for GC and Wii had anything to do with it. The Wii is the best selling console on the fricken planet. A fuckton of people could've bought both because of that since the Wii plays GC games as well as its own games. The GC didn't do nearly as well though, admittedly.

    With how well-known Ike is today, I bet you anything that his games would sell a lot better if they were released again now.

    Correction. PlayStation 2 is the best selling console. I just had to say it, otherwise I would have died inside :)))

  10. So you're saying the reason for Awakening's success was that both Marth and Roy were playable?

    No. People didn't knew that Marth and Roy would have been playable in Awakening when the game was announced or at its launch, because they became available only through SpotPass and DLC's.

    As others posted on the topic:

    1.They advertised the game to its best possible, advertisement being the main reason people knew about it so well.

    2.Nintendo 3DS helped a lot, as the 3DS wasn't that popular at the beginning, enters 3DS XL that boosted the sales of the console, and then after few months came out FE Awakening, being one of the best games for the 3DS people would buy.

    3.Word of mouth became a big thing for the game, so it spread like fire.

    4.Intelligent System gave it all they got for this game as it was planned to be the last game in the entire franchise. I'm also a nostalgic gamer, but from my stand point of view FE Awakening at its time was the best in the entire series; improved sound, graphics, gameplay, child system coming back, interesting story, astonishing characters artwork to appeal to everyone, looking back through all the FE games before, Awakening had around 60 hours of gameplay (without DLC's), the most of all FE games; meaning a lot of content for the player to dive in.

  11. As the title states I will be starting to play this game and was wondering if you guys had any tips you can share with me.

    I really recommend to plan your team before start playing, looking at their stats and choosing to train only the ones that you would benefit the best. Though you can have anyone in your team its best to choose the ones that have good stats. I also recommend you to see the support options of each characters with one another, improving their support really helps. And if you play on emulator grind the arena and level up your units.

    Try not to train a lot of hero crest users, their promo item is pretty scarce

    Not really. You can find them on Secret Shops, both of them, although you will be able to access the Secret Shop only on CH. 16 and 21. And with a little arena grinding you will have enough money to buy them.

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