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About Armanyte

  • Birthday 07/02/1995

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  • Location
    Austin, Texas

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. You did fine, I just find it fun to have non-optimal pairings try to conquer apotheosis. Yet I somehow still ended up with pairings like Gaius!Noire, Donnel!Kjelle, and Libra!Owain. You should have seen me trying to figure out how to deal with Fred!Brady. Weirdly enough this pairing is actually what's making me do a third run I want to move to Fred!Yarne which, weirdly enough makes my favorite pairings more optimal Henry->Maribelle Stahl->Olivia Lon'qu-> (who knows I'm trying to figure that out right now after this run).
  2. Yeah, this was a head canon run, so that's the reason my Inigo is so bad. Weirdly enough my preferences for supports changed and my next run is probably going to be Stahl!Inigo (happy?). I'm actually posting this just before I'm about to do Severa's paralogue so I'll go grind out Axefaire then, which would be my pass for both Wyvern Lord and Hero so that works. Thanks for your help. I'll probably be back with more questions eventually.
  3. Ok, last two questions, first on the hypothetical Severa build is if I go hero, what class should Inigo go? Second question, does DS+ work even if the character is leading? I ask this because Lucina is paired with a hard support Gerome and I'm not sure whether to keep DS+ on. This is the current build: Sumia!Lucina @ Great Lord -Limit Breaker -Galeforce -Aether -Luna -Dual Strike+ Probably gonna change the class to Sniper/Bow Knight.
  4. Ok, that's looking pretty good, but as a hypothetical, if I went DF Severa, would I still want Inigo as a beserker?
  5. So from what you two have said I should be going Wyvern Lord Inigo. What does that mean for Severa because wouldn't Wyvern Lord + Wyvern Lord be not that great?
  6. Awesome I'll hope Czar_Yoshi (who seems to carry this thread a lot) replies as well. Should Morgan have a similar build?
  7. Thanks Alastor, so I guess it's like the Aether Luna situation for Lucina. In that case I'll probably do both, if you noticed I accidentally picked 4 skills the last was supposed to be armsthrift, but I can drop that. In that case my build now looks like this: MU!Severa @ Hero/Dark Flier -Limit Breaker -Galeforce -Luna -Ignis -Swordfaire/Tomefaire/(insert whatever -faire here) Now my question is what class to go. I'll adapt my faire after I decide on a class.
  8. Since we're on the topic of Severa. I married Cordelia (I'll report to the gallows later) and I'm trying to figure out how to build her. MU is +Spd/-Lck and this is my planned build: MU!Severa @ Hero/Dark Flier -Limit Breaker -Galeforce -Luna/Ignis -Swordfaire/Tomefaire/(insert whatever -faire here) She'd going to be paired with a Lon'qu!Inigo so my real question, outside of general advice is which class should I pick and whether to use Luna or Ignis. Thanks for your help!
  9. Hey Czar_Yoshi, I really appreciated your optimal picks list, but I can't help the lack of Miriel; is Laurent just completely useless? Onto my other question, in my sub-optimal file (a file in which I'm attempting to do apotheosis with my favorite picks, instead of absolute best) I'm planning on marrying Gerome and Lucina. Now I understand how Gerome would work well with physical lucina, but my only problem is that since gerome is usually played as a hard support I feel like I'm wasting DS+ on Lucina. Any tips? Oh and if it helps it Sumia!Lucina and Gregor!Gerome.
  10. Thanks Czar_Yoshi, I wasn't sure which thread to post it in.
  11. I may have stumbled onto one of the hardest to optimize pairings. On my run I paired Frederick with Maribelle. I've heard that Brady is great and nobody gimps him, but I may have found the exception. I've had to relegate him to support and this is my current build on him. Frederick!Brady @ -Limit Breaker -Galeforce -Aggressor -Deliverer -Dual Guard+ Pass: Father: Dual Guard+ Mother:Galeforce He's currently paired with Gaius!Noire who is built like this Gaius!Noire @ Sniper/Sorcerer -Limit Breaker -Galeforce -All Stats+2/Pass/Hit+20 -Bowfaire/Tomefaire -Vengeance/Luna Pass: Father: Pass Mother: Vengeance Please tell me how I can fix or patch Brady.
  12. Can someone explain to me the current opinion on Lon'qu!Severa. I've looked around and heard responses ranging from great to "God awful why would you do that?" So what's the current consensus now? If I did go with this pairing what should each parent pass down?
  13. I got into FE about a couple years ago, playing SS and FE7. Then I got Awakening and loved it. For my second run I wanted to be a little more efficient so I started looking around. I've been on the Fire Emblem Subreddit and then I was redirected here for more in depth content. After lurking for a few weeks I decided to make an acc and here I am. Hope to find a great community here!
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