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Posts posted by Knusperkeks

  1. I agree with you there. I'm an avid writer at heart, so when I don't see three-dimensional characters, I get really turned off to the writing. That said, some of the characters are more fleshed out than others.

    Sorry to say, but for least favorite unit, Cordelia gets the short end of the stick for me. Her absolute relentless lusting after Chrom and ploys to get his attention doesn't settle right with me in so many ways. He is clearly not interested in her, and yet she still chases after him as if he is not independent and even foolish for not falling for her. Like, she cannot take no for an answer, though it's not stated whether or not Chrom has actually told her to back off. (His actions should be a pretty clear indication though, because body language isn't that hard to read.) Not to mention, the fact that her entire character is centered around Chrom makes her have no actual personality of her own, the only time she displays any sort of personality outside of her crush is in any S support conversation, and even then it's hard to see, when one rank ago she was sighing and brooding cause Chrom doesn't love her.

    Sorry Cordelia. You're a great unit, but your personality is garbage to be honest. <3

    //that turned out to be lengthy im a very bitter person when it comes to one-dimensional characters LOL

    Your entire analysis is based on the assumption that Chrom knows whats going on. That is not the case. Cordelia never confessed her love for him directly, and he is too romantically dim-witted to grasp the situation and she doesn't know how to handle it until it's resolved in the supports in each of her marriages.

    The whole situation is a bit awkward and the result of people not communicating properly.

    I'm not disagreeing with your point that most of the cast can be perceived as one-dimensional on the first glance. One has to dig through support conversations to find a semblance of depth to their characters.

  2. In the OP I stated we were optimizing for Apotheosis... So yes, Veteran is nothing.

    My metric for being the best? Skills or skill combinations that allow you to succeed in combat scenarios. I don't know how else to put it.

    lol yeah Google's dictionary feature is... something

    Get off your high horse, I don't need you to show me a dictionary entry to understand what a simple word means when you are contradicting your own statements during the course of a thread. If you had expressed yourself better at the start, this wouldn't have become an issue in the first place.

    5. Hit +20/Lucky Seven (Increased Hit!)

    4. Armsthrift (Allows for infinite weapon uses)

    3. Galeforce (Rewards you for ensuring a kill)

    2. Faire- skills (Bonus damage at no cost)

    1. Vantage (Best defensive skill in the game)

    Per your own definition which I quoted above, Galeforce and Armsthrift are absolutely worthless to succeed in a combat scenario, since the player is easily able to replenish weapon durability in between waves and Galeforce is not certain to activate.

    They have zero impact on combat itself. Even Luck+4 is better than the two, by nature of directly contributing to hit rating in combat, and thus directly to the success in combat. Half the skills you mentioned are not "best" per your own definition.

    Heed your own advice. After you did that, research the equivocation fallacy. I'm not going to post you a link for that, since I assume you have enough brains to find the information yourself, something you didn't expect of me, as can be seen here.

  3. I messed up and didn't pass down underdog, and figured it would give some utility if I ended up needing someone to dodgetank. Is there an obviously better option? (Assuming I put Nah with another sage and stick Laurent as support for Morgan)

    Demoiselle is an awesome skill for avoid tanking, but you need to know exactly what you're going to use it for. Ideally, it would bring the enemy's hit to zero, or close to that. Too bad it works only on male units... Who do you plan to use it on? Without a concrete strategy, the skill will be worthless.

    Next best options for Nah are probably Speed+2 or Deliverer.

  4. On top of that general Hit difference between Waste and Celica's, keep in mind that Sorc has 5 less Skl than Sage. That'll make a Hit difference too.

    Right, that's another 7.5 hit, so we're at 42.5 hit for 4 mt. Thanks for pointing it out, I forgot.

    Demoiselle is one of those Aura skills that works from the back and even affects partners- in her case it should give her husband +10 Avo.

    I know what Demoiselle does and how it works.

    My inquiry was towards the purpose of giving Sorcerer Laurent 10 more avoidance and crit avoidance, it literally makes no difference whether he has that or not.

  5. I actually considered waste in my setup on Laurent, but gave up on it for reasons stated by Czar_Yoshi.

    Think of it like this:

    Waste has 10 Mt and 45 hit.

    To gain this much, you need 10/1=10 forge points in Mt and 45/5=9 forge points in hit, so 19 points total. 19 units of raw power.

    Celica's Gale has 4 Mt, 80 hit. That's 4/1+80/5=4+16=20. 20 units of raw power.

    Celica's Gale is actually more powerful in this regard.

    It's only when the unit has dozens of hit rating which entirely go to waste (sry lol) that the Waste tome pulls ahead of Celica's Gale.

    Waste has potentially 6 more mt than Celica's, if you consider that your unit can reclass to sage instead, which has 2 more magic, that advantage of 6 mt shrinks to 4 mt only. But you lose 35 hit rating.

    Do you think it's worth losing 35 hit for 4 mt? That's a really bad trade in terms of opportunity cost. That's why sages are better at dealing damage objectively.

    Edit: What's the point of Demoiselle on Nah?

  6. Yet another question: In your team from the other thread, several pairs dont add up to 60 speed without barracks bonus, e.g. MUxLucina (unless I'm doing the calculations wrong or forgetting another stat source). With my current children whom I'm trying to build into a team for a practice run, it certainly doesn't seem possible to get many pairs over the 60 threshold with barracks; if children are paired optimally from the beginning, is it?

    There is opportunity cost connected to everything. Some parents give good modifiers, some parents give good skills, very few provide both. You'll have to juggle around and look for a result which suits your taste.

    In my run, four supporters which provide great speed and damage output from the back are Gerome, Inigo and Yarne and Avatar.

    Gerome has 82 atk flat

    Inigo has 80

    Yarne has 78 (all assume 5/3 Brave Axe) which is very strong.

    On top of that, they give +8 speed to the frontline.

    As a comparison, +Speed -Def Avatar has 77 Atk base.

    As for hit(again, 5/3 BA):

    Gerome: 165

    Inigo: 170

    Yarne: 171+20

    Avatar: 167+20

    [spoiler=Rant about some Berserkers having hit issues]I thought that Swordbreaker and Axebreaker are enough, and that Lancebreaker is not needed, since Gerome has innate +20 hit against Lances from WTA, but that's really not enough.

    I'm considering to drop Axebreaker for Lancebreaker, or drop Strength+2 to get all three breakers on Gerome. He misses high avoid lance users regularly, even when he's using a 3/5 brave axe, it's a pain in the rear.

    Inigo is not so bad, so I gave him Galeforce instead of a third breaker, but he isn't also the best unit to lead as, since Kjelle's Atk drops from 76(lead) to 65(support), which leads to the issue I outlined in my earlier post where the damage decreases dramatically the more your attack approaches the enemy defensive stat.

    The pair is working well enough to pick of stragglers though, so in that case, his Galeforce is justified. Same with Nah.

    [spoiler=Nah is a good girl~ <3]

    My Nah is nothing if not reliable. She has great hit ratings, and she will never miss if she is in the lead, even against Anna who sits on the throne, Donnel!Nah has 239 hit prior to Hex/Anathema/Charm, which is really overkill(not that I would ever attack Anna with Nah, it's just to illustrate). The price she pays is little offensive power (only 74 Atk as lead, no offensive proc). Overall I'm happy with Nah. She is nothing special, but she is the one unit I think of when the situations comes

    Stahl!Laurent@Sage has 69 with 5/3 Celica's as support and doesn't give extraordinary speed to Morgan, but Morgan is the only one who can still keep up with the fastest even without 5 speed from Berserker pair-up.

    I know Laurent is holding her back, but I couldn't find a way to turn Laurent into a usable Berserker (without hurting others in my team), and my Morgan is the only one who can still perform admirably even while carrying this Laurent.

    Gerome, Laurent, Inigo, Nah, Yarne, Brady, Avatar. They are the Big Seven

    They're the supports who can destroy enemies the best from the back. Excuse the silly WW2 reference. I've been playing too much kancolle as of late.

  7. I'm using Berserkers and Sages because they have the brute force necessary to break through enemy defenses even when they're in the back line (without active skill).

    There is a big difference in attacking a 50 defense enemy with 55, 60 or 65 attack.

    55-50 = 5 dmg

    60-50 = 10 dmg

    65-50 = 15 dmg

    I increased the raw damage by 30%, but the effective damage dealt was increased by 200%. These simple numbers are just made up to showcase why raw power is important.

    If this hypothetical character deals 4 blows to the enemy, he will do 20 damage at 55 atk and 60 damage at 65 atk.

    20 damage won't kill the enemy, 60 damage will. And you want to kill for reasons which are obvious.

  8. I don'r recall if it was you or Knusperkeks or someone else entirely who said that Apo tests strategy/teambuilding more than tactics

    That was AC iirc.

    that seems sort of contradictory to me. Is "not knowing what I'm going up against" different from thinking of different possible 'archetypal' enemies that I should be able to deal with? Is the latter something that I should learn through experience?

    As a response to that:

    The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat, and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy. To secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself. Thus the good fighter is able to secure himself against defeat, but cannot make certain of defeating the enemy.

    If you use enemy data, the last part becomes invalid.

    The difference is that a well balanced generic team's purpose is to not lose, while an optimized team's purpose is to win.

    If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

  9. Regarding chip damage, that was primarily noire's role on your setup if I'm not mistaken?

    Yes. Noire with a Double Bow will make a decent dent into the enemy. I mainly utilized Olivia on my Noire to take out huge chunks of HP out of the more durable enemy units, e.g. 99 hp Berserkers. This way, it's guaranteed that at least one 'boss' unit falls each turn, even if you're unlucky with dual strikes.

    Since my team doesn't have much in the way of EP, I just rescue them out with the staff users.

  10. Hi! o/

    I used this excel sheet for my stat calculations. Made by Travis Smith. It was a great help.

    I also used my own google docs sheet to calculate average damage output.

    To echo Vascela from my thread, the best and most reliable damage output comes from Vengeance, so put that on as many units as possible, but keep in mind that - as you put more Vengeance users into your team - enemies with a combination of Counter/Vantage(+)/Hawkeye become very deadly.

    As long as you have a unit which can provide enough chip damage without putting itself in danger, allowing a different unit to finish the target off, you will be in great shape. A sniper would be predestined.

    Right now, your setup is too unfinished for me to give you a correct answer. There are too many unknown variables.

  11. I wonder what this game would have been like without children (besides Luci of course). I think it would have helped with some of the rigidity that L/L+ imposes on the player if they want reliable, no-grind clears.

    Not true. It's perfectly viable (and actually preferable) to clear the game on those difficulties without using any children characters.

  12. I hear good things for Golden Gaffe too (even if it's only gold).

    Can confirm. It's the only thing which makes grinding for max renown or high rank forges bearable. Should have mentioned that in #5. 30-60 seconds with Blitz-Auto AI and couple galeforce units for 70k gold is just unbeatable.

  13. The combination of Smash Brethren 2 (Bride class) and Apotheosis (Katarina)/Roster Rescue(Palla) gives you, as already mentioned: The strongest offensive Rally Bot with a possible setup of Rally Spectrum/Heart/Speed/Strength/Magic.

    Of course, if you intend to use all rallies, you could do what I did and get one male and one female avatar, spread the ten rallies among the two and always have them in your avatar logbook in case you need them. Then you don't need Apo or RR. Personally, I bought Apo because it's right down my alley and I think it has the best money/entertainment ratio, but I didn't get RR, so no personal experience there.

    Since I like apo, I absolutely need the DLC which enables me to grind units efficiently. At least LB3 and EXPgrowth are essential to me.

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