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Misses Elise-chan!

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Everything posted by Misses Elise-chan!

  1. If characters do get alternate costumes I'd like to see Link get his Ocarina of Time look from Melee, same with Zelda amd Ganondorf. I'd like to imagine Ninten in Smash, but an alternate for Ness would be more likely, but it's still not happening. As you can see by my avatar, I'm with you 100% on the engineer Link. Hilda was a total missed opportunity too. Toon Link should also get the outset shirt.
  2. We still get the character reveal trailer though, it should show us more about how the characters play.
  3. Ryu's stage looks like it could be legal in competitive play. This is hype as far as stages go. Isabelle doesn't deserve to be a DLC costume, Zero is the only one worthy.
  4. I really wish I could find the DLC songs, too much focus on Roy and Ryu.
  5. Roy's game came before Ike's, so I don't know how you can say this.In Fire Emblem it is a staple to have the main Lord wear a cape and headband/head accessories. Please stop comparing everything to Ike Ana, it doesn't bother me much, but other people find it very repetitive.
  6. How is his fsmash different, I didn't see. I really hope this is true. Ana, you can't just say he's a clone because you haven't seen the rest of his moves yet. Think of it like Ness and Lucas, most of their smash, aerials, and tilts are completely different, and even then the really similar moves have different properties.
  7. I thought try that by the leak you guys meant the old. I was in for a shock when I actually found out.
  8. If the presentation is going to be 20 minutes, I expect two character reveals and DLC stages or one character reveal, tournament mode, and DLC stages.
  9. The whole point is supposed to be to have them look similar, I don't know where you're going with this. Yes.
  10. I like how no one voted for pure clone. Oh and quarter clone is 25% similar to the orignal character, not 75%. Like Luigi.
  11. You guys do realize that of it was implemented it would be optional. The only problem I see with this is if Nintendo decided to do another thing like Spirit Tracks and have Link and Zelda have heterosexual feelings for each other. That's a terrible reason. Female Link would have to look similar, making her a different character would be a bad idea as the whole point is to represent the player.Female Link is not a separate character. It's like choosing a gender when starting a game of Pokemon, but the boy/girl you didn't choose doesn't appear at all during the game. You're not forced to be a girl it's am option. I was just thinking about how link could better represent the player, this was never meant to be a social justice warrior thread. This probably wouldn't happen, but I'd definitely like this feature implemented, not for me though.
  12. DLC is for new content not already in the game, so I think that they will put in more differences to separate him from Marth and Lucina. Clones are easy to make, so if they wanted to add him as a clone they could have done so easily and put him in the base game.
  13. Many people don't like change, even it was implemented, it would be optional. I imagine many of the complaints would come from fangirls who don't want their husbandos ruined or soiled.
  14. The speculation about female Link in Hyrule Warriors got me thinking... should players be able to choose the gender of Link? Although not likely, I think it would be a great idea, as Link is supposed to represent the player. To do this, the developers even let you name him. Pokemon did this starting in Crystal version, where the main protagonist was similar to Zelda's in the way they represent the player.
  15. I'd actually be happy if a female Link gets announced, but I think it would suit the main series games better. Link is supposed to represent the player, Pokemon did this and I'd like to see it in Zelda too.
  16. With Tetra leaked for Hyrule Warriors, I'm starting to wonder what she would have played like if she hadn't been scrapped from Brawl. For Zelda newcomers I can't see them adding anymore unless they bring back Young Link or Toon Zelda, but that's very unlikely, as much as I want Young Link... although he could use his masks.
  17. Tetra and The King better be DLC on the Wii U version too, I don't want to have to buy the 3DS version just to get them. My 3DS is weak from my days as a careless middle schooler. I'm just glad that my ganguro waifu and her father will be playable. This should lead to many CD-i and YouTube Poop related jokes too, which is what I'm excited for.
  18. Starfox Pediatrician - Doctor Mario x Starfox Metroid Country - Metroid x Donkey Kong Country I find it hilarious how some titles have 3D in it, but are for Wii U, same goes with HD 3DS games. Mario U is by far the most creative and original video game name I've gotten so far. FORGET A NEW SUPER MARIO STRIKERS! WE HAVE METROID: SOCCER! Play as all your favorite Metroid characters in a friendly game of soccer. I wonder if Ridley's also too big for this one too.
  19. Why can't people just leave Banjo and Kazooie to rest in peace. Please just leave them in their graves. No hate intended.
  20. I'm glad with the current roster, including announced and future DLCs, but I really think they need these characters... ...I really wish they'd put in Ninten, he's my most wanted unlikely newcomer, the last main protagonist in the Mother series. He can teleport with teleportation or 4th-D Slip. He has access to PK Beam and a possible reflector with PK Shield. As for Roy and Ryu. After I beat FE6, I started caring more about his addition. Ryu is the perfect rep for the fighting genre. Issac, mostly because everyone else wants him and I know he'd have a good moveset. Haven't finished the first Golden Sun yet though, I will eventually. Although I want Krystal, Wolf gets priority and should be added before she does. Starfox should be fine with three reps, but when it becomes time to add more newcomers in the next Smash, Krystal is a good option, since all the popular and well known characters have been taken already. I still miss Ice Climbers though.
  21. I only care for Ryu and Sakura's theme. Couldn't they also put in Street Fighter 4 music since they ported it over to the 3DS as Super Street Fighter 4: 3D Edition.
  22. I would really like to know what happens next in New Hyrule now that Ganondorf and Malladus are gone. If we had a new 3D Zelda game not limited to touchscreen controls in the manner of OoT, WW, and TP set in New Hyrule I would be so happy.
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