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Posts posted by ColdHeartAndASummerDream

  1. 2 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Flayn's Crest of Cethleann doesn't prove much, since we don't know how Nabatean reproduction works. I believe Flayn is unique, as the only confirmed child of at least one Nabatean (Rhea and Seteth's parentage is unclear). As such, it's possible that every Nabatean is born with a unique Major Crest, independent of the Crest(s) of their parents. In this case. Flayn's mother could just as easily be human (and Crestless), as Nabatean (and Crested).

    If, on the other hand, Nabatean Crest-inheritance happens the same way as it does in humans, then Flayn's mother must have borne (or descended from someone who bore) a Crest of Cethleann. In this case, the simplest explanation would be that she, too, was a Nabatean, with a Crest of Cethleann. Alternatively, she could be a human descendant of a human who got blood with the Crest of Cethleann in it. But it seems very unlikely that there would have been blood transfers generations before Flayn was born.

    Also, note that Flayn's aging appears to be slowed down significantly. She exhibits no change through the timeskip, and even if we take for granted that she didn't age during her "thousand-year-slumber", we have to acknowledge that she was already revered as a Saint (and one of Seiros' most trusted allies) before this slumber began. Which suggests she had already lived quite some time, and become accomplished, before the battles against Nemesis. This makes me lean toward her being full-blooded Nabatean - if she were half-human, she'd probably age somewhat faster than Rhea or Seteth (but slower than full-blooded humans). Then again, without any confirmed Nabatean-human hybrids, we can't say for sure.

    Bottom-line, I lean toward Flayn's mother having been Nabatean, but I won't say it's impossible that she was human. I find yhe former more plausible, but the latter more romantic. 

    Maybe spoilers?

    If I'm not mistaken, Sothis isn't particularly shown to need anyone else to reproduce, was she? I think she could do so asexually? As all original Nabateans are descended from her directly, afaik. So anyone with a unique crest is a direct descendant of Sothis, having inherited a spin-off version of her Crest of Flames, which would imply(! not prove, just imply) Flayn's mother would be the original bearer of the Crest of Cethleann(but obviously, she's forgotten, and history named Cethleann's crest after her rather than her mother, who is forgotten by all, including the Church by Rhodos Coast who worships Seteth), but that last part is more based on conclusions than facts.

    But the fact that Sothis created all Nabateans from her blood is more or less a fact, however. It doesn't specify if her blood turned regular humans into Nabateans or if she just made people though. I think this was from GD/Church+a bit of Rhea's supports/story dialogue?

  2. I don't know everything, but I know what classes I want some people to be.

    Bernadetta - Armor-Bow(Like an archer and then into Fortress perhaps).

    Dorothea - Myrmidon or Warlock

    Lysithea - Cavalier or Bishop(preferably a mage knight class so she can ride across horseback wielding all the weapons)

    Marianne - Cavalier(The Berkut X Rinea memes are just too real)

    Annette - Cavalier or Peg.Knight I guess

    Hilda - Peg. knight with axes

    Edelgard - Myrmidon(with axes as well)

    Sylvain - Cavalier

    Petra - Peg.Knight with swords

    I WAS thinking of making somebody a flying archer as well though, don't know who

  3. I think I like Lysithea's design post time-skip(did she tie her hair into buns at the front?).

    Caspar became a hottie and I'm definitely romancing him on my Black Eagles playthrough.

    Felix looks a'ight, we've seen his design before.

    Lorenz got an upgrade but he still looks like the love-child of Virion and Leon, so I'm definitely gonna make him an archer.

    Hilda looks fine.

    Ashe looks exactly what I'd expect him to, so that's okay I guess?

    Overall not too impressed, but at least not disappointed.

  4. We have not seen anything about the recruitment of Marianne. All we know is that Lysithea can be recruited from the Black Eagles.

    I have speculated in another thread about this. (even though it has nothing to do with the leak). Marianne's crest is that of Hresvelgr, meaning she shares blood with Edelgard(this isnt the theory part,this is just what Vincent detailed in his post),the theory part is that Marianne might have major Seiros blood, putting her in direct line of succession above Edelgard, since Edelgard only has minor Seiros blood(and perhaps major Hresvelgr blood, as a sort of duality/opposites thing). Perhaps Edelgard's dad wanted his own daughter on the throne, rather than that of a cousin or something(Marianne)

    (Btw,I was the one who asked Thani about Lysithea's death, and from what I could gather Lysithea dies due to crest experimentations, because she's literally my favorite character and I read all the info Thani posted about her. Thani said A)She had a tragic fate. B) She had been subjected to crest experimentation,if I'm not misremembering and C)She dies no matter what eventually, that could mean she survives the entire game but dies at the end)

  5. 16 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I always figured there would be 6 Saints; due to the 6 figures surrounding Seiros in the mural; maybe there two on the far sides were just not meant to be counted? The bearer of the final Saint crest will be some sort of Adrestian higher up for sure but maybe a close advisor to the Emperor; probably an even someone with malicious intent?

    Marianne's crest has something to do with Edelgard's; either they both share the same crest due to Edel's Hero Relic; or some sort of experimentation gave Marianne a crest and caused her to look quite distressed like she tends to do.

    This is just a theory but maybe each character can have one major and one minor crest. Edelgard's major crest is that of Hresvelgr(or however it's spelled in the English version), while also having the minor crest of Seiros.

    Meanwhile Marianne has a major crest of Seiros, putting her line for the throne of the Adrestian Empire? Marianne does seem to be skilled in White Magic, mirroring Edelgard's skill in axes.

    We also know that the crest stones exist, with the whole monster things, perhaps we can acquire crest stones and infuse them into the students?

    This brings me to my next thing I've been thinking about, Lysithea and Catherine share a crest, we know(or supposedly at least?), but they can't be sisters as Lysithea is 15 and the eldest daughter of her family and since I doubt Catherine is younger than that, how can they both carry the same crest without being related? The crest originates from Faerghus, so assuming Catherine is from the Charon royal family, perhaps Lysithea's mother is the sister of one of Catherine's parents? Marrying for political reasons and such. HoWEVER, there might be more to it than that. Maybe Lysithea possessed more than one crest? Most of the places on the map have crests pertaining to them. It's not impossible for there to be a crest of Cordelia(well it'd have to be some saint though, seeing as we know all the elites). It wouldn't be impossible for Lysithea to carry major blood in that(since there are a few crests left we don't know about).

  6. 8 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    Think we should at least wait for confirmation on her voice first. I've heard Erica Mendez and Lindbeck talk about telling people to NOT confirm voices on VA listing sites like IMDb at risk for the VA's jobs (Lindbeck brought it up last year regarding her showing up in a listing for Smash Bros.), so I'd like to suggest changing the title of this topic to something like "Edelgard's New VA Speculation".

    Edit: Actually, scratch that; merge this with the VA thread I just saw.

    I've not edited anything anywhere or done anything to any VA listing sites so I'm not sure what you're coming at me for.

    I said "Tara Platt is Edelgard" and then did an audio clip comparison. You can argue that Tara Platt isn't voicing Edelgard but someone else in the trailer, which is fair. I can change the title to "Here's why I think Edelgard is voiced by Tara Platt" but I'm not just going to move the entire post. Additionally, I've already posted in there stating I thought the new voice for Edelgard was Tara Platt after the second trailer/with the whole voice-swap shenanigan.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    YES, it's so funny to me. XD I'm never gonna not think of Emily Proctor when I see Edelgard. lol

    Oh yeah, I don't deny Tara Platt works for Edelgard here. Heck, the voice actually doesn't sound far from Emily Proctor imo. The only real difference is the lack of Emily's southern accent and that could've just been something she did for CSI. I'm not sure if she naturally has a southern accent. And besides that, I definitely can't see Edelgard sounding southern anyway.

    "Y'all, we're gonna have some word with y'alls parents about the crests. How dare ya use em like dat. I'll be darned." -Southerngard 2019

  8. 34 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    Tara Platt huh? I've actually heard of her. One of the rare occasions we see someone who's done Disney work do voice work in a Nintendo game. The only other example I can think of is Cam Clarke who did adult Simba's singing voice for the Lion King movies and now does male Corrin in FE.

    A small part of me would've liked it to be CSI Miami's Emily Proctor though, because of the RESEMBLANCE. I swear they look exactly alike aside from eye color. But I didn't really expect it, as I'm not sure Emily Proctor has ever done voice acting at all, let alone VAing for a video game, and she'd probably sound too old now.

    *looks her up*

    Yeah, she's only done live action stuff, and she's my mom's age now. Still, man, I can't get over how much she looks like Edelgard. 😛

    Holy heck, they DO look a LOT alike. But honestly, I feel like this is the perfect VA for Edelgard. Mitsuru and Edelgard can be kind of similar character archetypes, and she NAILED Mitsuru so well.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Azz said:

    Blue Lions is still the one for me. Dimitri looks a lot better post skip (even if I liked him before) and I wanna see how that eye patch came about

    He was cute before, even with spaghetti hair. Now, his hair is like, actual spaghetti, and I don't really like the length of it but he does look cool I guess

  10. 4 minutes ago, NoirCore said:

    Uh, Cristina Vee mentioned last year she was Edelgard. Unless I'm missing something?

    Yes, you are. In the last trailer(before this one) Edelgard was voiced by Tara Platt(or someone else, at least, we didn't know at that time). This was confirmed five days ago by Cristina Vee herself here, she was indeed not voicing Edelgard anymore.

  11. 3 minutes ago, timon said:

    Just noticed something while rewatching...



    On another note, someone steps over ol'Flamy's mask, I think he's going to be the early antagonist (while you're at school) and nothing more.
    Then again I don't think we're leaving school too early, or at least we'll use the building again, would be stupid to develop all that stuff to only use it in the first part (which appears to be fairly short? It looks like most of the game is post skip)

    Is-- is that my pfp haha?

    Yeah, it should totally have been an axe. It might still be though? I don't think we saw it in it's entirety. Maybe she has more than one weapon?

  12. Here, we can hear Edelgard in the beginning of the new trailer:


    Here is Tara Platt voicing Mitsuru Kirijo from Persona(the Empress Arcana/a very similar character):



    And, also, her work in the Fire emblem series:


    I THOUGHT it sounded like her in the trailer before this one, and I was right! So excited to hear her as Edelgard ❤️


  13. As my main lord: Lysithea.

    Haha ok all jokes aside:

    Lord - Edelgard,axes and magic, heck yeah.

    Sylvain - Resident hottie and king of my heart, possibly good cavalier as well.

    Hilda Tea,sis. I don't know, she just seems kind of dumb/charming and I kind of like that. Axe-Serra, what more can I say?

    Petra - Gives me Florina X Lyn vibes, I like it.

    Linhardt - The man, the meme, the myth, the legend.

    Lysithea - Lute was my fave FE character for a while, then it was Ilyana. Now it's time for Lysithea.

    Dorothea - Hats are bae, heck yes.

    Felix - I like swordmasters

    Ferdinand - I need a lance unit, probably.

    I guess Hilda'd have to double as my archer but I like this line-up a lot. Top 10 chars for sure(if we include Bernadetta).

  14. 21 hours ago, BZL8 said:

    Either it was a placeholder or a NDA was broken. Robbie Daymond, who revealed he was involved in Three Houses on Twitter a week ago, deleted the tweet in question, likely because he wasn't supposed to talk about it yet. I do know breaking NDAs are serious business in the voice acting world.

    Edelgard kinda sounded like either Carrie Keranen or Tara Platt in the February direct trailer. 

    omg I said Tara Platt too(but over on Reddit)

    It also kind of sounded like Kara Eberle though

  15. 1 hour ago, User name said:

    Its going to be so awkward when Dorathea helps Ingrid with her "blood money" problem, and then 6 chapters later will proced to snap her neck on Edelgard's orders.

    Why did this make me laugh? Omg, diabolical.


    Okay, aside from that, being able to support units from other houses explains why you can recruit a student of your choice:

    Making an impression and having them transfer to your class. A lot of units are already "transfers", like Lysithea and Mercedes. Units of other nationalities that are in other houses.

    (Yeah, Lysithea is supposedly from Cordelia,but her Crest is from Charon, a territory in Fergus, and Mercedes is in Fergus but is from the Adrestian Empire)

    So, supporting characters could lead to them being like "wow,teacher, you're SO cool and I want to be in your class, do you think they'd let me transfer?"

    Seeing as characters from different houses also are able to support with eachother(to my understanding), the limit might just be one, and I actually hope it does. I want the house decision to matter, but a little bit of freedom is nice as well.

  16. 2 hours ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Hot take: the iron maiden is an inanimate object given life due to the scientists in the inner circle of the church using the power extracted from the crests to make them run. They protect the Church late game when most of Fódlan powers are against them.

    I like this theory more, it makes more sense than mine

  17. 18 minutes ago, Druplesnubb said:

    I have a theory. that the part about a student dying is true, but the student's identity is fake. I' msuspecting that instead of Lysithea it's actually Felix. Supporting evidence:

    Felix is the only unit so far to start with a major crest. I suspect the othe students might upgrade their crests later on but by then Felix will most likely already be dead.

    The Blue Lions is the only house without an equal gender split, having two more males than females. Almost like something will happen later on to reduce the number of males in the house.

    I don't know, but I just have a feeling that the Black Beast fought in the second Three Houses trailer is actually Lysithea corrupted, as I think the Iron Maiden from the first trailer is Edelgard corrupted.

    (Edelgard's crest is on the shoulderblade of the iron-maiden. It's HIGHLY likely that it's literally Edelgard, but this is just my own theorycrafting)

  18. 1 hour ago, Azz said:

    I mean the leaks aren't fully confirmed. All the information Thani had has all been officially revealed through twitter/famitsu, none of the story details Thani mentioned has even been hinted at through official sources, so it's still iffy as to whether or not they are true or that they are part of the info added to the leak to make it seem faker than it is (which Thani mentioned that either they/or the informant added to prevent any of them getting in trouble). For all we know, Thani's informant could be working on the famitsu articles and leaking stuff through that or could be working on the official fe twitter and leaking through that, so I would retain a healthy scepticism pertaining to the leaked story so far. 

    Well yeah, but the odds just went way up.

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