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Everything posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. Once a character learns a spell, they can use it whenever they please, as long as they're in that class. Mages cannot use Cleric spells and vice-versa. If you have a shield/ring equipped, the unit defaults to the basic weapon of that class. Of course, all skills associated with the weapon/shield are removed as well once it's replaced in the unit's inventory. I haven't seen any mention of SP in-game yet, though I'm only on Ch.3, so I still have more than half the game left...
  2. I've never pre-downloaded a Japanese game on my Jp 3DS before, so my question is when will I be able to play SoV? Will it be the corresponding time on Wednesday whenever Japan goes into the 20th (in which case, are releases typically right on time when the clocks change over, or is there a delay)? Or will I have to wait until it becomes Thursday where I live.
  3. Yeah, male Villagers promote to Mercenary, Archer, Cavalier, Soldier, or Mage. Female Villagers promote to Pegasus Knight, Cavalier, Mage, Cleric. I'm not sure if the Villager reclass item is in the postgame or if it's a dlc item, but it's in-game, so hopefully we can grind them to have full control over our units! No problem!
  4. Class changing is much more like the GBA games rather than recent FEs, as in there is no reclassing outside of Villagers (Archers can only promote to Snipers, Sniper can only promote to Bow Knights, etc.). There is an item you can get that reclasses a 3rd tier unit back into a Villager, and you branch out from there. If stats are below the promoted classes bases, those stats are buffed to the bases. If all stats are above the bases, only 1 HP is gained upon promoting. Mila Statues can be used infinitely and (if Gaiden is anything to go by) there's one in every dungeon. Their only purpose is to promote your units, and to give offerings to lower fatigue.
  5. The newest trailers for FE Heroes is out. Alm is indeed voiced by Kyle McCarley, Lukas is Greg Chun, Clair is Alexis Tipton, and Faye is Amber Connor.
  6. Gray- Mercenary Tobin- Archer Kliff- Mage Faye- Pegasus Knight Atlas- Soldier If I give the Villager Fork to anyone, it'll be to Lukas/Forsyth to make them Cavaliers for Christmas Knight memes.
  7. I just have to ask, when promoting units to the highest tier, do they retain any in-battle model uniqueness (Saber's DF design being different from Kamui's or Jesse's)? Or is only their base class model unique? Also, if you reclass a non-Villager unit to Villager, do they keep their color scheme when promoting (Ex: Luka becoming a red Archer, Fols a green Cavalier, etc.) or do they all just get generic color schemes? I'm assuming they'd all have a generic model regardless.
  8. Ideally, the names would go off of the localizations used on the Choose Your Legends site for Heroes, but that's all for playable characters (plus Rudolf, Judah, Desaix and Greith). According to that Dutch Reddit poster a few weeks ago, Berkut and Fernand are keeping their english names, as he said the demo he played was the english version. Rinea could be renamed Rinean, but the poster admitted he didn't remember her part well. We could see a lot of renaming of bosses, especially Saizo, Garcia, and Wolf, just to disconnect them from the actual playable characters sharing those names. We've already seen Slayder changed to Slayde, so anything is possible, really.
  9. I have a pretty good ear, if you point me towards where the credits are, I could try my best to play match game with them (though, it seems FE brings in a lot of relatively new blood so I could easily hear voices that aren't in the game at all, but still).
  10. I was hoping someone could get their hands on the credits, actually, but I don't know if that could be datamined as dialogue, or if someone would have to beat the game and record what they see.
  11. There's still dlc that could add them to a map or something. We really just can't tell yet.
  12. There's the MEGA link, I got it from /feg/ earlier, but it's nearly a Gb large and my download speed is garbage, so it took a while. The quotes in question are about 2/5ths of the way down, starting with V_Result, followed by character name and _die_00 (for generic one) or 01 (for unique one).
  13. Apparently it sounds like all units have a generic one used when any unit dies in their vicinity (Python says "Sorry... wasn't fast enough", roughly), and quite a few units have a more heart-wrenching one when a best friend/lover/sibling dies (Forsyth saying "...hey...Python...this is some kind of joke..." if Python dies). Examples: Tobin and Gray, Clive and Clair, Luthier and Delthea, Boey and Mae, etc. (Kliff only has a single generic one sadly)
  14. Just had a listen through a lot of the ripped voice lines... There's heartbreaking lines that characters say when their friends/family die in battle near them. That's not cool, Nintendo.
  15. Yeah, I'd like to see a seiyuu list, or portraits of the bosses that are missing (Greith, Judah, any of the generic bosses).
  16. Did we get a Jp voice actor list? Like, credits or anything? Python and Forsyth are hottttttt
  17. I'm hoping this week'll bring us a new website update. I'm crossing every finger I have.
  18. I absolutely hate this, I want to see them so badly.
  19. That initially came from /feg/. The original poster on /feg/ said his source couldn't be named, and that the entire game will be leaked on the 10th. They said they'd post more if his source gives them.
  20. Echoes is going to have even more than that, thanks to the dungeons having multiple monster battles in the same area. The post-game could be a giant "dungeon" with any number of new units, but the dungeon could effectively be endless. Think Lagdou Ruins/Tower of Valni, but the floors just keep going. I'd personally put hundreds of hours into just that alone.
  21. Wow, this is actually major news. I bet this sixth chapter is going to be where you recruit Berkut and his group.
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