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Everything posted by BlizzardWolf95

  1. Im actually going to make a few more speculations: Since we have the retainers for Elise, Ryouma, Takumi, and Sakura, Im going to guess that Camilla's servants will be the white haired thief, and the white haired mercenary, along with Nyx being one of Leon's (as stated as a possibility by someone else earlier). I also believe that both white haired units (maybe siblings?) will be shown off in next week's issue, with Nyx, Leon's other servant (blue haired cavalier girl?), and Hinoka's retainers, alongside Tsubaki and Kazahana, to complete all of the royal's personal guards.
  2. I'll do you one better and say that all bosses will have a skill that negates stat lowering, at least on hard mode.
  3. I can determine this so far: Hinata: Ichiki Mitsuhiro Oboro: Sasaki Nozomi Rinka: Ishikawa Yui Tsukuyomi: VALSHE As for the Nohrians, all three seiyuu seem to be new?
  4. Anyone have any idea on the voice actors? Im not good with kanji, and the hiragana is a bit hard to read.
  5. The week before last, I believe. It was shown in one of the screenshots with Kamui pairing up with her. Same issue where we saw Suzukaze's name, and Cyrus's face, first.
  6. That could work, but if the Avatar's (and by proxy, their children's) stats would be as broken as in Awakening, having the ability to marry, and essentially get 3 mini-avatars running around Gen-2, would make Gen-2 a LOT easier.
  7. I've always thought that if they remade Genealogy with an Avatar, maybe your character would get turned to stone or something before the assault on the final castle of Map 5. Then miraculously be turned back to human 15 years later, and end up joining in Map 6, eventually reuniting with Oifey, Shanan and Finn, and meeting your kids (if marriage is allowed for the Avatar). It'd be stupid and cheesy, but they probably wouldn't let your created character go to waste that quickly.
  8. I wanna see all new characters, but Im pretty sure, if there will be 7 infos shown, they'll be: Blue Maid Cyrus Blue Cavalier Elphie Tsubaki Kazahana Rinka
  9. There looks to be a redhead mercenary/fighter/myrmidon guy we've never seen, so there's at least that.And what looks to be Felicia class changing to an armored unit in the top right corner of the preview. I think it's Felicia, cuz it says メイド (Maid), but I only know katakana, so Im grasping at straws. Edit: The preview is terribly small, so it's impossible to confirm, but there's a blue-purple tint to the Maid's hair, so it's probably that other Maid that hasn't been seen yet.
  10. .....I really hope that doesn't end up being the case.
  11. They're probably just making us wait longer because this may be the most interesting batch of info we've seen yet.
  12. Elphie may have just overtaken Kazahana's spot as best girl, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Damn you, FEif, how dare you play with my feelings like this! Just how many more cute girls will you shove in my face before you're done?
  13. I fear that the in-game "choices" are going to be very few in numbers, and I really hope I'm wrong about that. I want to have some drastic story changes. I hope that there will be tons of character customization options, but I think it'll end up being only be a few more than Awakening. Weapons not being unique, with every weapon just looking the same for all classes and models, from bronze through silver. This may make it more simplistic for fanart and cosplay purposes, but...
  14. I have a handful. Kazahana, firstly, because she reminds me of what would happen if Sumia and Olivia had a kid. I hope she ends up as the deadly Myrmidon archetype like Navarre & Guy, instead of being wishy-washy statwise, like others of the class. Actually, if she just has a nice personality, I won't even care if she's low-tier, I'd still have her on my main team. Cyrus is probably going to end up as the Abel of the Nohr!Cavaliers, with the Blue Haired Dudette being the Cain. If so, I'll use him, because Abels rule. Personality-wise, I can see him as being a character that tries so hard to be tight-laced, but ends up just being a bashful wreck trying to impress senpai. Suzukaze looks cool enough to warrant his usage, regardless of growths. Camilla & Leon are my fave Nohr!Royals, Takumi & Hinoka are my fave Hoshido!Royals. Honestly, all the characters who haven't been fully seen yet are interesting to me. White Head McSneaky, Blue Haired Dudette, Inigo 2.0, Blonde Superhero, Elphie and Oboro. All of them seem so mysterious! I love it. Edit: OH AND I HOPE TSUBAKI IS A SARCASTIC JERK OH HOW I HOPE
  15. Thane, my good sir, I feel that if the internet implodes because of kawaii anime ladies, it will all be worth it in the end.
  16. Info on how supports will be handled, maybe some official art for some of the other, non-royal units. But the big thing I want is more character info, because that stuff is like crack to me. Come on, Famitsu, sate my addiction.
  17. I think the armor is fine, definitely better than Awakening's, but still not the best video game armor I've seen. Marx's boots, especially, are a bit...well...
  18. Even though ages in Fire Emblem games are next to impossible to determine unless directy stated, here are my thoughts: Kamui- 19 Aqua- 19 Marx- 26 Camilla- 21 Leon- 18 Elise- 13 Ryouma- 24 Hinoka- 20 Takumi- 18 Sakura- 14 As for some other characters... Felicia- 20 Joker- 27 Gunther- 63 Suzukaze- 26 Saizou- 26 Kagerou- 22 Nyx- 17 Cyrus- 21 Tsubaki- 21 Kazahana- 18 Rinka- 18-22
  19. Since Im definitely getting both versions on the same day: Male for my first Hoshido run (so I can play as myself). Female for my first Nohr run (so I can play as the genderswap version of myself I use for every game with females in it). Ill probably go chapter for chapter, until I beat both. Then I'll switch, Male Nohr, Female Hoshido. After the 3rd path is bought, Ill go male on it, but hopefully the Avatar Logbook will return so I can use my Female character too.
  20. In the case of English voice actors, here are my predictions/hopes (this is the most relevant thread imho): Male Kamui: Bryce Papenbrook Female Kamui: Lauren Landa Aqua: Karen Strassman Marx: Travis Willingham Camilla: Laura Bailey Leon: Steve Staley Elise: Hunter M Austin Garon: Fred Tatasciore Felicia: Kate Higgins Joker: Troy Baker Gunther: Kirk Thornton Cyrus: David Vincent Nyx: Karen Strassman Ryouma: Liam O'Brien Takumi: Yuri Lowenthal Hinoka: Michelle Ruff Sakura: Mela Lee Tsubaki: Orion Acaba Suzukaze: Matthew Mercer Saizou: Kyle Hebert Kagerou: Amanda C Miller Kazahana: Danielle Judovitz Rinka: Stephanie Sheh Orochi: Stacy Okada
  21. I think I'm the only one who holds the opinion that Kazahana is best waifu. Oh well, now I don't have to fight anyone for her!
  22. The left one looks like the bottom of Camilla's Wyvern, and the right one is certainly Elise. You can even see her twintails!
  23. They seem to be, at least, the equivalent of Fighters for the Hoshido side. There is a fighter-esque unit with blonde hair on Nohr's side, but we see his promoted class as Brave Hero, so his base class is still up in the air.
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