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Spirit Griffon

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Posts posted by Spirit Griffon

  1. On 9/4/2019 at 12:39 AM, SpiceMan said:
    On 9/3/2019 at 6:56 PM, kremelover said:

    Just a fun theory build here... what if you made dimitri a dancer?  He could be a great dodge tank with sword avoid, and his lineage+.

    Well he would probably try to kill you in your sleep for starters just for making him one.

    I did this! He kicked ass. I got super lucky on his level ups and beat the game (hard/classic) with him around level 45, having aura and like, 32 mag. He and Enlightened One!Byleth solo'd the last two maps... out of necessity, because everyone else was just slightly too underleveled for me to make it out without a casualty. :^)

    But him being able to dance and heal was extremely helpful the whole game.

    Also, forcing him to be a dancer midgame was so very, very funny...

  2. Quote
    1 hour ago, Spirit Griffon said:

    Nope, I'm almost positive she isn't. Maiko was dual-wielding swords. Outfits can change hair/eye color and clothes, but never weapon type.

    Except that's false; Tharja used a staff, when, as a mage, she should be using a tome.

    Ah, what I meant by that was that each character is locked to one weapon type. In other words, since we saw her with swords, she's going to be using swords the whole game and not switching to a lance.


    Draug can never wield an Axe as a Knight or General in any of his four games. Therefore, Azura could use swords.

    True! I always get SD generals mixed up with SS Generals and think that they can use axes, but nope. Bows.

    Part of me wants it to be Phina and part of me wants Azura- Phina has my favorite personality and character of any dancer in FE, yet her design is honestly unappealing to me. (yellow and pink are pretty much my two least favorite colors.) On the other hand, Azura has, by far, my favorite design of any character in FE, but I genuinely cannot stand her as a character.

    I think Phina wins by just a bit since her getting in would make her more popular and give her a better chance of getting into Heroes and get her more Cipher cards for sure. Plus, I'd die to get more Phina/Navarre dialogue. As someone whose favorite FE character has been Navarre since 2010, the last couple of years have been GREAT for me, but... I still want more!


    Nope, I wouldn't say it's him. Not without indisputable or heavily implied evidence.

    Whether or not it's actually Sam, I'm 99.8% sure he's a reference to Sam. What I'm saying is that I'd like for them to go all the way and say that it is him. Probably my favorite thing about odd side games like TMS, Warriors and Heroes is that they're a great chance to shine a spotlight on otherwise obscure characters and give more people a chance to enjoy them- think Reinhardt (and to a lesser extent, Navarre as well. He's still not massively popular but compared to nine years ago, the difference feels enormous.) I think Sam is a pretty funny minor character, and I'd like to see him in a game with a good sense of humor like TMS.


    TMS was my second favorite game on the WiiU, falling short only of Xenoblade X, my all-time favorite game. I missed the direct up until the end of Pokemon and felt extremely disappointed by the direct with that last announcement (With Monolith working on XC1 and BotW2 It's probably gonna be years before an enhanced Switch port of X or XCX2... like, between XC2, the remake, XCX getting completely snubbed for Smash, and the behavior of XC1 fans, my feelings on the original are quickly going from "Great story, well-written characters but I didn't really connect with them, boring gameplay, 7/10" to "I really hope XC1 dies soon". XC1 has p much been ruined for me at this point.)

    cue my friend messaging me on discord and going "HOW ABOUT THAT DIRECT :D"

    and me being very confused.

    First of all, Mirage Masters and Mirage alts in Heroes?????? INTSYS PLEASE. I've said since pretty much day 1 that I will stay f2p until Heroes releases Yashiro or a Navarre alt and I intend to stand by that. Up until now TMS characters haven't even been on CYL ballots, but with the yearly survey (That didn't happen outside of Japan this time, much to my dismay...) they were asking if players would be interested in TMS or Warriors characters!



    My guess is Maiko's Mirage is Azura, what with the blue hair and black outfit

    Nope, I'm almost positive she isn't. Maiko was dual-wielding swords. Outfits can change hair/eye color and clothes, but never weapon type.

    For sword dancers, that's: Phina (Archanea), Sylvia, Lene, Laylea, or Lara (Jugdral), Olivia (Awakening), or a 3H character as an odd pick. Obvously, considering the FE cast in the original TMS, Phina or Olivia would be the most likely.

    (Oh, and Maiko was planned to be a dancer in the original but was reduced to an NPC later. That's almost certainly her class.)

    Now here's the thing... neither Olivia nor Phina ever dual-wield. However- Navarre usually does! Basically everywhere except TMS. Because of Phina and Navarre's relationship, I'm guessing it's her.

    some final thoughts...

    PLEASE, PLEASE add subtitles to the in-battle dialogue. I only know a bit of Japanese- just enough to tell that I'm really missing out on some interesting stuff.

    The OC/OC and Mirage/OC conversations were really good, but I REALLY hope they add some conversations between the mirages as well. Also, I hope they make Chrom a bit funnier- TMS takes him very seriously, and his main draw for me is how often he made me laugh during Awakening.

    Itsuki needs to be able to be taken out of the party BADLY, at least outside of important fights. doubly so if there's gonna be a third sword character.

    I don't really care about changed dialogue/outfits/ages, but I'd really like to see the hot springs dlc.

    I really hope Samto/Samuel gets called by his name instead of just "Dark Yashiro." We all know it's him. (And by "we all," I mean all 3 of us that played both TMS and New Mystery.)

  4. Oof, A Dark Fall is actually my favorite song from Fates and F!Corrin is the only FE Amiibo I'm missing T_T

    I think unlocking cosmetic things/music is a good way for Amiibo to work, and I say this as someone who owns... 20ish??? It's enough motivation for me to keep buying them, since I love collecting clothes/music but if I end up short on cash like I am right now I don't feel like I'm missing out on an integral part of the game because, say, I can't afford to get the octolings/Splat2 inklings right now.

    Like, now that there's a game that gives a different bonus than M!Corrin I'm definitely going to pick up F!Corrin to complete my collection, but I'm not going to break the bank right now to do so.

  5. I had every intention of marrying Dimitri on BL, Lorenz on GD, and stealing Felix for BE (Unless I really like Edelgard once I get to know her better or the rumor about


    Sothis having an older design

    turns out to be true and she wins me over) but hhhhhhhhhhhhh Joe's videos/Foraging Bonds is making my decision to play Golden Deer second and not marry Claude when I do Really Hard. I still don't like his beard but he seems so... perfect in every other regard...

  6. I knew I was gonna try to get all the 3H lords so I haven't spent a single orb since F!Berkut (I had about 250 saved up before him but I pulled three copies of him, and pulled a Thea and F!Tki at the same time so I have no regrets.) All-in-all, 340ish orbs total including the ones from the chapter, and I grabbed all the tickets too.

    I got a Byleth in exactly 45 obs, +atk -res. Nice.

    By the time I got Edelgard (+spd -hp), I was down to 1 orb. 6% pity rate. ouch.

    And the boys (particularly Dimitri) were the two I wanted the most... Here's hoping one of them gets demoted. It's a real shame this isn't a 30-day banner.

  7. uhhh a big chunk of this turned into ragging on Fates (particularly the localization- most of my opinions on Fates were formed in 2015 through watching let's plays and reading translations) so... cut time!

    • Fates is by far the worst FE game. It's still a good game on it's own. A solid 7/10 (about the same as I'd rate Xenoblade 1/2. I'd give XCX a 10/10.) It just doesn't stand up very well to other games in the series. (The fact that it has great graphics for a 3DS game, great music, great gameplay and a mediocre story is really unfortunate bc the localization made the game's one big problem a thousand times worse. )
    • Camilla is actually a really great character that was executed very, very, very poorly.
    • Ryoma is a really... not very good character. Not bad, per say. But very boring. He had exactly two personality traits in Japanese: "Samurai" and "Intense." Treehouse got rid of his intensity. And his voice casting/directing was awful. I don't know how they got a bad performance out of Matt Flippin' Mercer, (a legend, we stan,) but by golly they did. Switching Ryoma and Xander's English VAs wouldn't have fixed all of my complaints with Fates but like...a big chunk of them of them.
    • Xander should have been renamed from Marks to Marcus. Why the heck didn't they use Marcus?!?
    • Rena Strober has a good voice for Broadway but she should never have been cast as Azura's singing voice. I recently listened to the Engish version of Lost in Thoughts after having only listened to Renka's version for over a year. It's just... bad. Like, really bad. She's singing like she wants the back of the room to her her when the song is supposed to sound quiet and wistful. Again- not a bad actor, but horribly miscast.
    • Keaton and Kaden should have had their names switched. How dare they not name the fox Keaton. How dare they. Don't they know how confusing that is? Why did Flannnel even need a new name? Why did Harold? Why is Subaki spelled with an S when we learn the word Tsunami in first grade? Why did Tsukiyomi get changed to Hayato when it's not any easier to say or remember? Was the entire Treehouse localization team high when working on Fates?!?
    • Of all the bad parts about Fate's localization (butchering My Room and the removal of 100+ lines, some of which were very important to character development, removing or changing supports for the worse, unfunny jokes added in, removing swimsuits and thereby making overseas versions of the games incompatible with JPN versions and also affecting the balance of My Castle Battles + leaving no reward for completing the My Room minigame with your spouse at all, bad casting choices for main characters, what I can only assume was atrocious voice direction because 95% of the cast gives a bad performance, no dual audio so the bad voice acting is unavoidable... there's probably more but it's 4 am) there's really only one thing that I find utterly unforgivable in this mess. Selling the season 2 DLC pass without making it explicitly clear it did not include all the DLC. It didn't say it anywhere, in fact. I paid full price on release day for what was advertised as all of the DLC released in Japan, and did not receive what I paid for. If they'd said at the beginning they would not be localizing all the DLC or if they'd dropped the price- well, I'd be sad. But I consider this false advertising and a very, very shady business practice. It's been 3 years and I'm still furious.
    • Navarre isn't sexist????? The whole point of his "I won't kill women" thing is that he respects women more than men, who he kinda sees as animals, including himself. I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not but it is one I've been seeing popping up post-warriors and just... no my dude you got his whole character wrong
    • Shadow Dragon isn't a bad FE game. Yes the gameplay is kinda trash but it and FE12 has one of, if not the best story in the series. If you play FE for gameplay, skip it for sure. If you're like me and play for story, you'll love it.
    • Awakening doesn't have a bad story. Simple, yes. It's definitely one of the more lighthearted entries into the series, and it's not the absolute best FE has to offer. But it's still good.
    • Tatiana is a Bad Character and I Don't Like Her. By far my least favorite character in the entire series.
    • Toshiyuki Kusakihara is the Worst and I hope he leaves IntSys like, yesterday. His designs are BAD
    • Alm is literally just Green Marth and he absolutely did not deserve to win CYL3.
    • Berkut was the easily best part of Echoes tbh... And he absolutely would not have been if he were much older. I can see why some younger members of the fandom don't like him, but as a 22 year old, I can look back at me five years ago and say "Ah, yes, I too was this stupid and immature when I was seventeen. Poor baby..." and consider him purely tragic. Fallen!Berkut broke me a lil bit inside guys I was not READY
    • And while we're on the subject of Berkut- I really, really like how they left it vague on whether he sacrificed Rinea to gain Duma's powers, or Duma possessed Bekut and Duma killed Rinea with his body- even if he was really willing to kill Rinea more power, or if he was actually like "Yes, anything, Duma! w ait no not THAT NO I DID NOT MEAN THAT LITERALLY." It reminds me in a very good way of the end of Dark Side of Dimensions- I won't spoil it here, but it has a very open ending where a character may or may not have committed suicide. The author has come out and said that anyone's interpretation of the ending is canon, since there isn't one set ending- be it bittersweet, sad, or just happy. Leaving the truth up to the beholder... I think there's a certain beauty to that.
    • That said, ny'all who have headcanons over whether or not Berkut was a murderer need to stop insisting it's 100% canon and shaming people for conflicting opinions. For instance: I interpret the scene as Berkut not realizing what Duma was asking, Duma possessing Berkut and killing her with his body. That view isn't any more or less valid than someone who thinks her murdered his fiancee for power- but I shouldn't have to deal with being told I'm stanning an immoral, misogynistic character when I just don't interpret him that way. (I have no idea if this is happening here on SF or not but it sure did on Tungle.hell)
    • PoR is just as good as everyone says it is. RD's story is really bad. If you're gonna give Fates crap for having good graphics (for a 3DS game), music, and gameplay but a terrible story, give the same amount to RD, please. Fates had it's silly moments but it never did anything half as atrocious as the Micaiah/Sanaki plotline. Oh, and the "Blood Pact" thing was just as silly as Fates ever got. And all the 3DS games have better graphics than both parts of Tellius, even Awakening.
    • Priam isn't an offensive, homophobic inclusion because I'm like 95% sure at this point that Soren is canonically trans male. It offends me bc Ranulf/Ike is the better ship 😉
    • Ephraim shouldn't have become a king at the end of Sacred Stones. There's not a single character trait of his that makes me think he'd be a decent ruler. He's a meathead! Just let Erika be queen and let him be a general or something!
    • Blazing Sword isn't all it's cracked up to be. I got it a few years ago and still haven't quite beaten it... It's just not all that fun for me. I think a lot of the older stans are looking at this game through rose tinted nostalgia lenses because it's okay but it's not That Great. I think I would have liked it quite a bit more if it hadn't been hyped up as one of the All-Time Best FEs when... it's average.
    • Tokyo Mirage Sessions plays nothing like FE but it's a FANTASTIC game and is one of the two games that deserve a Switch port the most out of the WiiU's entire library IMO. (The other is XCX.) My only complaint with it is that it doesn't do quite as much with the FE characters as it could have- but many of the games getting ports have additional content to the base game! If we just got some mirage-centric sidestories the game would be an absolute 10/10.
    • The fact that TMS and Warriors characters are missing from Heroes is a crime. I'd pull for Darios... and tbh I'd probably whale for Yashiro... he's my SON, INTSYS
    • Young!Dimitri has the worst design of any 3H character shown so far and Old!Dimitri has my favorite by far. IDK if this is an unpopular opinion but it's a strong one! be careful who you call ugly in high school
    • The Deliverance DLC was really poorly written but in a very funny way IMO- it had me 100% convinced Fernand had a crush on Clive instead of Mathilda until very near the end.
    • All of the women in Echoes retiring and settling down after the war was very ehhhhhhhh... I didn't like it. Echoes didn't treat its girls as well as it should have kinda in general.
    • I've seen a lot of people get Celica and Erika's personalities kinda... backwards, imo. Erika is pretty much tough as nails. I can't really say that about Celica- she's still badass, but nowhere near as tough. Celica makes her bad decision based on being unsure of herself, while Erika makes hers based on being overconfident in her own judgement. They’re both naive, but for opposite reasons.
  8. Hello! As anyone following me on social media (likely no on reading this thread, I don't have a terribly large following) knows, Navarre is my favorite FE character. Since he's not an overly popular character, I decided about two years ago to start collecting all of the official merchandise featuring him- TCG, artbooks, ect. There aren't really scans for most of these books online (Which is fine, people should buy the books themselves for the text imo but I do wish there were scans of all the artwork available) - a lot of them only have shaky phone pictures. Still, I think I know for the most part which images are from which books.

    However, upon buying Fire Emblem - The Complete, I found to my surprise, a short manga! (Two, actually, but I haven't scanned the second one yet. The second one is about the whitewings, I think?) I've never seen anyone mention this before... so I'm assuming most people haven't heard of it. I mean, I was doing digging for artwork for two years and didn't find it until I bought the book myself!

    I've scanned the whole thing and put it in my Google Drive- I also attempted a rough translation, but my Japanese is entirely self taught and not very extensive so I had to rely on Google Translate quite a bit... if anyone who actually can read Japanese sees this, I'd be super happy if you'd give this a quick look and see if I got anything horribly wrong!

    Here's the raw scans

    And here's my attempt at an English translation

    I also don't read enough to know who the artist actually is. If anyone in the know could tell me, that'd be great!

  9. Quick question for anyone with the Switch version!

    Hyrule Warriors Legends had an option to buy the DLC & then transfer it over to the WiiU version, and I assumed there'd be something like that in FEW as well. I have the 3DS version currently & and am planning on getting the switch version post-holidays for sure, and I'm wondering if the switch version has an option in the DLC shop for getting the DLC for both versions at the same time, since the 3DS version doesn't. Thanks!

  10. I've been planning on getting the game and season pass tomorrow pretty much since the game was announced so this doesn't really affect my decisions at all... but...

    "Broken armor" costumes, huh? If that means I get fanservice damaged Navarre, it almost makes up for paying extra for on-disk content!


  11. Hey guys! I was wondering if if posted which 5* units I have if someone who knows more about the game than me could tell me which have particularly decent or bad IVs, and maybe give me a couple of tips for which units work well together.

    For red, Lyn is +1, also +Def -HP, Ryoma is +Speed -Res, Luke is +Attack -Res, & Leo is +Attack -Res.

    For blue, Lukas is neutral, Brave Lucina is +Attack -Res, Azura is +Speed -Def, Ninian is +Attack -HP, Bridal Caeda is +Def -Res, Reinhardt is +Def -HP & Olwen is +Attack -HP.

    For Green, Summer Tiki is +Def -Res, Fae is +Def -Speed, Soren is +Def -Speed, & Celcilia is +Attack -Speed.

    For colorless, Faye is +Attack -Def, Klein is +Attack -Res, Innes is +Res -Speed, Summer Frederick is +Res -HP, and Mist is +Speed -Res.

    I also have Masked Marth, Black Knight, Shareena, Berkut, Valter, & Brave Ike with neutral IVs. Berkut is also the one with summoner support, which seems to be enough that he's performing decently well. I'll definitely pick up Camus when he comes around again but I missed both him and Xander :/

    (Also Navarre. Who I know isn't that great in game but he's my favorite FE character so I'm not very happy about that one either.)



  12. Navarre, Feena, and Ogma.

    Navarre is my favorite character in the entire FE series- tons of character development in the manga, anime, & New Mystery, plus gets the most references those things in TMS #FE of any of the Mirages (I can definitely tell someone on the team was a big fan, since all of the other mirages besides Tiki have little to no connection to their past selves.) Plus, he's great in game- a little frail, but in my experience his speed is so ridiculous nothing can hit him. Gotta love those 80/90% crit rates, man.

    From what I've seen, Feena is pretty much regarded as having the best stats of the attacking dancers, right? I like a lot of her dialogue too NAVARRE IN PIGTAILS GUYS but her stats are the real draw for me. She plays like how I wanted Olivia to play :/

    And Ogma... honestly, just for his character. He has great stats too but I've always preferred myrmidons to mercenaries when picking a sword user for my team. He's another one that gets a lot of character development in the anime/manga/New Mystery and he's just a Really Good Guy. Plus, if you compare Navarre to Yashiro & Ogma to Navarre, he's like 6'8". I bet he gives the Best Hugs.

    Honorable mentions go to Marth, Julian, Tiki, Cain, Nyna, & Kris. And yes, my team in 11/12 is just Tiki, one magic user, and all of these sword users. I try to use Roger, Jake & one of the axe users too but they always end up lagging behind in levels & are pretty much useless by the endgame. Who needs the weapon triangle when you can just pick your favorite characters, right?

  13. 3 hours ago, BlizzardWolf95 said:

    Not having Jeorge in the poll in a crime. I'd argue he has a lot more merit than Gordin to become playable.

    I agree, but he's only appeared once (in Heroes) outside of the main four games. (The other characters that have appeared in all four games but only once outside of them are Rickard, Lena, Maria, Boah, Wrys, Lornez, Midia and Castor, if you're wondering. In hindsight, maybe I should have added an "other" option.)

    19 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

    Also, great analysis's on each character and their odds of making it in Leopard Gal!


  14. 18 minutes ago, Dandy Druid said:

    At this point I really don't know. Marth and Tiki (Awakening version) are there at least but I hope they're not the only ones. I also see Camus and Caeda having a fair chance, anyone else is 50/50. It's a real shame the OG Combat Dancer Phina probably won't make the cut.

    Oh man, I know! Feena is far and away my favorite dancer in the series, but I couldn't really add her to the poll because she hasn't appeared outside of Mystery and New Mystery. It sucks that Azura and/or Olivia are probably going to take her place. :/

  15. Hey guys! I decided to tally up the times that Archanean characters have appeared in games outside of the main four games (And have appeared in all of the main four games) to see who was most likely to appear in Warriors! Characters listed in the poll are done so by the number of times they've appeared.  I also didn't count Cipher or the original TCG as appearances, because the only ones on this list are that don't appear in both are Dolph and Macellan. (I really hope I have the poll set up right, this is my first time making a topic. My thoughts are in italics at the end!)

    Tiki: Appears in Heroes three times, in Awakening twice, (once as a main character and once as an einherjar,) as a main NPC in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, as a trophy in Sm4sh and has an amiibo coming out with the game. (IMO she's pretty much guaranteed to be in.)

    Whitewing Sisters: All three appear in Heroes, Gaiden/Echoes, BS Akaneia Saga, and as DLC in Awakening. All three also have a figure in series 1 of the FE trading figure SR series. In addition, Palla appears as a boss in Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Catria appears as a free einherjar in Awakening as well. (Sorry, Est. I can't really see them adding them, due to Cordilea, Sumia, and Hinoka being so much more well known before Echoes, when they were still planning the cast. Unless there's a triangle attack feature, then we'll probably get all three and no others.)

    Navarre: Appears in Heroes as a Grand Hero Battle, Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a playable character, BS Akaneia Saga as a playable character, Awakening as an Einherjar, and in Brawl as a sticker with an... oddly spelled name. He also has a figure in series 1 FE trading figure SR series, is the focus of the second episode of the anime and a main character in the manga- he's the only character with two backstory chapters! Oh, and it was his voice actor that announced Echoes & Heroes in the Japanese January Direct, not Marth's. That's why Lon'qu, Navarre, Niles, and Saber were highlighted- he voices all four. (He's my favorite FE character & I really hope he makes it in. I'd like to point out the chances of him being a Ryoma clone are slim, due to Ryoma having a ranged sword and Navarre being depicted as a duel-wielder in almost all of his appearances, at least in the artwork. That said, I think either Navarre or Ogma will make it in, but not both.)

    Caeda: Appears in Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a playable character, in Brawl as a sticker, in Awakening as an einherjar, in Heroes as both a pegasus knight and a limited time bride, and has both a quality Nentendroid figure and a Quality™ trading figure in SR series 1. (She's one of the more well known characters in Archanea- either her, Hinoka or Sumia/Cordelia will most likely make it in, but I can't see the development team adding more than one of them.)

    Camus/Zeke/Sirius: Appears in Gaiden/Echoes, Heroes as a Grand Hero Battle, Awakening as an einherjar, and is one of the two main characters of BS Akaneia Saga. (He's appeared in a lot of things, but I don't think it's too likely he'll make it in due to Xander. They wield different weapon types, but having them both would make for redundant characterization.)

    Ogma: Appears in Heroes, Awakening as an einherjar, and Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a boss. He also has trading figure in SR series 2, was a prominent character in both episodes of the anime (defeating the lead bandit in episode 1 and fighting Navarre in episode 2,) and was a major character in the manga (where he shares both a backstory chapter and the title of general with Navarre. And no, Draug does not get that title. Just those two.) (Again, I think either he or Navarre will make it in, but not both- not that I'm happy about that, I love their interactions both in the things mentioned above and the bonus chapter of New Mystery where they have their only in-game talk in the series, but we have a lot of sword wielders in the game already. The only way I could see them both being in is if he gets an axe- He doesn't have a signature weapon and Fred & Lissa only get one upon promotion as well, so it is possible, but if they have any plans to add Ike as a DLC character, Ogma will probably not have any chance of making it in.)

    Minerva: She appears in Heroes, BS Akaneia Saga, in Awakening as an einherjar (and as the namesake of Cherche's wyvern, of course), and has a trading figure in series 1. She also appears in the manga in pretty much the same role as the game. (Of the three wyvern riders likely to get in, it's probably going to be Camilla but I'd honestly prefer Minerva. Not because of Camilla's outfit or personality or anything. Just. Hauteclere FTW.)

    Draug: Appears in Heroes, Tokyo Mirage Sessions as a playable character, and has a trading figure in series 2. He also appears in the manga and both episodes of the anime but has a very minor role in both. (Let's be honest, he only made it into #FE because of Kellam's failings as a character, not on his own merit. He has minimal personalty in anything he's in, and the only notably good thing he's done is replace Jagen when I killed him off in the prologue of Shadow Dragon because of his terrible growths compared to Frey. Any knights we get will probably be from Fates.)

    Cain/Abel: They both appear in Heroes and SR series 1, and while they are also both in Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Cain is a playable character while Abel is a boss. They also both have a notable role in the manga, where Abel has a serious plotline and Cain, like, Really Hates Puns. They're also in the anime, and Cain is voiced by the same actor as Link in Ocarina of Time, and has exactly one battle cry in episode 2 where that is really, really obvious. (Well, we'll probably get a pair of red/green knights, and IMO these two are much more likely than Stahl and Sully. Considering Xander, I'd say Kaze and Saizo are even more likely than these two if not for the fact that they have the same weapon. Maybe we'll get Abel and Saizo? I personally want Cain and Abel but with their Cipher joke weapons of a keyboard and guitar, but that's almost certainly not going to happen. But wouldn't it be great?)

    Gordin: Appears in Heroes, #FE as a boss, and shares a trading figure with Merric in series 1. (His most notable accomplishment in being the butt of a joke in the prologue of SD and missing a lot in the anime. I can't see him getting in when Takumi is still around.)

    Jagen: Appears in Heroes, #FE as a boss, and as a trading figure in series 2. He's in the beginning of the manga, but he disappears round the time Navarre shows up and he and Ogma take over the role Jagen had in the game. Jagen does show up once in the last volume, where it's revealed that he's been bedridden but is somehow still following Marth around. (Not the growths! Anything but the growths!)

    Linde/Merric: Both appear in Heroes, in Awakening, as an einherjar and as a trading figure- Merric in the same figure as Gordin in series 1 and Linde gets her own figure in series 2. They both have a fairly large role on the manga that's pretty much just expanding on their chapters in-game. Edit: Linde also appeared as a boss in Tokyo Mirage Sessions! (Again, I can see one of them easily making it in, but not both.)

    Nyna: Appears in BS Akaneia Saga as a main character and Awakening as an einherjar. Her role in the manga is about the same as the game, and she gets a mention in Echoes as well. (She's the female character I want most tbh. I know she's an unlikely pick, but I just... she's one of my favorite FE characters. And hey, we don't have a Sage or Bishop yet! There's still a chance!)

    Hardin: Appears in BS Akaneia Saga and Awakening as a einherjar. He isn't terribly nice to Marth in the manga. (If we get him, it'll probably be as a boss. An Emperor wold be cool to play as, but as a paladin, I'll pass.)

    Macellan/Dolph: Yes, seriously, these two have appeared in BS Akaneia Saga and in Tokyo Mirage Session as bosses. They count, I guess. (Shrug emoji)

    Gharnef/Medeus: Both appear in #FE as villains, Medeus appears in BS Fire Emblem as a villain, they're in the anime as villains, the manga as villains, and Gharnef is in Awakening as... a recruitable einherjar! (If they're in Warriors, they're the villains.)


  16. 2 hours ago, unique said:

    she still does get totally screwed over in fe3, and i'm not happy with that, especially since they had the chance to change that in fe12 (they did make a lot of changes to the endings in echoes, so I do think they could've done that for fe12 too), but I don't think it was camus' fault, at least not entirely (he definitely could've done more under his whole "sirius" persona than just cryptically apologize to her). so as much as I love nyna and wish she got a better ending, I don't think that it was wrong of camus to return to tatiana.

    You do bring up some very good points- I haven't gotten around to playing the Archenea Saga chapters yet (Just got a computer with enough brains to run a DS emulator a little while ago) and her attachment to him does seem... borderline obsessive.

    I can see that I seem to be coming off here as a "Nyna/Camus forever!"  type, but I'm blaming that on being awake for... gods, almost 30 hours now. I might need to crash after this.

    The message I'm trying to say is "For the love of all that is holy, IntSys, give Nyna her damn (at least somewhat) happy ending already!"


    I mean good grief- I can't think of ANY character that has gone though more BS and gotten a worse ending in the series. Lost her family, lost her lover, willingly cursed herself (and potentially her first true friend since her parent's murder), willingly got into a loveless marriage to save said friend, said marriage turned abusive, she's then kidnapped, brainwashed- oh, her lover miraculously came back to life to save her! And then he lies to her face, takes off and mumbles an apology on the way out. And then she gives up her kingdom, because- She was too traumatized to continue to rule? She thought her like, one friend in this world would do a better job? She knew that he'd be a stronger political leader and not surrendering her title would lead to unrest? Take your pick of a

    nswers, none of them are nice.

    And then, after ALL THAT- she gets that terrible ending.

    I mean, I've got quite a few favorites that deserved better in their endings (Gangrel comes to mind, who, in a charming, witty way, swears he'll become a better man and seems to mean it by his A support but just dies at the end unless you marry him. And I wouldn't put Sonya or Abel in my list of all time favorites but they certainly deserved better as well,) but most of them either kinda have it coming, the ending was more bittersweet, or- heck, they had a least a little happiness for a while in their lives!

    I think this is why Tatiana really rubs me the wrong way- she's not someone meant to be considered a completely separate character from Nyna- well, in Echoes maybe, but not originally. She's literally a recolor. She's a foil to Nyna in a way- and not what I'd call a good one.

    Tatiana grew up poor, but happy, with her family of fellow clergy- which she eventually left, on her own terms.

    Nyna grew up as a princess- I don't think we know much of what her family was like, but she got to see them murdered and hung as a display.

    Camus just gets dumped on them one day, and sweeps them off their feet. They join an army. They lose Camus- Tatiana gets him back, Nyna gets FE3 BS.

    This is IntSys' way of having their cake and eating it too. They get to torture this poor character until she's broken pretty much beyond repair, but it doesn't really matter, we've got this other Nyna over here that doesn't have all those pesky gloomy trauma issues, is playable for more of the game and has a far more cheery personality! You don't need to feel bad about how this love triangle turned out- Nyna 2.0 is clearly the better choice! So all of Camus' fans get to feel happy he got his happy ending with the right girl- and all of this plot-related abuse that gets piled onto Nyna is only bittersweet.

    If I have to give Echoes credit for anything(And I give it lots of credit it's a great game), it's for trying their damn best to fix this train wreck of a love triangle. SoV!Tatiana is a legitimately enjoyable character! She's likable but not flawless, has a great design and great stats.

    But... all of this really can't undo the damage she's done to Nyna's character in 3 and 12 just by existing. Like you said, what Camus and Nyna probably need is not to ride off into the sunset- what they need to do it sit down and have a real, adult conversation and move of from there- whether that be together as a healthier dynamic overall or apart. But we don't get that at all- not if Tatiana lives. Zeke's bad ending hints that the dynamic might change- maybe they do finally get that closure, albeit offscreen. Or maybe it doesn't- maybe Zeke's grief and Nyna's PTSD makes for a largely dysfunctional couple. But I- and I know full well I only speak for myself here- would rather see even "Tatiana lived a short but happy life, and died alongside the man she loved. He never fully recovered, neither did Nyna, but they helped each other to cope, though maybe not in the best ways" a thousand times over "Zeke and Tatiana lived happily ever after :) :) :) Nyna died alone in a ditch. But be happy for Zeke and Tatiana!"

    IDK. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the real sin of Tatiana is that, with the way she was added to Gaiden originally, she ended up flattening both Nyna and Sirus' characters in FE3 in a really bad way. It's no flaw of the character herself, especially not her Echoes version that is clearly not a Nyna clone in any way, but randomly making the interesting dynamic between the two into an incredibly lopsided love triangle was a really, really bad writing choice at the time, especially with the way FE3 ended.


    There is one thing I would disagree with you on:

    2 hours ago, unique said:

    the way he mentions his one memory of her shows that he loves tatiana to the point that he doesn't care about what he might've felt in the past.

    He clearly does care- if he didn't care, he wouldn't have returned to Archenea. The fact that he decides to move on from Nyna and live happily with Tatiana in the end really doesn't matter at this point- during the course of Echoes story, he is extremely conflicted on his feelings. And that leads into the trust issues between the two- Tatiana is worried he'll leave her if his memories return, and he's likely feeling the exact same thing. There's this other woman he still loves- He has no idea who she is, if she's still alive, or even what their relationship was ultimately like. We, as an audience know his relationship with Tatiana is healthier and he'll choose her in the end- he doesn't. That's probably my favorite part of his character in Echoes, honestly. When he's assuring Tatiana he'll never leave her, he's mostly assuring himself. We know that if she loses him, she will get better. If he loses his "last light," he probably won't. It's clear he knows that from that quote- as much as he knows anything, with that big gaping question mark of his feelings for Nyna hanging over his head.

    This dynamic right here is why Navarre, Camus, and Xander (who is, honestly, AU!Camus. The only major personality differences are due to the quality of Fates writing dropping pretty severely in some places- I still love the game to bits, but it does have its moments. Lon'qu is basically AU!Navarre as well, but eh, I never liked him as much. Maybe the hair, maybe the bad stat rolls early game) are three of my favorite characters. They all have this horrible, crippling weight of their past laying on them- but while Navarre chooses to isolate himself completely, never letting anyone dare add to that burden, Camus and Xander do the opposite and choose to stand as a pillar for those they care about, piling more and more onto themselves for the sake of others fully knowing they will eventually break. It's a character trait you don't see often in fiction outside FE.

  17. 54 minutes ago, Korath88 said:

    Wasn't Nyna's disastrous love life caused by Artemis' curse? If that was the case, then Camus' decision to choose Tatiana over her could have probably been influenced by that.

    Almost certainly! Thanks for reminding me of this, it's been over a year since I last played SD. (So sorry about how long and rambly this got, I'm simultaneously passionate abut this character and haven't slept in over 24 hours.)


    This actually explains a bit of Zeke's character that I'd sort of dismissed- I don't have the exact quote, but he has a line (I think in a base conversation?) somewhat like: "Yes, I lost my memory... all but one beautiful memory. Though I cannot speak about it." And the Memory Prism scene makes it clear it's a memory of Nyna (though he has no context for it at this point.)

    Throughout Zeke and Tatiana's supports, it becomes more clear that yes, Zeke is still in love with Nyna. It's not a matter of him forgetting Nyna completely (which I'm guessing it was in Gaiden, because none of the supports or memories were in it to my knowledge, though I've never played it)- He's always remembered her and his feelings for her to some slight extent, so he's blatantly choosing Tatiana over her.

    (I'm going to be talking a bit about the Camus archetype here more than strictly Zeke himself- I don't know a whole lot about this game's development team, but I imagine it's more likely that the people who worked on the new scenes were people who worked on newer titles like Fates than the original writers of the first three games- some bits of the archetype that weren't originally part of Zeke's character have likely seeped into the writing, intentionally or no.)

    From my understanding of his (and other Camus type characters in the series) character, just... choosing to trust some random person, whether she saved his life or not, so completely when he already had some loyalty to another is massively OoC for anyone of his archetype- heck, they're practically built being on being unwavering loyal usually to the point of getting themselves killed. That is, with one major exception.

    When magic comes into play. They can deal with other people, but when magic hits the one they're loyal to, they get hit hard with recoil. (Xander is obviously the one this applies to the most, but I think Selena- the FE8 one, not the FE14 one- is another good example.) Zeke has an odd... extremely affectionate relationship to someone he doesn't entirely trust (not enough to tell her about his recovering memory at least- whether it's to protect her or not, he ends up keeping secrets and lying to her which ultimately it not the sign of a healthy relationship. It either means that he can't trust her with all of himself, or she can't be trusted with all of him. It's bad either way.) and isn't the only one in his heart (Again, Camus archetypes see the world in black and white- #1, The One That was there First- The One I Serve, and #2 The Ones That I Fight. #1 can be a country, a ruler, a family- whatever it is, if a loved one happens to deviate from #1, they get shoved right into #2, no questions asked. Camus types don't get caught in a odd halfway point like this often... heck, I haven't played much of 4 and none of 5, but out of the rest of the series I can't think of any other times.) I was associating that with the Guilt/Justice part of his character- "She saved me, therefore I owe her. She loves me, therefore I owe her my love-" but being manipulated by Artemis' curse makes much more sense with the given context of the trilogy.

    I think Zeke's "bad" ending even makes it a bit... poetic? This "Defying Fate" so that Sirus and Nyna can be together isn't defying the curse at all- the curse to be "the end of war, the end of love" just claims Tatiana instead, just like if Caeda dies in SD.


  18. Looks like most of this is talking about Faye, but she's honestly small beans compared to the beef I have with a... certain other character. Spoilers for 1/11 and 3/12 ahead, beware:


    I played Shadow Dragon in 2012, just before Awakening released. Camus looked like a recruitable character, so I looked up his wiki page and... lo and behold, he is. In Gaiden. Where her runs off with some Nyna recolor and leaves the poor girl with no family, a loveless, abusive marriage, and eventually, no kingdom or friends in Marth's company- Heck, he saved her life, then just runs off to be with his sweet knockoff & basically leaves her all alone with the trauma of being kidnapped & brainwashed on top of everything else!

    The whole ordeal just left a bad taste in my mouth. That said, I knew I didn't have the full story from one game, so at that point it was just a vague dislike.

    Hoo boy, playing New Mystery & Echoes did NOTHING to improve my opinion of Tatiana. (Well, except she has a completely awesome design and is honestly my best healer on either route. But I'm talking about her personality & role in the story here.)

    Her personalty and endings, for her role in the love triangle, are utterly insulting. She has no tragedy in her past- she was perfectly happy before Zeke showed up. Had he not shown up, she would have lived her life peacefully- she most likely wouldn't have ever been kidnapped, and would have eventually married her "old friend" from her bad ending.

    And that is by far the worst part- if Zeke dies? She cuts off her her hair & marries some other dude. And it's not like Faye at all- he's not sloppy seconds, she doesn't mourn for her lost love her entire life! Nope, she's just as happy without him, she has a little mourning period is all.

    Tatiana is an incredibly spoiled character- not as in, that being a character trait of hers, but it is beyond obvious that she's an author's pet (something that I've seen bothers a lot of people in the fandom about Azura and especially Corrin. I tend to think the cool bits outweigh the stupid ones with those two, but honestly, this chick is giving me some insight into why some people find their writing so offensive.) Camus/Zeke/Sirus/Xander version 0.5's decision to choose Tatiana over Nyna is a GRAVE one. He's consciously choosing to completely screw over Nyna to give Tatiana her happy ending, and she does nothing to honor that. She's flippant, cheery, and not a serious character at all. Not to say she's... unlikable, oh, she's funny and sweet, but there's nothing about her that screams "My happiness with this One Particular Character is totally worth another dying lonely, abandoned and alone!"

    That said... if Zeke had two endings in Gaiden, the second isn't on either wiki. But he certainly gets one in Echoes! And, well... I like it. It implies that he goes and saves Nyna in the second war as he normally does, but doesn't return to Valentia. Even Sirus and Nyna's endings could imply that they ran off together if not for that one line of dialogue in the last chapter. Too bad there's not way to transfer over save data between 11, 12 and 15 to get different endings... or maybe just letting us decide the pairings like in later games... or a non Japanese version of 12... I'd probably sell my left leg for any of the above. Heck, Camus and Nyna aren't even my favorite ship from Archenea!


    I'm probably too chicken to actually kill one of, if not the best Saint in the game over a bad ship, but let's just say I know which of Zeke's endings is my personal headcanon.

  19. OKAY! If you have the grinding DLC, this doesn't matter, but if you don't & want as many high-level children as possible, don't recruit them until ch 27. They'll use the Offspring Seal and jump straight to level 18, get both promoted skills, and increase their weapon levels! The enemies on the maps will be around level 18, which was about the same as my team endgame, and I wasn't very careful with exp. (Unlike Hoshido, where my endgame team was around levels 11-15 and I had to level grind to be able to get the kids. Ugh.)

    Save as many speedwings as you can get by with & give them ALL to Xander when you get him. His str & def are crazy good, but his speed is TERRIBLE.

    Enfeeble staves & groups of enemies with Lunge are incredibly dangerous. Ch 26's boss spams enfeeble/silence/freeze staves & despite them being listed with 4 uses each, they never break.

    Conquest on Normal/Casual is significantly harder than Normal/Classic Birthright. I've played quite a few of the older FE's and still had a few game over's even on casual, so if you need to go down to Phoenix, that's fine.

  20. 3DS Friend Code- 5172-1265-0768 | My Castle Code-12169-57836-13455-00775

    I have Hoshido & Nohr, and so far I've switched between both multiple times every day since the release. I'll switch to Revelations on the 10th.

    Name- Kira/Iris Castle (Nohr) Hikari/Light Falls (Hoshido) (Uryuu/??? after the 10th.)

    Region- NA

    Food/Mineral Berries/Onyx (Nohr) Daikon/Coral (Hoshido) All LV 3

    Battle Level- Hard. Both have 1700+ power, LV 3 buildings, and traps.

    I'm gonna do my best to make sure everyone who gives me an accessory will get one in return. I haven't made any bond units yet, so I'm anxious to try that feature out! Also, All buildings are LV3, but it's random whether you'll get Hosido or Nohr.

    My teams are pretty tough, but if you can beat them you'll get some good skills! So, my teams + unusual/version exclusive skills!


    Corrin (Draconic Hex, Nohrian Trust, Hoshidan Unity, Replicate, +luck/-def)

    Xander (Strong Riposte)

    Dwyer (Azura, Falcon Knight, Warding Blow, Luck +4)

    Kana (Xander, Nohrian Trust, Rend Heaven, Draconic Hex, Quixotic)


    Forrest (Nyx)

    Siegbert (Corrin, Dragon Fang, Draconic Hex, Nohrian Trust)

    Azura (The 4 Great Lord skills. IDK if you can buy those though?)




    Corrin (Nohrian Trust, Hoshidan Unity, Replicate, Savage Blow. Supposed to be +str/-def but her growths make me think i might have screwed up and made her -res instead? Oh well.)


    Sakura (Live to Serve)

    Kaden (Quixotic, Rend Heaven)


    Azura (Charm, Aether, Awakening (Again, might not be buyable) Rend Heaven, Pavise)

    Selkie (Savage Blow, Rend Heaven, Dragon Fang)

    Kana (Nohrian Trust, Hoshidan Unity, Quixotic, Rend Heaven)

    Mozu (Rend Heaven- She's lv 1 and unarmed.)

    And an Einherjar Corrin.

  21. Thanks for the reply! I see I did make a lot of mistakes. I'm curious what some better pairings would be? The only ones that are set in stone are the MU pairings, so I'm open to switching them around.

    I see Galeforce isn't as broken as it was in Awakening. I thought it could be pretty vicious when combined with warp and copycat, but maybe -faires are better.

    Kana, Dark Blood (Dark Blood is a bad class to utilize Kana if you're going for optimal.

    How does class inheritance work for 3rd gen Kana? I know she'll get Nohr Princess & Corrin's second class, But Velour will have Wolfskin, Fighter and Knight. Does she just pass down Wolfskin? Because Berserker!Kana looks vicious. And if she just gets Wolfskin, what's a good A+/Corrin's second class for her getting a good physical class? I want her to have Breaking Sky, so I can have Corrin pass down Spellcaster like I said before, but that looks less appealing since tomefaire won't do anything outside of Nohr Noble. But I could also give him Spear Fighter, since Holy Lancer has a better Str cap than Nohr Noble (Though not as good as some others) & Lancefaire could replace GF.

    And if Kana is going to be pure physical, would +Str/-Lck be better than +HP/-Lck?

    Edit: How about +Str/-Res Or +Str/-Def? (Sorry, maybe I should just ask "What's the best asset/flaw for this Kana?") And also, is Breaking Sky or Dragon Fang the better proc?

    marry Shinonome (No, marry Hisame for Line of Death)

    Who's a good mother for him?

    for their unique weapons. (Sorry, I dont understand what you meant by that)

    The Raijinto, Siegfried, Byrnhildr, and the wind god's bow. Do the weapons make up for the fact that they're first gen?

    (You'll want a forged brave sword over Yato, but always keep it on you)

    I always forget that foraging is a thing. I can see it being much more useful in Fates than previous games, since weapons no longer break.

    Xander/Corrin (+luck/-Def, with Dark Mage) (Bad class to utilize in pair up and you'll have wonky growths as a mage with that asset/flaw. Xander doesnt want a magic wife)

    I was going to go with vengeance/lifetaker, but since Corrin can get classes from A rank, I take it that the second class should be something for their spouse? What does Xander want?

    Also, I was looking at modifiers while coming up with the flaw/asset instead of growth rates. I checked those out and... I didn't realize she was that squishy. Is +str/-HP better?

  22. I've watched around the first 15 chapters of Nohr and Hoshido, but have no idea how they end :)

    It was "Little sister's tears"



    And I've seen exactly two chapters of Revelations, so it'll be completely new!

  23. Hi guys! First off, I'm working on my five-person team for internet battles right now, and I would like some advice. This is what I have so far:

    Effie!VelourXCorrin- +HP/-Lck with Spellcaster

    On the team- Kana, Dark Blood, with Galeforce, Warp, Copycat, Aggressor, and Breaking Sky. A+ with Midori, marry Shinonome


    On the team- Shinonome, Holy Lancer, with Deadly Breath, Breaking Sky, Copycat, Galeforce, and lancefaire/aether/ignis????


    On the team- Midori, Strategist, with Battle Command, Servant's Joy, Copycat, Galeforce and Warp

    I don't know about the other two- I was thinking maybe (White Blood) Corrin and A+ with one of his brothers for their unique weapons. (My Corrin doesn't have the best stats, but a 16 mt sword should make up for it?)

    And second, I'd like someone to look over my planned pairings for my first three runs, to see if I've made any huge mistakes


    Xander/Corrin (+luck/-Def, with Dark Mage)











    aaand bench Mozume.


    Kaden/Corrin (+str/-def with Wyvern Rider)









    And either Hinata/Setsuna and Jakob/Azura or Hinata/Azura and Jakob/Setsuna.

    And bench Rinkah


    Azura/Corrin (+str/-res with Lancer)



















    ...and since I want to marry Azura, I'll unfortunately have to bench a father. I chose to bench Arthur, since I'm not really attached to him or his son.

    I know some of the 3rd route pairings aren't the best, but I don't want to do repeat pairings, since I'll be filling in the support log...eventually.

    Man, I am not used to these names. And dropping the u's on the ou names... I feel dirty.

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