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  1. It's not an insult. I geniunely find these posts to be very cute. Just like yours. Let's talk after you finish your first Lunatic+ run. Oh wait, chapter 5, you gave units imba stat ups, and still having trouble? kid, please. Is every1 else in the community using imba stat ups from renown, and claiming they're ltc'ing lunatic like a boss? You've already gone through 2 seals chapter 5, and still having trouble.
  2. That's cute. Alright, let's see how my one semester of Japanese translates this. Hon(to)? I'm guessing ni tada no baka da ke sa. Lol. Cute. I'm pretty sure if we're discussing something, it's good to have something to back up your statements. Too bad no1 backed up anything they've said. This community reminds me of the LoL community. Bunch of gold players trying to talk about theory and crap or the "competitive e-sports scene". They don't know wtf they're talking about, make wild claims based on bs, and provide no replays to back up their bs. Neither do they have the skills or the rank.
  3. Congrats on the DLC use. The way you try to sound like you're not justifying yourself is cute. You sound like one of those kids who dropped out of high school. I mean, you don't even know the basics of essay writing. Presenting evidence to back up your claims.
  4. How about trying it for yourself. Posting that you've actually tried it. And then telling me. Because I've tried it, done it, and I've already posted something to back it up. But you've just been all talk. Big words from some1 who can't beat lunatic.
  5. Yo, try using Donnel and avatar vs risen that are not of magic damage nature.
  6. Not man enough to post it here? I'm not hurt by little insults by people online. I've had far worse thrown at me. But you wouldn't know any of that. Because you haven't accomplished enough in life to have tasted incredible success or failure.
  7. Where does it say no unit grinding. I said no dlc, and no risen grinding. Also, without unit grinding, Donnel just takes one chapter longer to get viable. This was a shortcut since training some1 2 chapters is apparently way too long for some people. Technically, 1 1/2 considering how short chapter 4 is. Oh wait, but it's cute how you're mad because you don't have the skills to play this game without bringing out that DLC. I only see you condescending without showing anything to back it up. Big words from some1 with all talk no action. The optimal strategy for you and this community is buying DLC and playing those exp and gold maps I've heard about. Show me those fabled skills of yours. In Lunatic "end game" classes don't matter as much unless you're going for that one end game map that you buy to play. Sorry, I don't play on that. I don't buy DLC, remember? If you're trying to have an arguement, have some proof to back your words up. I can spout bs with my 2 homies at my middle school, and go on a forum and circlejerk that stuff to my internet homies too. Oh, also, let's call nosefartu a legit strategy, and also sol(lolol). Let's lock down this tier list, because there's no reason to use anything other that can reclass to dark mages. Also, since all these rules are getting people riled up, let's take out grinding too. No restrictions at all. Oh wait, we don't need dark mages, let's all just buy DLC and beat lunatic, and have no discussions, or anything whatsoever. Because spending extra money on the game is the only, I mean best way to beat this game. You mean you go on your logbook to recruit your avatar that comes with that max gold selling item, and then you go and you buy those old units with amazing stats. Then you go ok, I LTC'd this game, but I certainly did not break it.
  8. How about showing something to back your words up. Like you tell me you've played on lunatic more than once, not on lunatic casual where you're not controlling growth rates, and you're telling me you're using Olivia, keeping her alive, with no risen or dlc or dance grind. Also, you're using 8 units, plus children, and getting Sumia to lvl 15 by ch 14. It's pretty bs. I would like to see the proof, plus you're keeping it low turn count with a Sumia. I listed proof. Donnel has one chapter where he's a liability. By the second chapter, he's contributing, third chapter in, he's flying away further than any1 else at that point. You're telling me that Sumia is not a liability when she's more at risk of getting stat fked, gets one shot by every axe user in the game for at least like 10 chapters, has to be babysat because she can only be used reliably vs swords, and you're using her for lower turn count. BS. Show me the proof of Olivia amazingly contributing to your team when she is at liability to get one shot for most if not, the entire game. I'm fully expecting to see the abusing of rescue staff, dance, and galeforce. Also, you're babying Sumia the way I was babying Donnel for longer than Donnel. I guess it's too much effort to move away from DLC grinding.
  9. Giving Sumia 7 lvls, would not make her stronger than what Donnel has currently beacuse Donnel and Avatar can literally solo game from this point on if allowed to gain Sol. Plus the armsthrift allows them to weild stronger weapons while saving gold. Galeforce? Plz that stuff is for normal casual players. Your sumia isn't going to be doing much with that low str and def growth. Plus, she has shittier growths, and the stat gap between Donnel and Sumia will continue to grow in favor of Donnel. Donnel is clearly superior. The only time the movement would be beneficial might be for turn count, which is disregarded here, and the sand maps. Like the effort to train sumia is immense. And even when she is given the levels, she's not on the solo enemy units or mobs caliber that any other tanky unit is on.
  10. Yo guys, here's my text that yoshi requested. It's a playthrough until ch 5, when donnel should be lvl 10, and can reclass to whatever you want. Judge for yourself. Playthrough till whenever: Goals of the guide: Show that Donnel deserves top tier. Show that cavs, pegasus, suck. I'll use Sumia and Chrom as growth units for this guide since, using both Sumia and Sully makes things detrimental to a run, Chrom hypothetically should be stronger than Sully in every way except for no lance availability, and less movement. Plus, his Falchior helps vs wyverns. I could judge better if I trained Sumia more since I only played till chapter 5 and Donnel was top priority. To make it clear, I only do vanilla run, except for Donnel, but just because of my fetish for him. Next runs, if I do them, I will probably test out the bs 8 unit galeforce no grind run. And then the vanilla, no veteran, only vanilla, and every other restriction I put out, plus no Donnel run, to show that I'm too bad for ez mode Lunatic, and I'm a casual turtly faggot. lolol Prologue: It was the standard prologue water run, but I spent 2 extra turns getting 2 low units to the right side to give Chrom a lvl up. Relevant units: Chrom lvl 2 str:8 mag:1 skill:9 spd:9 lck:5 def:8 res:1 Robin lvl 6 str:10 Mag:8 Skill:7 Spd:9 Lck:6 Def:13 Res:9 Frederick:lvl 1 Str:13 Mag:2 Skill:12 Spd:10 Lck:6 Def:14 Res:3 Ch 1: I'm unequipping the silver lance on frederick because it's valuable. I could keep it on, but I'm not playing with wifi. I won't have access to those 24 mt renown bs weapons. Standard ch 1 strat. Park avatar with fred support on the fort. That's probably too casual and turtly for some people, but deal with it. Avatar could 2 shot all the fodder and ez mode chapter, but I took longer to give avatar elixir this round instead of next, and to give Chrom the relevant exp that he needed. I did restart for Chrom growths, only because I didn't want people crying about how Chrom got potentially shafted in growths when I compare Chrom and Donnel later. Turns:7 Relevant Units: Chrom lvl 3 str:9 mag:1 skill:10 spd:9 lck:5 def:9 res:2 Avatar lvl 9 str:12 mag:9 skill:7 spd:12 lck:9 def:14 res:12 Frederick lvl 1(For the nubs who think Frederick is useful) str:13 mag:2 skill:12 spd:10 lck:6 def:14 res:3 Ch2: Same old standard strat you can probably find on youtube except substituting avatar for Frederick. I'm training Chrom so expect a slightly higher turn count. Avatar can 2 shot fodder with bronze sword. Turn Count:10 Relevant Units: Chrom: lvl 4 str:9 mag:1 skill:11 spd:10 lck:6 def:10 res:2 Robin: lvl 12 str:14 mag:10 skill:8 spd:15 lck:12 def:16 res:13 Chapter 3: avatar can double archers in the beginning. I reset a couple of times due to Sumia getting like 1-2 growths so I may have overused avatar a little bit to save time. Turn Count:13 Relevant Units: Chrom:lvl 6 hp:25 str:11 mag:1 skill:12 spd:10 lck:8 def:12 res:3 Sumia:lvl 3 hp:20 str:7 mag:3 skill:13 spd:11 lck:10 def:5 res:9 Robin: lvl 15 hp: 31 str: 17 mag: 12 skill: 10 spd: 18 lck: 13 def: 18 res: 14 Paralogue 1: I'll explain in detail. But first buy some extra heals for Lissa. You may or may not need it. Units deployed: Sumia, Chrom, Donnel, Frederick, Vaike, Kellam, Virion, Lissa I didn't do anything unique to formation because there's no need to. Avatar is one tile above Donnel. Give Chrom Elixir. Give avatar, fire. Give Sumia Javelin. Pair up avatar and Lissa, Donnel, and Frederick, and then move avatar to the right, one square below the woods, and then move sumia, vaike, and donnel to the left. (Every scenario, and outcome will be different based on how your units leveled and luck) Pair up Chrom and Kellam, and move them right in front of the barbarian, don't hit him and wait. For me, I aimed to kill 2 units, and leave 2 units in a weakened state, which happened. Chrom ended up dodging everything miraculously, but he still has the elixir just in case. He just stalls. One barb from the right side of the wall will move over to the left side of the wall. Pair up sumia and vaike, and have them kill the thief. Your avatar should be close enough to the barb that came from the other side of the wall. Use fire on it, and get it low. Use Virion to kill the barb in the forest, 87% chance, and use Donnel to kill the other weakened barb. 76% chance. Move Chrom one step back, and use elixir on him if he's low. On enemy phase, the archer will move over the wall, and the steel axe barb will move forward. Kill the barb with Chrom, and then move every1 out of the archer's range, and seperate avatar and lissa since avatar one shots the archer, and Avatar needs to get the archer low next turn for exp. The archer will attack Chrom. I ended up not taking too much damage on Chrom so I switched to kellam, dequipped his weapon(oops should have dequipped weapon earlier), switched to Chrom, and used vulnerary. I moved avatar up above the archer melee range, used fire, got him low, used Donnel, 1 level up, 90% to finish the archer off. Just keep healer, sumia, and virion barely out of range. Next turn, one barb will attack avatar, one will attack Chrom. Both will be low. Finish one off with Sumia, the other one with Donnel, Donnel will get his first level up. Move Chrom one space back to allow Donnel to kill the Barbarian. I think right here, if your chrom gets hit or something and is low, the second barb will 2 range Chrom instead of the avatar due to ai nature. When I did it, I fully expected second barb to attack Chrom too, but he went for avatar. I kept avatar further away due to the chance of chrom getting a last hit on the archer. Don't know how ai works, but if barbarian stays on Chrom, move him back, kill the first with Donnel, and the other one with the avatar with a sword. After that I moved avatar below the wall as far to the left as possible, and then healed him since Chrom dodged last turn. I then paired up avatar and Virion. Next turn, move avatar as close to the thief as possible. He'll be one space up from the bottom. Move Donnel behind him, Chrom behind Donnel. My Lissa ended up above avatar, and I put pegasus below the avatar. Next turn, move avatar as close to the thief as possible. He'll be like 3 spaces away, put Donnel behind the avatar, Chrom behind him, have sumia above the avatar, and the healer behind Sumia. After that, things diverge two ways. You can either get the killer lance, or not get the killer lance. I'll just assume you want the killer lance. Have Chrom attack the thief, have Sumia stand behind Chrom and javelin. Have avatar move up and hit the barb with magic, dequip the bow from Virion. Have Donnel stand in front of Chrom. Next turn what will happen is the thief will move right next to the avatar, and the archer will be against the left wall, with low hp. Use Donnel to finish the archer off, move the avatar one space above Donnel to hit the thief, and have Chrom finish off the thief from below to finish off the thief, since the barb from above will move. Strangely, the barb attacked the avatar next turn. Luckily, avatar weakened it with fire. However, still not low enough for Donnel. Plus, the barb is on wood. Yolo, Sumia hits with javelin, Donnel hits. To be safe, you can just use Chrom if you want. At this point, you have a lot of options, since you won't be rushed. I just seperate every1 except Donnel, use the avatar to bait the axe user up north(79%), use Donnel to finish him off(lvl up), move the avatar two spaces above Donnel, dequip. Bait the archer down, surround the archer, if you want to get more exp, you can seperate Donnel, and then have Donnel kill the archer slowly to milk exp. That one archer slowly milked gave me a full lvl up. The barbarian on the left fort doesn't rush you even if you get into his range. After you kill the one archer, have Sumia barely out of range of the archer at the chest place, go fly up, block him aginst the wall so he can't hit you, and then have Donnel walk up and get free exp out of him again. I got D in lances from that, and almost a level up. Then, bait, the barbarin up north with avatar, bait him down, set up a blockade with avatar and chrom, at the 2 space opening near the wall, dequip their weapons, (you might want to pair up chrom with some1 that gives def), and just chunk the barbarian with the javelin. Heal Chrom if he gets too low. That barb will almost net you a level up. After that, pair Donnel up with some1, bait the two barbs at the forts. Move the avatar to the entrance of that square place with the two barbs at the forts, and have him chunk down the barb with the ranged weapon. The ranged weapon guy always moves first I think, and just finish him off with Donnel. Another level up. He should be level 6 by now. Then just dequip the avatar, seperate Donnel. Bring Chrom with a def support to tank the barbarian because avatar has solidarity and it may give you a crit. The downside to bringing Chrom though I think is that if the Barbarian has gamble, the barbarian can crit. So it's like pick your poison. That barb should almost net you a level up. Next up, bait one archer at a time, surround, rinse and repeat. I almost got a level up here. The boss, there's different ways to do the boss. Just give Donnel the last hit, break his weapons slowly, and then have Donnel go in, or just break the short axe and have Donnel chunk him from afar. The silver axe crit can kill your avatar so be careful. Either way, after this chapter, your Donnel should be lvl 8 or lvl 9 and C lances. Which means he can start using killer lances next chapter. Relevant unit stats: Chrom:lvl 8 hp:27 str:12 mag:1 skill:13 spd:12 lck:10 def:13 res:4 Robin:lvl 16 hp:31 str:18 mag:13 skill:11 spd:19 lck:13 def:18 res:14 Donnel:lvl 8 hp:24 str:11 mag:2 skill:9 spd:8 lck:18 def:9 res:1 Sumia:lvl 5 hp:22 str:8 mag:4 skill:15 spd:12 lck:12 def:7 res:11 And oh look, a second seal from an anna shop. I know it's not reliable to rely on for a tier list or something, but I included use of second seals only to show this nub forum that Donnel is good, in no turn count restriction mode. Chapter 4: Bleh, I don't want to do a full walkthrough. Standard use avatar to weaken people and then finish them off chapter. I'm using avatar, Donnel, Kellam, Sumia, Chrom, Lissa. Turn 1, move avatar in range of the fighter, bring every1 close, but out of range of fighter. (Pair up avatar and Sumia, Donnel and Kellam. Turn 2, kill fighter with Donnel, lvl up, hit the mage, but stay out of range of the fighter at the top, but be in range for the rushing fighter from the left. Kill the mage with sumia. Heal avatar. Turn 3, use Donnel to kill the warrior with javelin, get avatar in range of knight, keep sumia and healer out of range. Turn 4, use Donnel to finish off mage. Use Chrom to kill knight, use avatar to kill the fighter. Heal avatar. Turn 5, Move Donnel out of range of knight. Move healer out of range too, and heal Donnel. Move avatar and Chrom next to healer and Donnel. Turn 6, Donnel double, misses first hit, hits second one. Level up. Heal Donnel. Kill the fighter with avatar, keep Chrom in same position. Turn 7, weaken Lucina with avatar and Donnel, finish her with Sumia. Relevant Unit Stats: Robin:lvl 17 hp:31 str:18 mag:14 skill:12 spd:19 lck:14 def:19 res: 14 Chrom:lvl 8 hp:27 str:12 mag:1 skill:13 spd:12 lck:10 def:13 res:4 Sumia: lvl 5 hp:23 str:8 mag:4 skill:16 spd:13 lck:13 def:7 res:12 Donnel: lvl 1 hp:28 str:17 mag:2 skill:18 spd:15 lck:20 def:15 res:2 I'll reply to the other nubs a little later.
  11. Alright, I'll make a new file today, and use Cordelia, Sumia, and their husbands only, and two pairs(8 units). Only master seals, since we're rushing galeforce, and by chapter 14(since we want that stuff on Lucina amirite), all with no grinding. I'm calling bs. Remember what you said about all those free seals and gold, cuz we're only using dark mages and nosefartu later on in the game once enemies start getting stronger? So you're telling me that you're not using master seals to promote your 8 units, but on Gregor, you don't have master seals legitly at this point and you're calling seals from shops reliable, and you called leveling Donnel bs, but you're getting galeforce on 2 units, while training 2 pairs of couples, haven't tried out Donnel, but call it bs because you can't think outside the box, or find clever ways to train him? Oh, also, let's call nosefartu a legit strategy, and also sol(lolol). Let's lock down this tier list, because there's no reason to use anything other that can reclass to dark mages. Also, since all these rules are getting people riled up, let's take out grinding too. No restrictions at all. Oh wait, we don't need dark mages, let's all just buy DLC and beat lunatic, and have no discussions, or anything whatsoever. Because spending extra money on the game is the only, I mean best way to beat this game. I might be going a little overboard on the whole wifi stuff, but I have no wifi at my house. Until I went off to college, I played this game on no wifi. Wifi skews things. Oh right, now that I think about it, why use Donnel, when you can pretend you're really great at fire emblem, by having logbooks that bring you broken items and infinite money, and then go on wifi to buy braves and celicas and then forge them, and then talk about how I must be on crack for taking the effort to train Donnel. Fk that, it's 100x easier to just get them ch 10 galeforce units, move them into the center of the map, and just outright win. Like woah, who needs defensive formations on lunatic, when we can get an over leveled sumia to solo the entire map with galeforce and forged items. Am I right? Like I'm off guys, to smoke my weed while I fantasize about my overly unhealthy fetish for Donnel.
  12. Nosefartu tanking is not a legit strategy. You can grind the gold off of risens to get the nosefartu and seals. Avatar and Donnel can easily grind risens with their OP growths. This is not a lunatic + tier list. It's easier on Lunatic to train Donnel. Lunatic + is a different story. Galeforce is overrated. And gl getting enough offensive power to actually use galeforce on Sumia. If you want galeforce on Lucina, you just f'ed up your entire game by feeding exp to one unit.
  13. Frederick doesn't deserve top tier status. Morgan sure, but I didn't want to seperate children, because people play differently and they're harder to class. Donnel doesn't deserve to go way down. Donnel will outclass any parent unit really really fast. Panne holds up better than Chrom late game. Lon Qu can solo axe weilders from join, and he has access to killing edge and C swords. He's easier to train than most of your other units. Lissa isn't instrumental? So you're telling me you play through Lunatic with no healer, and no Maribelle too, until at least Libra comes around, or you reclass a mage or the avatar. Maribelle acts as a second healer. She's not instrumental, and you can pass by without a second healer earlier on, but she has her uses. Kellam and Cherche being so low. How about I just say that there are other units that do what they do, but better. Kellam realistically, is not above low tier because the other units that join with him are way better, and you don't want to waste exp on him. Cherche joins too late, and you need to train her. And she still doesn't turn out that great even with all that training. Bow tanking doesn't break the game outright like nosefartu or sol where you can beat the game with a one man army. I honestly didn't think any1 would mention this because, who the fk does this outside of L+. It makes the game hella boring. I banned a lot of things that I thought made the game way too easy. Like the broken things from wifi shops, renown rewards, not so much anna shops(but I've seen people QQ that this shit made the game too easy, so I just took it out to avoid potential QQ,), DLC, etc. The seals I felt were okay to leave in. I left Dstone + up because I knew there were going to be people QQ'ing about Nowi top tier for various reasons and wanted to take out one potential counter arguement. For skils, sol tanking, and lifetaker tanking is broken. I took out all the things you mentioned. Sol stays, lifetaker is strong, but a lot of people don't know it, so I took it out. I put in second seal, only for Donnel. Rest of list stays relatively the same. I wanted newer people to look at this list, and get a relative strength of units in Lunatic, and who they should use(Because I haven't seen a good one yet). And I think my list was mostly accurate on the placing of units. I put in a lot of restrictions at first because I wanted to just shuffle out the things I felt made the game too easy or broken, and newer players could get a general sense of relative power of units without broken stuff. Aptitude>Veteran. Which is why I put Donnel above avatar in terms of daddy. Realistically, I guess Avatar>Donnel maybe, because of better and more flexible classes. With Aptitude, I don't see bad bases happening. Early seal(one seal) from Anna shop. Although, if you leave armsthrift, hero will never be a bad class. For children, I put assuming children were paired properly.I put Gaius above Kellam because as a standalone unit, gaius has potential. Kellam stays as pair up bot forever. I agree that mid tier is a little too wide ranged, but I didn't want to make too many tiers. I'll think about splitting mid tier up. For stahl, I had to put him somewhere, otherwise, people would be like, yo, you forgot stahl. LOLOLOLOL Raw stats>utility>having none of that. Unless I actually post a video on how to level up Donnel in 3 chapters, and people see how easy it is to do it, I don't think the Donnel arguements will ever stop.
  14. Yo, let's chill out here. I said things are debatable. Personally, I feel like Lifetaker is kind of bs considering it's a free heal, with so many high hp units in lunatic, and makes the mode way too easy. Yes, I feel it's gamebreaking on the level of sol and nosefartu. Donnel without sol is still an amazing character. I put Donnel at top tier because it's really not that hard to get him going, and I feel whatever "effort" is worth it to use him because of how amazing he is. Cordelia, Sumia galeforce without grind? Galeforce isn't worth it. You're putting all your exp into two characters. I really don't see this working without grind. Especially when you're taking exp cuts with fast promotion, and hard leveling only two units. More like one unit. I'll ban avatar logbook. Gregor, meh. You're burning 2500 to get a "good" support for a "few" chapters at a point when you probably don't need that support. Well played. I'll test this out, and get back to you on it later.
  15. This is a tier list based not based on turn count, but based on a unit's strength and usefulness overall in lunatic. Parenting influences this list.This is also not a lunatic+ tier list. No sol, nosefartu, DLC grinding, risen grinding, no renown. Anna shop only for seals, no barracks, no event tile weapons, no wifi shop, no staff grinding, no dance grinding, no logbook. Top Tier: Avatar-self explanatory. Def asset avatar with water trick=broken. Second best daddy. Veteran OP. Donnel-You have 3 chapters to get Donnel to lvl 10. If he gets to lvl 10 by ch 6 and you can reclass him, then Donnel becomes a god. Otherwise, Donnel becomes useless. But we're assuming you have the patience to grind the farmboy for 3 chapters. He's also the best daddy. Nowi-Like Donnel, if you can train her, then she becomes game breakingly strong with just her stats. If you don't give her a dragonstone +, then she's going to be harder to train, and she's going to run of her dragonstone before ch 11. Still a really strong unit. Morgan-Veteran. Children Tier: Children are better than High Tier units, but I would put top tier units as overall better than Children units. All children will turn out better than the parent units. I'll put chapter 16 as a cutoff. Starting from lvl 17, it's going to be really hard to train lvl 10 unpromoted units. (I'm assuming you paired your children properly and trained both parents.) High Tier: Panne-Panne is useful right from her join chapter(which is rare in lunatic), so she can become a core member of your team right from join. She doesn't need as much training because she starts off with good bases, and she has really good growths. The two downsides to Panne are that beaststone is one range and beaststone runs out before chapter 10. Almost a top tier unit. Chrom-He's the main lord. It's a pain in the ass not to use him, and he's the father of a mandatory child, so why not just use him. His growth rates are pretty good for a daddy unit. The problem with Chrom is that if you don't get him strong by chapter 3, he'll be a terrible unit, and give you a terrible daughter. On the other hand, if you do train Chrom, he'll be good throughout early and mid game, and give you a good daughter. Chrom starts to fall off pretty heavily late game. Miriel-She's the only unit besides the avatar(if you don't reclass into magic or stay tactician) that is both viable in lunatic and puts out ranged magic damage. A lot of lunatic is about defensive positional gameplay and formations, and having a ranged damager is very valuable in these kinds of situations. And Miriel is one of the few characters in lunatic that retains this role, while having good growths. She also gives you a child that can be obtained right away starting chapter 14. Miriel's biggest downside is that she is really squishy and needs to be given extra care. Can also be given a healing role. Lon Qu-Like Panne, he's one of the few characters in the game that's not a "growth" unit. He comes with C rank swords and killing edge which makes him really strong early game. You'll see his power start to dip in the mid game, and then in the late game, he'll fall off harder than Chrom in the late game due to low strength and defense. He's also one of those few daddys that are actually usable in lunatic. The problem with Lon Qu is that he comes at a similar join time as Panne, and when you theoretically "should" be training Donnel. This forces you to make decisions on who to train, and Lon Qu just numberwise is inferior to those two. Mid Tier: Anna-She provides a lot of utility with healing and lockpick. Lower exp gains vs not yet promoted units causes her to fall off later on in the game, but she's still your primary lockpicker. Sumia-Really fast, starts doubling from join time. Her mobility is really useful in a lot of maps, plus she's a lucina mom candidate. I think if you owain's paralogue, you can unlock Cynthia's. Sumia's downside is her squishiness as a character and her low str. If you get unlucky growths, you can always switch her over to a rally role. She may be placed higher. Sully-She's a lucina mom candidate, and her own daughter is really easy to recruit. She should theoretically be a slightly worse version of Chrom, so she won't end up that great. She's in this really awkward position where she won't get enough speed, str, or def(Unless you get really lucky), and won't end up as strong as the other units. She needs pretty extensive babying to reach a point where she's available. Kjelle and Lucina might be good enough to warrant using Sully. She may be placed higher. Cordelia-She comes at this really awkward time where she comes really close to the time you get Nowi. Nowi will end up better than her, and it is possible to split exp between Cordelia and Nowi, but you'll find that Cordelia is in a Sully like position where she doesn't have enough speed, def, or str, to really excel. She needs a longer period of training than other units to be useful, but the other units might end up better with less of a training period. Plus, her kid's paralogue is hard. She and Sully will still end up better than any1 below them on this list. Lissa-sucks later on in the game, but she's needed for early stages of the game. Frederick-You have to use him in paralogue to kill the myrmidons and weaken the barbs. Useless after that. He's mid tier because his pair ups make him relevant for a bit. Gaius-Pickpocket bot. He has pretty good growths but compared to Lon Qu who fulfills generally the same combat role, he's squishier, and not as good. But he's still usable. Tharja-One of your few viable sources of magic dmg for Lunatic. Low skill, low luck, and a split dmg growth child make her a not that attractive choice for a combat unit. The good thing about her is that she joins at a time when chapters are getting easier, and you likely won't have units to hard baby, leaving Tharja as an option for feeding exp to and growing. Tharja's growths aren't too bad either, so she's definetely usable. Libra-Heal bot. Low Tier: Maribelle-Healer. Low durability keeps her here. She has the option of going in as second healer for a portion of the game. Stahl: Never used him before in Lunatic. He may have potential as a tanky unit. Say'ri:She's not a bad unit. However, the lack of supports and late join time hurt her a lot. At that point in the game, you probably wouldn't want to waste exp leveling her up. Tiki:Comes way too late. Good growths, not high enough bases to make a difference. At the point when you get her, it's going to be a pain in the ass trying to train her. Kellam: Useful early game as a pair up Vaike: He might be useful early game as a pair up Virion:May be slightly useful in the early chapters due to being ranged and dealing potshot damage. He has no future though, and his pair up bonus is pretty bad too. Gregor: He has okay stats when he joins, but I don't see him getting the growths that would make him a relevant unit later on in the game. Would rather not use him at all. Gregor may be placed higher. Bottom Tier: Cherche:She can survive more than one hit in her join chapter. Amazing. Cherche may be placed higher. Ricken:He comes with Elwind in his join chapter. Might be slightly useful in that chapter. Useless after that. Flavia: Flavia is more useful than Basilio in her join chapter, but both are terrible. Basilio: Henry:Joins too late, stats not good enough. I don't even find him useful in his join chapter. Olivia
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