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Posts posted by fengaridotdll

  1. Lord (all main lords, including Elincia and Micaiah, but not including Fates royals)

    Alm (favorite)

    Hector (runner-up)

    Corrin (least favorite)


    Robin (favorite)

    Kris (runner-up)

    Corrin (least favorite, as you can tell I really don't like Corrin)


    Gray (favorite)

    Kliff (runner-up)

    Faye (least favorite)


    Mathilda (favorite)

    Stahl (runner-up)

    Peri (least favorite)


    None really come to mind


    Marisa (favorite)

    Fir (runner-up)

    Hisame (least favorite)


    Selena (favorite, specifically only as Selena and not as Severa though)

    Gregor (runner-up)

    Don't really have a least favorite

    Fighter/Oni Savage

    None come to mind


    None come to mind

    Soldier/Spear Fighter

    Lukas (favorite)

    Forsyth (runner-up)

    Don't really have a least favorite

    Archer (also includes Ballistician and Apothecary)

    Leon (favorite)

    Takumi (runner-up)

    Setsuna (least favorite)

    Nomad/Bow Knight

    None really come to mind


    Mae (favorite)

    Lute (runner-up)

    Hayato (least favorite)

    Dark Mage/Shaman

    Henry (favorite)

    Ophelia (runner-up)

    Don't really have a least favorite


    Lucius (favorite)

    Artur (runner-up)

    No least favorite because there are only two Monks in the entire series


    Genny (favorite)

    Lissa (second favorite)

    Don't really have a least favorite


    None really come to mind

    Thief (includes rogues, ninjas, butlers, and maids)

    Jaffar (favorite)

    Flora (runner-up)

    Asugi (least favorite)

    Pegasus Knight

    Florina (favorite)

    Farina (runner-up)

    Caeldori (least favorite)

    Wyvern Rider

    Cormag (favorite)

    Gerome (second favorite)

    Camilla (least favorite)

    Manakete (also includes Xane)

    Adult Tiki (favorite)

    Myrrh (second favorite)

    Nowi (least favorite)

    Beast/Laguz (Royal)

    I've never played any of the Tellius games past chapter 10

    Beast/Laguz (Non-Royal)

    Same as royal

    Dancer (includes Bards, Singers, and Herons)

    Olivia (favorite)

    Ninian (second favorite)

    Azura (least favorite)

  2. Manus, Father of the Abyss from Dark Souls in terms of non-final bosses. The fight is pretty hard (unsurprisingly given the series it's from), but it's an actually fun type of hard, and the lore around him is pretty interesting. The atmosphere is pretty great too, because your fighting him in a place that's been pretty heavily corrupted by the abyss, and if you win it's just really satisfying knowing that you succeeded where a hero as legendary as Artorias failed.

    Another non-final boss that I really like is the fight against Omega's initial form (third fight of Alphascape) from Final Fantasy XIV thanks to the mechanics being fun and the music being one of the best boss themes in the entire series.

    In terms of final bosses, it's a bit harder to pinpoint because there's a lot of final bosses that I love but it's probably the final boss of Mother 3 because of the pure amount of emotion in the fight. It's not really much of a fight because all you can really do is guard, but it's still a "fight" I really like, even if it is one that I likely won't be able to bring myself to do ever again.

  3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity. I absolutely adored Explorers of Sky because of its characters and story, so I was majorly let down by Gates in both regards. Also, the gameplay wasn't quite as enjoyable (because I actually do like the gameplay of the Mystery Dungeon games), and being able to take only one mission at a time was extremely stupid given how they're what you're doing when you're not doing the story. Also, the difficulty goes from "pretty easy" for most of the game to "why do you fight a mob boss with 8 strong Pokemon in it this is a bit too much" during the last dungeon of the game for no reason, then goes back to being easy for the final boss. It's not the worst game I've ever played, but it's by far my least favorite because it was just the most crushingly disappointing following a game I remember as fondly as I do to this day as Explorers of Sky.

    Fire Emblem Fates. This was the first FE game to come out in my time as a fan of the series, so I was excited when it was first announced. Then, when I finally got to play it for myself my excitement quickly waned and just turned into me trying to mess around with the game in whatever way I could to blow through the story, which is pretty terrible in all three parts. One saving grace of the game is that it has a few characters that I do like (namely Scarlet and Keaton), but the rest of them are either boring or just straight up bad.

    Pokemon X and Y. Once again, I was let down by this game because I'm someone who absolutely adored their predecessors for reasons that this game was lacking in. The game was also way too easy for the most part.

    Every single Elder Scrolls game I've played (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim). Why do people hype these games up so much? They're just mostly generic fantasy (but with some actually intriguing bits like the Dunmer thrown in) in an open world setting with Morrowind and Oblivion in particular being really janky and unfun to play. Even with mods, I've dropped them within less than 5 hours every single time I've tried to play them.

  4. I've been playing the game since day one, and I finally boosted a character to 5 stars (Vanessa). I would've done so sooner if I didn't waste a ton of Eldwater in the past on boosting units for events because I only had three stars (although I won't need to do that now that I have set or mostly set teams for each element)

  5. Best:

    FE6: Haven't played much of vanilla FE6 to have a solid opinion

    FE7: Hector, Raven, Pent

    FE8: Seth (bolded for being one of the best units in the entire series), Joshua, Ephraim


    FE6: See the statement for best FE6 units

    FE7: Isadora, Wallace, Renault

    FE8: Amelia, Knoll

  6. I'm going to bundle the first two chapters together. The settings I'm using are the exact same as previously minus the 100% enemy growth boost.



    I regret everything.


    Another Knight?


    Thankfully, she isn't as bad as last time.


    Hugh, however, is very bad.


    Hooray, early game burglaries.


    A third Knight? What is this, some kind of sick joke?


    I'm right with you on going to the dark side in this instance, Lilina.


    The first new unit of Chapter 2 is a second Archer. Hooray?


    We do get a Lord to make up for it, however.


    And a healer.


    And one of my favorite classes.


    I'm convinced the game wants me to suffer at this point.


    This was his second crit in a row.


    That mess is finally over.



    HP:  5%

    STR/MAG: 95%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 5%

    Comments: You know how I tend to say units are nothing but a certain stat when they have a high growth in one stat and pretty low growths in others? Niime is an instance of that not being an exaggeration. She is literally nothing but Strength. And the worst part is she is our Lord.

    Rating: 0/10


    HP: 5%

    STR/MAG: 45%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 10%

    DEF: 70%

    RES: 50%

    Comments: I think terrible to "not good but still as usable as a Knight in FE6 could ever be" Knights is going to be a recurring theme in this.

    Rating: 5/10


    HP: 90%

    STR/MAG: 60%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 25%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 40%

    RES: 45%

    Comments: She's pretty usable even with the low Speed growth thanks to her surprisingly high bulk.

    Rating: 6/10


    HP: 5%

    STR/MAG: 65%

    SKL: 65%

    SPD: 10%

    LCK: 45%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 45%

    Comments: His Speed and bulk are both incredibly low, which completely kills any chance of viability.

    Rating: 3/10


    HP: 35%

    STR/MAG: 35%

    SKL: 45%

    SPD: 75%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 90%

    Comments: Her Strength is quite a bit on the low side, but her insane Speed means she's going to be an absolutely phenomenal Thief.

    Rating: 6/10


    HP: 20%

    STR/MAG: 80%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 25%

    RES: 80%

    Comments: Cecilia, you are terrible at being a Knight.

    Rating: 3/10


    HP: 150%

    STR/MAG: 5%

    SKL: 15%

    SPD: 25%

    LCK: 55%

    DEF: 10%

    RES: 65%

    Comments: It's depressing to see how hard she's fallen after how amazing she was in the first run.

    Rating: 2/10


    HP: 65%

    STR/MAG: 5%

    SKL: 85%

    SPD: 45%

    LCK: 60%

    DEF: 55%

    RES: 55%

    Comments: Chad is very weird. He's a fast wall with no offensive capabilities. But still, a Binding Blade user is a Binding Blade user.

    Rating: 5/10


    HP: 5%

    STR/MAG: 35%

    SKL: 20%

    SPD: 45%

    LCK: 30%

    DEF: 90%

    RES: 75%

    Comments: She is basically an exaggerated rendition of Moulder the Boulder, with a staggering 90% Defense growth. Her Magic growth is low but if Clarine can be great in vanilla with a roughly the same Magic growth, then Lalum will probably be good with that and her insane bulk on both ends of the spectrum.

    Rating: 7/10


    HP: 20%

    STR/MAG: 45%

    SKL: 95%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 55%

    DEF: 30%

    RES: 30%

    Comments: He really can't make up for his lack of Speed by being very bulky thanks to having only a 30% growth in both defenses.

    Rating: 5/10


    HP: 15%

    STR/MAG: 85%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 40%

    LCK: 80%

    DEF: 40%

    RES: 45%

    Comments: No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is an Archer with extreme accuracy issues. But still, he can at least make up for that with a mediocre Speed growth and very high Strength.

    Rating: 6/10










  7. And now for Chapter 2. The units are slowly but surely getting better. Also, minor spoilers but all of my Mages and Shamans are pretty bad judging by their growths, because being meguca is suffering.



    Our first new unit is Elphin, and he's just about as cripplingly overspecialized as was in the previous run.


    Milady is also a unit riddled with a myriad of problems, despite being useful in vanilla.


    Dieck is a unit I guess. Not an outrageously good or bad one, but still a unit.


    Perceval, though, is basically an unpromoted Jagen.


    Lot's Constitution is too poor to be using axes, but he's stuck with them anyways. The universe is cruel.


    dear god her all of her flesh is gone please someone put this poor girl out of her misery


    Lance didn't want his flesh to fall off like Miledy's, so he decided to turn himself into a copper statue specifically to prevent himself from meeting the same fate. Also, this is one of the cooler broken palettes I've gotten.


    This strategy won't fail (even though it fell apart once Shin reached them).



    HP: 45%

    STR: 25%

    SKL: 10%

    SPD: 60%

    LCK: 50%

    DEF: 90%

    RES: 15%

    Comments: He's a fast wall with no offense whatsoever. His Strength base is so low it will even prevent him from doing chip damage in the midgame. He's an absolute mess of a unit who is destined to forever sit on the bench.

    Rating: 3/10


    HP: 30%

    MAG: 35%

    SKL: 60%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 30%

    RES: 85%

    Comments: She is somehow even worse than Clarine, which is saying a lot. I guess your flesh being melted away does that to you.

    Rating: 2/10


    HP: 55%

    STR: 80%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 55%

    DEF: 30%

    RES: 25%

    Comments: While his Strength growth is through the roof, his 5% Speed growth is absolutely unacceptable for a Myrmidon, and he doesn't even make up for it in the way of bulk. He is basically a physical Lilina without any Resistance.

    Rating: 4/10


    HP: 60%

    STR: 5%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 80%

    LCK: 45%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 25%

    Comments: He's basically all Speed and HP and nothing else. My, how the mighty fall.



    HP: 5%

    STR: 75%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 60%

    LCK: 10%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 125%

    Comments: Lance is incredibly bizarre. He's an amazing mage killer with an over 100% Resistance growths, and the rest of his growths lean towards him being an extreme glass cannon with egregious accuracy issues. He's basically going to instakill any mages he can actually hit.

    Rating: 7/10



    Expect most of her level ups to look like this.


  8. And, I'm back with a new randomizer because my old one's save stopped working. I'm not going to bother with a long intro, so I'm just going to start again right away.

    Also the format for the spoiler tags is:


    middle-new units/unit ratings 

    bottom-level ups


    And here's the settings I used. The growth randomization was a bit more extreme



    Okay, so our Roy replacement is none other than Clarine, which is fitting because she randomized into a Lord in the previous file.


    And our Marcus replacement is Shin, who is really good from the looks of things.


    And we also get a healer early on in the form of Lilina.


    It's you!


    And you too! Although from the looks of his growths, he may just be able to carry on the legacy of Bartre, unlike Juno who I can actually bench this time (rejoice!)


    And then Cecilia, the thiefiest Thief to have ever turned to thievery.


    Shin immediately impresses.


    Clarine, not so much.


    Holy Hell, this boss is legitimately pretty scary.


    Thankfully, Shin saves the day.



    HP: 5%

    STR/MAG: 70%

    SKL: 90%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5% 

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 85%

    Comments: She's just Skill, Magic, and Resistance with nothing else to her name. She's previous run Juno bad.

    Rating: 3/10


    HP: 5%

    STR/MAG: 50%

    SKL: 50%

    SPD: 40%

    LCK:  5%

    DEF: 65%

    RES: 40%

    Comments: He's a very solid unit with quite well rounded growths for the most part, and one of the many following in the footsteps of previous run Bartre. Yeah, there are multiple Bartre tier Wyverns this time. 

    Rating: 7/10


    HP: 75%

    STR/MAG: 45%

    SKL: 40%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 25%

    RES: 60%

    Comments: Basically, Lilina is a very slow anti-magic wall with the potential to gain decent offense with good enough rng. This is basically all she has going for her, other than availability.

    Rating: 4/10


    HP: 50%

    STR/MAG: 70%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 25%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 35%

    Comments: Once again, she's awful. Thankfully, I can just bench her and be done with it, unlike the last randomizer where she also sucked.

    Rating: 3/10


    HP: 115%

    STR/MAG: 85%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 5%

    Comments: Words cannot describe how awful she is. All of her growths except her abnormally high HP and Strength are 5%, and her bases mostly suck. Here's to hoping we get a better Thief in the future.

    Rating: 0/10


    HP: 50%

    STR/MAG: 50%

    SKL: 20%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 35%

    DEF: 45%

    RES: 60%

    Comments: Barth is a tank strapped to a wyvern on both ends of the spectrum. He's insanely bulky and powerful, but his Speed and Skill are literally nonexistent. But still, we've already encountered another follower of Bartre.

    Rating: 6/10


    No level ups this time, was just Shin having a field day.

  9. I'm probably going to can this because of technical reasons. For some reason VBA isn't registering the ROM this is on's SAV file so I have to rely on save states for this now, and I messed up to where I can't continue without losing a unit, which is rough for someone who resets/saves scums if a unit dies like myself. A new randomizer on a new thread will go up later today, probably, and hopefully I won't have the same technical issues. Bartre being a god on a wyvern will be forever missed.

  10. I'm not sure if this counts as "unpopular", but I actually love how just about everyone can end up as hilariously broken god units in Awakening. It makes the grind to getting everyone all the skills they need and capped stats extremely cathartic, and therefore worth the effort.


    I also could care less about FE7. While it does have some good maps and Hector, it's just not all too worthy of the pedestal fans put it on. That said, it's not a bad game, just a slightly below average one.

  11. Favorite (Shadows of Valentia):

    • No more Cantor spam, but they're still present but not on a majority of maps.
    • Map designs are different, the fact the maps are almost all taken from the original makes the actual gameplay feel archaic.
    • Faye is drastically re-written to have more of a personality outside of her obsession with Alm.
    • More supports for everyone, but not to the same degree as Awakening and Fates.
    • Allow for a little bit more of Archanea to be explored in the postgame. This isn't a required change to improve the game more, but would still be nice.
    • Fix the animated cutscenes to not be as janky.

    Least favorite (Fates):

    • Rewrite the plot of Conquest entirely
    • Remove everything relating to Anankos and Valla, including the entirety of Revelation.
    • Make Corrin not a dragon, or if you really want to keep him as a dragon, just have him be a manakete and throw them in.
    • Make Corrin not a complete and utter moron in Conquest, although that also plays into the first fix.
    • Give the continent a name, and also do some actual worldbuilding, because Fates is almost completely lacking in that department.
    • Remove and replace the Awakening expies. The Awakening trio also have their way of arriving in the Fates continent completely changed because no more Anankos. I'm allowing them to stay because I really like the way their characters have developed in the time since they were in Awakening.
    • Fix the way weapons work, because every single weapon that isn't an Iron/Killer weapon (or their magic equivalent) ranges from "impractical" to "completely and utterly useless".
    • Fix the map design in Birthright to be on par with Conquest's, but easier.
    • Remove the agonizingly terrible chapters (i.e. Ninja Hell) from Conquest and replace them with similar, yet better maps.
    • Make the second generation into optional first generation units who have their paralogues unlocked as the game progresses, or if not remove them entirely.
    • Rewrite the poorly done and flats characters (such as Hisame)
    • Either remove the one-off scenario where Kaze can die unless he has an A rank support with Corrin or add in other, similar scenarios throughout the game.
    • Expand the villains beyond the one dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villains they were.
    • Remove and replace Peri.
    • Bundle Conquest and Birthright together on the same cartridge instead of forcing the player to pay for them separately.
  12. Sorry for the lack of updates yesterday, was having computer problems. Anyways, now for Chapter 13. Next time, one of the worst chapters in the series will somehow get even worse.



    This is a great idea, I promise. (the only time I used him was for rescue ferrying)




    Now she can do some heal botting.


    He would have been the new recruit had I not missed him. Thankfully, I'll have another shot at him in Chapter 15.


    Why does Narcian still have a Delphi Shield?


    Our actual new recruit is Bors, and he exists solely to be outclassed by Perceval.


    Bartre securing the northern front...


    ...And saving the southern front at the last possible second.


    The northern village contained a Body Ring, but the screenshot disappeared into the abyss.


    It was pretty easy aside from the surprise reinforcements that almost ruined the southern front. And now it's over.



    HP: 20%

    STR: 85%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 20%

    DEF: 5%

    RES: 120%

    Comments: He's all Strength and Resistance, but literally nothing else.

    Rating: 3/10











    (I missed Bartre's last two levels but they were just an empty level and +1 Speed respectively


  13. Knoll. A lot of people say he's pretty terrible in general, but he's turned out pretty great in the are's he's best in whenever I use him. My comments on him in general also apply to Summoners, which are pretty great for utility and can be good offensively in a pinch.

  14. And now for Chapter 12x. It's a really small update (literally three level ups plus level ups) because I couldn't be bothered to take any screencaps because the chapter was just fog, useless chests, foggy useless chests (although two of them did apparently contain gems looking at the wiki now). The only strategy I used was "have Bartre solo most of the thing with some minor support from Cath" plus Roy staying behind to deal with enemies from behind that would have gone after Sophia.



    The boss was a Master Lord. Interesting.


    Too bad he died in a matter of seconds.


    And a free axe that Echidna will get in the future.






    (just get some Magic already, seriously)


  15. I'm going a bit overboard with these double uploads. Anyways, this was a quick one because I bullrushed the throne in order to not miss out on the true ending. So, here's a quick Chapter 12 upload.



    Our first (and technically only) new unit is Karel. He would be godly if he didn't have such disgustingly low bases


    Raigh's Hammerne being used to repair Bartre's Spear.


    Karel is now ours.


    And so is Fae. I forgot how you get Cath kind of late into the game in vanilla FE6 so her bases are abysmal for this stage.



    These are the only two I managed to screenshot. The other two chests I grabbed contained a Flux (not good for anyone yet) and a Aircalibur (great for Cath because she got kind of Magic screwed). Didn't grab the last one because Sophia was being too slow.


    And with that, I'm done with my rushed job.



    Not going to post growths again, but I'm going to re-rate her. Her bases are amazingly terrible for a level 5 prepromote, especially her Magic. I'm probably better off just using Cath as my only Mage.

    Rating: 6/10


    HP: 150%

    STR: 95%

    SKL: 185%

    SPD: 150%

    LCK: 150%

    DEF: 165%

    RES: 30%

    Comments: His bases are so bad they make Sophia look godly in comparison, but his growths are ridiculous, except for his pretty bad Resistance. His bases are too bad to even let him kill feed, so unfortunately he's stuck on the bench.

    Rating: 6/10 (would be 12/10 were it not for his bases)







  16. And now for Chapter 11B. This was pretty annoying thanks to the sheer amount of ballista, with a pretty tough boss that I likely wouldn't have beaten without Roy to boot.



    Our first new unit is none other than Garret. And he's another refresher. Nice.


    I won't be doing any double dancer nonsense like this for the rest of the game, I promise.


    And now Bartre the Beast gets a Red Gem. Hooray, money.


    Our second new unit is Douglas, who is literally the second coming of Moulder.


    And now he's on my side.


    Fun fact: The boss theme plays every time he heals people. Every. Single. Time.



    Cath has promoted for real this time, and her offense is still sadly lacking.


    Our third and final new unit is Raigh, who has forsaken the darkness and turned to the light.


    Cath uses a small sample of her new power to completely erase someone from the timeline.


    Third new guy obtained, and reaching him was annoying because he started out on the other side of the map from Douglas the Boulder


    It was worth a shot, okay?



    Situations where it's okay to break out a 20 use weapon: This.


    Now that the monster is dead, we can get this over with.


    I already know who's getting this.



    HP: 5%

    STR: 5%

    SKL: 5%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 60%

    DEF: 90%

    RES: 40%

    Comments: His growths in four of his stats are pretty disastrous, but that barely matters when you're a Bard. All he needs to do to be viable is play his lute, which he does a damn fine job at.

    Rating: 7/10


    HP: 65%

    STR:  25%

    SKL: 15%

    SPD: 5%

    LCK: 5%

    DEF: 55%

    RES: 5%

    Comments: He's got very high bulk for a Cleric, but that's all he's got going for him. It barely matters though because who in their right mind would use a Cleric as a front liner?

    Rating: 2/10


    HP: 50%

    STR:  15%

    SKL:  10%

    SPD:  45%

    LCK: 60%

    DEF:  40%

    RES:  65%

    Comments: He has astonishingly high bulk for a Bishop, and he's my first healer with an actual Speed growth, hallelujah. He has a pretty awful Magic growth, but that's offset by a pretty good base.

    Rating: 5/10








    (mistimed screen cap but it was still a great level up)



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