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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Gratz on the win, good on all who entered. (Eventually I will enter one of these again)
  2. 1) Who/what are you? 2) What is your quest!? 3) What is your favorite color!? 4) What is the best Monty Python movie? 5) What do you expect to get out of this?
  3. It's feels old when you hit that milestone. Then you get to being close to three decades and it feels like 25 was nothing. :0
  4. History/Social Studies... Also English, Drama, Art, French... basically anything they needed me to teach I could teach. That would be if I were doing high-school and needing to specialize. I WOULD PREFER to teach Grade Four specifically, as that has been an age group I have volunteered with a lot over the years and find an excellent age group in general to teach and interact with.
  5. -I live under a constitutional monarchy technically... it's alright. Queen is just a figurehead after all, and sometimes the PM seems to have too much power... but hey it seems to get more done than the American system. :\ -US. -Sure! I hope you like bigamy! (Cause pretty sure my wife doesn't) 1) DETERMINATION2) the key to making friends, is first being what you consider to be an excellent friend to others... but also yourself. If you like who you are, the people that matter will too... and those who do not like you for who you are, don't matter. Kinda cliche, but true. 3) Only if you want to be? Like if you legitimately consider yourself a furry and that doesn't mean anything bad in your mind... go for it? Just be aware that people can be judgemental assholes... and that furries get little respect and a bad rap in general. But do whatever makes you happy as long as it isn't hurting anyone, I guess? 1) A Hotdog is indeed a type of sandwich with bread involved... by itself it's just a type of sausage.2) None of the above, it's cereal. It's own category. 3) Question you have to ask yourself, is did you like Gold Roy before you knew everybody else did? I go with the Golden Roy myself, as it just looks so damn nice, and was my Roy of choice in Melee.
  6. 1) to have someone look you in the eye means they are trying to be honest or gauge your honesty... so unless they are creepy as hell, I like it when someone looks me in the eye.2) I dunno if it would be at complete peace, but it's easier for people to focus on the good if they are properly fed. -Check out the fangames section if you like games and projects. If you feel like learning a hobby, I recommend trying some type of art or instrument. Reading is always a good time killer, so try reading some classics. Most of all, do stuff you enjoy while you have the time. You would have to give me some more info on what you like for me to give more specifics. 1) The Fig tree was always the least social of fruit trees according to this one cursed one that one time in that one book. 2) Cecil, because I am tired of Harambe, and trigglypuff sounds lame. 3) Why do you want me to agree with these statements? I am going to answer 42. 4) This is an excellent question. We must start an inquiry! 5) About as bad as my knowledge of who the hell they are. Ie pretty bad. 1) Confirmation Bias.
  7. Having had both Playstations and Xboxs, I really have no reason to get another Xbox as mine no longer reads disks.. whereas my Playstation still works just fine.Gotta go with Sony over Microsoft. Q12. Would you rather, use an Axe or a Spear?
  8. After "popular" demand... the BIWEEKLY BATTLE SPRITE SHOWDOWN is back! Hopefully with a bit more fun, and a bit more entries! [spoiler=Last round:] Our winner was Alpha! Winning the Legends of Literature vote handily with an awesome Korra rendition. -Alpha took 30 total votes for this creation here. ---- THEME/TOPIC: Weapons Redrawn: Legendary weapons -Sprite a character with a legendary weapon, of your own creation or a preexisting one from any universe.(Not restricted to Fire Emblem) [spoiler=Rules]RULES: 1) Only 1 entry per contestant. 2) No voting for your own entry! 3) Entries should be limited to 16 colors.(15 colors+ 1 background color) This is more of a guideline, but good to follow for style and challenge reasons. Colors may be custom or using GBA sprite palletes. 4) No posting previous/old works! This means no edits/recolors of something previously made as well. -allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on? -creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it? [spoiler=Voting and Winners]VOTING: Voting will be split into two categories. -Best in Theme -Best Overall Battle Sprite >Voting will run for 3 days If there are a large amount of entries, Best in Theme will be divided into smaller categories based on whether an entry is custom, splice, or animation. WINNERS: (Open to new ideas for this) Winning placement will be decided by total number of votes across categories. >The winner gets to choose two potential themes either from a list or of their own imagination. >The winner and runner ups will vote upon the themes to select one. >The winner gets two votes in addition to theme selection. >Second place gets two votes. >Third place gets one vote. >Whatever theme wins the winner's votes will be used for the next competition. Note, votes can be split, if you have two votes they do NOT need to go to the same theme. --- Any further questions or concerns can be PMed to the current host! (Errant) or posted either in the feedback thread or within this thread itself. DEADLINE: Monday, September 19th at 11:59pm PST. Hope you all enjoy and have some fun! Lets get spriting! :D --- PS: new to these? Check out the BBSS tag to see some cool sprites. :D PPS: ...wanting to sprite but don't know where to start, or just want some advice on how to improve? Check out the Spriters Resource thread and/or check some of these out. [spoiler=Helpful Tutorials]Here's a good tutorial on use of colors in pixel art and spriting... and some others that may be a bit more advanced... but good reads anyways... Thinking in Color -Excellent easy to understand tutorial on how colors effect your pixel art/sprite. Definitely worth the read! Derek-Make Games: 10 step custom sprite tutorial -great quick, easy tutorial on custom pixel art/sprites. So you Wanna be a Pixel Artist? 11 part series. -A bit wordy, but very well done in-depth look at the world of pixel art in general, from map tiles to sprites to animations. BwdYeti's tutorials are very recommended reads as well. Please share if you know of any other excellent tutorials! :D ...so here are the links to BwdYeti's custom battle sprite tutorials... Shared with his permission. I found his second tutorial, along with the Thinking in Color very fascinating on palletes... Hoping to apply those to my next couple sprites now that I understand it a bit better. BwdYeti's Custom Battle Sprite Tutorial #1 -kinda old, from before 2009... But a great look at the process of creating custom battle sprites from the Best Battle Spriter around... Then and now. Yeti's custom tutorial #2 -his second tutorial, even better than the first! Great tips on creating a custom pallete that fits with GBA battle sprite colors. A must read for anyone doing battle sprites! --- Anyways, hope these help! Good luck, and good spriting! ;)
  9. Is working on a paper special plans? Cause that is what I'm gonna do. >.> Same question for you.
  10. I have no idea how to answer this?Early Modern I suppose... just a wannabe modern Renaissance Man? Which genre of movie is your least favorite?
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