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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. Eh, figure I may as well see if this idea has any legs. So ATM, I am working on a couple things. Salvaged Project, Book of Exiles, and Open Requests. My current personal project to finish though is three mugs I have worked on off and on for a bit. Garhen and his son Connor Whelan. Jones the Pirate Queen. It's too easy to move on to new projects rather than finishing stuff up though. XD
  2. Last Blade II... or any of the Metal Slugs. That is a a hard one to pin down though. Same question to you. Favorite New Geo Game?
  3. Dexter's Laboratory... followed by Recess.Classic shows that still hold up. (I got tons more, but that would be my top two?) Uniforms or Casual Clothing?
  4. Request accepted. Serenes Requests 1) TrueEm - mug 2) CooledGreen - mug 3) -open-
  5. Current Question: Q65. Would you rather wield fire or ice powers? Last Question: Q64. Would you rather fight off the undead with an Axe or a Machete ? Previous Questions: Q63. Would you rather be the monster or the lone survivor? Q62. Would you rather have to wear a mask or a wig? Q61. Would you rather read or watch a story? Q60. Would you rather, play Smash Bros or Mario Kart? Q59. Would you rather be a good person's Dream or a bad guy's Worst Nightmare? Q58. Would you rather be a Viking or a Samurai? Q57. Would you rather train a Charizard or a Pikachu? Q56. Would you rather, rob a bank or a train? Q55. Would you rather be the tank or the dps? Q54. Would you rather, use an Axe or a Spear? Q53. Would you rather, play XBox or Playstation? Q52. Would you rather, do you duty or play? Q51. Would you rather, follow an elitist or a populist? Q50. Would you rather, be Robin or Corrin? Q49. Would you rather, fight a bear or a bull? Q48. Would you rather, be Luke Skywalker or Han Solo? Q47. Would you rather, be Zelda or Ganon? Q46. Would you rather, be a troll or a gnome? Q45. Would you rather, be an artist or a programmer? Q44. Would you rather, be a sausage or a condiment? Q43. Would you rather, be a hero or an anti-hero? Season 2 thread[spoiler=Season 2: Revengeance questions] EmeraldFox Posted 22 November 2015 - 01:02 PM Yo yo, I decided to revive this. Question 42: Would you rather eat a horse or a bison? Question 41: Would you rather be the Hot Blooded Hero or the Distant and Aloof Rival? Question 40: Would you rather bust down a door or carefully pick the lock? Question 39: Would you rather be a mercenary or a knight? Question 38: Would you rather eat turkey or ham? Question 37: Would you rather drive or be driven around? Question 36: Would you rather be the protagonist or the antagonist? Question 35: Would you rather be a major character or a supporting character? Question 34: Would you rather be the chosen one or the person who worked for the legendary weapon? Question 33: Would you rather cook or go out to a restaurant? Question 32: Would you rather keep quiet about a gold mine, or share it with everyone? Question 31: Would you rather be a heavily modified cyborg or have a suit similar to Samus' Varia Suit?(and upgrades) Question 30: Would you rather sacrifice everyone to save someone important to you or sacrifice said person to save the world? Question 29: Would you rather be a Pokemon Trainer or a Digimon Tamer? Question 28: Would you rather drive a tank or fly a jet? Season 1 thread [spoiler=Season 1 questions]
  6. So... I used to do a fair bit of music and drama... Did lead role in multiple highschool musical dramas, and have done lead vocals in a number of bands... I would not say I am great. But I am decent... and creative. So... let's try this out? Taking requests ATM for stories, or random stuff to read... or songs to sing. I am not a shy sort, or an easily upset type so any feedback, criticism or suggestions for improvement will be much appreciated as well. Should I link one of my #shepstorytime or #shepsings recordings? I shall leave that up to you... the "audience" Let's have some fun! :D
  7. Yeah, I have opted back in. Best console based FE? as opposed to portable console like GBA/DS.
  8. Favorite type of fighting game character? (Bruiser, speedster, whatever, etc)
  9. Seems more clear. I would say... "why do I have a boyfriend/girlfriend!? I am married!" My family in general has pretty good judgement, so if they were that concerned about a person it would probably make me stop and think about things. (Not everyone has that though) Now though, I am married. So... yeah if they had any whatever about my wife, it would tick me off. I am an obscenely loyal person, once I make my choice it's hard to get me to change my mind... hard-headed, stubborn sort. Although, I am willing to be proven wrong. ;)
  10. Seems fine to me. So a mug based off this character? Request accepted.
  11. (Cross-post from FEU) Heya peoples, Some may know me, as Errant, Shep, or the ErrantShepherd... I do a lot of things. But what has brought me back time and time again to the FE community was the art. I love sprites and pixel art. But I am a little rusty, a little out of practice... so I am doing something I have not done for ages... I am taking sprite requests. I will likely only take on three requests at a time. Just know I am a very busy individual, and no request is ever guaranteed. Be specific, keep it simple... I will ask questions and reply to a request if interested, or I need clarification. Also, it will need to be SFW. My specialities -design -battle sprite stills -mugs -fixes/tweaks -reskins -I do fully custom/scratch of smaller sizes easily, mugs still better doing splices on top of custom work. ~shop's open, come on in~
  12. Grammar is a bit off, Ayama. Do you mean #71: What would you do, if your relatives tried to get you to stop contacting your friends?
  13. Likely should use a different site for this sort of info/opinions, TBH. But eh, if you can be more specific I could give some advice? (Feel like English is not first language here?)
  14. But screaming cannons are "fun" Yeah... idk I would want the dlc stuff myself. (Friend is gonna loan me conquest though... so that's one obstacle out of the way)
  15. Ones that have been farted on. Why do we break wind?
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