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Everything posted by ErrantDShepherd

  1. I appreciate that a lot. I did screw up stuff tho... tbh I think a lot of people did that turned it from just a game into something personal.
  2. Got something in mind... for another day.
  3. Chaos reigns... in the minds of the Chaotic Good. Or uh... so I hear... >.>
  4. Too hawt, hot damn... Make a dragon wanna retire man... (Hi chen, sorry chen)
  5. Sorry, I can't do it this week either... just assume I won't be around for a while as I need to focus on school atm.
  6. No hard feelings... just hard life lessons.

  7. legit only mafia I might do again atm... /in Persuasion, Towniness, Accuracy... Just to see what would happen. In parallel alternate universes. XD "Gone wandering"
  8. ...can I add my two cents? As an outside individual here...? While I may agree it likely could have been handled in a much more professional and helpful manner... I guess it depends on your personal understandings of what constitutes rape. ...is molestation somehow not rape? Rape in my mind is nonconsensual sexual acts regardless of penetration or exchange or no exhange of bodily fluids. To be quite blunt. It was an act of rape. Does being intoxicated and not remembering make it somehow... not that? An act of rape was committed which is a serious criminal act, its easy to want to absolve a beloved individual... and believe the best. But "I do not recall," "I was drunk," is not something that is seen as an acceptable defense for criminal actions. Especially when said claims are difficult if not impossible to verify, and appear as highly convenient.
  9. aw man... I missed Rezzy qs... :( *where has this effing time gone*
  10. ...damn Starster. Damn good. :) Its improving quite a bit. I have not heard of a portable ballista. There is a battlesprite that wolt uses in FE6 though?
  11. Sounds like a Saturday night. ...clearly the question is, regardless of the answer... are you willing to do something about it, Frank?
  12. There is a difference though between just playing the game, and actively seeking those people out though. The latter is pretty... sad behaviour. If you don't own up to your bullshit, or at least try to defend it as playing the game... well, that just indicates what kind of individual you are, imo.
  13. How about just a regular kill for him being a lame dude? Who preys on new people? Trying to screw them over? :\
  14. I remember you! You had some good stuff. Nice to see you back. :D (Very sorry to hear about all that shit you went thru though. You have my sympathies. :o) Man at arms looks very interesting! He is holding the regular axe very oddly in the standing pose though... but the chopping movements seem promising. Also, the shading of the body seems a little off... although looks like you were going for a Pleated Leather top or something? Definitely interesting. Anyways, glad to see you back. Would love to see more. :D
  15. I don't really know the rules of the game... Pretty new to this, so anyone willing to give advice would be very much appreciated! Skype me at errantshepherd... I guess? mfw when learning I apparently am literally a kamikaze role :0
  16. Interesting. The weapon blur feels like it should be a bit more curved/circular. Feels a little jagged atm.
  17. Is that not... a moba? Looks fun. :D We should play sometime. GET... OUT! Yeah both pretty solid... ngl, I like Tekken and Soul Calibur quite a bit too. I love a Fighter with interesting backstory/plot.
  18. Final Day! Entries end at 11:59 PST. Get yours in! To win! ...or have fun or whatever. (Should finish my own entry >.>) Everything looking good so far guys, great effort! :D
  19. Yeah, he regularly does in the Salvaged Casual Sprite Chat... Blaze works hard. :)
  20. Sketch Homer Simpson and Peter Griffin settling their differences once and for all.
  21. Deeper than the Pacific. :0 --- A is obviously for Apathetic... which is what this thread has made me feel towards it. Sorry... I guess... :|
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