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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. It's going take me a while to catch up, but honestly, you guys have said your opinions well enough that adding more to them now is rather pointless so I"ll just speak for the option no one really gives much thought to. Reina: Pretty much my favorite female Corrinsexual and beside from age and growths pretty much the most viable in terms of plots if you don't mind Flora still loving Jakob after marriage, Anna being behind a paywall and the Scarlet X Ryoma ship that should have happened, Reina comes with the least problems in story which is also because there's barely any focus on her when she should have had supports with Orochi at the very least. She's consistently my Kamui's wife due to my dislike of marrying second gen, wanting to have all the kids and the above reasons for the other Kamui options. As a unit, she obviously lags behind due to lack of supports but her personal is pretty good and she has great utility.
  2. Taking away Hinoka, I think it's just end up a conga line of the sisters until we reach the last one since the brothers got a heck of a lot more involvement even if they're just bland serious older siblings in the case of Ryoma and Xander while Takumi and Leo narrative are hard to not remember.
  3. It would definitely give some more context but I see a problem if the Awakening trio was this super involved in the story as well then people would complain as well since the other retainers aren't even considered. If Fates couldn't leave Awakening's shadow this set of events would cement it even further especially with that kind of ending. Lilith dying feels unnecessary in all paths and I exposing the sister thing in her death is like how the cousin relationship between Azura was revealed with Mikoto which would come off as flawed. Lastly why would they start fighting again when they're already in Valla and trusting Corrin. Him being injured and depressed by an external force with such a Avatar focused story would make them band together rather than attack each other. I apologize if it sounds rude but I believe this fix up comes with its own problems.Also I have to question. Would the kids factor in any way in the story since we do have them and they don't do anything even if we have the units or would baby realm stupidity not exist and they're still babies.
  4. In the narrative, the crown goes to Hinoka most likely since she was never in the first drafts to begin with and served more to create a foil to Camilla. In gameplay as a unit definitely Leo since he suffers from every stat pretty much being average while everyone else is really good in what they specialize in.
  5. Interesting, I always had an idea to make a Side Story of sorts focusing on the battles that were only grazed upon by RD with soldiers from the countries of Crimea, Gallia, Kilvas and Begnion. Like how in RD, Tibarn came back bloody after a scuffle led by a ruse by Naesala but we never see it. Or the battle where the two armies of Begnion and Gallia clash but the Greil Mercs are doing a sneak attack. Still unsure if I'll go through with it but it will focus more on original characters although the major events are all moved by the main characters of the game. It's more like the events through the eyes of the common yellow or green soldier.
  6. Yeah, she's pretty old and if she acted more mature I'm pretty sure some to most problems with her S-supporting would vanish. I hooked her up with Gregor and Gregor is younger person of the duo. Just look at Nyx. She's pretty much the same just sulky about it and wanting to show her true older form and no one complains about her S-supporting anyone.
  7. I agree speaking for most Japanese games I've played, that I would prefer if they were older and to be honest, the only reason I believe Sigurd, Chrom and the default versions of the avatars look like young adults in comparison is because they needed to look older than their second gen kids. Ike goes to adult due to time skip but in those cases I'm not sure how much it counts.
  8. Just a general tip Dinar since I'm aware you have a desire to make a FE style game. While knives haven't been done before except with pseudo-lord Sothe, it's generally a safe bet to make a lord be able to wield both a physical and magic weapon like Robin but make them versatile enough to allow them the option to wield lances or axes in character creation if you're implementing that feature as well. I'm not a magic dude but it's a popular opinion, it's all about balancing and remembering what you truly want from a game. Most designers use swords since everyone loves swords even though they're stale but in the end it's up to you. Edit: As for genders, I'll take a male bias since I'm male but I won't mind if it goes female since I've never identified with lords in the first place. While gender could play into how some situations are dealt, we could also be stepping into the field where the female lord is as naive as Nohrin or super perfect like in other media.
  9. Living in the tropics, I've always loved and preferred hot weather over the cold but it's at it's best when there's a cool breeze to make a hot day into a fairly relaxing one.
  10. True but now that you posted them no one will have to look around for it and we avoid anyone going off from memory As for the Tyrfing, it does come into your party broken in Sigurd's last chapter and you have to repair it to never use it again for Sigurd's gen and Seliph only gets it in Chap 10 but Seliph shouldn't equate in how good Sigurd is in this discussion unless we're taking children into context when Seth won't have in what we play in this game. I also don't think Sigurd will ever truly reach level 30 if memory serves me correct since you need to spread out the exp evenly across other characters like Ayra and Lex. Unless the arena gives hefty exp enough to reach that point then sure but adding that Seth could easily just grind in the earliest Arena you get to 20 itself can help him. I don't count arena grinding as legitimate in Seth's case but is a good idea to think about in that case. If you're talking about the most highly optimized versions of each then sure I can believe Sigurd with Tyrfing could beat Seth any day, but in a normal run, you'd probably want to keep the money instead of repairing that sword.
  11. In the last three months, I'd have to say Corpse Party: Blood Drive since I bought it recently and I haven't had much time for other games.
  12. I'm not exactly sure if falling mid to late game is a joke of yours, but Sigurd can't exactly solo FE 4 if you know about the BBQ in Chap 5. I also don't really know what you're trying to prove exactly since you're not exactly giving us any more information as to why you believe Sigurd is better other than referencing Mekkah. If you just brought your own raw number and averages in your opening post I think I'd understand your point better. Also Seth is there from start to finish so that does give him an edge.
  13. The weird thing about that letter being informed with Hinoka is that the support line already treats the player that Hinoka isn't your blood sister since Mikoto is your mom but not hers in a way but I digress. Honestly, I just think Corrin should have read some books considering he was trapped in a tower for a good long time with around five people he grew close to him who could have told him anything from the outside world. Like Corrin must have been one hell of a boring kid if all he did was idle around until Xander decided to spar with him every other Saturday. That is not to say he couldn't still be naive from the beginning. For example: I read a manga once centered around a fictional land heavily inspired by Arabian, Turk and European influences called Shoukoku no Altair and the main character Mahmut was pretty reclusive and read a ton of books. When he was called upon to do his work, he tried to follow what the books generally did yet failed due to the books only covering facets of events he studied that could be legally written without being censured for being underhanded or calling the morality of his nation into question. After some tragedy happens, he becomes much more savvy and begins to protect his kingdom from the enemy much more effectively while seeking advice at every turn. Also while not physically present he does have an older figure that inspires him albeit begrudgingly.
  14. Litten honestly reminds me of a luchador that calls himself "El Tigre."
  15. Although this doesn't cover the growth rates for first gen, I think this app https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com covers the growth rates of all versions of the game and variations of said kids. Or I could be wrong if you we're looking for something else in specific.
  16. Damn, having been a fire guy all my life Rowlet's final form is definitely making me question my allegiance to the red.
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