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Everything posted by Raguna

  1. Actually to mostly everyone's surprise, everything has been pretty civil so far. There hasn't been much of an problem, but the topic does have that air of flames being spurned.
  2. Yeah, I'm on the same boat as JSND and Quintessence. I appreciate to have gained two (four?) new FE's but Conquest doesn't truly feel like a classic FE or the revolutionary that it reported to be. For a classic FE, I can use a recent example like that of Ike and Micaiah while being the most important characters in their games, never felt like the entire story was just about them. Ike matured with the story but that was a consequence of him fighting for Elincia in the war, and not because the entire war hinged around him. In contrast to Kamui's story pretty much envelops the entire thing from the get go. Imo anyways. Call me jaded, but I think we need more of the packet if it gets praised pretty highly in general by others
  3. It might be the case that since you spend time in Serenes Forest and maybe some other sites, you tend to mingle more with the core fanbase of Fire Emblem that discusses things more in-depth than other casual fans do. Awakening is a decent game but it brought a swath of new people that would never dare touch the older ones due to difficulty or lack of interest or because it doesn't have the marriage system (except Genealogy but that has the issues of possible emulation which is hard for people). These new people usually don't tend to be the people that stay in this forum for long so Awakening is overrated due to a case of being the first FE for a lot of people since sales don't lie on the number of people it brought in and not dipping their hands elsewhere except possibly on Fates. That's how I see it anyways.
  4. Yeah, pretty much. And if anything we have a whole slew of people who'll defend the newest game Fates because either they genuinely liked it or most likely it was their first FE. Kinda like FE 7 and Awakening although it could apply to any game really.
  5. Guess Tellius wanted to stop making a trend of making no muscle pretty boys as capable or even more capable than muscly bodybuilders. Then again we did go back to it once this steroid land ended so maybe this was the time for muscles to truly shine.
  6. Hmmm, is it just me or is Kukri too slow? I find his moveset interesting, but I'm not sure he holds up too well. Or maybe it's because he has the least flashiest moves out of his companions? Not sure, but I always wait for real matches to see what everyone is capable of. On the other hand Mian is definitely a type of character I'd use when using this team. Her combos are looking real nasty to any opponent caught up in them.
  7. Yep, so unimportant were they in that route that you'd hardly even remember them as the bosses of chapter 16 and 17 respectively. They were pretty much wholly inept handling that route in my eyes and the only thing I personally liked about Valla mapwise is the map we're you need to go through red or blue doors. Although you sometimes wonder how the hell people can communicate and act friendly when by the end they're pretty much confirmed to be the enemy boss for that chapter, Mikoto...
  8. Well just came here to do a general update of Berserk for anyone interested. I'll put a general link to the siliconera article for the first video of Guts fighting in Musou style action gameplay. I do this more since the video starts with the naked Casca teaser trailer and I'm unsure how NSFW that is in a site like this. [spoiler=Berserk trailer link]http://www.siliconera.com/2016/06/23/berserks-first-trailer-shows-guts-swing-giant-sword-plus-details-game/ Bottom news, it seems it will be a pretty faithful representation of the Berserk manga and show with the actors of the upcoming anime reprising their respective roles for the Japanese audience. The videogame will to my astonishment start with the Golden Age Arc and cover all the way through to the Millenium Falcon Arc which would signify the game ends around with the death of Ganishka. There will be some minor alterations from other sources I've read but it seems like it won't be anything major. The style will also seem to follow that of Ken's games except possibly where you got your allies with you in Golden Age and you'll also be given the option of playing as other characters so let's see who makes the cut for playable roster.
  9. Wait, serious? M. Corrin doesn't trigger anything at all? Or is it because at that point you just have Felicia and not Jakob at all or am I forgetting something?
  10. Yes, the foreboding question is now really up to the sales number. I think I'm with Ostrich in the fact that I'll be betting on what he said so might as well see if the West can prove me wrong and it sells pretty decently. At least better than what it did in Japan.
  11. So our little moustachio Moulder doesn't count since he starts as a priest? If so, I'll go with Artur, although I tend to make him a Sage by the end for some reason.
  12. I'll pitch in with my two cents, apologies if it sounds rather muffled or low. Don't want the family to wake up dazed but I could try rerecording at another time. This is how I imagine their voice would be but hopefully if you think my voice fits another character feel free to tell me. [spoiler=Kyle] http://vocaroo.com/i/s0HfEqjVVKHz [spoiler=Hamilton] http://vocaroo.com/i/s0gQuYbH7ln6 [spoiler=Marvin] http://vocaroo.com/i/s05FayxpCSrm I could try them again if you find one of them acceptable. Hope for the best on this project your undertaking.
  13. To this day we still don't really know, but I'm betting more on Natalie Lander for Elise and Nina since I think I can detect already how Laura Bailey does her younger characters. I know there was a period she was basically the female equivalent (or still is?) of Troy Baker showing up everywhere for her voice has ingrained itself in a bad way for me still she does do a good job, my case is over exposure. I think Subaki and Siegbert have the same voice actor but don't quote me on that. Felicia and Setsuna on the other hand, I got nothing.
  14. If anything why not ask your opponent to send it in instead? As long as you both downloaded the sessions you don't have to resort to that.
  15. Talk about Fire Emblem instead. Trust me it's a far more worthwhile experience.
  16. Simple, in a board game we all tacitly agree to beat the cheater first, heck maybe not even tacitly we just go up and say "let's gang up on X now because he's doing X". Usually stops the cheater in time to have a good game and have the cheater repent and become a normal player. In an online game, I just leave and go for another match elsewhere or beat them if I know how to counter their cheat in some way that is perfectly legit. Else the mouse goes to the report button if I'm having a bad day or the dude gets annoying through some sort of chat.
  17. Then yeah, Benny is your best option since it will raise HP 50% and Def to 35% and if you're an aptitude user then you get a nice 60% and 45%. Dark Knight and Great Knight are good as well, but I think General gets the job done better. I would dip into Kinshi for Amaterasu as well, but you can easily buy that skill online. As a bonus, Ignatius is one kid that Azura doesn't really screw up in any way since he's got a decently high HP and Defense to make up for it and it boosts his speed.
  18. The problems comes in the fact that she can't realistically do either class because there is no male character that Azura can marry with either Spear Master or Wyvern Lord since Shiro and Percy are both second gen. You'd have to marry your Kamui to her with the approapriate second class and that feels like you're just trying too hard just to fix something Azura could easily remedy with stat boosters. That's why I can only really recommend Benny since he gives the class that helps HP and def the most like OP wants which she can get easily even though Xander and Leo could be good options and like Nihilon said, she can do good as a bow user like a Sniper but they don't remedy those two issues.
  19. The problem lies in the fact that Azura is pretty much wholly meant to be a Songstress and basically nothing else. You could take a dip to Kinshi Knight but that's more for the gain of Amaterasu since she's built to support rather than fight head on. I truly recommend you just keep her as a Songtress, she has amazing utility and other characters can handle the fighting I assure you. Just give Azura a seraph robe if need be. Because really, you're only real option to cover both her HP and defensive issues would be marrying Benny to get the knight class so she gets a boost of 25% to her HP and 20% for Defense. Mind you, I love Benny, but I don't think many people use knights too often since their slow and have one less movement even though they're pretty awesome regardless.
  20. While not exactly the safest move or the most innocent. I'd kinda want to see if we ever got a character like Lifis again. That'd really make some heads spin when you get to see their backstories.
  21. Well, if Xenoblade does one thing right, it's in presentation. The story is standard but the way it goes through it and sets them up is simply amazing and it helps that it's got quite the emotional soundtrack for such scenes. I know I was pretty mindblown when... Helps that the voice acting is super top notch both in Japanese and English especially for Shulk that I just had to give massive props to both actors.
  22. Yeah, it's just 1 and 3. Everything afterwards gives you more liberty. That's why you can field so all your units and have enough space in between enemies to fight in Genealogy.
  23. Yikes, I would have loved these portraits. I just ended up laughing because how the hell can something burn so intensely when there's a damn blizzard happening all around you. The scene just becomes comical after she can somehow make a speech about it.
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