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Posts posted by DrunkenPachirisu

  1. I prefer Olivia in terms of skills and inheritance. However, if I am playing purely for fun, it would be Sumia obviously. Chrom has known Sumia for quite some time and has only just met Olivia at that time, which doesn't really make sense for him to marry a woman he doesn't even really know XD

  2. What were you doing that got you a 15% crit chance? Raimi only has 12 base crit.

    I coulda sworn it was a 15% chance (yes I am running luck flaw). Anyways, still my fault. After over ten hours of countless resets, I finally got to her but I guess I got too impatient and just rushed at her instead without surrounding first. Don't think I'm going to try out this mode again in a long time, way too frustrating. Probably just going to restart and do casual lunatic plus instead.

  3. Woah, how did this post turn into a pissing war about who has the most playthroughs? Anyways, back on topic. I married her in my second playthrough of the game. Although she definitely loves MU, I'm pretty sure she still hasn't let go of her feelings for Chrom, as evidenced in Severa's paralogue, where it is implied that she still liked (don't know about loved) Chrom in the future.

    Edit: In other words, dat bitch ain't completely faithful.

  4. None for me. Married Tharja on my very first time playing (accident, didn't know S=automatic marriage, but I decided to stay with it), regretted it later because she absolutely creeps the living shit out of me. Married Cordelia on my second playthrough, definitely one of my favorite pairings and Morgan+Severa are great siblings. Married Tiki and only her for my next 12 playthroughs (and still counting), so my Morgan has no siblings.

  5. Ah, aren't you that Rey guy on youtube? If so, then your youtube vids have helped me get past the first 2 (excluding paralogue) lvls on lunatic plus. I'm probably never going to attempt lunatic plus again XD, spent an estimated 15 hrs on that 3rd lvl (fortress one) alone and still haven't completed it (finally got to Raimi last time but got impatient after all that work and just rushed at her without surrounding her first and got crit XD).

  6. It's slightly hard to tell from your post, but if you're checking your playtime from the files themselves, use the 3ds playlog instead. File time doesn't reflect resets, deleted files (if you had any), or time spent without a file loaded (checking support log, etc).

    I did use the 3DS playlog. I always start a new file after just finishing one, the main storyline just never seems to bore me at all. I have already completed the game 14 times and still playing it over and over again (on lunatic difficulty, completely gave up on lunatic plus because it's causing me too much frustration XD). Not a big fan of the streetpass battles though, seems to rely on RNG alone.

  7. After beating Lunatic for the first time (with much effort and frustration), the mode is now a cakewalk to me (beat it 4 more times easily). However, I tried out Lunatic + and the difficulty is insane compared to Lunatic. My only problem is that I think this mode has too much RNG involved. Yes, it does take an insane amount of skill to complete, but I feel like RNG is way too big of a factor here. I am at the 3rd lvl currently and I have spent over 10 hrs on it. After much pain, I finally got to Raimi but that bitch managed to crit me with that 15% chance. Any thoughts?

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